lovesomehate · 2 years
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Travis+Laura moments (out of order) 61/?
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wastelandcatartist · 5 years
Shitty things my mom does (feel free to add your own)
Me: Hey, mom, its my day off and I want to relax
Mom: Relax?????! You are so lazy!! All you do is sit on your phone!!!! You cant live through those yputubers go have a life!! Get out of the house once in a while!!! At your age I was woth your dad
Me: *rolls eyes bc ive heard it before* Okayyyyyyy sorry I asked to relax for once.
Mom: For once????! You give so much attitude!!! You are so.ungrateful!!!! You poor baby you dont know the stress i deal with with our money problems, ypu need to get a full time job or get a.second job!!!
Me: *nearly in tears, but handling it* Alright fine I wont relax. Geez. I just asked a question and you went.off on me
Mom: *proceeds to scream at me and get my dad to yell at me even though I am just sitting there taking it*
Mom: *complains about millenials* *later says something i find offensive*
Me: Wow. That was rude.
Mom: Oh you poor millennial you want everything handed to you dont you? You want everyone to be happy froofroo nicey nice to each other dont you?
Me: Better than you generation.with their bullying and homophobic/racist stuff.
Mom: Oh that w a just being silly!!! And it.toughened us up!!! The world is cruel!!!
Mom: Why are you SO scared of.living on your own??? Dont be such a baby!! The world isnt so bad!!!
Me: *internally screaming*
Me: *genuiniely forgets something*
Mom: Thats a poor excuse. You.didnt forget you just didnt want to do it. It wasnt something for YOU so you dont care you are so fucking selfish!!
Mom: I was doing so.much more at your age. You are not an adult. You are a child. Age is nothing, it doesnt.make you an adult.
Me: *pissed off* Then how are you an adult?
Mom: you are so hateful! I go to sleep crying every night because.of the way you treat me.
Mom: If i do something that bithers you, tell.me and we can work ir out.
Me: (*thinking* wow! Things are finally turning around!!) Okay well *thing that genuiniely upsets me*
Mom: That bugs you???? Lol, you need to get over yourself.
Me: 🙃🤐
Mom: *once tore up any nsfw art I had at 15. Restricted anything or:13 or more and even cursing in comics* Why dint you like when im in your room? Are you hiding anything? What are you hiding? Drugs??
Me: ??!?!?!? You tore up.art you.didnt like because it was dirty even though I was a horny teenager and that was my way of working out those feelings????
Mom: I never did that. You are.lying. you.have always lied no one will ever believe you.
Mom: If you keep pissing me off I'm gonna punch you.
Me: Do it and I will call the cops on you.
Mom: you arent a minor anymore i can do it.
Me: ???its still assult??? Lmao
Mom: Do it. Your dad will defend me. He works for the jail. I will tell the cop that you are lying. You have lied so much to.me and your dad they will beleive me and not.you because.you are a.dumb kid.
Me: Hey. I'm 20. Can you treat me.more.like an.adult?
Mom: Sure. Pay this.much retn, this much bills, this much everything. You have to have it next week.or.else you will be evicted from MY house.
Me: You.know i dont make that.much a paycheck???? And this isnt what I was talking about???? You know this?????
Mom: I am.the parent you are the child. Get over it. No matter what i will be the adult and you will be the kid.
Me: *shows my.mom something nsfw i did bc I was proud of.it, gave fair warning of what it wpuld be*
Mom; This.isnt talent. This is garbage. Why are you wasting.your talent
Me: *draws fanart*
Mom: I wish you would make.ypur own works. Not cpoy someone else's creation. You habe potential. Use it. Go to.college.
Me: I cant.afford.college. I dont.make.enough to save.
Mom: Stop buying bullshit (art supplies to help.me). I know how. to save. I have taught you. I must be a failure.
Me: *age 16* Mom I think I have bipolar disorder.
Mom: If you.really think thst call a therapist and set it up yourself. I habe watched you and.you.dint look like.you do, you are always smiling.
Me: *accidentally says 'we' when talking about the lgtb++ community, even though i have come out at pan repeatedly*
Mom: We???? Lol you arent GAY I have seen the way you check guys out.
Me: No but im.not straight. Im.pansexual. I habe told.you this.
Mom: Whatever.
Mom: *watvhing some transphobic piece of shit* Well, they do have a point that once you are a boy you are always a boy
Me: Abd thats what horomone replacement is.for???
Mom: Thats dangerous i don't get it. There are only two genders.
Dad: Even after surgery you are still a guy. Even if.you.look like a girl and act like a girl.
Me: ????thats awful and transphobic?????
Them: no way!! We love everyone!!!!
Mom: the inly ones that bither me are the nonbinaries. I will call THEM 'it'. I dimt get how they can be nothing. Women that are nonbinary just hate women. I refuse to call them they.
Me: *explains it.in a way she can understand*
Them: Dont.understand. wasnt in my generation. Doesnt make.sense. there are only.two genders.
Me: *red flags for homophobes and transphobes*
Mom: i cant wait until you finally get a boy friend. *stops* or girlfriend or ITfriend. I want to see you happy.
Me: ?????????? How do i meet people
Mom: put.make up on and make.yourself.look nice and.not.like a scrounge once in a while. *also tries to set me.up woth COMPLETE STRANGERS I DONT FIND ATTRACTIVE*
Mom: *got.pissed when i was 12 and chatted online, telling me everyone I talked to was pedophiles*
Me: *chatting with online friends*
Mom: What are you doing?
Me: Checking notifications.
Mom: I bet you are talking to.your booooyyyyfriends oooooooooooooooo
Me: Nope.
Mom: Uh huh
Me: no.
Mom: Whatever. You are chatting eith strangers. You are an adult.if you.dint want.to.listen oh well.
Mom: You dont love the pets like.I do. You forget to feed an water them. Thats how.your dog died. (She died of old age :/)
(Also note i feed and wster them when i remeber AND do the cat litter AND play with them. She cuddles them and.pets them)
Me: I think i habe depression.
Mom: No you dont. I do. Look at my self harm scars I habe always wanted to kill.myself. you smile how arr you.depressed??
Mom: *uses stuff from when I couldnt do things in my own against me, like changing my diapers*
Me: Hey this makes me feel bad about being alive and makes me wish I was mever born
Mom: Oh I'm joking. Get over it you sensitive snowflake.
(Feel feee yo add your own! My dad is a gaslighter and mental abuser, starting to realise my mom isnt a poor abuse victim. Theres a reason she loves my dad. Too much alike. Anyways I wanna hear your own!!!)
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