#AI art isn't gonna take away our art and chatbots ain't gonna take away our friends
whoknoes222 · 2 years
people will always make art. i feel like it's important for people to understand this. AI can do the lines and colors but even if it became as skilled as a human it cannot make art. it can make 1000 of the same 1000 pictures it was fed, it can't make a new piece from it any more than a monkey typing Shakespear knows how to write.
and if AI art takes over (which is literally impossible, let me set that fear aside right fucking now)? well we'll still make fucking art. if art isn't profitable we'll make it. if art was illegal we'd make it. art is something quite inherent to humanity and nothing will remove it, especially some bargain bin toasters trying to be picasso. the biggest threat they pose is the same threat as the corporate art style: at most seeing some more bland as shit than usual billboards.
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