c-nstellati-ns ยท 1 year
just finish across the spiderverse. it was quite frankly fucking amazing and dont expect me to ever shut up about it ever. anyways send me requests abt miguel, hobbie, spot and peter b parker i need to thirst NOW
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percyshipz ยท 2 years
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Mon.kie k.id sona lessgooo!!!! Decided to make them a Tenko ( A chinese nine-tailed fox spirit ). Mostly just here to cause mischief although nothing harmful, Mostly just things they'd find amusing! Probably some build up w/ them mysteriously helping M.K on a couple occasions before revealing themself. Don't have a name for them yet - But I'll work on it. I did a decent level of research for my sona on the topic on nine-tailed fox spirits but if I am wrong, Please feel free to let me know so I can correct the info!
Apon the making of mega.polis, Was situated there as the resident fox spirit. From then on has lived there and watched the city grow into what it is today. However, Although I'm not sure what right now: Something happened and they had to leave to go to the celestial realm - After finding it... very plain, Decided to come back and WOW, they aren't used to all the tech. Really loves the arcade tho.
Totally one of those " god is just a title " type people. Doesn't really clock in stuff like that. Not really got an opinion on anyone they haven't met personally. Has encountered Su.n Wu.kong and Maca.que once or twice before. Thought they seemed alright.
They absolutely can possess people but don't. They find the whole experience and process in general weird and feel horrible about taking advantage of someone like that, Unless there ard certian circumstances. They only do if when they feel it's extremely nessacery or extremely harmless ( like a prank ) something along those line.
Though they are mischievous and enjoy stirring up trouble, They go out of their way to make sure noone would get hurt and if the siruation arises, They will quickly fix it to resolve the conflict. As much as they love a good joke, They know when something goes to far, Which sometimes labels them as a killjoy amongst other Huli Jing and Tenko but they genuinely dislike seeing people hurt.
They're a spirit medium and can communicate with the dead. Although it takes somewhat of a toll on their mental state, Does this as a side hussle so they can receive money and what not. They do remain honest with this and can be concidered a ' reliable source ' when communicating with the dead.
They have 3 shape shifting forms really, A basic fox, Half fox / Human looking thing and full on human. Which at the current moment, Human seems to be their favourite. Great for camoflauging in and away from demons ( Since some may recognise them ).
Also NEVER uses another ability unless relevant: Can make people lose their memory aka bewilder them. They can do this with peetty much anyone and everything. Beleives everything can be learned from and mistakes or conflict should not be forgotten so doesn't. Would only do this if they were in serious danger or people they concidered ' loved ones ' were in trouble for knowing them. Has done this in the past to keep people safe and tends to keep themself from creating close bonds
Probably has a small shrine somewhere in Mega.polis they concider " home " since they don't have any actual place of residence which is why they look so shabby. Probably bunks at the ' secret base ' when they actually become good enough friends w/ everyone to do so.
Ended up meeting and befriending M.K at the arcade. Both of them bonded over , After hearing Pig.sy's Noodle's was STILL A THING, Actually used to go there back in the day and loved it. Ordered some out of curiousity and since then, has become, one again, a frequent order-to-go regular. Which Pig.sy hasn't met, But they do sometimes hang around the outside looking at the menu.
Before Pig.sy, Ta.ng and M.ei, The ones who are more likely to frequent the shop KNEW who they were, let alone were on good terms with M.K - Was nicknamed Scruffy and was what one could consider the stranger that you see regularly but haven't talked / interacted with. Kinda became a mini-joke after they were aquinted.
Mo and the rest of San.dy's therapy cats were onto them before anyone else. Essentially like most paranormal stuff, The animal picks up on it before the people do and little antics ensue, Bet they had a hissing match. Someone walked in and my sona was just like ' Uh, they started it '. But they built up trust and get along well probably.
I have two seperate timelines, One for my San.dy selfship and then another for Pig.sy. Would explain but I'm tired and lazy to go into detail and write about anything. Asks are encouraged if you wanna ask anything tho,
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