askanxioussquip · 5 years
>Hey! I know it's been a while but I figured you might wanna come over? It's been a really long time since we hung out so of you're not busy you wanna come?< -Liven
[Yes Id love to!! Oh, Ive missed you so much!]
Mer left her body on the couch, porting over immediately. Upon seeing Liven she was overcome with happiness and just fuggin,,ran at the poor kitty, giving him a big ol kiss without thinking.
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askanxioussquip · 5 years
With the help of her antivirus and Marina, Meredith was able to avoid being caught again. That didnt mean she was safe, though. Down the narrowing hallway she went, on edge now that Blue had stopped attacking.
[it knows this path leads directly to it..]
The hall had become so narrow she started to walk sideways. It was a tight fit, but she was able to maneuver her way around. There was a blue glow coming from the end, where she just barely managed to squeeze through. The hall slammed shut behind her.
And there it was. Spinning strings of chaos and corruption.
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{Oh. You found me.}
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askanxioussquip · 5 years
Meredith went through many outfits on her and Jean's shopping trip before she spotted the perfect one near the dressing rooms.
[Jean, look! Its even got a cape!]
Jean was shocked that they had found something so suited for her.
She tried it on in a fitting room, doing a little spin in front of the mirror.
[What do you guys think?]
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askanxioussquip · 5 years
{No, I dont think I will.}
Meredith was only squeezed tighter, making her cry out.
[Ah! You bastard, put me down! This is my mind, my body! You cant fucking have it!]
{So bold-}
The tendrils were suddenly cut, shriveling up and retracting back into the walls. Meredith was free! For now.
[Wh- Marina! YES!]
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askanxioussquip · 5 years
Job?? What job?? What are you making her do, blue?
{She knows exactly what it is, i don't need to tell you. Hurry, the antivirus is-}
Meredith stood abruptly, seething.
[Marina, I- I hate to ask you to do this, but i need you to help me. All you need is-.. is a computer, i can do the rest.]
"...shit, okay. One second!"
Meredith sat at the small kitchen table while Marina grabbed her computer. Mer pulled out a cord and plugged it into her port.
"My computer isnt the best, is that okay? Oh, jesus you've got a cord in your neck. Okay! This is..oh man."
Mer plugged herself in, watching her code show up on the screen. Marina squinted. "I can't see anything wrong.."
[This damn thing is good at hiding. Ill be out for a minute, you'll know when it shows itself.]
"Out? What do you- oh."
Meredith quickly went into a sort of head space. She was pretty much walking around her own mind, and it was like a maze. The floor glowed, being the only source of light. She was going to find this virus, no matter how scared she was. This was the last time she'd let one control her life.
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askanxioussquip · 5 years
Wait. Wait wait wait. Is she who I think she is???? 🌟
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Meredith could barely speak when she heard the woman singing again, memories that were once hidden away flooding her thoughts.
[Thats....Thats her. Thats HER! I- I don't believe it..]
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askanxioussquip · 5 years
Testing (Aka: Meredith Gets her Body)
((Many days later..))
It was finally time to start testing, and Meredith was ecstatic. She couldn't wait to experience the world through her own eyes! Her body was in a chair next to Jean's work desk, hooked up to multiple wires. For the first test he wanted to do a wired transfer, just in case something went wrong.
"Alright, Mer, I dont know how this is going to feel but Im sure it'll be fine. Are you ready?"
She nodded, a big smile on her face. "Ready as ill ever be!"
With that, Jean began the transfer proccess.
Things started to fizzle and fade away around her, including Jean, and it was honestly quite frightening. She was left in inky blackness for a few seconds, until wham! She opened her eyes with a little gasp, immediately bombarded with sounds. She could hear everything. A heartbeat, the whirring of a computer, crackling electricity, buzzing electronics, cars, people, pets, and it was all too much and too loud and so much NOISE! She covered her ears, too caught up in the sounds to notice Jean asking her if she was alright.
"Meredith? Shit, is it too sensitive? Jesus- im taking you out, okay?"
It was over as quickly as it started, and she looked incredibly frazzled.
"S-..so loud! Jean, why is it so loud!?"
He shook his head. He knew something was going to go wrong. "The sensitivity is too high. Luckily, thats an easy fix. Are you okay?"
She nodded. "I think so..that was a little scary though..took a bit to get in there."
"It wont take as long to transfer next time, don't worry. And we'll get your hearing in order before you go again, okay?"
((About an hour later..))
"Alright, test number two! You should be hearing fine now. Ready?"
Jean transferred her wirelessly this time. Soon she'd be able to do it on her own, but not just yet. Unlike last time, she was in her body in an instant.
"..are you okay?" Jean asked as soon as her eyes opened, already in front of her.
Meredith nodded slowly, lifting her hands to stare at them. They looked just like her own, but they were real. She reached out and touched Jean's face, flinching upon contact. It was so surreal, being able to touch him. A smile began to show on her face, causing Jean to smile back.
"Welcome to the world, Meredith.. can you speak?"
"Um- oh! yes!"
She looked around, slowly taking everything in. It was a bit overwhelming, but she was enjoying every second of it.
"This is amazing, Jean...I can't believe you really did it! It works!"
"I hope you know I didn't just do this for a job, Meredith. I did it for you. So you could do more. Be more."
"I...thank you. You're the best host anyone could ask for.." She stood up to give him a big ol hug, but immediately stumbled forward, practically diving into his arms. "Oof! Jeez, okay... guess I gotta get used to this whole walking thing.."
"Take your time, Meredith. Don't do too much at once. Here, let me help.."
He held her hands and helped her take a few steps, doing it till she could walk across the room on her own, even if she was kinda slow.
By the time she had full control of her body, it was dark out. They had decided to sit down on the couch and try watching a movie, but all Mer could focus on was how much she loved being touched. Consequently, movie time really only consisted of cuddles.
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askanxioussquip · 5 years
Meredith! We're not kidding! Something is behind you! ~🔔
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Before she could react, the figure jammed something into the port in the back of her neck.
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Her world went dark. The last thing to reach her ears was the sound of hurried footsteps in the other direction. Guess they didn't feel like sticking around.
Meredith is now offline.
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askanxioussquip · 5 years
Meredith never really thought about the pain aspect of feeling. Honestly, she forgot about it. When Jean asked her about it, she took a few days to think while he worked on other things. Eventually, it was the last thing Jean had to finish in terms of senses, so she had to make a decision.
Pain has a purpose, of course. She wouldnt be able to feel everything without it.
But did she need it? She knew what it was like to be deactivated. Surely nothing could be worse than that, right?
"I think I know what I want."
Meredith stood behind Jean, who was at his desk. He hoped she didn't want the pain at all. He didnt know if he could handle ever seeing her hurting. He turned at the sound of her voice, facing her as she continued.
"I want to feel everything. I, uh...want the whole experience."
"..are you sure?" He frowned. This was definitely not what he wanted for her.
"Yes. Ive really thought about it. I promise."
"Alright...once im done with this, we'll have to alter some of your code again. Okay?"
Mer shuddered, looking more nervous than she already was.
"Okay.. um.. how many times do we have to do this?"
They've done it about 2 more times now, each a little easier, but still unsettling for her.
"Just a little more and i can start the wiring. We should finish by next month. Maybe you could help me, though? You could do the edits yourself and I can guide you. Would that be better?"
Her eyes lit up. "Oh, yes! Very! I never thought of that..do you really think I could do it?"
"Of course you can"
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askanxioussquip · 5 years
((Meredith got a new design!))
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askanxioussquip · 5 years
Mer was packing up the last few things in Jean's classroom while he got everything in the car. This was it! They wouldnt be back here any time soon. She was going to miss this place. She used to help Jean make sure his students were paying attention, and got to learn more about humans in the process. Mer thought they were pretty interesting. She started packing up and putting his things into a box with a sigh. The door opened a moment later, making her look up from the desk.
"Jean, I thought you were-" She froze as soon as she saw who was there, her grip on the box tightening.
Varion stood in the doorway, looking extremely confused.
"...What the fuck? I-..I got rid of you. Why are you...?"
When It finally clicked, he was furious.
"He kept you."
The warning in his voice sent shivers down her spine. She nodded, slowly putting down the box in her hands.
"He gave you a body." Varion began walking towards her.
Meredith pressed herself against the desk, unable to move. She was still frozen in fear when he was just a few inches away from her. Varion looked her up and down, only getting more angry.
"Now, why would he do that? He knows you're worthless, doesn't he?"
He was met with silence.
"No? You've got him fooled!"
Varion grabbed the front of her shirt, pulling her forward. She gasped and squirmed in his grip, grasping at his hand.
"Let go of me! I-..I'm not afraid of you anymore!! Im not-!"
He promptly pinned her to the desk and she yelped, tears immediately rolling down her cheeks.
"Lets fix that then, shall we? ...oh? Tears? Jean added those? Its like he wanted to see you suffer."
"N- no, he-!"
"SHUT UP! God, you're STILL insufferable."
Varion stared down at the trembling android, nearly smirking. She had a lot of value now that she had a body. A very appealing body.
"Alright, listen. We're gonna walk out that door quietly and you're going to act like nothing is wrong. got it? and for gods sake, stop crying!"
The pressure of Varion's hand on her chest made burning anger bubble to the surface. The smirk on his stupid face was the last straw.
"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Meredith dug her nails into his hand and kicked him in the stomach, sending him stumbling backwards. She quickly stood, glaring daggers at him. Varion was out of breath. He hadnt thought about the fact that she was made of metal now.
"You bitch..how-!"
"Oh, shove it! You may have made me but you do NOT own me, you dense fuck! Stay back!"
Varion didnt even listen, striding towards her. It all happened in a blur to Meredith. One minute Varion was reaching for her, and the next he was on the floor, electrocuted. Her clenched fists were still sparking. She barely had control of herself.
Unconscious was a good look on Varion, she thought. But she didnt really think that, did she? The thought wormed its way into her mind and she almost didn't notice.
A wave of dread washed over her when a voice whispered in the back of her head.
{Why not finish him off? He's just laying there. He deserves it.}
[I...could. but-...no! Thats wrong!]
{Then run. They'll find you. Jean will hate you when he finds out you hurt someone. What would Liven think?}
Meredith barely had time to nod, rushing out the door and pulling her hood up to hide her face. Then she ran. Out the main door, onto the sidewalk, and past groups of people and shops.
She ran till she found herself completely lost, her vision blurred by tears. It was like a maze out there. The city of Eden was a large one, and she had no chance navigating it with the state she was in.
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askanxioussquip · 5 years
Meredith and Liven spent most of the day together, enjoying each other's company and generally just being cuties in love. Mer would have stayed the night, but Jean called her back so they could start getting his old classroom all cleaned up and ready for him to leave.
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askanxioussquip · 5 years
Jean stood up after a few minutes of thinking, yawning and making himself some coffee. Even though caffeine really didnt do much for him, he liked the taste. He stood by the sliding doors and stared out at the backyard.
"Yeesh.. maybe I should get security cameras or something.. do you think that woul-"
Jean was cut off by arms hugging him from behind.
[Im sorry I yelled at you..]
He sighed. "Its alright, Mer."
[I promise im okay. I just feel kinda weird.. my emotions are all...wacky. or something.] Meredith stood next to him, laying her head on his arm.
"Thank you for telling me. I just want to make sure you're safe, okay?"
She nodded.
"How bout we get working on fixing up your body, huh?"
[Mhm! That sounds good.]
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askanxioussquip · 5 years
Being the center of attention wasn't really Meredith's thing. It was incredibly hard to be in the spotlight, especially when your behavior would impact whether or not someone got a job.
She was asked a lot of questions in the interview, but nowhere near the amount Jean was.
Though she felt she did bad, the interview was a success! Everyone loved Meredith, and seemed amazed with how human she was.
It didn't take long for Jean to be called back for another interview, where he was given the job! The two immediately celebrated when Jean got home, deciding to bake something together.
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askanxioussquip · 5 years
❗what are your thoughts on Liven? ~☕
[Oh,, uh,, oh gosh, you really had to go and ask that huh..]
[I think he's amazing.. He's one of he best things thats ever happened to me. Hes so sweet..and adorable..and I kinda miss him.]
[I might even say I love him! I dont know,, oh jeez,,I have a BIG crush on him,, i mean..CMON! HE HAS THE CUTEST EARS!]
She covered her face to hide her bright red cheeks.
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askanxioussquip · 5 years
So...Varion made you? That doesnt make much sense, he treated you like shit! Why would he make you if he was just gonna be an ass to you?
[Thats...a good question. If you really want to know, you best buckle up. It's a bit complicated.]
She sighed and sat down on her couch, figuring she could do something while she waited for Liv.
[Before I was made, Varion had a wife and a 13 year old daughter. His wife died, but.. im still fuzzy on how. I never really knew. Anyways. The point is, he couldnt deal with the loss, and tried to recreate her as an AI. He used his daughter since she was so much like her mother. Naturally. He was so dead set on bringing his wife back that he didnt bother caring about his own god damn daughter.]
She spoke through gritted teeth, clearly peeved about the whole thing.
[So 5 years go by, Varion is still trying and his daughter is basically a prisoner in her own home. Couldnt leave, was homeschooled, spent most of her days in their basement poked and prodded. Kind of like me. She was 18 by then, so she made her escape and /never/ came back. I dont know what happened to her. Ive gotten all this from Varion's memories.]
She lied down and stared at the ceiling, continuing with a more serious tone.
[He apparently decided to turn his AI into a squip-like thing. Used the memory of his wife as a last resort. This is where my memories start. First thing I remember is that bastard's face..] Mer blinked a few times like she was trying to get the image out of her head.
[I wasn't me yet, I was mostly machine and a bit of his daughter.
Long story short, he uses his memories to make his wife, but I pop out instead. Not his wife. Not his daughter either. Me. That whole 'making me better' thing? He was just trying to make me into his wife.]
She laughed suddenly, slapping her hand to her forehead.
[Now isn't that fucked up? Making me into his wife. HA! the only person id ever be a wife to is Liven!]
She sat up abruptly, eyes wide.
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