#ALSO i saw some article about this ep that was like oh kommissar lannert stayed way too cool during this whole situation. like sorry that
weidli · 3 months
obviously That scene in preis des lebens has a lot going on in every way but the bit where i really lose it every time is when sebastian's had his breakdown over the grossfahndung with emilia trying to talk him down and then thorsten (who has been all this time looking through the in-room glass windows at their desks and not At sebastian) is like Well what is it. do you have a photo of her or should i go take the one out of your desk. somehow that really drives home the point of it like it really is all about trust. sebastian tells thorsten about maja being kidnapped and it means I trust you not to tell anyone else i trust you not to get me taken off this case i trust you to somehow magically have a solution for this. and then thorsten obviously is like What no we need HELP we can't do this alone and sebastian hears I don't think you can do this i don't TRUST you to do this. when really what is going on is thorsten hears I am in danger of losing my daughter violently and prematurely like you did and can't live with the idea of throwing less than everything he's got at the problem. and then sebastian follows thorsten to the kommissariat anyway thinking. what? that they'll come up with a different solution on the way there? that thorsten will just follow sebastians example and lie suspiciously badly about why they need nika's help? and thorsten tells emilia and nika and well. we all know what happens then. sebastian sees it as broken trust and throws the biggest thing thorsten's ever trusted him with (lilli) back in thorsten's face (In front of emilia and nika!!). and then it doesn't work to make thorsten back off of course because that's what this is all about (thorstens sense of purpose (aside from just wanting to help maja because she's maja of course) IS i don't want what happened to me to happen to you). and sebastian cries openly and thorsten turns his back to all of them and says only what he has to. which is among other things. I know where you keep pictures of your daughter are you going to give them to me or do i have to take them. (i will keep this from happening to you even if i have to go through you to do it)
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