hellishgayliath · 11 months
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Pico's giving you cake from me uvu <3 Hope you had a wonderful birthday and it was super fun and chill :') AHHHHH STAY AWESOME!!! x
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c-atm · 4 years
Fighting Flirty: Character Select PT4 (Act 4.2)
A five minute break, and Alex discovers her muse
Ok, you two take five, and then we'll do some official art recreations," Alex announced, as she looked through the pictures on her camera. Her smile growing larger at each new pic "Ey, do you guys want every photo in an album or what?"
"Uhh?!" Steven started before turning to the woman on his lap.
"YES!" The eagerness in her voice caught Steven off guard. "I don't ever want to forget this feeling, this day, these moments," Connie added in a low admiring tone.
"Neither do I," he kissed her neck, getting her to squeal in delight. 
"Well said." Alex agreed. "Still, it's hard not to think of you as a romantic couple, with the way you two carry-on and all this shipping gold in my hands." She sighed," If only I were an illustrator, instead of a photographer. You two would be perfect fanart subjects…Though I wonder if 'fanart' even works here in this pretense."
"Why wouldn't it?" Connie asked as she leaned back, caressing Steven's whiskered chin.
"Well, you're not fictional characters or celebrities. So maybe it'll just be art."
"I have, you know,  you are in the presence of a very successful Tube-Tube star." Connie asserted, implying a prideful thumb at Steven, evoking a laugh from the hybrid and the slyest of smirks from the photographer.
"Is that so." Alex rubbed her chin, mischievously. "How many subscribers you gathered, Steven?"
"My personal channel is at 680+ thousand  but ...Our s, meaning the channel Connie, I,  and two of our friends run… Is at one-point-five million, last time I checked; haven’t been on either for a couple months or so. ."
"1.7 now on G-squared , and Your  personal channel is at 700+ now, Mister." Connie interjected, "at least that's what I saw last time I went to the channels."
"How…Am I at 700+?!"
"Your vlogs have been used in compilations about traveling and self-betterment. While your people used your music in their 'Let's play's ' and ' AMV's '...I think there's even been a few memes and reenactments based on your stuff. There's a real popular source film of last year's panel at Kansas vid-con; during that game of 'scenarios,' we played with Daniel, Patricia, Jewels of Cal, Steve Da' Duck, and Akira Mas."
 "Oh, I remember that," his eyes broaden in remembrance, "That was a fun game, and the audience loved it." 
"I think they were surprised at your capacity for swearing and sarcasm and how smoothly it flowed out." She teased, getting a nod from Steven.
" I was just following the scenario, and I got a bit heated. Not like you were any better." 
"True enough." She gave him a peck before turning to Alex, looking smug. 
"Okay, okay, didn't know he was a big thing." Alex relented with a smirk, "gotta check out your pages then, Steven." 
"Yes, you do that, subscribe too."
"Ok, miss proud wife." 
Despite blushing a deep maroon, Connie leaned back into his hold and kept her smugness, " Go-go check the pictures."
Alex gave her an affirmative nod before doing just that. As she plugged up the camera to the nearby laptop, she heard Steven scream.
Alex looked over at them to see Steven ticking the woman in his lap as he simultaneously rained down kisses upon her neck, making her squeal in delight.
Of course, she took a picture of the cuter scene. "I still don't get how you two are not together." She muttered." Maybe I can find out the full story later tonight…." She sighed, "oh god, I need a date or a 'jambud' of my own."
"Hey, Alex!"
 She looked back over at the two to see Steven trying to get her attention 
"Can you pass one of our phones, please!" 
Alex looked over at the table and spotted the two devices, a darkish pink and a forest-blue. They both had a text notification. With a shrug, she picked them both up. "How well do you catch?"
"Not well enough to catch my phone!" Steven yelled.
"I am," Connie announced confidently.
"That's all I needed to hear." 
With that, she grabbed both phones, a bit of masking tape, wrapped it around both, and launched them both. 
"Oh, it's coming." She heard Connie's voice raised. The silence of the stage got her a bit worried.
"Got' em; thank you!" Steven called back.
"Welcome, now let me do this so we can get back to it," Alex expressed with a thumbs up, her eyes going over the pictures on the screen. 'These two could do some real couple modeling. Photogenicity aside, they just look excellent as a unit, and their body language towards each other is at the forefront. They come off as innocent yet impassioned, cute yet coquettish, loving yet libidinous.' Alex surmised as she gazed over the photos, selecting and adding them into both a folder.
"Hey, they came out beautifully." 
"They really did. Thinking about adding a background." Alex looked up to see Wanda with a camera in her hand as she named the folder."What's up, boss lady?"
"Got a couple more for you to add."
Alex took the camera with an arched eyebrow, hooking it up to the laptop. Her teeth kissed as she looked at pictures. She placed her fingers on her lips, thumb under her chin, and slightly nodded her head. "These two… I want to see these two in the bride and groom looking just like this. We have to; they're just…" 
"Yeah, I know," Wanda said as she looked at the pictures. 
The first picture was Connie pulling up a video, most likely the video they spoke about prior; Connie was sitting in his cross-legged lap while Steven drooped his arms around Connie's shoulder comfortably. A firey, determined look in her raven eyes and on her face as she tried to find the video. On the other hand, Steven's attention was all on her.
His smile was small but so genuine. Full of pure love and affectionate pride for the woman, treasuring her, favoring her, adoring her..all with his deep brown-eyed gaze. All without her being aware.
The next photo was its companion and mirror in away. Connie seemed to have found the video by the mid-chuckle grin that threatened to split his face. Phone in his hand, head on her shoulder. Utterly oblivious to the goings-on beside him. The gaze his best-friend was giving him.
'And what a gaze it is.' Alex mused. 
Connie's eyes were half-lidded, her mouth a relaxed grin, and to the untrained eye or someone who hasn't been around these two for more than an hour, they would have written off as merely teasing, and they would be wrong. 
That expression radiated exceptional pride, heartfelt tenderness, and limitless affection for the man beside her. The unbridled joy and the way he was the only one in those raven orbs was something to be envious of.
Wanda looked at her employee in question.
"How can two people, not in a relationship, look at each other like that? With such…
"Reverence and intimacy."
Alex nodded. "The way they act and such is one thing...but..this. These seconds….These moments caught in between the playing and teasing..."
"You seemed quite taken with them, Alex."
Alex looked at her witch adorned boss with a bit of a scowl. "It's not like that...It's not just them… More like. I'm intrigued by what they have. This thing..this type of romance..naw too weak...this bond..they won't or can't name...It's..ugh!"
Wanda laughed. "Alex, you just accidentally found your muse." Before she could continue, her phone rang. "Gotta take this. Alex, get ready for the next shoot. We are actually behind time and have more costumes to try." Wanda ordered gently with a wink before pulling her phone out the top of her costume.  "Hello? miss Jewels, yes, we'll be ready for you tomorrow..yeah ..yes. "
Alex sighed as she got up from the desk and got her camera before walking over to the two. She paused at the scene, feeling a surge of excitement. 
"Why am I the one getting sacrificed…Again?" Steven's voice could be heard through the phone, annoyed and desperate, and also trying not to laugh.
"It's not personal, it was a majority vote, and you're kind of suspicious, Traitor." A feminine voice answered.
"Screw you, Jewels!" Steven answered as everyone in the audience and on stage laughed, "You're the one sabotaging us, literally try to drag the party into the room called 'your soulmate is 50%  Zach Callison and 50% hamilton."
"Better than the, 'everything you love is canceled' room."
As Steven cackled at the admittedly horrible animation, Connie leaned upon him, gazing up at him with eyes full of bottomless adoration. This close lip smile displayed her protectiveness for him. It was an expression of accomplishment as if she was watching a dream come true or something she fought so hard for finally came to fruition. A treasure she had searched for and would stake everything she had to keep.
It told a story of the hard times and struggles they had to go through without saying anything. If seeing him be so relaxed and carefree, place something so determined and passionate on her face. 
Well, she'd be a fool not to take its picture.
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