tickleraptorss · 8 months
You have to tell the world about your best friend Eunie
i cant believe i forgot abt this ask JDJEKGLLS of course. eunie my best friend eunie.
EUNIE..... she is a societal menace. she loves to cause problems. so ofc she is constantly zipping around nd poking at her friends bc how can she not??? all her friends are very ticklish and she is full of mischief we know how this goes.
she's def v teasy as a ler.... uses All the teases to find whatever flusters her lee the most. and once she Knows what gets to u..... she is going to use it against you constantly. she also likes pretending she's clueless like "what're you gigglin' for? i'm not doin' anythin'!" when she Totally Knows what she's doing. she grins the whole time she's ticklin someone btw it's honestly rly precious. she also takes advantage of her wings bc how can she not??? she canonically does this. and i will forever be super unnormal about that.
HOWEVER. eunie herself is very ticklish, and that is a secret she will guard with her life (yknow, until lanz lets it slip "by accident"). she can't take what she dishes out At All. teases make her so flustered... nd she often can't come up w a rebuttal bc she's too busy giggling and also her brain and muscles turn to mush when she's tickled. she alters between adorable lil gigglesnorts and full-on hyena cackles and it's so <3333
eunie is everything 2 me i wish she was real so i could give her a kiss and mayb get tickled
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