xzho-writes · 2 years
hii <3
coming back with some angst (no current comfort <3) again :)))
(fatui y/n)
He found out.
You're done for.
He'd kill your colleagues like it was nothing, but you didnt mind, you were so in love you forgot about him being a sworn enemy of your organization.
His anger was already tempered from Kaeya teasing him, and when he saw you talking to a Fatui soldier with a Fatui suit on, he went mad.
"...Calm down, I can explain-"
"How the HELL do you explain being part of the freaking Fatui?!" Diluc raised his voice, something he never thought he'd have to do to you.
"I recognise you now." He muttered out. "...what?" You asked.
"You killed my father. I recognise you now.
No wonder you were so familiar when you were at the bar. You were there when my father was murdered."
Realisation hit you. It was you.
You're the reason he's like this, all those years ago. Could you blame yourself?! You needed the money. It was crucial at the time. Then you built your way up the ranks, you're so close to becoming a Fatui harbinger as well. "Look, I'm sorry--" you tried to explain, but you were cut off.
"dont even try." Diluc's hands formed into fists, whilst numerous knights, ready with cuffs and swords for you to be apprehended.
You were dangerous.
You had befriended Master Jean, found out her plan, found out Dilucs plan. Everyone's secrets, you know everything.
But you didnt plan to spill Diluc's, you truly loved him. And that was what he didn't believe, not anymore.
"I'm sorry, I can resign-" You said, shaking on the spot.
"No. I might hate the K.O.F and deal with you myself, but I can't bear to look at you." Diluc turned around and crossed his arms, as your eyes widened.
The soldiers took this as a sign, and started to cuff your hands, locking you in silver. "Diluc!" You tried to muffle out, but one of the knights kicked your leg, and you shut up.
Your lovely 🥀, who's still freaking out over pinterest diluc fansrts.
oh god that’s a very sticky situation and i mean vERY. we killed his dad and we’re part of the fatui??? dilookie pookie pls it wasn’t me it wasn’t me—
although i want him to forgive us, i highly doubt he will considering everything hNGHHH my heart is clenching now 😭
it’s just a snort snippet but i’m already very invested 🥀 nonnie! i can tell this scene specifically is some sort of climax where everything goes to shit… you write very well and i can feel the angst radiating off my screen aUGHHH
i can’t wait to see more if you’re willing to bless us with it! very juicy plot indeed :>
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