socaldiaperboyo · 1 year
The Farm Pt 4
The Farm Part 4 - This is my own continuation of a series “The Farm” from a deactivated account that I found particularly enjoyable by Jacketbound. For the initial part 1 & 2 see my reblogs, or look for the #TheFarmPT1&2 / #TheFarmPT3 
 The morning sun rose, casting a warm glow over Regnfrakker Farm as I made my way to the barn, my heart racing with anticipation and nervousness. Today was the day of the challenge that the farmer had spoken of, and I had no idea what to expect. As I approached the barn, I noticed a small wooden table with various items laid out neatly. Among them were the shiny black chastity device and several thick, white diapers.
The sight of the chastity device sent a shiver down my spine, reminding me of my vulnerability and the loss of control that came with wearing it. I picked it up, feeling the weight of the metal in my hand. The device was well-crafted and intimidating, with a series of interlocking rings and a small padlock to secure it in place.
The farmer appeared beside me, his presence catching me off guard. "Good morning," he said, eyeing the chastity device in my hand. "Today's challenge will test your willingness to submit and follow the rules of the farm."
"I'm ready," I replied, trying to sound confident despite the knot of anxiety in my stomach.
"Good," he said with a nod. "First, put on the chastity device."
I hesitated for a moment, my mind racing with conflicting thoughts. However, I knew that this was part of the experience I had willingly signed up for. With a deep breath, I unbuttoned my pants and pulled them down, revealing my underwear. I slid the cold metal device over my now semi-erect member, wincing slightly as it constricted and locked in place.
"Keep the key safe," the farmer instructed, handing me a small key attached to a string. "You won't be able to remove the device until the challenge is over."
I nodded, feeling the weight of the key around my neck. The symbolism was not lost on me—it was a physical reminder that I was under the farmer's control, both mentally and physically.
"Now, the diapers," he said, gesturing toward the stack of pristine white diapers on the table.
My face flushed with embarrassment as I picked up one of the diapers. I had worn them the day before, but this felt different—more intimate, more vulnerable. Still, I reminded myself that this was part of the experience, and I needed to embrace it fully.
I laid the diaper on the table and nervously removed my pants and underwear, standing naked from the waist down in front of the farmer. He showed no emotion, his stern gaze fixed on me.
"Lie down," he instructed.
I complied, lying down on the rough barn floor, the cool air sending a shiver through me. The farmer expertly unfolded the diaper and lifted my legs, sliding it beneath my buttocks. I felt a mix of embarrassment and arousal as he carefully powdered my intimate areas, ensuring the diaper would protect and contain me.
"Raise your legs," he said, and I obeyed, allowing him to secure the diaper around my waist. He fastened the tapes firmly, ensuring the diaper was snug but not uncomfortably tight.
I stood up, feeling the bulk between my legs, and it was impossible to ignore the childish sensation of wearing a diaper. The farmer's eyes bore into mine, as if testing my reaction to this new level of submission.
"Now you're ready for the challenge," he said, his voice stern and commanding. "You'll spend the day working in the fields, wearing the chastity device and diaper. You'll be reminded of your place here and the control I have over you."
With that, he turned and walked away, leaving me standing in the barn, diapered and locked in chastity. I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself as I faced the day ahead. The mixture of vulnerability and excitement was overwhelming, but there was also a sense of liberation in fully embracing my desires and fetishes.
Throughout the day, I worked diligently in the fields, the sensations of the chastity device and diaper a constant reminder of my submission. The bulk between my legs and the inability to touch myself heightened my arousal, and I found myself more attuned to the farmer's commands, eager to please and prove myself.
All was going well, but just as I was finishing up and on my way back to the farm house I noticed Mike feeding the chickens and went over to offer a hand thinking this would show the farmer my level of commitment. As I was walking up I accidentally knocked over a bucket of feed, spilling it across the floor. My heart sank as I realized my mistake. Mike shot me a sympathetic look, but before he could say anything, the sound of heavy boots approached us.
The Farmer had a stern expression on his face as he inspected the spilled feed. "What happened here?" he demanded, looking at me with piercing eyes.
"I'm sorry, it was my fault," I admitted, feeling a bit ashamed of my carelessness cuased by the excitement of seemingly passing my challenge.
The farmers face grew even grimmer. "Mistakes have consequences," he said firmly. "Follow me."
I nervously followed him to the small cage-like structure at the corner of the barn barely bigger than Mike or I. Mike stood nearby, looking uncomfortable but not daring to intervene. "Mike", the farmer called in a stern voice as they both stood over me helpless in the cage. 
"If Luke is going to end up working with you on the farm he will need to learn how to tend to the animals. Why don't we walk him through the process of giving a sick cow an enima." Grubmled the farmer with a hint of excited anticipation.
Sounding like a drill instructor shouting clear and concise unrefutable commands, he barked out the process.
“First, they must be restrained.”
Mike immediately walked over to the wall and grabbed a set of shackles, identical to the ones he had been placed in the other day. Walking over to install them on both the cage and myself, he gave me an uncomfortable glance having no choice in the matter. Once installed, he barked the next instruction 
"Second" he said, with an anticipatory pause, "to prevent biting a bit must be used and secured to the mouth" 
Again, Mike moved toward the wall of the barn and picked up a used wooden bit that was clearly chewed up from years of use around the farm. As mike was about to install it, the farm barked, "Cows typically need forced to open their mouth to accept the bit. Why don't you demonstrate that so he knows what is expected". 
Again, Mike shot me a remorseful glance before grabbing a thick well worn leather glove off the wall. "Come here" he said with a hushed tone. Before I could even respond, he thrust me forward by the neck shackle, digging the rusty metal into my throat. Seemingly at the same time I could feel an intense pressure at the back of my jaw where his gloved thumb and index fingers were digging between my jaw and teeth. Trying to cooperate, I didn't resist but my act of submission fell on deaf ears. My jaw was forced open by is strong thickly gloved fingers to the point it physically couldn't open any farther. Holding my head there, jaw forced open, and my mouth forcefully agape, I felt humiliated and dehumanized. 
At that moment, his other hand let go of my neck, and grabbed the bit. Within seconds of grabbing it he had it swung around over my heard and forcefully yanked deep into my jaw pinching his fingers out of my mouth. With my mouth spread open wider than I thought possible, he secured the straps which connected across my head to point behind my head and under my chin. 
"Lastly, an appropriate dose of a high volume cattle enima" he shouted.
Mike grabbed what looked like a liter bottle out of a nearby cabinet and again walked back over. 
"again, demonstrate for Luke the appropriate technique" he reminded Mike
It was at this point I started to tear up out of embarrassment. I could see where this humiliation was going yet alone the farm animal sized enima bottle with what seemed like a 2 inch wide tip. He briskly pulled down the rear of my diaper, uncapped the enima, lubed the wide tip with a generous amount of lube. 
As he prepared the tube, for a brief moment I could feel the cold air against by exposed hind end.  For a few second, the sensation of cool air coupled with anticipatory butterfly's in my stomach overwhelmed me. 
I quickly snapped out of it as he forcefully penetrated my rectum with the 2 inch wide tip. Despite trying to relax and accept the inevitable, it wasn't enough. I let out a gaged panful groan and recoiled against the restraints. Mike pushed the tip in all the way and I began to feel the cool liquid enter my body. 
I quickly began to feel full and cold as the chilled saline worked its way into my intestines.  
"This next part isn't required on cows, but for you, a expanding butt plug is inserted to ensure you dont spit that fluid right back out" 
Mike inserted the shallow rubber plug and I could feel it expand with each pump of the inflator until i felt a constant pressure.  With that my diaper was pulled up, and the door slammed shut and locked with a key the farmer kept around his neck.  
"And that is how an enima is delivered here. Now, i thought you might want to meet some of my friends." 
As if on cue, a handful of people entered the barn. They looked at me with curiosity, and I felt my face burn with humiliation.
"This is Luke," the farmer said, gesturing towards me, "He made a mistake today, and I wanted you to enjoy the show" His guest seemed intrigued, and I wished I could disappear. 
As I found myself locked in the cage, diapered, and wearing a chastity device, a mix of fear and humiliation washed over me. I couldn't believe I had made such a big mistake. The farmer's friends, who had joined him, were looking at me with amusement, and I knew I was in for a tough time.
As they watched, my body started to respond to the enema that had been administered earlier. The pressure inside my bowels grew, and I began to feel an urgent need to relieve myself. However, I was determined not to give in to the embarrassment of having an accident in my diaper in front of everyone.
I clenched my fists, trying to distract myself from the growing discomfort. I shifted my weight, trying to find a more comfortable position, but the pressure only seemed to intensify. My face flushed with embarrassment as I struggled to hold back the urge.
The farmer's friends, enjoying my discomfort, started to taunt me, making jokes and teasing remarks about my predicament. They knew that I was fighting against my body's natural instincts, and they found it highly entertaining.
As the minutes passed, my fight against the enema became more challenging. I was sweating, trying my best to maintain control, but the pressure inside me was becoming overwhelming. I bit my lip, trying to hold back any sounds of distress, not wanting to give the others the satisfaction of seeing me struggle. Pressure inside my abdomen continued to mount relentlessly. Beads of sweat formed on my forehead as I battled to keep my composure. Every second felt like an eternity, and I knew I was fighting a losing battle. The enema's effects were too potent, and my body was demanding release.
My breaths came in shallow gasps as I felt the enema's warmth spreading inside me. I desperately tried to hold on squeezing my eyes shut in an attempt to suppress the inevitable. But the enema was unyielding, and my body was determined to follow its natural course.
Finally, in a moment of surrender, I let out a gasp of defeat. My face flushed crimson as I felt the first hint of release, a telltale sign that I was losing control. A mix of relief and humiliation washed over me as my body betrayed my efforts to resist.
The sensation of the enema emptying into my diaper was both strange and embarrassing. I could feel the material of the diaper swelling and expanding as it absorbed the liquid, growing heavier with each passing second. The crinkling sound it made was a constant reminder of my lack of self-control.
My cheeks burned with shame as I was forced to endure this humiliating experience in front of the farmer's friends. I felt exposed and vulnerable, the last vestiges of my dignity slipping away with each passing moment.
The farmer's friends, finding immense amusement in my predicament, erupted into laughter and jeers. They pointed and teased, reveling in my humiliation. It was a scene I wished I could erase from my memory forever.
Meanwhile, Mike, who had been reluctantly participating in the punishment, looked on with a conflicted expression. He understood my struggle all too well, and a part of him empathized with my embarrassment. However, he dared not defy the farmer's orders.
As the enema continued to run its course, my body finally began to relax. The initial pressure subsided, replaced by an uncomfortable sensation of fullness. I knew that I would be wearing that soiled diaper for some time, and the thought filled me with further humiliation.
I felt utterly drained, both physically and emotionally. The experience had taken a toll on me, leaving me feeling weak and exhausted. As the farmer's friends continued to taunt and laugh, I longed for a chance to escape this nightmarish situation.
I shuffled further into a corner of the cage, curling up in a fetal position. The events of the day had overwhelmed me, and despite the uncomfortable mess in my diaper, my body succumbed to exhaustion. As sleep enveloped me, I hoped for a brief respite from the embarrassment and shame.
Unbeknownst to me, as I slept, my body had other plans. The enema had stirred up my digestive system, and my muscles were still adjusting to the aftermath. In my slumber, my body released a second, unexpected load into the already soiled diaper.
The force of the second release against my diaper jolted me awake against my restraints, and I was greeted with the mortifying realization of what had just happened. My cheeks flushed crimson as I felt the mess squish beneath me. I turned to see the farmer's friends now doubled over with laughter, thoroughly entertained by this new twist of events.
Tears welled up in my eyes as I felt utterly defeated and humiliated beyond words. The cage offered no privacy, leaving me vulnerable and exposed to the amused audience. I wanted to disappear, to be anywhere but here, but I was trapped, both physically and emotionally.
As much as I wanted to plead for mercy or express my humiliation, I knew that resistance would only fuel the laughter of the onlookers. Instead, I tried to find a sliver of inner strength to endure this added shame. I clung to the hope that this torment would eventually come to an end, that the farmer would show some mercy.
In the midst of my discomfort, I felt a mix of emotions. I was angry with myself for being so careless, yet I also felt a surge of determination not to let this define me. This experience had been a harsh wake-up call about my place on the farm.
As the night wore on, the farmer's friends eventually left, leaving me alone in the cage, still trapped in my soiled diaper.
The morning sun began to rise, casting a warm glow over the farm as I lay there, trapped, exhausted and humiliated in my mess. Just when I thought the ordeal would never end, I heard the sound of footsteps approaching the cage. It was the farmer.
With a mix of trepidation and hope, I looked up at him as he unlocked the cage door. He extended a hand, helping me to my feet. I stood there, feeling vulnerable and exposed, but I tried my best to meet his gaze.
The farmer's expression softened as he looked at me. "You've been through quite the challenge," he said, his tone more gentle than before. "But you've also shown resilience and determination."
I felt a glimmer of hope at his words, wondering if I had somehow managed to pass this bizarre test.
The farmer continued, "You made a mistake, and you faced the consequences. But you also fought against that enema for quite a while, and that shows character."
I nodded, still feeling embarrassed by the events of the previous night, but also grateful for the farmer's acknowledgement of my efforts.
"You've learned some important lessons about responsibility and self-control," the farmer said, his voice carrying wisdom. "And that's what this challenge was all about."
As I stood there, diapered and chastened, I realized that he was right. This experience had been a wake-up call, and I knew I would never forget it.
The farmer then surprised me by offering a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "You've earned  your spot...for now," he said. "Now, get cleaned up."
He led me back to the farmhouse, where I was given the chance to take a long, soothing shower.
It wasnt long after drying off when Mike stepped into the farm house and called me to get ready for the days work
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nappydaddy · 9 months
-Time to change the diaper
He looked into the eyes of his defiant little sister who was lying there on the couch with a murderous look. It was almost a full week since mother had started putting her in a diaper when she had started to defy the rules at home and curfew had apparently not helped enough as she slipped out and came home under the influence of alcohol. This was clearly humiliating for a 16 year old especially when one's older stepbrother blackmailed her with the knowledge. He put on plastic gloves then opened up the bag of diapers and prepared the wipes and the powder. She just wanted to disappear. He smiled patting her thigh. Well, she was wet, he noted when he opened the wet diaper. He asked her to lift her bum and after putting it in a plastic bag, he opened a pack of wet wipes. She continued to lay there with her face buried in her hands as he began to thoroughly wipe her cunt and cut until she was as clean as a freshly showered baby. He then unfolded a new diaper from the bag then placed it between her legs and draped it over her freshly washed pussy and butt. He then patted her thigh again.
-so go do your homework now like a good girl.
She got up from the sofa muttering something before she disappeared into her room.
This is my first short ABDL story(sorry for my English :). Like an reblogg if you want more storys.🍼
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xxx-taco-enby-xxx · 2 years
Idea: a company that makes pull-ups and diapers that slowly regress you the more you use them.
After having some trouble with potty training, mom decided to get you some pull-ups to help with your daytime accidents. After a few weeks of not making it to the potty as often as you did starting off, she decided to let you go back in diapers. After your first day back, you had your first messy accident in a month. You slowly started drooling more and letters and words were becoming harder to understand. You started watching shows made for infants instead of big kids. While other kids your age were playing outside and being big kids. Here you were, a 4 year old baby drooling on your elmo bib while pushing a big poopy in your Sesame Street diaper while watching a baby show. Mom decided to put you back in daycare instead of kindergarten. Instead of eating big kid food like the other kids, you sloppily use your hands to eat whatever mush mommy put on your high chair tray. Mommy let you start breastfeeding again since it was clear you weren’t growing up anytime soon~
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selv14 · 2 years
Wattpad Story - When She Answered Nature's Call
Wattpad Story – When She Answered Nature’s Call
For a few months now I have been writing an ABDL story on wattpad. It’s actually a rewrite of an older story I wrote, but I’ve added more chapters to it to make it more complete. The story is at its end now but do give it a look if you haven’t already, and do leave a comment there to say whether you like this kind of story, or let me know what elements don’t work. You can read this story by…
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darkstoryhouse · 4 years
The Strength You Needed
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Jared spent most of his time at the gym training for a fitness competition and, after a while, had grown extremely popular in gym circles. Every time Jared would walk in the gym, everyone would turn and look. Women would give him severe looks as he’d strut to the weights and perform his morning rituals.
But of course, he was taken. Never far behind him was his training partner. She’d walk in a few minutes after he did and do her own thing. But if you looked closely, she’d always go and check on him, giving his bicep a light squeeze or slightly grazing her hand on his butt. She’d remind him (and the ladies or men) who were ogling that they were a pair.
They were the ultimate couple, equally strong, both gods in their own right.
But when he’d return home around 6PM, she’d pull out a blender bottle and ask if Jared wanted to keep his muscles.
The conversation was always the same. He’d have to say yes. Because the last time he said no, she reminded him of what the consequences were. His muscles vanished. His waistline grew, his chiseled features disappeared, and his hair grew thin and wispy. He became weak and unattractive. His voice became soft. He looked like a shell of the man who was at the gym just that morning.
She’d push him out the door and say, “Good luck.” She wasn’t cruel; she’d let him back in if he said the magic words. Jared could decide if he wanted to really live life as an average person. Live life as someone unremarkable; someone who didn’t turn heads.
Within an hour Jared would come back and beg.
“Please let me back in.”
She’d tell him to say the words.
“Please.” He’d beg. “Put me back in diapers.”
And so she’d bring him back inside, undo her top and place the nipple of her breast in his mouth. He’d suck gently and with each sip, his muscles would return. The chiseled confident man, the one that all the ladies at the gym knew, would return.
Next, she’d have him crawl to the shelf and pull a plain white diaper out. Lying on the floor, she’d sprinkle the powder on his balls, lotion him up and wrap the soft caressing plastic around him.
But this time, before she pulled up the diaper, she pulled out three suppositories and inserted them inside of him.
“Someone needs to be punished for rebelling.” she’d say matter of factly. “You came to me all those years ago a weakling. A pathetic man. I gave you self confidence. I gave you power. So I’m going to remind you, no matter how strong you get, you’re still pathetic.”
Jared held still as she placed a few stuffers inside the diaper and tape it shut.
“And this time, it’s diapers all the time. Not just at home. Seems like you need a reminder of your place.”
Jared started to whimper. “Please, no… can we go back to the way it was before?”
“You’re the one who decided to act out. Each time it’ll get worse.” She patted the front of his diaper one more time. “Now, it’s time for bed.”
So there he’d lie, in the nursery, specially made for him. The shelves were adorned with colorful diapers, soft music playing. Containers of protein powder were on the shelves, weights in the corner next to plush toys, and bottles.
And there was Jared, in the oversized light pink crib, on his back, preparing to mess his diaper for the second time that night. Each time he’d rebel, she’d make sure he spent the night in a messy diaper to remind him that he was hers. She’d up the stakes. He’d now be wearing his thick crinkly diapers to the gym because he rebelled.
She looked down at him, smiling. “You’re so cute in diapers.” She gave him another squish and said darkly. “Next time, I’m taking your bladder control. So unless you want to start wearing diapers to the gym, I’d try to be good from now on.”
Jared let a few tears escape.
His vanity trapped him in this plastic prison of his own creation. He couldn’t leave when he wanted. He was trapped.
He had made this deal. She’d give him muscles. She’d make him a god, and in return, he’d be her baby at home, where no one could see them.
That deal could last as long as he accepted his place.
He wanted to be a god in real life; he’d be a baby when he was with her.
Make sure you check out Padded Matt on JFF: https://justfor.fans/padded_matt
Like what you see here? Check out my Patreon where there are more stories. For just $10 you can read short stories like this and even longer ones. https://www.patreon.com/kyleshouse
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