ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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  The Muse Of The Week: Loretta Christiano Amodio!
Aliases: Lori. ‘Etta. Ettie. Lettie. Lolo. Lora. Donna.
Gender: Cisgender Female &&. she / her.
Orientation: Biromantic Bisexual.
Age: 4 ( GANGSTA. CURSED. ) ; 14 ( GANGSTA. ) ; 16 turning 17 ( TWDG ).
Religion: Agnostic.
Occupation: Mafioso Boss ( CANON. )
Alignment: Morally Grey ; leans towards Neutral Good in some instances.
Fandom: GANGSTA.
Zodiac: Leo ( Western ; July 24th, 2001. )
Trigger Warnings: Suicide mentioned and referenced, prostitution mention and referenced, mafia and crime related activities, alcohol and drug and vaping / smoking mentions, torture mention, major spoilers for both the anime and the manga.
Has a pomsky ( Pomeranian-Husky mix ) named Pandora
has literally had a man who was far too handsy for one of the working girls’ liking dragged out and beat by her own men and threatened that if he ever returned she would kill him herself
has daggers and knives hidden in her skirts. she’s not stupid, weak or defenseless.
she’d actually manage pretty well on her own… for the most part, in the zombie apocalypse, considering she already knows how to shoot a gun and defend herself.
she’s just a smidge spoiled because of her late father’s wealth but she’s not like. overbearing about it to the point where it’s obnoxious and despite her father being a mafia boss, he always told her to be generous to people who are helpless. she’s surprisingly polite and formal on most occasions.
she doesn’t rely on her guards to protect her all the time ; she’s actually a very good shot.
will take you to the best malls
She's a ride or die kind of gal — if you're her friend, she'll fight with you until the end ; loyalty means everything to her
Ruthless when provoked ; will sell you to Satan for one corn chip if you mean her family and business harm
As she’s canonically the boss of her own mafia syndicate at fourteen, she does… a lot of shady shit.
loansharking, armed robbery, illegal gambling, extortion, prostitution, fencing, drug trafficking, murder, bootlegging/gunrunning, political corruption, tax evasion, cybercrimes, contraband smuggling etc. - she really doesn’t fuck around when it comes to her father’s business or being the boss of a mafia family.
anything a scary as fuck mafia leader does, she does, too. she’s literally a fucking criminal
She vapes different flavored juices instead of smoking. Marco and Galahad are completely unaware of this and she’s not about to find out what happens if she gets caught.
Be careful around her ; she's a lot more dangerous than she looks and pretty much has an army of men — superhuman or otherwise — and a sect of secret spies of the girls that work for her.
A ferocious temper of a lioness.
She's obsessed with keeping her father and family's legacy alive to the point where it can stress her out and form unhealthy habits.
She possesses a straightforward demeanor and sharp tongue and doesn't hold back on verbal jabs, whether you're a friend or not.
Loretta was born to mafioso leader and one of the Four Great Fathers of the city of Ergastulum, Luca Christiano, and a prostitute-turned-donna, Sherry Christiano.
From the moment she was born, Luca absolutely fawned over his little lioness and showered her with love, attention and gifts, from jewelry to dresses to fur coats and vacations. Her mother, Sherry, loved her sweet daughter and would used to brush her hair every morning and tell her that she was her little princess. Loretta was always protected no matter where she went by the Christiano’s mafioso, most especially by Galahad Woehor and Marco Adriano, and they loved, cherished, pampered and protected her with their lives. To them, she was a symbol of innocence and gentle emotions, all the things these hardened criminals have lost, not to mention Luca would be absolutely furious if she even got a scratch or if something happened to her that could’ve been prevented.
Although she was showered in love and luxury since she was a little girl, Luca soon began to realize that Loretta was the only heir to the family, and although he didn’t want to push the burden on her young shoulders, he knew it was necessary for not only the family but the entire city of Ergastulum.
When she was only six years old, tragedy struck when her beloved mother committed suicide by overdosing rather than suffer through the hallucinations that she endured ( though there are conspiracies that her suicide was in fact murder via the Corsica Family ). The poor thing was utterly traumatized, especially when she desperately tried to wake her mother from a sleep from which she would never awaken. Luca was heartbroken at the loss of his beloved wife, but for the sake of his daughter and the family, he prevailed regardless. Ever since, Loretta was almost always at his side as he tutored and guided her throughout her life about the city, how the mafia truly worked and what she must do and whom she must become for the sake of the city and the Twilights. Unfortunately, this, however, would not last.
When she was thirteen years old, Luca Christiano was assassinated.
His death struck a blow to her from which Loretta thought that she would never get back up from, but with the guidance of Constance Raveau, Marco Adriano and Galahad Woehor, she slowly but surely began to rise stronger and harder than she’d ever been before. She ordered the immediate torture and deaths of the assassins and her men to bring her their heads. They succeeded.
In the present series, she runs the Cristiano Family with a strict yet family oriented atmosphere as one of the Four Fathers of the City. She holds the lives of thousands on her shoulders while being the crime boss of her own mafia syndicate and grieving over her guardian figure, Marco Adriano, who recently died. All she truly has is Galahad, now, but despite the losses, she must stay strong for the people.
Is secretly part of what's known as The Christiano Conspiracy, a long and deliberate plan created by her father, Luca, with one goal in mind: to have the Monroe and Corsica Families overthrown and leaving the Christiano Family the sole rulers of Ergastulum.
She loves Marina and The Diamonds, Britney Spears, Ke$ha, and his a diehard fan of The Jonas Brothers.
Loves Mean Girls, it’s a guilty favorite, but will actually flip her shit if someone catches her watching it.
Loves Christmas and Halloween. Just loves holidays in general.
she really doesn’t like the majority of authority / the police because in her eyes they don’t do shit.
she gets really pissy if someone talks down to her simply because she’s both a little girl and small
listens to a lot of explicit rap and hip hop and pop but doesn’t mind other genres either
Was canonically raised by a superhuman and a Twilight, so she’s pretty much used to anyone having immense strength or speed. She’s not surprised in the slightest.
Was raised by people of multiple ethnicities. Will get REAAAAAALLY angry at racist people.
Was raised by men most of her life, there were no mother figures as the only mother figure she had committed suicide when she was only six years old. she never asked why and doesn’t want to know, because in her eyes, she doesn’t want to know if her mother truly loved her or not because that’ll just make the pain of her passing worse.
she doesn’t like her brown eyes because they reminded her too much of her mother so she often changes them to blue with contacts. if you compliment her eyes, she’ll probably cry.
As a daughter of a woman who was once a prostitute, she gets really angry at anyone who slutshames / has whorephobia.
Although she loved her mother, her suicide had made her resentful of her.
“when you grow a pair, you can call me back”
she literally sells drugs and alcohol and runs a brothel - a lot of shit doesn’t phase her At All
she will literally risk her life for her men, friends and family, even if they are stronger than she is.
has gotten tipsy on a tropical sangria once …… it wasn’t nice
wears gucci, prada and calvin klein and will actually flip her shit if she doesn’t get a big birthday cake or any fancy clothes on her birthday.
a girl and proud
loves pink
often wonders “what would wonderwoman do?”
will call you out on your bullshit whether you like it or not
will often swear in italian and french when furious
wears “i’m doing my best” socks while rollerskating ; owns a pair of rollerskates ; she rocks at it
constantly wears her “i’m doing my best” socks and pulls them up whenever she stresses her situation
casually dances in the elevator
has literally locked marco adriano out of the car while she and galahad jammed to “oops i did it again” by britney spears in the car ……… before an important meeting between the four fathers
she loves loves loves strawberries and cherries.
has experimented with marijuana and when he found out…….. Marco Adriano Was Not Pleased
will actually shoot somebody if she doesn’t get her chicken nuggets at mcdonalds
has so many pairs of shades ; her favorite’s the heart shaped glasses
wears her late father’s ties and fashions them into bowties.
has a bunch of black letters saying girl almighty in her room 
Fries Before Guys
she really really loves her puppy dog pandora and will be furious if anything happened to her
“tell your boyfriend if he says he’s got beef that I’M A VEGETARIAN AND I’M NOT FUCKING SCARED OF HIM”
If anyone has any questions about or for her, be it ICly or OOCly, or just want to interact with her in general, then feel free to do so! She'll be the most featured muse this week so I highly encourage mutuals to interact, but it's not exactly obligatory, either.
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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Loretta Christiano Amodio Stimboard !!
x x x || x x || x x x
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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  So, since this is the last day of Loretta being this week’s muse of the week, this is my theory of what’s gonna be going on with Loretta in the next few chapters. I think she’s going to do something that’s very morally ambiguous - possibly even take a darker turn in her judgements because all these people around her are either traitors ( Marco when he went after Connie even though that meant defying her direct orders, Daniel Monroe and Miles Mayer with their treachery, whom she’d genuinely thought of as her own family,  her mother when she took her own life when she was so young ) or liars ( Monroe, Ivan, and in her eyes, Worick and possibly Nicolas ) — and I think it’ll be up to Galahad to try and convince her otherwise ... and whether or not that works depends on what happens.
  You have to remember, Loretta’s only fourteen years old, she’s still a child who’s been exposed to a lot of violence at a young age considering she grew up in Ergastulum of all places, and without Marco or her father in her life to guide her or advise her, she’s slowly becoming lost of what to do, and she hasn’t left her room in a while. All she has is Galahad now, and even so, it’s possible that he could die in battle in future chapters.
  I think Loretta’s future is highly ambiguous and open to interpretation, but I personally think she’ll go down a darker road from here on out, maybe not a full out antagonist, but a girl with darker motives and grief clouding her decisions and the obsession with keeping her father’s legacy alive by protecting the Twilights no matter what the cost.
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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A few things to note about my portrayal of Loretta Cristiano Amodio:
She loves Marina and The Diamonds, Britney Spears, Ke$ha, and his a diehard fan of The Jonas Brothers.
Loves Mean Girls, it’s a guilty favorite, but will actually flip her shit if someone catches her watching it.
Loves Christmas and Halloween. Just loves holidays in general.
As she’s canonically the boss of her own mafia syndicate at fourteen, she does... a lot of shady shit.
anything a scary as fuck mafia leader does, she does, too. she’s literally a fucking criminal
loansharking, armed robbery, illegal gambling, extortion, prostitution, fencing, drug trafficking, murder, bootlegging/gunrunning, political corruption, tax evasion, cybercrimes, contraband smuggling etc. - she really doesn’t fuck around when it comes to her father’s business or being the boss of a mafia family.
she really doesn’t like the majority of authority / the police because in her eyes they don’t do shit.
she gets really pissy if someone talks down to her simply because she’s both a little girl and small
listens to a lot of explicit rap and hip hop and pop but doesn’t mind other genres either
Was raised by a superhuman and a Twilight, so she’s pretty much used to anyone having immense strength or speed. She’s not surprised in the slightest.
Was raised by people of multiple ethnicities. Will get REAAAAAALLY angry at racist people.
Was raised by men most of her life, there were no mother figures as the only mother figure she had committed suicide when she was only six years old. she never asked why and doesn’t want to know, because in her eyes, she doesn’t want to know if her mother truly loved her or not because that’ll just make the pain of her passing go away
she doesn’t like her brown eyes because they reminded her too much of her mother so she often changes them to blue with contacts. if you compliment her eyes, she’ll probably cry.
She vapes different flavored juices instead of smoking. Marco and Galahad are completely unaware of this and she’s not about to find out what happens if she gets caught.
As a daughter of a woman who was once a prostitute, she gets really angry at anyone who slutshames / has whorephobia.
Although she loved her mother, her suicide had made her resentful of her.
“when you grow a pair, you can call me back”
is bicurious
she literally sells drugs and alcohol and runs a brothel - a lot of shit doesn’t phase her At All
has literally threatened to slaughter her assailant and then feed him to her dogs if he didn’t tell her who sent him
has ordered her father’s assassins to be tortured and killed on sight and then their heads be brought to her. she was thirteen years old at the time.
she doesn’t rely on her guards to protect her all the time ; she’s actually a very good shot.
she will literally risk her life for her men, friends and family, even if they are stronger than she is.
has gotten tipsy on a tropical sangria once ...... it wasn’t nice
wears gucci, prada and calvin klein and will actually flip her shit if she doesn’t get a big birthday cake or any fancy clothes on her birthday.
she’s just a smidge spoiled because of her late father’s wealth but she’s not like. overbearing about it to the point where it’s obnoxious and despite her father being a mafia boss, he always told her to be generous to people who are helpless. she’s surprisingly polite and formal on most occasions.
she’d actually manage pretty well on her own... for the most part, in the zombie apocalypse, considering she already knows how to shoot a gun and defend herself.
has daggers and knives hidden in her skirts. she’s not stupid, weak or defenseless.
a girl and proud
loves pink
often wonders “what would wonderwoman do?”
will take you to the best malls
will call you out on your bullshit whether you like it or not
will often swear in italian and french when furious
wears “i’m doing my best” socks while rollerskating
owns a pair of rollerskates ; she rocks at it
constantly wears her “i’m doing my best” socks and pulls them up whenever she stresses her situation
casually dances in the elevator
has literally locked marco adriano out of the car while she and galahad jammed to “oops i did it again” by britney spears in the car ......... before an important meeting between the four fathers
she loves loves loves strawberries and cherries.
has experimented with marijuana and when he found out........ Marco Adriano Was Not Pleased
will actually shoot somebody if she doesn’t get her chicken nuggets at mcdonalds
has so many pairs of shades
her favorite’s the heart shaped glasses
wears her late father’s ties and fashions them into bowties.
has a bunch of black letters saying girl almighty in her room 
Fries Before Guys
has literally had a man who was far too handsy for one of the working girls’ liking dragged out and beat by her own men and threatened that if he ever returned she would kill him herself
she really really loves her puppy dog pandora and will be furious if anything happened to her
“tell your boyfriend if he says he’s got beef that I’M A VEGETARIAN AND I’M NOT FUCKING SCARED OF HIM”
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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“Hey, uh, this might sound stupid to ask, but...” The donna turned to the other as she brushed out her long, blonde locks, “Do you think I'm pretty?” the girl inquires.
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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Loretta Christiano Amodio wasn’t always the strong willed, feisty and responsible mafia boss we know of today.
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After her mother’s tragic death by suicide, ( although there are conspiracies among the city and the Christiano Family that would suggest that she was murdered by the Corsica Family for knowing too much about certain information or she was changing the city too much with her positive, anti-war outlook. ) her father, Luca, became determined to make his only daughter happy, far moreso than he already was. As time passed, and through the loss of the Christiano Family’s beloved Matriarch, they found normalcy again, and Luca found that he was never too busy for his daughter. He doted on her and gave her everything that she could possibly ask for - she had a loving father who was one of the Four Fathers, her family had an entire estate of their own, she had two superhuman bodyguards in Galahad Woehor and Marco Adriano, and in turn, she would often accompany him on his errands as a mafioso leader and learning the ways of Ergastulum, something which is considered rare in the mafia, as heiresses to a mafia family were most uncommon.
However, due to her father’s affections and overprotective nature, Loretta had become spoiled rotten and unruly, and while she wasn’t a cruel child, the members of the Christiano Family and the other residents of the city started to doubt how fit she would be to one day lead the family and assist the Twilights, after all, Luca was a magnificent, well loved and respected leader among the city, how could a bratty princess possibly hold up to his standards? But Luca knew little of these thoughts about his daughter, for in order to shelter and protect her, he often gave her what she wanted to keep her close, but even a protective father must part from his daughter, for when danger arose in the city, much to Loretta’s displeasure, he would leave her at home, especially in matters dealing with the ever growing anti-Twilight faction problem. Whenever he told her that she wasn’t allowed to go with him, and that Galahad was to stay at home with her until he returned, she began pouting and telling him that she could stand with the rest of the mafioso and that she could fight, but Luca refused, and commanded that she stay home, the little spitfire grew resentful, after all, her father had never told her no before. So, in her selfish anger, she began to plot and sneak out of the estate after tricking Galahad into playing hide and seek with her in the giant mansion, for most of her father’s men were with him at the rally and left little men back at home so she would have little difficulty sneaking out.
So, she ventured out into the city, alone and unafraid, for the Christiano Family’s emblem was the lion, and lions were never afraid. Having snuck into Constance Raveau’s shop while she was away and snatched a few cookies before running off again, and finding herself smack in the middle of an an anti-Twilight rally.
And she saw it - violence and death, everywhere she looked.
Luckily for her, she managed to run away in time and the riots had been suppressed by the police, but Galahad had already called Luca and reported her that Loretta was nowhere to be found. Afraid for his only daughter’s life, Luca commanded that every able bodied man and woman look all over the city for her. 
When she had taken shelter in Connie’s shop, she was eating cookies while crying and trying to compose herself, so when Connie came in, she was surprised to find the little girl there, and Loretta told her what happened. It was at that moment that Connie called Luca, only to have Marco barge in and finally find Loretta, his men following shortly behind. Grateful that the little princess had been found, Luca finally arrived on the scene, thanking Constance and everyone else that was involved, and took Loretta home immediately. He grounded her for a month, Lori protested but Luca would have none of it and told her that she would apologize to Galahad the next morning, and she did as he bid. The next morning, after she apologized and Gal accepted it, she told him everything she saw at the rally that day and she asked him - and Marco who was working alongside him at the time - why Twilights were so despised, and Galahad lifted her up and Marco told her that people hated those that they did not understand. At the time, Loretta didn’t understand why he looked so distant and saddened, but as the years went n and looking back, she realized she was referring to his old self. Galahad added that there was always two sides to every story and to always question what she’s being told, and in order to ease her worries, he lifted her up in his arms again and took her flying through the air while she laughed.
Their teachings still live on in her heart, something which Loretta will never forget until she day she dies.
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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full name. Loretta Cristiano Amodio.
aka.  Lori. ‘Etta. Ettie. Lettie. Lolo. Lora. Donna.
age. 4 ( GANGSTA: CURSED. ) ; 14 ( GANGSTA. ) ; 14 ( MODERN. )
gender & pronouns. Cisgender Female &&. she/her.
orientation. Questioning ; Bicurious. Biromantic Bisexual.
species. Human.
occupation. Mafioso Boss. ( CANON. ) ; In a Modern AU, she’s a highschool student in a private school and occasionally serves as a representative of the Cristiano Family when her father is absent.
religion.  Agnostic.
residence. Ergastulum, Italy, however, since she is a mafioso boss, she could be anywhere.
leader(s). Herself.
hair. Golden, curly-wavy locks ; often tied up in a ponytail or in braids.
eyes. Brown ; occasionally wears blue eye contacts.
complexion. Ivory ; pale as white as snow.
build. Slim ; petite.
scars. N/A.
tattoos. Her father’s name, Luca, written on her right arm in cursive writing ; “bubblegum bitch” on her left arm.
piercings.  On formal occasions she wears two diamond earrings given to her by her father on her eleventh birthday - she’s very proud of them.
Notable physical features. Her brown eyes, her blonde hair and her small stature.
etc. Wears makeup and jewelry on occasion. Often wears flats and small heels, has her nails painted in multiple different ways and often wears her late father’s ties.
face claim(s). Loretta herself in all aspects, Willow Shields.
voice claims(s). Alexis Tipton; Billie Eilish ( singing ).
zodiac. Leo ( Western ; July 24th, 2001. ).
alignment. Morally Grey ; leans towards Neutral Good in some instances.
allegiance. The Cristiano Family.
hogwarts. Gryffindor.
positive traits. Ambitious. Assertive. Adventurous. Alluring. Astute. Adaptable. Animated. Bubbly. Beautiful. Brave, Capricious. Careful. Charming. Compassionate. Comforting. Considerate. Courageous. Courteous. Curious. Cultured. Creative. Cunning. Clever. Determined. Devoted. Dominant. Durable. Daring. Daydreamer. Decisive. Empathetic. Enthusiastic. Efficient. Emotional. Excitable. Expert strategist. Erudite. Feminine. Fearless. Free-spirited. Frivolous. Flexible. Fun-loving. Generous. Sisterly. Family oriented. Hard-working. Headstrong. Imaginative. Impressionable. Independent. Individualistic. Intuitive. Insightful. Intelligent. Loving. Loyal. Mature. Musical. Neurotic. Observant. Passionate. Playful. Proud. Persistent. Percipient. Pragmatic. Professional. Protective. Punctual. Polite. Regal. Reliable. Resilient. Relaxed. Responsible. Resourceful. Sincere. Sentimental. Selfless. Strong. Suave. Tactical. Tender. Thoughtful. Versatile. Trustworthy. Tough. Unrelenting. Well-intentioned. Whimsical. Willful.
negative traits. Anxious. Apathetic. Cynical. Good liar. Dangerous. Deceptive. Depressed. Disdainful. Distrustful. Distant. Derisive. Devious.  Enigmatic. Exhausted. Finicky. Fixated. Forceful. Grim. Greedy. Holier-Than-Thou tendencies. Imperious. Impulsive. Indifferent. Insecure. Insomniac. Irritable. Jealous. Haunted. Lonely. Manipulative. Miserable. Morbid. Mordant. Morose. Moody. Nefarious. Obsessive. Passive-aggressive. Petulant. Pessimistic. Psychologically damaged. Sardonic. Saddened. Sassy. Satirical. Scandalous. Secretive. Resentful. Ruthless. Self-conscious. Sly. Stoic. Stubborn. Temperamental. Tenacious. Traumatized. Tortured. Tormented. Trusts no one. Uncompromising. Unethical. Unstable. Unsociable. Wicked. Withdrawn. Vain. Vengeful. Weary. Wrathful. Wry.
mental. Depressive disorders. Seasonal Depression. C-PTSD, Abandonment Issues. Insomnia. Survivor’s guilt. Hypochondriac. Trust Issues. 
physical. N/A.
phobias. Atelephobia ( the fear of never being good enough ), Atychiphobia ( the fear of failure ).
eyesight. Perfectly clear.
drug use. N/A. Has experimented with marijuana once in her lifetime with her classmates. Vapes, however.
alcohol use. Social drinker, though Galahad and Marco limit this.
diet. omnivore.
addictions. A hoarder of trophies and souvenirs from her travels around the world, keeping her father’s legacy alive.
birth place. Florence, Italy.
hometown. Ergastulum, Italy.
ethnicity. Caucasian ; of Italian ( predominant ), French, Spanish, Norwegian and Swedish descent. For simplicity's sake, however, she identifies as Italian.
parents. Luca Cristiano ( father ; deceased ) ; Sherry Cristiano ( mother ; deceased ) ; Galahad Woehor ( father figure ; alive ) ; Marco Adriano ( guardian figure ; deceased ).
significant other(s). Unattached.
siblings. N/A.
children. N/A.
pets. A Teacup Pompsky ( Pomeranian / Husky mix ) named Pandora.
education. High.
notable skills. She’s quite the skilled learner. She’s an excellent storyteller. Although inexperienced and never having truly made her public debut, she inherits her mother’s lovely singing voice, she’s very shy about it, however. She was also taught how to shoot a gun from a young age by her father and later Constance Raveau and is a pretty damn good shot. She also has the potential to be quite the intimidating little girl, as she threatened to kill a man and feed him to her dogs if he didn’t tell her who sent him to assassinate her at age fourteen.
languages. Fluent in Italian, English, French, and Spanish.
passions. Taking care of others, being with her friends and family, coloring, shopping, baking, fashion, listening to music, fawning over animals, rollerskating, sailing, eating sweets and desserts, observing flowers/nature, singing, dancing, showering herself in luxury, cake decorating, gardening, hiking, swimming, astrology, traveling, reading.
Loretta was born to mafioso leader and one of the Four Great Fathers of the city of Ergastulum, Luca Cristiano, and a prostitute-turned-donna, Sherry Cristiano.
From the moment she was born, Luca absolutely fawned over his little lioness and showered her with love, attention and gifts, from jewelry to dresses to fur coats and vacations. Her mother, Sherry, loved her sweet daughter and would used to brush her hair every morning and tell her that she was her little princess. Loretta was always protected no matter where she went by the Cristiano’s mafioso, most especially by Galahad Woehor and Marco Adriano, and they loved, cherished, pampered and protected her with their lives. To them, she was a symbol of innocence and gentle emotions, all the things these hardened criminals have lost, not to mention Luca would be absolutely furious if she even got a scratch or if something happened to her that could’ve been prevented.
Although she was showered in love and luxury since she was a little girl, Luca soon began to realize that Loretta was the only heir to the family, and although he didn’t want to push the burden on her young shoulders, he knew it was necessary for not only the family but the entire city of Ergastulum.
When she was only six years old, tragedy struck when her beloved mother committed suicide by overdosing rather than suffer through the hallucinations that she endured. The poor thing was utterly traumatized, especially when she desperately tried to wake her mother from a sleep from which she would never awaken. Luca was heartbroken at the loss of his beloved wife, but for the sake of his daughter and the family, he prevailed regardless. Ever since, Loretta was almost always at his side as he tutored and guided her throughout her life about the city, how the mafia truly worked and what she must do and whom she must become for the sake of the city and the Twilights. Unfortunately, this, however, would not last.
When she was thirteen years old, Luca Cristiano was assassinated.
His death struck a blow to her from which Loretta thought that she would never get back up from, but with the guidance of Constance Raveau, Marco Adriano and Galahad Woehor, she slowly but surely began to rise stronger and harder than she’d ever been before. She ordered the immediate torture and deaths of the assassins and her men to bring her their heads. They succeeded.
In the present series, she runs the Cristiano Family with a strict yet family oriented atmosphere as one of the Four Fathers of the City. She holds the lives of thousands on her shoulders while being the crime boss of her own mafia syndicate and grieving over her guardian figure, Marco Adriano, who recently died. All she truly has is Galahad, now, but despite the losses, she must stay strong for the people.
PORTRAYAL. predominantly canon compliant and headcanon based ; open to canon divergent plots.
SHIPPING. open ; selective.
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