Bookstore AU
White Blank Page by @carmenlire [noice, CEO Magnus, serendipity meeting in a bookstore, misunderstandings, life that gets in a way of a star-crossed lovers, what more do we need? tis a rec]
One for the record (books) series by @noaki [mmmm, yummmmm-yum-yummmmm, what a delicious piece, is very much recommended to everyone who likes a good ole’ will they won’t they pine fest, i really enjoyed author’s breezy style. magnus is a high warlock in hiding, and owns a mundane book store as a cover, and alec is a new hoti, that just happens to visit the store on a whim, and just happens to not recognize the owner, oops. absolutely lovely and a pleasant read]
Prison AU
1825 days by @Better_Than_Chocolate [mmmm.... very very specific rec, due to many reasons. Prison AU might not be everyone’s cup of tea, so proceed with caution. alec was convicted of a murder, and when he gets to the big house, he must choose sides. if am being completely honest, i did appreciate some of the choices author has decided on rather more than some others, but am still tentatively leaving it here, just in case someone would fancy to dip their toe] 
Sport/Celebrity AU
Let’s Play Ball! by @Teal_The_Baker [Celebrity AUs are reeeeeeeally up my alley ngl, so am slightly biased in recc’ing this, but hey, where are them fanfic cops, amirite. magnus is just wealthy, but alec is a local baseball player celebrity-type, and even though they initially get off on a wrong foot, it is quickly fixed, and the usual malec-y fluffy thang ensues. ought to be honest, it did seem like the author themselves were not exactly sure how this gonna play out in terms of dynamics right off the bat, but by chapter two they seemed to have picked a course, and what a lovely sweet choice it was. i really liked this one]
Flipside by @apathyinreverie [martial arts AU. dunno if it was author’s intention, but to me this particular characterization gave off heavy TWI vibes - confident alec, and reserved, calm magnus. wouldn’t call it ooc, cause it was an obvious AU, and author made their intentions known beforehand. i def liked it👌]
Reserved by @punkbean [not a sport!celebrity thang, but an IGcelebrity!magnus and archery trainer!alec, so technically it fits. the fic is abandoned, it is only the first 4 chapters of the meet cute on a train ride from NYC to Washington, but it somehow endeared itself to me and had to be recc’ed on here, sweetness]
A Legacy in Ink by @Teal_The_Baker [aaaaaaaaaa, why did i read itttttttttt, i almost never read wip for this precise reason *tears at her hair in despair* what an awesome fucking thang, awesome awesome awesome unfinished wip thang *cries* magnus is a tattoo-artist, and alec is having his first tattoo done... you know the drill. the fic is so fucking great, and so fucking wip *cries some more*]
Inklings by @apartmented [i might not necessarily read pwps often, but when i do - they shall be of such a superb quality as this one. tattoos kink, smitten mundane neighbours malec, and top notch smut - thanks to @cuubism for the rec]
Emo AU
all this hope you sent into the sky by @beatperfume [you know you would read anything this author wrote, i know i would fo’ sho’ - it is a throwback to 2003, alec and aline are bffs, and they go to this farm house parties to listen to the live bands, and then some insolent a-hole throws some line at alec, which must be an insult.... right? blah blah blah who cares, it’s @beatperfume, what else needs to be said]
Witcher AU
Walkers of the Winding Path by @poemsfromthealley [how are you doing thissssss (o゜▽゜)o☆ (●ˇ∀ˇ●) perfect perfect perfection this fic!!!!!! and i haven’t ever played/read the Witcher, and was still floored!!!! like, how does so much talent fit in one human body (❤ ω ❤); that moment alec encounters the female archer in the woods? dude, i legit cried, what a fucking masterpiece, god i luv the author, and if someone has not yet read this, what are you doing with your life...?????? seriously!!!!]
Canon Divergence
Two’s company, three’s a whole lot of Alec Lightwood eye rolls by @all_stories_are_truth_and_lies [weeeeeee, adorableness of malec, interrupted: cockblocking!jace is one of my top crack tropes of choice, what a tasty thang, thank you author!!!!]
To Something New, Something Strange by @dreadwyrms [porn with feels: superb quality of the second time served, and what a treat it is - magnus was supposed to pick alec up for their date, except he has already arrived at the institute, and alec is nowhere to be found. escaping to alec’s room and chilling on his bed seems like a great idea, especially if one falls asleep and then being woken up by a certain shadowhunter back from patrol in the middle of the night 🙈]
Taken AU
exit wounds by @geniusorinsanity [woahhhhh, this was... certainly an experience, and a journey more than worthy of taking, ohhhhhhh how do i luv me some taken aus, when they are executed just right🙏 magnus has been taken from the loft, and absent for a week, and then suddenly appears in the middle of Cat’s living room, nude and bloodied, and on the verge of collapse. amazing quality of fic, i was at awe throughout the whole journey, the way author portrayed the emotional repercussions, the parabatai connection, alec’s unravelling and inner turmoil, his and cat’s dynamic...? beautifully, very skilfully done, allllllllll the kudos and respect to the author, and a huge rec. p.s. the story might take a toll and stay with you for a few days, so heed the warnings and proceed at your own discretion]
Media AU
as your sun sets (i know you in bleary-eyed 3 am) by @theprophetlemonade [hard to distinguish why have i put reading this off for so long, god knows i adore the author, maybe it’s the fact that it’s wachowskis, who for some reason are something that can be so personal to me... darn it, if i ever come by the malec Matrix AU, is2g might spontaneously combust on a spot, but hey, am getting side-tracked here 🙌 the fic is everything you would expect from this renown author, and it makes you feel all types of ways. am sure literally every single person in the fandom has already read it, so my rec is quite pointless, and yet]
Royal AU + Fake Dating
I’ll be home for Christmas by @Raindropsandrosess [perhaps due to canon shadowhunters being paid very modestly, AUs with alec being the rich one do somehow come rarer, than rich!magnus AUs, not to mention, that amongst the fair share of Royal AUs this fandom boasts, it is always a surprise, when magnus is not the one being secret Royalty... all that said, i really really liked this one! their chemistry in the author’s interpretation left me super happy, and c'mon, let’s be honest, i can read quality variations of fake dating endlessly, cause duh]
College AU
Introduction to Flirtation by @EllasticElla [hhhmmmmm, so the premise of this is quite... unlikely for me: Alec does not know, how to let his bff Jace know, that he likes him, subtly enough to not ruin the friendship, if it does not work out, and enlists some help from a known dorm lothario Magnus. and after reading i was surprised at my own positive reaction - in 99,9% of cases romantic!jalec makes me hella queasy - but then it hit me.... hasn’t this storyline been 100% canon, like, what am i even having this moral battle over? it’s a good smol fic! but yeah fuck romantic!jalec all the way to hell though] 
Primate Social Behavior by @dreadwyrms [omfg how fucking awesome was thattttttttttt, like, what an absolute and undeniable treat 😍so alec is working on his PhD, and GAing for an Anthropology Prof, and his life runs perfectly messy and perfectly boring, until said Prof has a heart-attack, and a replacement must be called in, which means one M.Bane must put the research he is currently conducting in Costa Rica on hold, and come back to the University, to assume the workload for the rest of the semester. the way this author does malec, and tentative buzzing tension between them, and longing, is simply mouth-watering and delicious, i would read them endlessly, what a great great great treat of a story]
Reconciliation Trope
One Traveler, Long Stood by @thenorthfaceporn [the definition of top notch dumbassery - having had suddenly realized you’ve never actually recc’ed one of your fav stories. to be completely fair, the first time i’ve read it was while being sick with covid, so... not much of common sense was being had during that particular week, but nonetheless, absence of this rec is a crime: tis literally one of the best best thangs written in this trope, periodt. masterpiece no cap.]
Magical Realism AU
The Stair into the Sea by @poemsfromthealley [god damn this author for their sheer magnificence, it is impossible to not feel intellectually inadequate after reading their works, like, the quality of writing...??? how do you do dissssssssss *screams into the void* so this is set is some kind of AU, where Magnus is a writer, and he has lost someone long time ago, and now it is time for him to confront his past and deal with the grief. so he sets on the path to get to the bottom of the tragedy that took someone from him, and this is what brings him to alec....aggghhhrrrrr, my summary is all clumsy, but yeah, this here is one of the fandom’s best authors no cap, go read all their works asapppppppppp]
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creedslove · 5 years
I have a riddle for you! Who is awesome and amazing and talented with just enough spunk and sass to rule the world? (Here's a hint: it's you! ❤)
This is so lovely honey!!! Thank you SO SO SO MUCH 💛
*hugs you super tight*
Thank you 💛💛💛💛💛💛
I wish you lots of love my darling 💛💛💛
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