#AND brandon of the bloody blade and theon the hungry wolf in their bloodthirstiness
Imo saying Jon won't care that he's half Targ because he has "nothing to do with that house" is a not only very simplistic way of viewing his arc but also just a flat out wrong and bad take. Like my brothers and sisters in R'hllor, he has everything to do with that house even though he may not bear the name! Jon is constantly equated with Targs in the series. In fact, he's constantly equated with the best that house has to offer. He's got Jaehaerys and Alysanne in him, he's directly paralleled with Maester Aemon and Aegon V, he transforms into Daeron the Good at the Wall, and he's basically best boy Jacaerys resurrected some 200 years later. Let's also not forget that he's best girl Dany's 1:1 narrative mirror. Jon's personality is what you get when you combine Daemon the Rogue Prince, a little bit of Maekar I, Egg, a teaspoon of Rhaegar, a few sprinkles of Baelor Breakspear, and a whole cup of Jaehaerys. He has the heroism of Aemon the Dragonknight, the innate leadership of Aegon the Conqueror, the youthful foolhardy of Daeron the Young Dragon, and the aggressive pettiness of Prince Daemon. He's got Daemon Blackfyre's nobility and Brynden Rivers' terrifying pragmatism. His rebirth is literally equated to the waking of a dragon ("two kings to wake the dragon", "promised prince born amidst salt and smoke"). He has both the good and the bad that comes with House Targaryen. He also has the good and bad of House Stark, but no one ever thinks less of him for that... Y'all let Targ hate and Rhaegar hate (both of which are just extensions of Dany hate lbr) cloud your judgement and ignore what's right in front of you. Jon is a Targ. The same way he is a Stark. He's not either or, he's both. The lesson at the end of the day isn't for him to choose one or the other. The lesson is to recognize that he so much of BOTH in him, and he can take these and become whatever he wants - bastard as he is.
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reignof-fyre · 3 years
I am so sick of people claiming that Daenerys is mad because of her reaction to Viserys' death. That it was the first piece of "evidence" pointing towards her madness, which is blatantly false. It's just a plot device used by D&D to excuse bad writing.
When Arya killed Walder Frey, everyone cheered her as a Girl Boss despite the sadistic glee on her face.
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Not to mention the fact that she carved his sons up, baked them into a pie, and made him eat them unwittingly. Then she wore dead Walder's face and killed his entire family.
Moving on to Sansa, when she kills Ramsay, which is also cheered as a Girl Boss Moment, and it is because she kills her abuser, but no one claims madness when she smirks as she listens to his own hounds ripping him apart.
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Now onto Daenerys, who's expression when Viserys is killed is this:
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Completely blank and emotionless. Shock, I'd say, watching her (abusive) brother die. And canonically, in the books, she grieves for her brother (or the boy he used to be).
What I'd like to know is this: why, when the Stark sisters kill men for vengeance or 'justice', do people cheer them as Girl Bosses, but when Daenerys did it it's a sign of madness?
I'll tell you.
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Walder Frey orchestrated the Red Wedding which lead to Catelyn and Robb's deaths, and Arya claimed justice and vengeance for that when she killed him. The audience accepted that.
Ramsay abused and raped Sansa, and she fed him alive to his own starving hounds. The audience accepted that as the vengeance and justice it was.
But when Daenerys watches, blank faced and emotionless, as her abusive brother (he told her he'd allow 40,000 men and their horses rape her for the Iron Throne) dies, it's madness?
How does that compute in people's minds? I'd truly like to know, because I was quite uncomfortable throughout watching Arya decimate the Frey's like she did, and even now just thinking about it I feel nauseous. Sansa I cheered on because it was quite the poetic justice, but her little smirk made me cringe a bit ngl.
The double standard between the Stark girls and Dany is glaringly obvious. The Starks feed a man his own sons and wipe a house off the map or feed a man to his dogs, which would take time, and the girl who burns men alive (deservedly), which would be quite swift considering that Balerion's fire melted stone, is insane for doing so?
There's no logic in the argument that Dany's reaction to Viserys' death = first sign of madness and Arya and Sansa's reactions to they Frey's and Ramsay's deaths = Girl Boss Moments.
Daenerys is vilified as mad because of her family's reputation (even though only 6 Targaryen’s could actually be claimed as mad out of hundreds) (AND BAD WRITING) and the Starks are praised as honourable people merely because of Ned Stark's reputation when GRRM has said that Ned was one of a kind and other Starks have been quite ruthless and bloodthirsty (Brandon of the Bloody Blade, Theon the "Hungry Wolf", etc).
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