wanton-votaress · 5 months
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Eating so well right now y’all don’t even know
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possuminnit · 11 months
hi lainey how is the omens that are good treating you today(<-he has been rewatching season 2 nonstop for the past 2 days both to build up watched minutes for the renewal and to hopefully grow numb to the burn of ep6!!!)
hi sunny i dont know how to be sane anymore ! ive also been rewatching it a bunch though mostly with specific scenes i keep revisiting bc they make me giggly or grieve for 4 billion years. or bc im trying to poke out details i didnt notice at first .PLUS im also rewatching it with my irl currently so yippay...<- agonized. he keeps asking me questions about it and i have to painfully go "donot get me started i will spoil everything for you right now" ABHJSDF
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mechagalaxy · 5 years
Sten Hugo Hiller - 627184: My Clan war `46
(By Sten Hugo Hiller - 627184)
My Clan war `46
First opponents: Black Star Lycan Rangers
We of the Star League are not the most flashy of clans, and while we have gotten some prizes over the years the only time we rose to the top was back in the war of `10.
As most Commanders naturally seek those clans who can give them top prizes, we are in something of a bind when it comes to personell.
Back when Paulzilla ran the show, we managed pretty decently due to his knack of doing the right things. But when he left us for the Spirit of Bunny back in `33 he made the probably worst command decision in his career.
He made me his heir.
The rest of the clan assumed he knew what he was doing, and let me fumble on for to many years. This led to disasterous results, and drove away several of our members in disgust, most missed among them our 20 ton specialist Caitlyn Mainer who returned back to the Bunnies.
In the following years it went from bad to worse to horrible.
My lack of leadership skills made recruiting close to impossible, and several of our Commanders were lost in actions against the would be galactic overlords.
Not being capable of recruiting fresh Commanders, we fought on with leaderless formations, hoping that some of those MIAs would find their way back to us.
Finally Tony Hoogheem surfaced.
I immediately called for a vote of no confidence against me as leader, and suggested Tony to pick up the shattered remains and try to build us back to what we once were.
So far he have done an excellent job, but we are still looking for a couple additional Commanders. If any of you feel like struggling against close adversaries, give him a call and try us out for a time. --- As the war aproached, Tony lost some of his cool when he still was unable to find our last MIA, Eric Loar. He was not happy about my lackluster performance in the last 30 ton event either, but as Rob had taken Gold in the same event, he had some of proven ability to run that tonnage.
As for me.. My heavyest Mechs were still jigsaw puzzles, so he decided to let me try out in the mandatory 70 ton formation. I was not confident in that role, but someone had to do it, and the others had after all working BFMs Jorge had done well in the tonnage limited 1200 total in the previos wars, and were chosen as our last specialist
Then Tony went around doing what a good leader does. Encouraging, helping and advicing. This took quite a few hours off his sleep cycles so he started getting a bit frayed around the edges. And when the listing of the divisions and first round opponents was anounced he went a bit animated.
"Rangers round one, we are doomed" Turning to me he added "They will probably blow up everything and everyone in sight, I wish there was some way to assure us having parts and ammo for the two other battledays" Then he went on his way to make us as prepared as possible.
Well, in fact there was a way to assure the Rangers never touched our supplies or ammo. All I had to do was send it away to someplace other, and have it returned in time for the two other battles. It would leave us having only the onboard ammo, and a very limited amount of spares, but if we kept it around the Rangers would probably destroy it anyway….
The battleplan Tony presented to us was so well formulated that even I was supposed to understand it. On the southern flank Jorge`s 1200 would hold the 1200 pass, and in the marshy southeast corner Rob`s 30s would lurk, ready to pounce on any opponents that managed to mire themselves down. I was to hold the broken terrain of the northern flank using my 70`s
My problem was that I did not really have a formation worthy of the name of 70 tonners.
But if you cant win by straight up fighting, use guile.
Some might consider what I did to be cheating, but as someone once said: "If you aint cheating, you aint trying hard enough"
To get to our rear area, the Rangers would have to travel through a valley that wound up into some fairly impressive peaks. Said peaks was the result of some, geologically speaking, fairly recent volcanic activity.
Getting hold of some worn signs warning of volcanic activity, and some weathered maps showing alternative routes, I placed them on the aproaches to the valley. In addition, quite a lot of brimstone was buried to give off the distinctive reek, and then came the crowning achievement.
Hollowing out one of the peaks and placing my Mechs in position to fire unobserved into it, we started heating the area. A liberal sprinkling of charcoal (constantly renewed) sent dark ashy clouds into the air, and just as the war officially started the stone started melting and slowly flowed toward the valley as a trickle of lava. I dont know if this fooled the Rangers, but at least none of them appeared inmy area of operations.
As for how the Battle went for the rest of the clan...
The Rangers struck first.
A taskforce consisting of Leeboy Wegenast, Don and Luana Alligood with Mark Shc Wiseman descended upon us. Totally unneccesary from my point of view, they got reinforced by Karl Kash, Richard Kangas and Russ Painter. They came in fast and hard and blew up every Star Leaguer they could find. Our top pilot, Able Hunter, managed to get out of the trap and ambushed Craig Vannes for our first win. 19-1 to them.
Probably infuriated by this meddling in what their plans had supposed to be a one-sided slaughter, Kangas continued his sweep. Rob Treepe tried unsuccsessfully to intercept Wegenast as he went back for more ammo, so Wiseman, Donald Anthony Alligood and Vannes decided to blow us up some more. 32-1.
Mark Cassese made a couple valiant, but doomed attacks to give our medics some moments to evacuate critically wounded personell. In response Sheila Retherford was called in to blow us up some more. Mark put himself in harms way once more, and Russ Painter responded by blowing up a couple more of us. 44-1
Jorge Roman and Tony Hoogheem had managed to get into what seemd like an advantageous position, but their attacks was crushed. Luana, Wiseman and Painter went around looking for ammodumps and blew up a couple more of our formations. 53-1.
While Painter still was active, Able tried yet again to stem the tide. roward was dispatched to keep pummeling us, and Mark failed another attack 58-4.
At this point Tony was caught in the open by Wiseman. He waved off his clanmates, so they took a break from the general mayhem they had been dishing out to watch how he crushed our leader. His Frontine consisteng of a Pike, a Warden, an Apototron, a Notos and a Reaper squared off against Tony`s 3 Aspisès,supported by an Ignis and a Torrent.
The first major hit was when wisemans Apto managed a superhit on Tony`s Torrent. In addition to the regular hit there was Splash, Fork and Wide Fork involved and Tony`s line took a severe pounding. But the Torrent fired back and one of the missiles found an vulnerable spot, goodbye Apto. Wiesmans Notos stepped up and sent a blast that all but melted the Torrent, the residential fires forced into shutdown a few moments later. One of Tony`s Aspises landed a multiple driven blow on the Pike, the heavy damage was not quite enough to fell it, but the Fork that acompanied the hit sent the Warden into an immediate shutdown. Another couple of hits later the Pike was history as well, and the shutdown Warden got blown up by a grazing hit as well. The Exchange continued, and hit after hit was landed, but not until Tony`s Ignis managed to get a flametoungue into the vitals of the Reaper was another Mech downed. The Ignis then got in another Critical hit and the Notos was history as well.
Wisemans second line, pure Boreas, advanced. Landing telling blows they blew Tony`s remaining shot up Mechs apart before they managed to get off a single shot in return.
Tony`s second line, consisting of two Anubisès flanking the main comabatants, an Apatatron, a Fext and a Notos stepped forth. The top Anubis launched a Jurrasic Thunder that spread mayhem over the whole line of Boreases by Wide Forking them. More shots were exchanged without doing more than reducing armor, and then Tony`s Notos melted one of the Boreasès. The bottom Anubis hit with another Jurressic Thunder, and in addition to blowing up one Boreas, the Wide fork shut down the others. Polishing the shutdown Mechs off was the work of moments. . Wisemans third line entered the fray. A Fext and a Humbaba supprted by a trio of 90 tonners, Antithesis, Regis and Ignis. After a furious exhange of heavy, but not telling blows, Wisemans Humbaba launched an overpowered Omen Barrell. In addition to blowing up the Apto, the Fork sent the Notos into an emegency shutdown as well. Said Humbaba launched another couple telling blows as well, by critting first the Fext and then the Notos. The last Anubis fought grimly on, but the weight of fire was against it. It landed a couple more blows, then the Ignis gave it a Coup de Grace.
Tonys third line, an Apatotron flanked by two Boreas and two Regises stepped up. Wisemans Mechs got the drop on them and scored several hits, none of them telling. Then the bottom Boreas finally got its Amarok ready. The forking shot blew the Antithesis apart and shut down the Regis. The other Boreas, not to be outdone, sent a Winters Grasp downrange, blowing up the Humbaba and shutting down the Ignis. After Tony`s top Regis had finished off Wisemans Regis by means of an Rage Pulsar it was just some mopping up to do before they was challenged by a new line.
Wisemans 4th Line consisted of a Notos and a Humbaba backed by another trio of 90 tonners, Ignis, Antithesis and Regis again. Wisemans Mechs landed a few blows, but Tony responded by critting the Regis With an Amarok. To add insult to injury he managed to turn it into a Wide Fork as well, shutting down two more Mechs. The Anti was blown up by a Regis and the Notos was felled by an Amarok from a Boreas that also sent another Mech into shutdown. Wisemans Notos, now without active linemates, managed to get off a solid blow before it disappered as part of the general cleanup.
Wisemans 5th line consisted of a trio of Dreadnoughts backed up by a Torrent and a Frigis. One of the Dreadnoughts was quickliy felled by a Rage Pulsar from a Regis, then Wisemans Torrent landed a solid blow on one of the Boreasès. It was not enough to put it out of action, but the cloud of shrapnell tok out the last armor of Tony`s Apto so it was now reduced to a non-firing target. A Boreas blew the offending Torrent to pieces, and then it was a flurry of hard but nontelling blows. But the pounding was to much for Wisemans Mechs, and they slowly disintegrated as their armor disappeared.
The 6th line of Wiseman entered the fray. Two Anubis`es backed up by an Ignis, a Rudy and an Onyx. After some introductionary exchange of fire, the Onyx finished off Tony`s Apto, then Tony`s Regisès put paid to first one Anubis and then the Ignis. A Boreas polished off the Rudy, and both the Onyx and the Last Anubis was blown up before they managed to inflict any serious damage
The last line of Wiseman consisted of two Typhoons and a Fext, screened by an Archlight and a Frigis. They managed to get off a total of one shot before Tony`s veterans blew them apart.
After Wiseman loss to Tony, something that brought Weganast and both the Retherfords into the fray to keep us busy while he was extracted, we were once more reduced to the role of targets in the Rangers game of "Whack-a-Star Leaguer". As a last reminder for us to stay down, Kash and Vannes blew us up some more.
In the end we were crushed 74-5.
The sad part? They could probably gotten twice as many wins without working up a serious sweat
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