#AND Soma has already been here for over a year too... his /second/ birthday on this blog is coming up soon...
fiction-in-my-blood · 3 years
Switching Sides: Part 3 (HLITF)
if anyone possibly wants to get on a tag list I’d be happy to make one
👉 @theshove 👈
If you wanna catch up, Part 2 is right here! Happy reading :)
Premise: Growing up in a life of crime in a Japanese mafia, Atsuko Motomori has seen enough injustice to last her a lifetime. To try and give back to the universe her family has taken so much from, she dreams of being a detective from a young age. Her twin, sharing her disgust for her father and many uncles, just wants an ordinary life away from the crime, paing and suffering. Instead, she wants to be in the spotlight with the soft notes she makes with her cello. In their escape of 2015, on their coming of age birthday, they must split ways, never to be together ever again. If one was found, they didn’t want the other dragged down with them. Atsuko, having changed her name and appearance as best she can without a scalpel, sets off to start her life of car chases and arrests.
Four years in a seemingly dead-end police station in the middle of nowhere, being passed over time after time for promotion, Atsuko finally gets a shot at her dream, having been sent to an academy for the best candidates in the country by her boss who had always kept an eye out for her. After discovering her boss may have made her bite off more than she could chew, Atsuko must become the slave of a dominating instructor!? Who so just happens to be the captain of the most famous police unit in Japan? Not to mention a total knockout! Will Atsuko finally achieve her dream? Or will her new instructor put her through the wringer?
Warnings: Language, Reference to sexual activity, Forceful nature.
"I'm not going to be your servant!" I frowned, having computed what he said. I was sent to the special Instructors' Staff Room and, instead of just agreeing to have an aide, Captain Kaga dubbed me his servant. 
"Why not? It's not so different from being an aide." His question made me wonder what type of jobs he was going to make me do. "Besides, weren't you saying you wanted to?" His inquiry made me feel like we were having two totally different conversations. 
"Which reminds me, you haven't paid me back for that time yet." He inched closer to me as he saw me tense up. 
"Pa... Pay you back?" I stuttered out, not knowing what he could be referring to. I made sure I was never indebted to anyone. The way my father acted when he went out to collect his loaned out cash was enough for me not to even want to borrow from a bank. I don’t even want to remember how hard it was for me to find an apartment when I didn’t even have a credit score. Well, a shit one at that.
"Thanks to you acting like a moron, the thief got suspicious and escaped. It's only reasonable that you'd make up for those losses." The memory of what happened on the train only one day ago flashed through my mind. 
‘How was I supposed to know there was an investigation going on? I hadn't even met you yet?’ My silent frustration wasn't shown on my face as I was way too scared to give him a piece of my mind. ‘How was I supposed to stand there and watch a crime happening right in front of me?’
‘So, I have to become his servant to pay back a debt I didn't even know I had? What bullshit is that?’ When I desperately tried to protest, Kaga pushed his body closer to me ever so slightly.
"If you don't want to..." His indifferent expression made me take a small step back. "I'll assume that means I can reveal your fraudulent entry into this school." The statement made my heart stop and my blood run cold. 
Was my application fake? My boss had written it, you had to be referred to get in, but I had no idea he would go as far as to lie about my accomplishments. Was he trying to get me kicked out before I even started? 
"You're a local government employee, aren't you?" Kaga looms over me and I can tell he's hiding something in his language; both body and vocal. It was true I might not match my classmates in my connections, only those who have elite bonds got in and I was only a local officer, but... I was only let in because of what my boss said. 
"Do you understand the situation you're in?" He almost seemed to be teasing my naivety as he continued to loom. 
"But, what does that have to do with my entry?" I worried about my place in the school as the threat of being blamed for something I didn't even do emerged over the horizon. 
"That your classmates will have to decide." The sadness I began to feel if I left Naruko feeling betrayed played on my mind as I came to this crossroad. ‘If Kaga's threat was true and my boss had fudged my application, would I feel okay with staying here? It would be too late for someone more qualified to start, I'm sure the instructors had a strict regimen.’
"I didn't know that only elite students got in. My boss somehow got me in, though." I looked down in dismay, secretly cursing out my old boss for putting me in this situation. 
"You might not know just how much your boss puffed up your career. But that doesn't change the fact that he cheated your way in." The blunt delivery of my ultimate demise did nothing but make me worry more. "You're my servant now..." He leaned down to whisper in my ear. "...You better be dependable." And with that, he takes a phone call and walks off, acting like he didn't just threaten what would inevitably be my livelihood. 
‘What do I do now?’ I sigh, watching his back disappear around the corner.
"Already sighing?" Hearing a familiar gentle voice behind me, I turn to see Soma approaching the Staff Room. 
"Oh, excuse me, Instructor." I quickly jump out of his way, but he just smiles down at me. 
"It's fine, I can tell that something's happened." I couldn't tell if that was him saying he knew that my application was falsified or if confrontations with students was a regular occurrence for Kaga. Either were incredibly likely. 
"Kaga's strict, so I'm sure things are tough." The calming way he spoke made me believe the reason for his kindness was the latter. 
"Tough?" I laugh in defeat. "He's made me into his servant instead of an aide..." The idea made me trail off, wondering what kind of jobs he'll have me do. 
"Servant?" Soma's eyes widened slightly. But then he begins to laugh happily. 
"You're really laughing at me..?" I slouched as even Soma found humour in this catastrophe of a situation. 
"Hehe, sorry. I just remembered your enthusiasm, and then he was your first pick." He snickered and I wondered if that ill-timed boost of adrenaline was the reason I found myself in this mess. 
"Why did you choose him?" Soma suddenly became fascinated as he pinched his chin. 
"Well... I knew from the start he'd be strict, but I figured there'd be a lot to learn from someone like that..." Remembering my reasoning for choosing possibly the worst instructor out of all of them, Soma narrowed his eyes at my explanation. 
"I figured you or Sasaki would pick me or Ayumu." He smiled. "Women tend to be attracted to less severe personalities. But you chose him to build upon your character. That's good judgement." 
‘Well, I sure as hell didn't pick him for his sparkling personality.’ I thought to myself, taking his statement as a compliment. It was nice to hear that he thought I had made the right decision, but I'm pretty confident I wouldn't have become a servant if I had chosen him. Ayumu on the other hand, I'm not so certain...
Soma laughed as he saw me about to sigh again. "You'll be undergoing an exam given by the instructors in two months time..." He seemed to be warning me about how defeated I seemed only on my second day. "...There will be forced withdrawals with failure." For a moment, Soma looked so cold that a shiver ran down my spine. 
‘Was that... a threat?’
Yet, his smile immediately returned when my brows furrowed slightly. 
"I'm sure that if you study well under Kaga, you'll grow much faster than others." The quick switch he made threw me off beginning to trust him. 
‘I guess you can never be too careful around here.’ I thought as I thanked him by lowering my head. Soma then left with a smile plastered on his face. 
Outside of the school building, on my way to clear my head, I find Naruko talking with some other students. "Atsuko! Were you really made an aide earlier?" Naruko screamed at me as I approached them. Even though I was beginning to see the positives of this situation, however few, the excitable yelling put me back on edge. 
"Yeah... is it already getting around?" I got uneasy with everyone knowing. ‘If something like this got around within the hour, what would happen if news of my fraud got out?’
"The school is buzzing with it! Atsuko, which instructor did you get?" I could tell her excitement would be cut short when I told her. 
Exactly as I predicted, the group of students Naruko had been talking to started to pity me.
"I feel so sorry for you... Out of all of them, you got Instructor Kaga." One said. 
"But, come to think of it, she did choose him first. She's got guts." His friend spoke up. 
"I'm just trying to show 'em what I've got! I figured it'd be a good learning opportunity to follow him around." I sheepishly rubbed the back of my neck as I put on a smile, secretly regretting my past choices. ‘If I’m going to end up just doing his laundry or cleaning up after him, I don't know how that could be at all beneficial.’
"But if you were chosen as his aide, doesn't that mean he likes you?" Naruko peered into my faltering smile. 
"Doubt it. He flat out rejected me when I went to introduce myself." I sighed, slouching dejectedly. Naruko gasped out in shock. 
"It's no wonder he's called the 'Demon Instructor'. Harsh." She pats my shoulder sympathetically, although there seems to be a bit of admiration in her eyes. 
"Sorry, but... You probably haven't even seen the worst of the Demon Instructor." A classmate interrupted my silent moping. 
"What do you mean?" Shocked he could get any worse, my eyes widened. 
"You don't know? I heard this from the other guys, but..." His friend seems guilty even having to tell me. "He's crazy. He's solved tons of cases on his own." The statement didn't make me worry too much. If he had an eye for crime, I wasn't going to fault him for that. We may have had different upbringings, but I could tell when someone had done something bad. 
"But..." He continued, which did make me anxious. "There's a rumour he killed his partner..." The sheer will to be able to say that on school grounds surprised me, let alone the accusation. As Naruko and I show our shock, the student makes sure to say he doesn't know if it's actually true.
"But he seems like the type who'd sacrifice someone for his own gain." The first guy spoke up again. 
"No," I state sternly, making everyone stare at me. I knew what a cop killer looked like. My father has had officers kill their partners when they got too close to discovering the mole in the force. I didn't believe Kaga would risk that if he was such a good detective. 
"What do you mean ‘no’?" The guy responded and I shook my head. 
"Don't worry about it." I sighed, embarrassed I had just spoken up like that. How would I explain myself by disagreeing with everyone who seemed to agree with the sentiment? On paper, they were all much more experienced than me in the force and with crime. Physically though...
"A man with a past..." Naruko spoke up and I could already tell what she was going to say about our mysterious inspector. 
"Anyways, I heard from Instructor Soma that there's gonna be an exam in two months. Whoever fails: flunks." Wanting to warn my classmates before it's too late, I watch all their expressions fall further. 
"Really? That's harsher than I thought." Another guy standing with us sighs out in dismay. As I think about how easy it would be for Kaga to kick everyone out of the academy, I remind myself I have to work my hardest, no matter the instructor I'm working under, to reach my dream. As I'm reminded of why I'm here, I can't help but smile at the thought of all my hard work paying off.  
"Atsuko, you have that scary look on your face again." Naruko has an uneasy smile of her own as she points me out to the rest of the group.
"I'm just getting excited. I'm going for a run, so I'll see you around!" I waved as I ran back to the dorms to change. 
"But, Atsuko! What about our training earlier?" Maybe worrying about my mental and physical health, Naruko called after me, but I just waved again before continuing on my way.
A few days later, Kaga is giving us a hands-on lecture about interrogation. "Today I'm going to show you how an actual interrogation would go. Use of force should depend on who you're facing and what it'll take to break them." 
‘In other words, they can use torture in Public Safety.’ The statement made me stiff as that was the only type of interrogation I was used to. The Captain flipped a switch and the scene of an interrogation showed up on the monitor. 
"Spit it out already!" Kaga is practically screaming across the table, but the criminal doesn't say a word. "I'm going to enjoy seeing just how long you can keep silent." There's a loud crash as a chair goes flying across the room and I can see that scary, victorious grin spread across Kaga's face. 
"W-Wait! I don't-!" But, before the criminal can reject, Kaga grabbed him by the scruff of his collar and coldly tells him to "shut up". 
"I have no use for guys who don't talk." Kaga raised his hand to the criminal as his smile grew. Then, Kaga swung it at him without any hesitation whatsoever. 
"Okay, I'll talk! I'll talk, so stop it!" With the cries of the criminal's words, Kaga's hand stops just short of the man's cheek. 
"Too late," Kaga replied. It really did seem like he was enjoying this.
"I'll tell you everything I know! Please!" The criminal begs for his safety before Kaga even hits him. It's like the mere threat of being injured was enough to break him. 
Like he hadn’t heard a word, Kaga kicked the chair out from under the suspect. As we watch the criminal drop to the floor, the room starts to buzz. Unfortunately, one student spoke up through that murmuring. 
"Um... The criminal was willing to confess... Was it necessary to go that far?" One of the guys Naruko was talking to the day I was elected as an aide pipes up. 
"I told you, it depends on who you're dealing with." Kaga, completely composed compared to the video, frowns at us all. "He had a record. If he didn't say everything, he'd have gone out on bail." Kaga explains tiredly. It seemed to be a hassle for him to even turn up to the lecture. "But, by planting fear from the start, I made him confess everything." Kaga finishes and I can't help but ask. 
"How can you ensure he didn't falsely confess?" The room went stiff at the idea of my accusal. 
"What?" Kaga glares down at me and I steel my nerves before explaining myself. 
"How can you make sure he didn't just confess because he was worried for his life?" I rephrase the question but it only made him sterner. As he stared at me, I felt all my classmates pitying me. 
"We already had evidence of him committing the crime. It made for an easier court case for him to confess as well." The surprisingly non hostile response shocked everyone in the room, although his expression was just as aggressive as it was a moment ago. 
"Thank you, sir." Not wanting to leave on bad terms, I thanked him for explaining before he returned to the video. 
By the time Kaga's terrifying interrogation is finished, the class is tense. Except for me. I was used to seeing these forms of violence, but it still made me a little on edge. To think that was legal was a little frightening. 
"That's for reference. Drive it into your heads." Kaga clicked off the video on the presentation. "Now I'm going to divide you all into detectives and suspects for a simulation." The idea made my ears buzz. Thinking back to the video, I wondered who would go too far. 
"Ahh, but there's an odd number of you... One extra." Kaga sighed, looking at the sheet of students' names. “One of you will have to be paired with me." Knowing my luck, my hands froze at the concept of me being his partner. Around me, the class buzzed with fear that they too could be chosen. 
"The person paired with me will get special training in a real interrogation room," Kaga smirked at, even still, everyone avoiding his gaze. I tried to at least look in his direction, although I was secretly freaking out. 
He clicks his tongue at the scene of terrified students before him. "You're all a waste of space. Are any of you capable of this?" The captain complains. "If nobody volunteers, you all fail." He crosses his arms as he forces us to push forth a martyr. I met his gaze in surprise that he would try to kick us all out in one fell swoop. He chuckles, signalling I would be paired with him just for looking at him. I panicked, annoyed I put myself in this situation again. 
"Hurry up, servant." Kaga glares down at my frozen state.
 "Are you sure you want me?" Trying to direct the attention away, Kaga casually rejects everyone else. 
"It's not like you're a bad choice. Anyone will do." He crosses his arms, turning to walk out of the room. 
‘It's a good opportunity, Atsuko.’ Every time I find myself telling myself that, I believe it less and less. 
Kaga sends everyone to team up before walking towards the door. "Let's go. Don't loaf around." Kaga complains and I jump up. 
"Please wait!" I rush after him as I hear my classmates gossiping about what he called me. 
In the interrogation room, I find myself becoming increasingly nervous. ‘Could I use what I watched dad doing? I might as well use my experiences in my favour.’ I thought to myself as Kaga locked the door behind us. I couldn't help but feel guilty about the idea of ever using what my father taught me. I ran away because I didn't want to do things that way. 
"You be the detective, I'll be the suspect." Kaga sits in the chair opposite the wall with a monitor hooked up. "Give it a try. Use my earlier interrogation." He instructs with an unphased expression, referring to the instructions he had given us. 
"Right now?" Shocked he wouldn't give me any pointers, I began to wonder why he would bother showing up here if he was going to throw us all out in the deep end. Suspecting none of us had any experience in this, how were we meant to learn from a single video?
"Of course, Did you think we'd rehearse it bit by bit?" Kaga seemed offended by the idea of actual training as I grew nervous. My palms even began to sweat. He crosses his arms and stares at me, judging me even by the way I stand. He commands me to start and I take a deep breath. 
"You've been arrested due to the evidence against you. So, you want to tell me what really happened?" I looked down at the folder in my hands that had a fake report inside. Kaga stayed silent. 
"...Fair enough.” Sighing, I continued my gazing at the paper under my nose. “I wouldn't wanna talk either if I was working with these guys." I forced out a chuckle, slapping the folder on the table. I hadn't sat down since we entered the room. 
"But, you know it won't matter, right? It only takes a rumour to get around that you spilled to get you in trouble." I thought back to what my father said to a snitch he found in his ranks once. "And one little rumour is enough to make you paranoid. I wonder what they'll do to you?" I remembered what my father did and used it as an example. "Probably chop off your finger with a cleaver. Threaten your family. Or, you might not be able to make a family when they're done with you." Dealing with a man, I thought the best threat would be to threaten his manhood. The expression I made was indifferent, but none of my warnings seemed to affect Kaga at all. 
‘How is this supposed to work if he knows it's all fake? I never understood hypothetical scenarios.’ My internal thoughts of injustice were unheard, and hopefully unseen on my facial features.
Kaga stayed silent throughout the whole process and, with him avoiding my gaze, I began to lose my nerve. "Do you give up?" He turned back to me and I sighed. 
"Yes." I frowned at myself. ‘I guess I wasn't intimidating enough to use my father’s tactics.’
"The suspects we handle in the Public Safety Division will be like that. They're not exactly happy to talk." The statement the captain made seemed so obvious, but I had yet to know how to get them to talk. Defeated, I sat in the chair across from him. 
"Let's switch. You be the suspect now." 
Being interrogated by the Demon Instructor seemed like a nightmare, but I wanted to learn how to do this right, so I agreed. ‘You just gotta stay quiet, Atsuko. Keep. Your mouth. Shut.’ I told myself as I looked into his eyes. 
"Well..." He peered into my face extremely closely. If I dared to move, our lips would touch. I could smell the lingering scent of a cigarette on his breath. I tried to match his gaze as the closeness secretly really bothered me. The scent was familiar, probably because everyone I used to know smoked, but it wasn't just that fact. 
In the silent interrogation room, my anxious heart beated faster than usual. Maybe it was all the energy I exerted yesterday, but I was beginning to feel overtired and very hyperaware. 
"You did it, didn't you?" Kaga whispered as he peered into my face. I kept my expression stoned as I wonder how he'll proceed, but my heart was racing. 
‘What have I done? Has he discovered something in my past?’ The truth perhaps? ‘I knew I probably wouldn’t last long, being surrounded by professional detectives, but I’m only three days in!’
“I see..." He sounded amused at how I didn't react and stood up straight. I looked up to match his gaze, only to have him lift me up by my wrists and push me against the wall behind us. 
"There's proof." He glides his finger against my jaw and I feel a rush tingle up my spine. "Do I look like a man who'll go easy on you because you're a woman?" The statement, however true, did make me sulk a little. Internally, of course. Never had I evermore wanted to be treated differently.
Kaga pressed his body so closely that I could barely move. "Or... Do you want to let me have some fun in exchange for overlooking this?" With those words, I began to get that he wasn't talking about the case we were given. It made me uneasy to be locked in a soundproof room with him as he likely referred to my falsified application. My eyes flashed with recognition, but I forced my mouth shut.  
"I'm fine either way." He laughed, but I couldn’t tell if he was joking or not. His breath tickled my ear and I could feel that area redden from the heat. 
"So? What have you been wanting to do to me?" Ideas flashed through my mind, but the one I settled on I wouldn't be able to say. If I admitted to wanting to kick a man in the balls, I'd likely get suspended. 
Seeing my famed confusion, Kaga continued. "You seemed excited when I pushed you down in that love hotel." He smirked and I became increasingly embarrassed. Sure, he was good looking, Naruko made me aware of that, but no way in hell would I want to do anything like that with him. Do you know how much of a slut that would make me look? 
"Want me to continue what I started that time?" A teasing smirk reappeared on his face and I gulped. "I see." His voice was low, only being a few centimetres apart, he didn't need to raise it. The raspiness of his whisper helped keep my heart rate up. As I looked away, embarrassed I was reacting so much to him, he grabbed my chin and easily turned me back to face him. His handsome features neared mine until I couldn't take it anymore. 
"Tap out! I tap out." Panicked, I repeated to ensure he heard me. 
"Finally. That took some time." He sighed, stepping back. 
My breathing was a little ragged as I recollected what just happened. "You struggling there?" He showed me another concerned look and I quickly stopped. Surprisingly, I couldn't compare that experience to any situations I had watched my father in. 
"Anyway, you should be glad. You have a weapon that we don't." Kaga suddenly announced and I threw him a confused look. "Your body. You could use it against male suspects. And the more inclined female ones." He admitted and I was just more confused. I had never been a very good-looking girl. My father would complain that my body was too toned and I needed to pudge myself up a bit to attract the opposite sex. It never bothered me, I didn't care about anything he said, but I was surprised Kaga would insinuate I use my feminine wiles against men. 
"Well, you would have to be sexier, though." And there it was, the critique I was waiting for! "Maybe it'd be better to train you in that area?" He suggested and I genuinely thought it over. If I could use something to get a foothold in the class competition, I'd be happy to use it. 
"What? Like, using seduction techniques?" I questioned, surprised it would even be an option for me. I had never been in a relationship and had never felt the need to. Everyone I was surrounded by as a child were older or scared of my family and, since running away, I was too focused on keeping to myself and work. 
"There may be times when it's necessary. If you've got sex appeal, you should use it." He explained and I considered the issue. 
‘I would prefer to use real detective work, but if I'm not intimidating, it may come to that.’ I pursed my lips as I thought it over. 
In the end, the interrogation class comes to an end without another word from either of us. 
The rumour about me being Kaga's servant had spread across the school pretty quickly, having only been a day since the captain outed me in front of the entire class. I've now been summoned to the Staff Room by Kaga. 
"Sorry for being late!" I called out, having knocked and entered the room. 
"You're late. Just how long did you plan on making me wait?" Kaga frowned down at my sorry state. I had been helping Naruko with a laundry malfunction when I realised I would be late for the scheduled time. 
"It's only three minutes." I sulked to myself, not realising I was speaking out loud. Kaga only frowned at me and I quickly apologised and shut my mouth. His glare was as cold and scary as ever. He sighed, calling me useless again. 
"Oh well. Get these in order by tomorrow." Kaga dropped a huge stack of documents in front of me with a thunk. I was in shock by the sudden workload before me. "Documentation of past incidents that Public Safety is keeping an eye on." He explained what the files actually entailed. "Sort these and file them. If you have time, put them in the database too." 
‘And by “if you have time” he means, you better do this too or I'll punish you. 
‘It'll take hours to do all this.’ Even with my short experience as a PA at a law firm, I never had this much work to do in such a small amount of time. I had odd jobs before I entered the academy to be able to live. That job reinstalled my dream of being a cop and never having to work a desk job like what I had. 
"Looks like you have a complaint?" Kaga frowned at me and I quickly shook my head. 
"It'll be done, Instructor." Maybe promising too much, I didn't want to give him a chance to kick me out of the school, so I grabbed the documents and left the Instructors' Staff Room. 
When I exited again, Naruko was outside waiting for me. Her eyes went wide at the piles of papers in my hands. "Woah, what's with all that?"
"I have to get them filed by tomorrow." I sighed, believing Kaga couldn't hear us. 
"By tomorrow? Will you make it?" Naruko tried and failed to keep her voice low, but her shock made her too energised. 
"If I start right when classes end I might just make it." I showed her a determined smile, assuming I could get it done with enough willpower. 
"That sounds terrible. I'll give you a hand if you'd like?" 
Giving me the offer of the century, a voice spoke up before I could respond. "You know what happens if you get help?" 
Without either of us realising, Kaga had come out of the Instructors' Room and was directly next to me. I jumped out of my skin, almost dropping my new assignment. 
"Hey, Instructor. Where are you going?" Trying to play off my surprise with a much calmer tone, I turned to him with an uneasy smile. 
"That has nothing to do with you." He's turned around before I can finish my question, already walking down the corridor. 
"But you said you had no investigations today?" I called out, but he just told me to be quiet and insulted me. 
"Why moron? Out of all the insults?" I muttered under my breath at the recurring word, watching his back disappear around the corner. 
On our way back to the dorms, we met a few of our classmates. "Instructor Kaga is so scary! But that's fine!" Naruko cheered, obviously into every guy we seem to run into. 
"Even if he's scary, too much is too much." A classman began to question me about the ‘slavery allegations’ circulating the school, but I quickly reject the rumour. 
"No, no-no. It's just, if I say I can't, he tells me to quit." I laughed uneasily. 
"But, you do get to see him up close." The other classmate became dreamy-eyed. "Is it true he does everything based on intuition?" The question made me think back on all the time the Instructor and I had spent together. Which wasn’t much, but still more than the rest of the students here. 
"Yeah... I guess." 
‘To be honest, most of the things he does are without any sort of planning.’ 
"Even when he has no evidence, he'll just say 'it's my intuition'." I explained, almost laughing at the idea of how unsafe that is. Surely an investigation would get ripped to pieces if the only clue to the criminal was an investigator's gut. 
"Changing plans all the time because of his intuition must be exhausting." Naruko sighed.
"Don't worry, Naruko. I'll always make time for you!" I teased and she laughed back. 
"But everyone is jealous that you get to learn from him." The only thing I could think of when Naruko said how much she wanted to be in my position was my first mission. 
‘So much for learning on the job.’ I sighed to myself as I thought back on all the sexual harassment cases I could have made against the Instructor if I wasn't a student. Even on my first mission, I was just used to gather evidence. I didn't have any training as to how I could actually do it.
"That interrogation was scary, but apparently he has a 99% confession rate." A classmate pulled me out of my thoughts. 
‘I'm not surprised. With all the scum he deals with, a pinch on the arm would get them to confess.’ I sighed internally as my classmates continued to gossip.
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hotcocosharing · 7 years
Lose To Win Chapter 4: Welcome Back(HLITF & KBTBB )
Title: Lose To Win Chapter 4 Fandom: Her Love In The Force & Kiss By The Baddest Bidder & Metro PD: Close To You Rated: Drama, Thriller, Angst, Fluff, Smut HLITF & MPD’s MC: Mika HIJIKATA KBTBB’s MC: Mia SAKATA Characters: Goto, Kaga, Ishigami, Soma, Ayumu, Namba, Eisuke, Soryu, Mamoru, Baba, Ota, Kirisawa Summary: Kirisawa’s POV after Mika has returned with Namba to Public Safety. Mika’s first time back to Publicl Safety in 4 years, is she welcome there?
Background: This series occurs (6 months) after the previous series Switching Places , click on the link if you’re interested or confused at any point.
Mika first encounter with them again 2 months after the fail operation, it was Baba’s birthday and it led to a 4 parts Epilogue with 3 parts smut. At last, Mika had moved and avoided all contacts with the bidders, making it clear to Mia that she couldn’t meet them under any circumstances.
Another 6 months later, she was back at the Tres Spades Hotel under Eisuke’s request. (Order) Then bumped into an old acquaintance, had sex in Eisuke’s office. Her former and current bosses arrive at the penthouse and suggests a collaboration with the bidders on a cruise.
Chapter 1: The Reunion Chapter 2: RSVP Chapter 3: Recharge
Chapter 4: Welcome Back
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The five of you head to the parking lot after the others have taken Nishimura and Ito to custody, you hesitate as the elevator door opens, not sure who to follow. Left with Namba and Kaga or right to MPD with Nomura and Kirisawa, your current boss. Nomura’s the first to notice, “How long do you need to borrow her, Jin?” The Section Chef of Public Safety scratches his head, he has no idea but he reminds Nomura that you are his to begin with. Though he means professionally, it still makes you blush a little. “Why don’t you go with them and see how long you’ll be away, Mika?” Thanking your boss with a nod and smile, you excitedly wrap an arm around Namba’s and begin a quick catch up throughout the ride.
Kirisawa’s World
Kirisawa only manages a few nods and hmm with whatever Nomura asks, his mood hasn’t lighten much either as he returns to the office with Tennoji telling him that the suspect has already confessed, Hanai bluntly asks if there’s something else bothering him but the lieutenant just excuses it with a long day which isn’t a lie, the day seems long enough.
Gazing out the window with a mug of cold coffee, Kirisawa has so many questions and he wonders just how much more does he not know about Mika. “Oh where’s Hijikata?” The pervert casually asks but Kirisawa’s heavy sigh has caught everyone’s curiosity. “She.. umm she is on another mission.”
“She’s always on missions, that workaholic.” Tennoji rises his brows, “She’s working with another department so uhh … she’s going to be away for some time.”
“What?!” Tennoji wants to ask more but Asano stops him, “So if you ever see her out there, don’t blow her cover.” That’s all Kirisawa says and frankly that’s all he knows, he has been worrying about her for months although he constantly suggests her to take things slow, moving cases to cases seem to keep her mind off things. Things she never tell him, he’s been planning to take her out for a proper date and listens to all her troubles. But he couldn’t find the right time or word to ask, romance isn’t his strength after all. Putting down the coffee with the bitterness still lingering in his mouth. It’s been nearly 9 months since they had sex, the lieutenant curses himself for being a coward. He misses her, every single night. Missing her sweet scent, soft skin and intoxicating moans but most of all, he wants to know more about her, everything about her. This is her third year in second unit and he has no clue where she’s been or hear any stories from her past. Whatever troubles she has, he is by her sides, he wants to tell her that. He needs to ask her out as soon as the mission is over, no matter how long it’s going to take.
Back to Mika’s world
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“Recklessness is absolutely forbidden. You need to be discreet.” Namba says clearly.
“Do you mean me or Kaga?” You joke, legs crossed with a smile on your face.
“Both of you,” your former boss fixes his gazes on you, “I need you to keep an eye on him, you know how heroic he can be.” The man pauses before he continues, “And how… things can get out of hand when you two are together.”
You grin at his suggestive statement, not only because of the amazing sex you’ve just had at Eisuke’s office after four long years since you’d last seen your ex but also how crazy you two drive each other. Often being partner up at interrogation, playing the perfect roles of good cop and bad cop however it’s a different story on the field. He never listens, he has neither the time nor the patience for advice, he’s a man of action while you always have several plans under your sleeves, making sure every move is precise without a trace.
All of you are elite officers, or else you wouldn’t end up in Public Safety but nobody is flawless, working with Kaga has been one of the biggest challenges in the job, especially when he’s your boyfriend at the time. You even learn to read people better after all these years with him.
“What’s our mission, exactly?” Shifting your brain on track with the reason that brings you to this room.
“Let’s go meet the team, I’m sure they’re excited to see you.”
You are too, it’s been too long. There’s no reason for you to get in touch in private, not after how you have left things off. Would it be awkward? Come to think of it, you haven’t had any real conversation with Kaga. What better way to kill the awkwardness than reuniting old flames with mind blowing sex?! Your heart sink at the thought of standing in the middle of their office, speechless at the questioning gazes.
Soma is the first to get off his seat while Ishigami shakes your hand, formal as always. “Mika!” Goto is the most surprised, “Good to see you.”
Breaking away from a friendly hug from Goto follow by a not so friendly stare from Ayumu, “Oh, Hijikata.”
His tone isn’t welcoming but Soma greets you with his genuine smile, “How have you been?”
You nod as Namba takes over and tells the team what’s up ahead with you, Kaga and Goto on the cruise while the rest remain at campus to teach but still participate at reporting each night. You’ve been given a secure site with emails and chatroom where the team and you will log in each night to exchange information and receive further instructions.
“The first mission would be identifying the person in charge but given how little we know, you’ll need to report back every night and decide our next step.” Namba explains, Goto exchanges a quick glance with Kaga who averts his eyes back to the papers in hands, he hasn’t once looked at you.
“Ayumu has complied a list of people on board from guests, staffs to the owner of the cruise.” Flipping the pages, you see the current CEO of The Saji Corporation- Akihiro Saji at only age 33 has recently taken charge of the enterprise and become the third wealthiest man in Japan.
“Since this is a private invitation before the cruise officially launches, it’s only a handful of guests and staffs.” Ayumu sighs at Namba’s words.
“That’s still 100 people for me to dig into.” The mushroom head complains.
“Ya, that’s a long list.” You agree but Ayumu only puts more files on the desk.
“Well have fun reading them.”
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There is no mistakes with his bitterness but Namba gives you no time to confront the young fella. “Read them, memorise them, you three need to come up with a strategy.” You walk towards Goto as Namba sums up, “Last but not least, you’ll need to do a briefing at the hotel with Inchinomiya, higher up’s orders.”
The section chief shrugs and disappears to his office while Kaga clicks his tongue annoyingly as Goto whispers sweetly to your ear. “Welcome back, Mika.”
Next Chp here
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hotcocosharing · 7 years
Lose To Win Chapter 1: The Reunion (HLITF & KBTBB )
Title: Lose To Win Chapter 1 Fandom: Her Love In The Force & Kiss By The Baddest Bidder & Metro PD: Close To You Rated: Drama, Thriller, Angst, Fluff, Smut HLITF & MPD’s MC: Mika HIJIKATA KBTBB’s MC: Mia SAKATA Characters: Goto, Kaga, Ishigami, Soma, Ayumu, Namba, Eisuke, Soryu, Mamoru, Baba, Ota, Kirisawa Summary: Smut with Kaga! Fans of HLITF / Kaga, the game needs more love. Background: This series occurs (6 months) after the previous series Switching Places , click on the link if you’re interested or confused at any point.
Mika first encounter with them again 2 months after the fail operation, it was Baba’s birthday and it led to a 4 parts Epilogue with 3 parts smut. At last, Mika had moved and avoided all contacts with the bidders, making it clear to Mia that she couldn’t meet them under any circumstances.
Another 6 months later, she was back at the Tres Spades Hotel under Eisuke’s request. (Order) Notes: sunflowerblackrabbit / ladystar0710 / medievalbingeprincess69 / silver-red-rose / makingastar / ayaka-oh / mirandaflamel / dms-903 / vmendoza1901 / tsuki-tsundere
Special thanks to my beta reader- @nitelotus​
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[ Another 6 months have passed since you last saw the bidders, they recently returned to Tokyo from Dubai ]
Slowly lifting your head up from a bow to another guest, you let out a sigh and impatiently pace around the lobby. It’s a quiet day at the hotel and it’s boring the hell out of you, given the fact that this isn’t even an actual mission. Six months, you’ve had complete control of you life again, solving cases, arresting criminals, interrogating suspects and occasional one night stands.
Six wonderful months with no bidders, no auctions, no Eisuke the ass or the mobster you’d finally stop thinking of. Mia has moved to Dubai with them for the new hotel and you couldn’t be happier. Until the moment Eisuke is sitting in the chief’s office and “requires” your assistance- the lucky bastard just always gets his way. However, it concerns Mia and it’s a rather easy task so why not? As long as the pervert isn’t laying his hands on her, following him and sees what he’s hiding would be a piece of cake.
Half an hour later, the target has arrived, giving you a big unpleasant grin and hugs as soon as he spots you. “I’ve got some business to attend love, then I’ll see ya at the penthouse. Would be best if we’re alone, if ya know what I mean?” You force a smile and head to his floor shortly after.  Looking through the peephole from the room across his since Eisuke has given you a master key, it doesn’t take long til he has a visitor- a man you actually recognize.
Nishimura, a drug dealer you’ve arrested quite a few times. Eisuke’s target is buying and selling drugs in his hotel, the guy must have a death wish. Just as your hands reach the doorknob, a figure appears from the shadow and kneels down in front of the door opposite, sliding a spy camera underneath. The tall man moves quickly but you’d partly make out of his face structure, those determined eyes and messy dark brown hair. You know this man, you’d recognize his back anywhere, since you’ve dug your nails into it so many times, embracing it from behind for years- his back has been your sanctuary, your very own safe place. How could you ever forget?
Returning his camera back to his inner pocket, he enters the room in no time. Seconds later, you go in to find them lying unconscious on the floor while the only man standing points a gun at you. “Hello, Kaga.”
He stares at you blankly, clearly struggles to find the right words and before you could the door is burst open, your heart almost stop. “What da fuck did ya do kid?” Soryu has already drawn his gun out and Kaga quickly aims his at the mobster, “Okay clam down, don’t shoot!” You step in between, arms out and reach for both their guns. “Eisuke ain’t gonna be happy.” Mamoru sighs while few men from the Ice Dragons comes in to carry the two unconscious men. “Please, he’s hardly ever happy.” You can’t help with the comment, Mamoru grins, “Who’s this?”
Expressionlessly as usual, Kaga sets his eyes on them, particularly Soryu. Anyone in the force would know his face, “A friend.” You mutter, “He’s coming with us obviously.” Kaga averts his questioning gaze at you with Mamoru’s words and you respond with a nod, indicating that it will be okay, what’d possibly happen now since you’ve already gone through the worst? Soryu remains silent throughout the entire time, only whispers the basics to Eisuke upon their arrival. As expected, the King is not amused. Ota and Baba’s eyes sparkle when they see you but their instinct is right, this isn’t the time to cheer and welcome you. “What happened?” His cold eyes scanning both you and Kaga, clearly irritated.
“Give me 5 minute,” You suggest, “can we borrow your office?” Pulling Kaga’s elbow towards upstairs as you hear Eisuke clicks his tongue but agrees. “5 minute, sharp.”
“Make it 10.” Kaga shrugs, “It’s a long story.”
Eisuke rolls his eyes then focuses back to his laptop, “You better get on with it then.”
★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ SMUT
Before the door has even closed Kaga holds your wrist high and spins you around, wrapping his arms around you. One inhale of his musky scent which can easily make you cry so you shake your head instead and break away, “What the hell are you doing?”
“It’s obvious, isn’t it?” His tongue slides into your mouth, seizing your voice with a wicked grin on his face. Hmmmm is the only sound you’d made, what a weak way to protest. With hands down your ass, he lifts you up and slams you against the window, making you gasp as the cool window’s glass hits your back with his lips trailing down your neck. Breaking away shortly, he rips your blouse open leaving you feeling exposed in your purple lace bra. Musing out with a smirk, his hands gropes your breasts and kisses them furiously, holding nothing back. “Fuck, I miss them!”
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A dry laugh leave your mouth and your hands reach his messy hair, “We’ve only got 10 minutes.”
“Plenty of time then, we have done it in much shorter time.” His lips are moist and warm against your skin and it reminds you how much you’ve longed for this, no one else ever touches or kisses you the way he does. So rough and yet so gentle, so full of affection. Tilting your head to make way for him to kiss further down while his hands travels up and down your waist. There is no time to waste, he pulls up your skirt which you know for sure that he’d much prefer to see you fully naked, well today is not the day.
You can’t move, his fingers have somehow short circuited your mind in the best possible way, you have done it so many times and still, never a dull moment. He losses his belt as you open his shirt, revealing his toned abs. And you secretly curse in your head, that’s what you seriously miss!!! He’s so fucking hot! It’s impossible not to notice his bulge which is growing by the second, Hyogo Kaga is truly a sight to behold.
He kisses you hungrily, pushing his tongue between your lips, your body is writhing beneath his. One touch and that’s all it takes, it has always been this way with him. You feel electricity runs through your body, all there is left is passion, intense and intoxicating. Your eyes lock and you see the devilish satisfaction in his before dipping his head and licks your nipples. The motion sends a wave of desire through your very core and the next thing you know, he’s already slammed into you hard. The wave of pleasure hit you and after the first thrust he allows you some time to adjust right before he pulls out and thrusts back in.
His thrusts become faster and harder, impossible for you to keep quiet and by the looks of it, he’s doing it on purpose. “Your moan still turn me on so much.” “Harder.” You moan.
Swiping your hair to one side and bite your neck, daring to leave his mark. His thrusts become erratic and you’d hear him breathing heavily.“Are you close?” You whimper with all the strength you’ve left because he isn’t and you know it. Moving one hand down, Kaga begins circling your clit. “Let’s make you cum first.” He grins as he speeds up and that’s all you need to come undone. The orgasm is so intense that your whole body keep shivering. You give out a loud cry which he soons muffles with a rough kiss.
He keeps on thrusting but not for his own release, the on going stimulation send your mind to go blank. “Wait, I just ..”
“You haven’t moan my name yet,” he hisses and fucks harder.
“Oh god!” Squeezing your eyes shut as each thrust hits your sensitive spot over and over, “Kaga!!!” The one word put you over the edge and you come again, harder than the first. “Good to see you too, Mika.” He teases. With your legs wrap around his hip and his hands cupping your face for a long steamy kiss, the door flies open with three pair of angry eyes glaring at your direction.
Kaga gently lowers you down but your knees are failing, you’d collapse without him holding you tight. “Our 10 minutes up, I suppose?” You pinch Kaga on the arm to shut him up but the three bidders are obviously pissed. Feeling mortified and awkward, you mutter a sorry. Not entirely sure if you’re apologizing for the turn of events or the fact that your moan have proven how much more you enjoy this 10 minutes quickie than your previous encounters with these three men staring by the door.
Kaga turns around as you button up behind him, you sense the strong hostility between their gazes. And by the time you all return downstairs, a familiar cheerful voice calls out in surprise. “Oniisan ?!” (brother/brother in law)
Chapter 2 Here
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