#AADSAKFJDSJFL some of the answers i have to these are killing me i hop eyall enjoy lkasdjfsd
blood-bound · 10 months
1, 8 and 20 again for markie
What inspired you to create your oc?
Welp Mark is my first OC everrr :D my boyfriend and i decided we needed a new hobby so he introduced me to VtM :D so i had to Make a Guy. so I looked through all the clans and i was like heheh Tremere Fun i like Magic and smart ppl and blood sorcery seems cool. then i was like well i dont wanna get too crazy w it cause at the time i didnt really know how to make an OC. so i made a guy with a job profession adjacent to mine but not the same cause my bf said making self inserts was a bad idea. but i also wanted to play someone i was somewhat comfortable w.
So w the profession decided as professor i decided to lean into being a more classic professor. Then I just let the skill dots decide some other things like that hes good at driving so.. yeah he was a struggle to make ig! but worked out well now. he was not that interesting at first. the st helped a lot :D
8. Does your oc have any notable flaws or activities they're not good at? Why did you give them those flaws? Why do they exist in-universe?
Hmm good question i should give him some more problems lkdafds.
I mean he has very basic/shit/no taste in movies, that is there because its funny. and also because the ST was like "I feel like mark and sampson would have watched marvel movies had they been in our time" and i just HAD to agree.
but as for skills he is very much a specialist so its not that he's really bad at a few things, its that he's only good at a few things.
he has the flaw of gullible because i am gullible :( i have mentioned this before but i am SOOO salty about it.
He's super unathletic because he's never worked out a day in his life and now that he is in his unlife he has no reason to LOL
He killed any fashion sense he may have had on purpose to blend in <3 its not Bad per se just super boring. cassidy should dress him up like a doll.
20. Share a random piece of trivia about the creation of your oc. Examples: scrapped ideas or changes you didn't expect to make.
-this isn't about his creation but fuck it. I wear glasses when i RP Mark :D They don't look quite how his would but yeah. i need them. when he wasnt wearing them in charaacter i kept trying to put them on LOL despite taking them off on purpose lksadjflkdsjf comfort item for him and me i guess! (I do not wear glasses irl)
-ok here is trivia that is a bit. well. crass. but river ur asking this question so i think its only fair i say. the st and I had to argue abt how much cake mark had T_T i wanted him to have a nice ass at least ok. he needs something going for him. i won the debate so mark canonically has Cake yay :D
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