#ADW chpt 13
everlarkingjoshifer · 6 years
A Different Way CHPT 13
Hello, my lovelies, 
I’m here with another late ass chapter of this crazy story. It’s been a busy week for me but I’m trying. LOL
First, I would like to thank @titaniasfics and @javistg for her incredible beta work. (You ladies are awesome!) To @mega-aulover @jobanana7 and my sexy Hubby for being such amazing cheerleaders and finally to @sunsetsrmydreams for her beautiful banner. 
To my loyal readers and those who have left such incredibly sweet comments, I just wanted you all to know how incredibly honored I feel and you guys are the very reason I keep writing despite all my doubts and second thinking. Without you, I wouldn’t even be in the position I’m in. So Thank you guys, thank you for your continuous love and support. Know, that I appreciate everything from the bottom of my overly anxious heart! 
If you’d like to access any other chapter, you can do so here AO3
As always, don’t forget to read, review, and reblog. Now on to the story... 
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Katniss awoke to Peeta’s arm slung across her hip. They’d decided to cuddle on the sofa and ended up falling asleep. After an unsuccessful attempt to move, she instead resorted to using her free hand to shake him awake. “Peeta wake up.”
“No, not yet,” he moaned, wrapping his arm around her tighter and breathing in the scent of her hair.
“Peeta, I don’t want the kids to see us like this. We have to get up before they do,” she insisted patting him on the arm.
Blearily, Peeta raised himself from his sleep and rubbed his eyes. “Fine, I’m up.”
“Toothbrushes?” she asked covering her mouth.
Peeta pointed to a general area, “It’s in the closet with the towels.”
Katniss nodded and went to freshen up. She widened her eyes when raccoon-like prints looked back at her and groaned. this was exactly why she hated makeup so much. Turning on the faucet she tried to wipe as much of the mascara as she could. Once she was satisfied with the results she got to brushing her teeth. Hoping Peeta hadn’t noticed the disheveled mess she’d woken up as she walked out of the bathroom and said, “Should I make breakfast?”
“That would be great!” Peeta said brightening up while he folded the comforter.
The kids woke up midway through Katniss making scrambled eggs and bacon.
“So, what is it with Johanna and your sister? Are they lovers or roommates,” Peeta asked with a bite of his eggs.
Katniss choked. “Oh god, no, they’re just roommates. They’re both highly hetero.”
“What’s hetero daddy?” asked Rye, big eyes looking his way.
“It means a man and a woman like each other,” Peeta answered looking at Katniss.
“Oh, so it’s not like aunty Rue, right mommy? She likes a girl,” Willow added.
“That’s right, baby, she’s a lesbian. You get two aunties. Aunty Rue, and Tia Clove,” Katniss replied smiling. She looked over at Peeta. “Rue’s my old college roommate.”
Peeta nodded understanding. Once everyone had their tummies filled, Katniss hung out until Willow begged to go home because she missed her own clothes.
Putting on her coat, she smiled at Peeta and squeezed his hand while Willow gave Rye a quick hug goodbye before walking out of the house.
A couple of weeks passed. Katniss had never felt hornier than when around Peeta Mellark. It was as though she were a teenager all over again. She would often go over to his house while the kids were at school. Sometimes as early as dropping Willow off. Sometimes he would let her in and had what Katniss considered to be the hottest sex she’d ever experienced, and other times work took a priority leaving Katniss to settle her discomfort on her own which frustrated her to no end. Her hand could only do so much as Peeta was more than attentive and knew exactly which buttons to push.
Her work, thank God, never suffered. But when Johanna Skyped her in the middle of her little sessions Katniss grunted with frustration at not being able to finish, cursing herself for not bothering to close the stupid laptop.
“What the hell are you doing, and why are you so sweaty?” Johanna asked rummaging into a chip bag.
“I was busy if you must know,” Katniss answered hoping to avoid any more questions.
Johanna looked unconvinced as she chewed. “Doing what?”
“None of your business,” Katniss clipped.
“Ask her if she was flicking the bean,” yelled Prim off camera.
Katniss gasped and turned crimson.
“Oh my god, you were, weren’t you?” Johanna squealed.
Katniss shook her head. “No, I wasn’t.”
“Liar. I can always tell when you’re lying,” Johanna accused. She turned to call Prim who rushed by. “Your sister was flicking her bean.”
Katniss covered her face. “Oh my god, I hate you both.”
“You were?” asked Prim looking both surprised and a little grossed out.
Katniss swallowed and closed her eyes as she nodded. She could hear both girls squealing gleefully and felt herself blush even more.
“What brought on this new course of events?” asked Prim settling on a chair next to Johanna. Both women looking attentive waiting for an answer.
Katniss sighed knowing there would be no way she could keep her secret from them. They’d eventually wear her down. “I slept with Peeta.” Mortification set in as both her sister and best friend gasped and Johanna yelled a ‘fuck yes’. Katniss could picture them pumping their hands triumphantly.
Rolling her eyes she groaned, “Okay, you can stop now.”
“Hell to the no,” yelled Johanna enthusiastically. “You have so much more to explain. When did this happen and, more to the point, was he good? I betcha he was good.”
“ I really hate you,” Katniss groaned.
Johanna stuck her tongue out. “No, you don’t. You love us.”
Prim made a disgusted face. “Ew, I don’t want to know about my sister’s sex life.”
“Well then, cover your dainty ears. Wouldn’t want to affect your delicate sensibilities,” Johanna advised.
Prim stuck her tongue out.
“Why me?” Katniss whispered knowing her best friend was right.
Johanna gave off a cartoonish cackle, “Why not? You’re super hot and you can be nice when you want to be.”
Katniss gave them the middle finger as she did everything to avoid their gaze. “I’m awesome, okay? And for the record, yes he’s amazing. Come to think of it, I don’t think Gale was ever half as good as Peeta. I think this is the best sex I’ve ever had.”
“Probably the ONLY good sex you’ve ever had. It doesn’t look like Gale would ever be good at any of it,” Johanna tuned in.
Katniss snorted. “How would you know that?”
Prim rolled her eyes. “Puh-lease. He’s so into himself that I suspect he’s selfish. Bet you he was more worried about his pleasure than yours.”
“Not to mention that I think he has a small dick that curves to the left and he has problems with cumming as fast as the flash runs,” Johanna chimed in.
Katniss laughed nervously. “How did you know?”
“She was right?” asked Prim scrunching up her face. “Ew.”
“What can I say, I’m a talented woman,” Johanna looked so proud of herself.  
Clearing her throat Katniss continued, “Actually, I’ve been sleeping with him for a couple of weeks now.”
Both Johanna and Prim’s eyes looked like saucers as they gasped and covered their mouths to muffle their squealing. Katniss was beginning to suspect Prim and Johanna were part dolphin, what with the frequency they emitted through the computer. It was both thrilling and annoying at the same time.
“You’re fucking that hot piece of ass and didn’t tell us right away? Oh, now I’m mad,” Johanna murmured and glared once she regained her bearings.
“Yup,” Katniss answered.
Prim looked impressed. “Not bad.”
Rolling her eyes, Katniss told them the whole story of Gale and his insensitive words. Both ladies reacted appropriately, with Johanna promising to crush his nutsack between her hands and Prim, who wasn’t one to use curse words, finally calling him a fuckface.
When she got to the part where Peeta showed her his painting and she discovered her portrait they sighed romantically.
“Don’t be such a stingy hoe and share more details already,” Johanna pouted bouncing on her chair like a spoiled five-year-old.  
“What else is there to say, though,” Katniss asked shrugging.
Prim laughed shaking her head. “You could tell us if you guys are dating. Do I get to call him my big brother now?”
“That’s the problem, we haven’t exactly established anything, and he hasn’t taken off his wedding band. I’m afraid I’m falling for a guy who feels he has to keep the memory of his wife alive as some sort of punishment to whatever he feels he’s guilty of,” Katniss said. She hesitated for a second taking a wavering breath. “I’m scared,” she whispered
“Katniss, there’s nothing to be scared of. He’s loved you forever, and I’m pretty sure he’s feeling just as insecure as you. I mean, you have to deal with Lame Gale,” Prim said looking to Johanna for assertion.
Katniss pursed her lips, “But what if he decides that having a relationship could ruin his son?”
“That won’t happen. Rye would’ve already rejected you and he hasn’t,” Johanna put in choosing to resume her chip munching.
Katniss groaned running her hand across her face. “What am I gonna do?”
“Katniss, do you love him, or even like him enough to know that you can love him?” Prim asked.
Katniss thought for a minute. “I’m not sure if what I feel for him is gratitude for helping me so much or love. Maybe it’s a combination of both, or I don’t really know.”
“Well, I suggest you figure that shit out first,” Johanna said with Prim nodding vigorously.
Katniss huffed. “Well, I guess fuck me, huh?”
Johanna wiggled her eyebrows. “More like keep fucking him! He’s delicious looking, you lucky bitch.”
Katniss snorted. “Shut up.”
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