somekidufoundonline ยท 2 years
during the beautiful princess, ashe, and the handsome prince, wilardo's, honeymoon to the witch mansion, night fell and they had to sleep in their sleeping bags. "oh no..." thought wilardo. "i only brought one sleeping bag when i rescued ashe from the tower..." this was so stupid! "wwhwhhat?!?!" yelped the beautiful princess ashe, smelling of lavender and other flowers, when he had realized. "i know...i'm sorry, you can sleep in this and i can sleep-" "this is just like the romance fanfiction where there is only one bed! so romantic..." ashe hug wilardo. "oh..." wilardo and ashe slept in sleeping bag.
for soem reaosn i iamgined all of this in the draiwngs sirius claire and wilardo made./............wialrdo do you have soemthing to say to the class???????????????????? anwyay ebcuaitufl princess ahse!!!!!!!!! so true so true so true he ski8ps aorund goes yahooo slips on everything with the cute magic filter but secrelty he is evil because he has a boyfriend named wialrdo ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ they live in a fanfiction everyday but i think them sleeping in a sleeping bag is very sweet,, and ahjse would smell nice proibably that too id continue this but i think that this is the best ending :thumbs up
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