lombax-lombardi · 6 years
Scientific Structure~
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Summary: A Scientist follows a set chart for their day to day. Until Seven’s gets interrupted by a somewhat unwanted, but welcomed visitor.
“These numbers don’t match” she mumbled under her breath, earning a slight gaze from Ienzo, peeking at the robot from his eye lashes.
“Is there something wrong with the formula I have presented?” he asked, the brunette lifted her head giving him a slight frown. “No, it is just these numbers do not match the ones I have used to make the prototype for this cure...” 
The holographic line that connected her antenna squiggled and became jagged, to reflect her current emotion on the situation. Ienzo gave pause as he watched her.
She was truly fascinating.
Considering her make and build and how she looked it was very hard to believe in her world, that she is the result of advancement in technology not heard of.
She had told him a lot about where she came from. Her companions. The Maverick Hunters X, Axl and most important Zero.
Her ‘heart’ was so fixated on trying to save this ‘Zero’.......
“May I ask something?” He spoke up, grabbing the Reploid’s attention from staring at the holographic panel before her. “Yes? What is it?”
“This Zero of yours...he must mean a lot to you for you to go through such lengths.....” He gives a small smile, causing the heat to rise up in the scientist’s cheeks, Seven pressed her fingers together to show her embarrassment.
“Zero is very important to me...” she caught herself. “I-I mean to us Maverick Hunters!” But it seems her change in tone did not go unnoticed by him. Seven saw the look in his eye and she sighed.
“Yeah. He means a lot to me, even though I have not told him how I felt” she bit down on her lip.
“You have not?”
She shakes her head. “No. He lost someone important to him before, it sparked a change in him to be more...cold...harsh. B-But he does care! I promise” 
“...Does Direheart know?”
Seven froze. “Oh nonoonononono! She can’t know! She can’t!” She rose from her chair in such a panic that it caused a slight crash when she rose up.
She didn’t realise how much weight she did have.
“That is why this whole project and my feelings have to remain secret! She can’t know!” They way her big brown eyes changed into something akin to a puppy dog being sad, well he caved.
“Fine fine. I shall keep this secret”
“Thank you Ienzo thank you~” she grabbed his hands in glee.
Outside, Vanitas is sulking around the shadows, ever weary that Direheart is probably watching him but for now his focus was on Rii who was sitting with Aqua.
“How is that...Seven girl? She updated you on her progress yet? Whatever she was doing seemed to be important” Aqua asked her young friend, Rii gives a tiny smile.
“Seven told me it is still a long process. She’s barely slept, then again she is a robot so....” Rii tilts her head, leading Aqua to chuckle when a shadow flew over them. Looking up they saw Direheart, flying around, doing her patrol route.
“I am surprised she is out and about, considering what happened recently. Seven was very brave to take on such a large...Heartless” Aqua commented, eyes following her flying friend, the young woman next to her gave a nod.
“Yeah. Seven...doesn’t really speak much about her home unless she is really close with them.”
That’s when something caught their attention. Direheart had stopped in her flight path, the gem embedded into her chest shone brightly, even causing Vanitas to look up.
“Sense something Gem Girl? Or is one of your many alternates in trouble huh?” He said  with a cocky grin, the white haired female heard him frowning at him.
“As a matter of fact it does. The brighter my ruby, the closer the person is. It is not one of the others who share my name” she said, landing softly on her feet, Rii shielding her eyes from the gem’s brightness.
The sound of...robotic like footsteps came closer and closer along with another set of footsteps. Direheart readied herself for a fight if necessary.
“C-Can’t your ruby tell you who it is?” Rii squeaked as Aqua kept her close, Vanitas lurking in the shadows still watching closely.
No threat to Rii will ever pass. He would make sure of that.
That is until a familiar figure appeared before them, it was Terra. He gave a raised brow. “Maddi? Why are you so tense?” he approached her, she gives him a look.
“I sense something..unfamiliar.” The way she scowled made Terra give a small smile. “Oh right, someone was looking for you” She raised a brow at him.
“Are you sure they were looking for me and not Seven? We share the same name remember?” She hissed a slight frown on her lips once again. Terra folded his arms across his chest, obviously slightly amused by her temper.
“They specifically asked for you. They didn’t say your real name, love.” Terra motioned behind him, a shadowy figure made their way before them. Aqua raised her arm in front of Rii, Rii looked slightly worried and as for Vanitas....
He had seen that figure somewhere before.
The shadows faded as the figure stepped into the sunlight, Direheart lowered her hands once she realised who it was. “Zero?”
The others turned to her with wide eyes.
“Zero?” Aqua questioned. “You know him Maddi?”
“I do. Zero is from Seven’s world. He is an extremely well versed fighter, a high ranked Hunter in his own right and is Seven’s companion” The white haired female explained.
The others looked him over. He did look a bit like Seven but obviously with a male build, shiny red armour, an impressive helm and a long blonde ponytail out the back, full and a lovely shade of blonde.
Cold steely blue eyes to match as well.
“It is good to see you Zero” Direheart said with a small smile, which caught the red Reploid off guard somewhat.
“It has been a while Direheart. I trust you are in good health?” He asked somewhat gruffly, he probably didn’t mean it to sound that way of course. Direheart shook her head.
“Same old Zero. The years I spent trapped in Seven’s body did not leave me Zero, I am very well. Oh these are my friends” She motioned behind her, giving brief introductions.
Aqua was confused and Rii was surprised to say the least, while Vanitas still lingered close by.
“What brings you to my home?” Direheart asked the robot, he folded his arms across his chest. “I’m here to check up on Seven. The others back home have been worried about her.”
“Oh?’ The now physical spirit said in slight surprise. “Well follow me I’ll take you to her”
It was a fright.
Seven was not expecting Zero.
The two robots stood in front of each other, Direheart sensed the slight tension and asked Ienzo to follow her out.
The red Reploid stared at his companion, not aware that the others were watching them through cameras.
“......Is this what you are working on? A cure for the virus inside me?” He said coldly, the brunette hung her head low.
The male placed a hand on the table, looking around at the notes and scribbles.
“....Have you even rested?”
The silence she gave him was answer enough for him.
“You know how I feel about you not taking care of yourself! This is why it took so long for you to go out on the field”
Seven seemed to flare up at his tone. 
“You know I am stubborn! All of us are stubborn!” She hissed, eyes narrowed. “Don’t you tell me what to do! You may be my superior but this matter is deep and close to my heart!” She gritted her teeth.
“And why? Are you trying to play the hero?” he asked sternly. “I know you take great pride in your work but what if you can’t cure the virus? What if you make it worse?”
“I’ve ran ever scenario in my head and I have to save you! Save our race! Save the humans!”
“This burden is too big for your shoulders alone. You need to stop before you burn yourself out”
The others watched from behind the tinted window, Direheart frowning more then usual.
“You don’t understand why I am doing this-” She was cut off.
“X and the others would be upset that you kept this secret from them. Why? What if I can’t be saved? Why work one something that could lead you to a dead end over and over?” His tone made her more angry.
“Because I love you, you idiot!”
If only she could have swallowed those words before she said them, covering her mouth in slight embarrassment.
Zero stared right back at her, eyes wide in surprise, not as wide as the others watching of course.
Seven refused to answer, hiding her face into her hands. “I tried not to fall in love with you. I know. But I couldn’t help it! I tried! After Iris I....I....”
She pushed past him, running out the doors. “I’m sorry!” she called out, her comrade watched her leave in a hurry.
What was this he felt?
it was the same feeling he had before....
Could it be that he returned her feelings?
There was silence.
“I can’t believe it...” Direheart said in shock, falling back into a chair Esper pushed behind her to catch her in time. 
“How did you not notice?” Aqua asked, slightly confused. “She is you? How could you not tell?”
Direheart shook her head. “If one of my alternates wishes to keep something secret, a section of their heart will be closed off. That information is forever locked out to me. Why didn’t she tell me....?”
That response made Terra laugh. “Because you have a fiery temper, much like Seven’s” Direheart narrowed her eyes and was about to retort when the doors opened again, the sound of footsteps sounding.
“Where is he going?” Rii asked.
“He’s going to find Seven. Grab onto me everyone....even you Vanitas..” The spirit eyes the shadows nearby. “I will take us to Seven’s location”
What Direheart heard next was a scoff.
“Why? She’d probably be sobbing and-” The glare she sent his way made him think twice.
Her eyes were red not blue this time.
He complied placing a hand on her shoulder even though it irked him. In a bright red flash they were transported a bit further away from Seven’s location. Direheart lifted her head. “Now we wait....”
It didn’t take long for Zero to find Seven, he could sense her. He found her, standing by a nearby fountain, his footsteps alerted her to his presence.
Her eyes were big. Conveying sadness and embarrassment.
“......I understand if you do not....” she stopped herself. She was angry at herself, angry at his tone! Angry that she was like this. All this negative energy was feeding him she thought, making him stronger.
But she didn’t care right now.
“I know I am not Iris. I know this b-but....b-but” Clenching her fist she raised her voice. “But I can’t help how I feel! What are you here for? To tell me I can’t love you? Tell me my work is in vain? Why are you here Zero!”
She felt so exposed before him but she didn’t care right now.
Her structure was interrupted by his arrival.
She was met with his stoic gaze and silence, she looked down at her feet. 
“I can’t help how I feel. You can dismiss my feelings...but I can’t dismiss mine....” The holographic line connecting her antenna made little heart shapes as she spoke, conveying her real feelings.
There was more silence.
Her face turned red.
“S-Say something!” she screeched only to raise her head and find he had moved closer to her.
Then she felt her head being pressed into his shoulder and the other hand on the small of her back.
“.....I said to Axl once you are a jewel in our Maverick infested world....That is why I would rush to your aid. Keep you safe....” his voice was soft, caring.
“You are worth protecting. I’ll make sure of that”
“B-But the virus! I need-” The look he sent her made her silent again
“....Shush...just stay quiet. And stay close...for right now” He said in something akin to a whisper, causing Seven to freeze.
Perhaps this was a good sign.
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