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Azran Legacy Guidebook - Page 88
Previous Page: Page 87
Mysterious self-proclaimed ‘mad scientist’ named Jean Descole. The purpose of his actions are unclear, but he is interested in Azran ruins. He is a master of disguise, but this time he acts as somebody unexpected.
This time too, he makes his entrance and stands in the way of Layton and co. in the second half of the story.
Despite opposing one another as enemies, when their goals align, he is prepared to cooperate.
(it then lists his puzzle voice lines)
Actions in the Prequel Trilogy
In “Last Specter”, he appears as the mastermind behind the spectre and the destruction of the town, however Layton’s actions end his plan in failure. In “Miracle Mask”, he is the mastermind of the incident, hoping to acquire the power of the Mask of Miracles. He was also operating behind the scenes in the movie “The Eternal Diva”, but again Layton’s actions led to his failure.
Wearing such a disguise, his true self couldn’t be seen. He was able to tempt and manoeuvre people, showing great cunning.
Japanese Text:
自ら「悪の科学者」を名乗るナゾの男、ジャン・デスコ ー ル。その行動の理由は不明だが、アスラントの遺跡に関心を持っている。変装の名人で、今回も意外な人物として振る舞っていた。
セカンドシ ー ズンでの暗躍 「魔神の笛 」 では、町を破壊る魔神の事件の黒幕として姿を見せたが、レイトンの一活躍もあり(計画は失敗に終わっている。 「奇跡の仮面」、でも事件の黒幕としてぐ奇→跡の仮面の力を得るために行動していた。映画「永遠の歌姫」でも暗躍したが、レイトンの活躍で失敗に終わった
その変装術により、なかなか本当つ姿は見せなかった 人をそそのかして操る、 ずるがしこさを見せた
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