i-bring-crack · 1 month
HAHAAHAH ACOTAR AU (somewhat, i'm taking too  many liberties) 
SLR spoilers btw kinda just one italicized paragraph dont worry
Haein's family has gone into debt after her father was trapped into it and has a broken leg, their mother died due to a disease, and now she has to take business matters into her own hands for the sake of surviving. There is one family who is terrorizing the hell out of her into getting married with their son and her father says it will be a good idea but Haein goes like, nu uh, I can take care of us! and to prove it she goes out to hunt her food in the forest that is known to be extremely dangerous because of the Fae that appear at night. Surprise surprise, she accidentally meets one and kills it, which is a big no no, so ofc one day Haein's door is broken down as a wild eldritch monster appear and takes her away, not before explaining itself that she had been the one to break the law between humans and Fae by killing the fae disguised as a bear. Haein is like 'fine i accept the punishment' and promises her dad she will come back soon before completely being taken to the Fae world.
And the one to meet her is none other than the Lord of the Shadow Court, controller of all night species, the most dangerous night court to exist and the most dangerous Fae that every single human knows not to EVER EVER PISS OFF. she grumbles but admits the fact that she has done some wrong, and when she is told by one of the Shadow people that she will be fine and that she only needs to stay here for a year and abide by all the rules, then she is like 'okay I can live with this. and besides the shadow lord seems very hot--- ah wait i said nothing nothing don't mind me'
Some expansive worldbuilding and headcanons here: 
- The Night Realm ( in which the Lord of the Shadow Court resides) is quite peaceful and boring at times really. Haein likes it for a while but Jinah, the second head in the Shadow Court, really wants Jinwoo to let the people celebrate more and let the other courts interact with the Shadow citizens far more. This is a big problem between the siblings because on one hand, Jinwoo is very traumatized from the death of the past two Shadow Lords who wanted to make peace with all the other realms but died in the wars against the Aether/Light Realm. And on the other hand, Jinah hates the stigma of other magical species being treated worse because they aren't from the Night Realm and she wants to put an end to that by showing that she can befriend and love others outside of this realm. And to an extent she has (Jinah has her own people she loves on the outside)
- Haein has learned to train with her sword and bow because she was once a soldier in the army, i like in SL most characters here are a aged up a lot or just more, and Haein is in her late 30s to mid 40s, having gone through a lot of jobs in order to not be wed (those jobs include: fruitseller, weaver, soldier, scavenger, fisher, hunter, painter, and locksmith) ever since the age of 13 when her father had all of his possessions taken. She has never known much about her mother, and all of the jobs she was given were thanks to her dad's friends who often were amazed at how good she was at manual labor. Of course all of her work was underpaid a lot of the time so she had to work twice as hard as everyone else. To the point where she never learned how to read or write except her name. She was also never taught history or math so she was always at the brink of not having enough money for most of her life. 
- All the fae wear masks, Jinah has a light pink one, Jinwoo has a purple decorative mask with most of his face hidden, Esil has a red and white one. Jinchu'l's is adorned with golden jewels, Jinho's is bright gold and green. Jongin wears a dark red fox face and Yoonho wears a White and black striped one. 
- In this world there has been a monster running around for years that has put a curse on all of the upper court fae, so they must abide by all of the wishes that they ask for. Jinwoo hates the monster THE MOST  out of all the lords, because it needed the body of a strong fae in order to survive and low and behold it took Jinah and jinwoo's mothers' body right before she died at its hands (The monster here I thought of putting her as Queresha but maybe I might change it to be just a monster.)  Jinwoo for the longest time has tried to amass an army in order to fight against the monster but it seems to fail every time. Jinah on the other hand has tried the other way and fulfilled the prophecy of the 'chosen dragon maiden' that was foretold by the past Lady of the Spring Court. "One day will come a maiden whose power stands out like the flicker of a candle, but whose will burns as powerful as the rays of the sun. She will be of human descent, who will connect with the dragons and shadows alike, to overthrow the foul witch. Hair golden, eyes of love, and with the sharpness of a lioness, she will strike the shadow, she will dance with the flames."
- Jinho is the thrown out son of the Autumn court, his father no longer is the Lord after trying to attack the monster, but rather it is Jongin and Yoonho as right hand man. They still can't let him in due to the attack Jinho had done a long time ago in order to protect a plebian of their kind against the monster. Jinho therefore can no longer see and, thanks to Jinah's intervention and softspot by Jinwoo, he has been cared for and attended by the Shadow Court. 
- Juicy talk here, Miss park Heejin, causing of Jinwoo and Jinah, is the Lady of the Autumn court because Jongin and her dating in order to not let the monster know their own weaknesses, which is that they have both fallen in love with someone else but do not want monster to know of it. Eunseok, Byung gyu, Juhee, Soohyung and Yoonho all belong to the autumn court. Soohyung an Jinhee (jinho's sister) are part of a revolution tactical plan in order to get that monster out, but it cannot be known among the higher courts who are directly tied and personally known by the monster (basically the royal courts of each realm all expect there to be some sort of revolution against the monster but don't do anything because they want those revolutions to happen and if they fail then they can all safely land back in reconstructing the world and saying they were simply oblivious to it. And in the case one of the royal courts is still killed, there can be some other royals to take its place, I.e what Heejin and Jongin are doing for the sake of their loved ones. They 'killed' the former family as a means of loyalty, Jinho was left out since he no longer belonged but he thinks they all died, and instead Jinhee and Soohyung hide and work as undercover spies and revolutionaries underground) 
-The worlds have different types of 'humans'. summer realm has oceanids, the night realm has demons (jinah and jinwoo are half demons half fae), the spring realm has angels, the winter realm has snow elves, the autumn realm has fae, and the aether realm has shapeshifting dragons. 
- Spring court is composed of the Spring Lord Thomas Andre, the Spring Lady Laura (they aren't married nor need to have kids since the spring court is less of a monarchy and more of a meritocracy mixed with Republic.), the others are Christopher Reed, Norma the propheter, and Adam
- The Summer realm has its High Lord Liu Zhigang, Goto Ryuji (the rest of the Japanese S ranks.). Goto, Ippei, Kei, Shimizu, Kenzo, tatsumi, and Mari all have joined the rebellion as well (all of the rebellion people are pretty important for Haein's help later on) 
- The Winter realm  has the oldest of the High Lords, Sillad, whose son had died at war and therefore is taking care of his granddaughter with the help of a human (quite unexpected considering the humans are bad at living in cold climates and also that Humans are seen as inferior compared to any other magical creature) theis human's name is Lennart Nierman. 
- The light Realm has the High lord Siddhart bachchan who is said to have been an illegitimate child of the former high lord dragon and a human he took for fancy, but because there were no other good candidates left, he took the throne and is one of the most active members in also strengthening forces within all the other realms to go against the monster. 
- "But op!" you say "where is best boi jinchul!" HE IS  SO THE most breaking part of the story because it's no longer in the acotar books it's actually a change i wanted to make in order to explore everything without the need for the lore to go back into the realms fighting each other and without the need for Haein to go around and know about everything. Jinchul is a human! and not just any human! He is the human that had befriended and helped Haein find works around, he is the human that also willingly goes into the realms of the fea when he hears that Haein has been kidnapped, he is the human that finds out about the rebellion and offers to lend aid, he is the human that shows up to the battle against the monster, he is the human that helps Haein through the trials the monster put her through by acting as a servant and healing her when no one is looking, he is 'shockingly' the only human who is immune to fae magic :O, and the one who  might also get a happy ending with someone at the end after going through so much ahaha (CURRENTLY DEBATING WHO)
Now on to the full on break over: The Au will only be faithful to the acotar first book, my mentality will not cross over to read the other series. bye-- 
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