sanguinaryrot · 9 months
by the way. im making a lego set but i had to pause to say. Clarice failed in its basic fucking thesis statement. you can tell the creators wanted to uplift minority voices; opposing sexism racism and transphobia are some of the basic themes of the show and we saw them explicitly say shit like we want to address problems like transphobia in the original movie. but we saw them take a minor cishet white male character whose one characteristic was that he was a sexist and they elevated him to a charismatic hero. like. do you fucking hear yourselves. I don’t have a problem with cishet white male characters in general but when you see a perfectly good secondary antagonist already established in the text and decide actually “he’s one of the good ones don’t worry about it” it really fucking shatters any illusion that you give a shit.
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survivoremathia · 7 years
Ep. 13 - "Basically now, its time for 'Ye Old Big Moveth'" - Ali
I would have won. Fuck u tn Ali.
This is insanity. I think in my fear I might be able to flip people to Lydia or Trevor. Because I'm angry. AND IF I GO, I've got one HELL of a voting confessional that's gonna make Lydia not last much longer. Bye bye. You're a sweet person, but no matter what the tarot cards say, you're a threat here.
So! Logan tells me that Ali said that Trevor wanted me out this round???? Which is okay. Because I kind of wanted him out too except I wouldn't vote for him. Except now apparently he's voting me?? Anyways I go to ryan and tell him that Trevor is gonna win but I don't wanna vote him and then right afterwards Trevor texts me and says.... 'I'm voting you out' lmaooooo Good one Ryan!!! You sure played me!!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaa!!! So I told Trevor it's okay and that I already knew but that I wouldn't write his name down and idk it's just frustrating??? I'm in a bad position. I can't talk to anyone without them telling someone else except for maybe Logan. Which means the only person I have to rely on is Trevor but he's also like....going. To win. ?????? Idk what Ryan's plan is? He told me he couldn't beat JD or Ali. And there's no way in hell he beats Trevor. So idk what he thinks he is doing. Like why does he want Logan or me out and then leave three people who beat him in the final six with him when it's most likely going to be a final three....????? That doesn't make sense to me. But it's okay!!!!!! :) My focus this round I guess has to shift from targeting someone else to just making sure it isn't me. Fun. I'm gonna lose
I had my anger directed at the wrong girl, apparently. Hopefully... hopefully Lydia won't play her idol on JD. I'm praying so much. If she does, that idol is going to RTP, and we're screwed. I snaked on Ali and Trevor and it backfired, too. I told Owen about Trevor targeting him... maybe... I don't know. I want Owen to trust me, so I gave him The Herb (moly), so hopefully he won't get too pissed. I'm gonna vote off JD because she's #cominforme. Bye hun.
IM LITERALLY BEING SO MESSY BECAUSE I HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO DO I HAVE NO WHERE ELSE LIKE I MY BACK IS AGAINST THE WALL???? So I talked to Trevor and he says him and Lydia will vote for JD. But I couldn't help myself so I went and talked to Ali and told him that Lydia and Trevor decide everything?????? Oh my god????? Help. I'm being way too messy but like.... let's see what happens.
Lydia and I are running this game. This round is super tricky and Lydia and I need to set ourselves up to be in the best possible position at the f6 and i think we figured it out. owen and trevor say they have logan....and jd and ali say they have logan....so rather than pick a side and be wrong we are going to split ourselves up...im going to vote owen/trevor with jd and ali while they think logan is voting that way...and lydia is gonna vote with owen and trevor for jd thinking logan is voting that way...essentially logan gets to decide what happens tonight...if logan votes out jd then i just act like i did 4 rounds ago and freak out about keeping owen and trevor around....if owen goes then its all good. lydia has an idol which means next round when jd uses her oasis thing if she is still here we can use that idol to keep us safe at f5 and f6. the only thing that would fuck this plan is if they target me or lydia which we are both going to try and prevent. wish us luck!
https://youtu.be/-EF8P2K3xRU Hey, this is the video for last round that didn't upload in time.
Whew, this vote is developing. Basically now, its time for 'Ye Old Big Moveth'. What it'll hopefully be, is moi,JD,Logan and Owen voting out one of Ryan/Lydia/Trevor, who are a scary trio. Its the right move for me, as those three are all SUPER scary at the end. Furthermore, if it falls through, I have my idol to save myself next round :) Furthermore, Ryan has been spreading that I'm a threat! Like, little old me? I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing, where the zipper has gotten stuck! Like I could be a threat, but I've probably flubbed stuff up. But I'm SOO excited that people think I'm a threat. Who knows, maybe I'll pull this off! :)
So there are some things in the world that have happened that could be true or false. Here is the scenario where nobody lies to me: I've successfully convinced Ali, JD, and Logan to vote for Ryan, and I also made Ali think it was his idea. I went to him and I was like...listen look at who is in charge! And they've told me all this stuff about you and JD! And also pls don't tell! Thanks! And he was like who do we vote... And I faksjhjdfs I was thinkign Ryan bc if Lydia used her idol, she can't give it to Trevor and she prob wouldn't idol Ryan - but before I could say all of that, Ali brought up Ryan himself!!! :') Wow this mist!!! Honestly Ali is a smart guy. Except for his mouth. Because he also....told me....he has.....an idol. sajkdfhadskjfadskfhakjshfkjsahfdkjshfkjdshfkjshkjdfhskjdfhkjsdhjkdshdj fuck? I literally ok. He lied to me at first and then. One sec lemme find the tea. [5:24:50 PM] Owen (Island of Shade Host): Do we have any idea what happened to sams idol??? [5:26:01 PM] Ali: I think it died with him :( Like, the hosts said he tried to pass it off, but it was too late. [5:26:17 PM] Ali: Fun Fact: I had no idea that he had an idol, till after he was voted out. [5:26:40 PM] Owen (Island of Shade Host): Omg imagine if you had gotten it though that would be so great awwww [5:26:54 PM] Owen (Island of Shade Host): He never told you??? [5:27:21 PM] Ali: No :( [5:27:31 PM] Ali: Can I backtrack...? :) [5:27:40 PM] Ali: I was gonna keep it under wraps [5:27:48 PM] Ali: But its BURNING ME UP INSIDE [5:27:56 PM] Ali: I have it :) Please tell NOBODY [5:28:58 PM] Owen (Island of Shade Host): HDJDJDJD ARE TOU SEEIOUS [5:29:00 PM] Owen (Island of Shade Host): Ali I'm dying ????? If he's telling the truth then first of all wow that was easy to get him to spill and second wow what the fuck. Whew!!!!!! So I talked to JD and Logan as well and they're allegedly all on board to do Ryan. Hnnnngh Then on the other side, Trevor apparently talked to Lydia who talked to Ryan and somehow they all decide to save me and vote JD instead because of JDs item in the labyrinth and because they're annoyed by JD and stuff???? fsakjhfdsjkds god I seriously am in too deep. Which potentially means: JD and Ali vote Ryan, Lydia, Ryan, and Trevor vote for JD, and Logan and I are the swings. That's where the problem comes in because it means....someone is gonna be pissed. But I really do think it's best if Ryan goes, becayse Trevor and Lydia are gonna want to keep him over me, but they might not want to keep Ali and JD over me later. Plus, I'll earn JD and Ali's trust. And then next round, I potentially have options again because JD and Ali might still think that Trevor is a threat, and I can tell Lydia and Trevor that it's my plan to split votes between JD and Ali next turn. It'll all be okay. Hopefully. But that all only matters if everyone is....telling the truth. Which is unlikely. I find it hard to believe that JD and Ali will keep their mouths shut. So I'm still assuming I'm leaving tonight - but if I do, at least I can say I tried!!!!! I'm feelin a coup lfsjhdfsl let's see if the universe feels back.
Ryan was apparently trying to get Logan to flip so idk. There's a third possibility: me and Logan vote for Ryan, Trevor and Lydia vote for JD, and Ali, JD, and Ryan send me home 3-2-2. But if that happens oh well. I don't want to just vote JD.
Someone's getting blindsided. I hope it's not me.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Md6VtXyFwY My video confessional from this round. This video is older than my written confessional, so should probably be put first.
So yes, this tribal will go one of three ways. Ether it's me, Owen, or Ryan. I think that the idol, oHHHH sorry, I think that Lydias idol is going to get played not Ali's. (ALI HAS AN IDOL, Bless Sam, if he's just have stayed with me and Ali this would have turned out so much different) Bless Ali too but he is young and I think that we both trusted Lydia longer then we should have. I think that shes going to play the idol and ether me or Owen will go home. Or she'll play the idol for Trevor and Ryan will actually go home. That being said it's all assuming that myself, Owen, Ali and Logan are all voting together and that we are a solid group. This vote will show that or not. And let me tell you something, if you have said at the start of the merge that my final 4 was going to change to Ali, Owen and Logan, I would have laughed in your face. https://68.media.tumblr.com/97226d044462bda6b48745561f125a60/tumblr_o5yc9zGZ8N1uzh224o1_500.gif And I guess after tonight we will see what happens. The only other option I can see if if Owen and Trevor aren't actually at odds and Owen is still working with them. Then I'm going home tonight, then Logan, then Ryan then Owen. Cus Lydia and Trevor will not sit with Owen, but probably think they can beat Ali. I'll vote for Ali over them any day of the week, but I also know everything that they has thought in this game.
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