darkkitty1208 · 6 months
Sooooo. Hi. I'm back from the dead.
Some updates for if anyone is interested at all (under cut for those who, well, are not):
IRL is not doing Super Great but it could be worse and thankfully it isn't. The Horrors persist but so do I
I've been at a low the past few weeks (emotionally and err, otherwise) and have been generally lethargic lately but I'm building myself back up and that's all that matters, I think. Otherwise I am doing pretty fine :v
I think part of the reason why I've been so afraid to come back on here is because I felt the need (not pressure, just like, an incessant urge) to create more fics to post and share. And I know there's no real pressure here and if anything I write for myself, but still. The feeling is there.
Speaking of which: I've been distancing myself from writing these days and I wasn't exactly sure why, and it took me a while to understand why I was reacting that way. So creating and writing for me requires a feeling of creative fulfillment and I've been lacking that lately. These days all I've been doing is writing out prompts and barely putting in the effort to write anything substantial or, yk. Something I can be passionate about or proud and satisfied of. Not that I wasn't enjoying it, there's still several works I'm proud of and loved writing like the Stephen healing arc fic from about a month or so ago, but I needed to feel like it was less an obligation and more like how I intended it to be: a fun, no-pressure, enjoyable hobby. I'm gonna be directing my works towards that now and focus on how *I* feel about it first before others. (For a long time I thought I understood that well enough to actually do it, but dear god is it easier said than done. Been writing for I think nearly 4 years now and I still struggle with this for some reason. Ugh. The brain can be weird sometimes.)
But anyway; I am not quitting, I will keep writing, I'm sorry I was gone for so long and without warning (again) xP
Also. I cut my thumb by accident with a knife (I was slicing an apple, I do not like the skin of apples) the other day and it is Not ideal. Typing this out on mobile and by thumbs is Not a great idea. Ouchies. Another reason I haven't been writing.
Anyway. That's probably everything. For now I'll try to catch up on all the things I've missed while gone! :D
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