looks like the tumblrinas are liking first kill so i’m going to start it tmrw!
#also i’m gonna use the tags to talk about an unrelated thing lol#i still keep in contact with my 6th grade english teacher bc she means the Absolute Fucking Most to me#and so i texted her about getting into the zine lol so that was a few months ago#and i texted her some really really significant news in mid may#and i texted her some really really significant news yesterday.#and she responded about the zine. but she didn’t respond in mid may#and i was like okay maybe she read it but since the little notif was gone she forgot to respond#but now not receiving a response to the second text has me feeling like AHH you know?#bc she’s a functional adult human. she Always Texts Back#and she would be sosososososo excited by both pieces of news that i shared with her!!!!!!#so i’m thinking maybe she has a new phone number now???????????? UFHDHDJFH#but the texts show as delivered so 🤔🤔🤔#and like my brain is like. maybe she learned smth about you and decided to never speak to you again. but rationally i know that’s not true#bc she’d talk to me about it if she heard smth really bad; and also i haven’t done anything really bad in forever bc i haven’t left the#house in so long lol.#SO LIKE.#USHDGHSHHHAAA#it makes me so sad to think that shes no longer a part of my life all bc this fuckinfb phone number may not be working??#also i googled her name and there are no obituaries for her so she is presumably still alive#AH I JUST DONT KNOW HOW TO FEEL ABOJT THIS#SHE MEANS SO MUCH TO ME AND IT FEELS SO IMPORTANT TO BE ABLE TO SHARE THIS NEWS AND THIS JOY WITH HER#BC SHE INDIRECTLY PLAYED A ROLE IN MAKING IT ALL HAPPEN YOU KNOW#AHFHSHUHHHHHHHH
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