soleadita · 1 year
okay yes listen buck is an all american rejects fan for sure he also related to teenage dirtbag on a worryingly deep level and he would spend hours listening to the same fall out boy song on repeat while reading the lyric booklet bc he wanted to be the guy that knew exactly what they were saying. he knows all the words to every song green day has ever put out his favorite album is nimrod because maddie would play it when he was a kid (you cannot convince me maddie didn’t go through a mild edgy phase in the form of listening to albums her parents hated). also he unironically likes weezer. thanks.
bia!! i love u!! yes buck and weezer and green day and teenage dirtbag also he listens to dirty little secret and feels sad bc he's def been the dirty little secret in his time. and while he's doing his little cross-country adventuring he blasts california by phantom planet unironically and ok who can blame him, it's a BOP.
ok and: buck is a lyric booklet girlie (gn)???? of COURSE????!!!! because. well. i can't quite put into words why this makes sense, but it just does. something about wanting acceptance so badly and thinking that if he Knows The Words, Yes, The Right Words, he'll be one step closer to getting people to like him, bc doesn't everyone want to know the right words, but he doesn't realize that the unspoken agreement is you sit there and listen and listen and listen and eventually figure it out on your own. and also. maybe not everyone cares about The Right Words (tm) as much as you do. something about doing Too Much and being Too Earnest in a way that people find just slightly off-putting and you have no idea why. idk. i'm literally just sayin shit at this point. (am i projecting. is my tism showing. no. yes. shh.)
anyway. which fall out boy songs were in his rotation i need to know this immediately.
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