mroelandtsahs-blog · 6 years
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Works Cited
“Congressman Mark DeSaulnier.” Congressman Mark DeSaulnier, desaulnier.house.gov/.
Congress To Pay For His Wall.” The Huffington Post, TheHuffingtonPost.com, 22 Mar. 2018, www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/trump-congress-wall_us_5ab31622e4b008c9e5f3ffd6.
Cromer, Alisa. “Brief History: A Timeline of the U.S. Border Wall.” Worldstir, 8 June 2017, www.worldstir.com/history-u-s-mexico-border-wall/.
Date, S.V. “Forget Mexico, Trump Can't Get Even“Home | U.S. Senator Kamala Harris of California.” About | U.S. Senator Kamala Harris of California,
“Donald Trump's Mexico Wall: Who Is Going to Pay for It?” BBC News, BBC, 6 Feb. 2017, www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-37243269.
“Highlights from Our Statewide Conference. Toward a New Era of Immigrant Power: Transforming Our Present, Claiming Our Future.” California Immigrant Policy Center | Home, www.caimmigrant.org/.
“Home | U.S. Senator Kamala Harris of California.” About | U.S. Senator Kamala Harris of California, www.harris.senate.gov/.
Immigration - United States Senator for California, www.feinstein.senate.gov/public/.
Ink, Social. “Border Wall Will Not Solve Our Immigration Problems.” The Center for Migration Studies of New York (CMS), 19 Mar. 2018, cmsny.org/border-wall-will-not-solve-immigration-problems/.
Rogers, James. “US-Mexico Border Wall Will Damage Wildlife, Scientists Warn.” Fox News, FOX News Network, www.foxnews.com/science/2018/07/25/us-mexico-border-wall-will-damage-wildlife-scientists-warn.html.
“The Voter's Self Defense System.” Vote Smart, votesmart.org/interest-group/2322/hispanic-federation-lclaa-lulac-mi-familia-vota-nclr-and-voto-latino#.XDwwLFxKjIU.
“Trump's Border Wall -- How Much It Will Actually Cost According to a Statistician.” Fox News,FOXNewsNetwork,www.foxnews.com/opinion/trumps-border-wall-how-much-it-will-actually-cost-according-to-a-statistician.
“Senator Steve Glazer.” Senator Steve Glazer, 10 Jan. 2019, sd07.senate.ca.gov/.
“Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis.” The Washington Post, WP Company, www.washingtonpost.com/.
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Blog Post #9 Infographic
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Works Cited
“Assembly Bill No. 2888.” California Legislative Information, www.leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201520160AB2888.
Google Images, cdns.abclocal.go.com/content/kgo/images/cms/1496228_1280x720.jpg
Google Images, fm.cnbc.com/applications/cnbc.com/resources/img/editorial/2017/12/06/104882636-Tarana_Burke.jpg?v=1512573618
“National Organization for Women.” Google Images, equalmeansequal.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/now.jpg
“Office on Violence Against Women (OVW).” The United States Department of Justice, 3 Jan. 2019, www.justice.gov/ovw.
“People v. Turner.” Wikipedia, 12 Jan. 2019, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_v._Turner.
“U.S. Department of Justice OVW.” Google Images, pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/999320480984125441/SukdxLjD_400x400.jpg
“Why We Need the Violence Against Women Act.” ywca, www.ywcablog.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/YWCA_Why_We_Need_VAWA.jpg.
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Civic Action Assessment of Net Neutrality
CWhat do you see as your roles as a citizen of this country in meeting the needs of our community?
As a permanent resident of this country, I believe that it is imperative to be up to date on current events. Not only does this help educate on the changes that the country is going through, but it also allows one to see red flags and issues that must be acted upon. It is also important to vote and represent not only your state but your country.
What have you learned in this class about civic responsibility?
Where to begin! This class has taught me everything from how important it is to vote on everything from presidents to propositions, to how civic responsibility effects each of the three branches of government.
Do you feel it is your civic obligation to help address the problems your civic action issue has created? Explain.
Of course! Now that I am educated I feel that I have developed a responsibility to educate others and act in order to reinstate net neutrality.
Have you volunteered your time to respond to this issue, either by directly volunteering; educating the public about it;  expanding your knowledge of the issue by attending government or non-government meetings, demonstrations, etc.?  If so, explain this experience in detail, provide dates and evidence.
For my civic action, I was planning on visiting the Ninth Circuit Court Of Appeals. Unfortunately, due to grim weather conditions and a smoke concentration that puts San Fran on 4/20 to shame, I was unable to visit. Luckily Andersquad leader Mrs Anderson has arranged for the field trip to happen on a later date.
If you have not been civically engaged, what are YOU willing to do in the future to respond to your civic action issue?
Again, unfortunately, due to the conditions the field trip has been moved to a later date. I am thrilled to apply what I learn there, and what I have learned already to my issue. Who knows, I may even get involved publicly speaking or something later in the future!
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Constitutional Issues
Unfortunately oyez.org did not have any cases regarding childhood obesity (or obesity in general).
I was also unable to find articles about childhood obesity on @andersquad ‘s twitter so I used an article from CNN instead.
Childhood Obesity is Getting Worse, Study Says
This article talks about the rise in childhood obesity. In the past years, it has seemed like childhood obesity rates were declining or at least remaining steady, but recent studies have shown it is in fact increasing in kids ages 2-5. This increase seems to be correlated with the exponentially increasing obesity rate among adults.
The author of this article is Jacqueline Howard. Howard is a writer and on air broadcaster that specializes in topics such as health, nutrition, and education. She has a masters in journalism from USC and has worked at a number of news networkings, so it is reasonable to assume she is qualified to speak on this topic.
This article was published in March of 2018 so it is pretty recent. That means that most of the information regarding increases in obesity rates are probably still accurate.
The intended audience are the American people. Rather than speaking of medical advances we need to make to prevent obesity she speaks mostly of the correlation between adult and child obesity rates. This implies that it is up to us as a society to fix this problem we have brought upon ourselves.
The author used to work at Huffington Post. While CNN and Huffington Post tend to be fairly unbiased, they are sometimes viewed as skewed slightly left (Huffington Post in particular). It can be assumed the author takes on these similar views which would ultimately skew her view on the subject.
This article is a wake up call to Americans. In fact, I believe Howard uses that exact phrase in her article. It shows just how out of control this epidemic has gotten. It is spiraling out of our reach, so we need to do something FAST.
I do agree with Howard. While she didn’t really offer a whole lot of solutions to the problem, she showed the frightening statistics on just how bad this problem has gotten. She essentially is just saying that this problem has gotten so out of hand, and something needs to be done. While people may argue over how that should be done, I think everyone would agree that this is a huge problem that needs to be addressed.
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ywan19ahsgov-blog · 6 years
Media Assessment of Issue
1. “Why Is U.S. Health Care So Expensive? Some of the Reasons You’ve Heard Turn Out to Be Myths.”, by The New York Times on March 13, 2018 (impartial source). “Barack Obama Parses ‘Medicare for all’ In Election Speech.” by The Huffington Post on September 7, 2018 (liberal source). “Americans are 'winning' on health care as Trump administration chips away at ObamaCare” by Fox News on August 6, 2018 (conservative source).
2. In the impartial article (https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/barack-obama-medicare-for-all-good-new-ideas_us_5b92b971e4b0162f472cd52c), The article talks about how the United States healthcare preform and the reason behind the expensive cost. The author of the article is Margot Sanger-Katz. The article refers to study done by professors which add much credibility to the result, the conclusion shows that although United States healthcare is expansive, it is normal compared to other nations, and is not an outlier. The intended audience is people who care about the health care system and want to know the truth without political bias. The author stands in a neutral perspective. The article is significant because it simplifies the problem in the health care system and provides strong evidence to back up the argument. I agree the problem states in the article, and I believe it is the truth because of the scientific research behind the result.    
 In the liberal source (https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/barack-obama-medicare-for-all-good-new-ideas_us_5b92b971e4b0162f472cd52c), The article gives the perspective of Obama in a speech on the health care issue. The author of the article is Daniel Marans. The article presents the healthcare issue that cannot effectively cover everyone and argue that America should adopt the Universal health care. The intended audience in this article is democrats and to people who identify with the socialist form of the healthcare system. The article is preferring a universal health care system more than the current healthcare situation. The article is significant because it represents the ideology of a group of people who support universal health care, and present one possible solution to improve the healthcare system. I agree with the article that a universal health care would make the healthcare system better than now, but I am not sure that the cost of universal healthcare would worth its price.  
In the conservation source                                                      (http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2018/08/06/americans-are-winning-on-health-care-as-trump-administration-chips-away-at-obamacare.html), The article states the trumps opinion on the healthcare issue and present benefit of trumps healthcare plan. The author of the article is Scott W. Atlas M.D. The article discusses how Trump healthcare plan is better than Obamacare. The intended audience is republicans and who do not believe in universal healthcare. The author prefers a commercial healthcare more than a universal health care. The article points out the reason for supporting Trump’s health care plan and is one possible solution for the improve the healthcare system. I agree that Trump healthcare plan would be beneficial to United States society, but it also limited the equality in getting medical support. 
3. The similarities of these three accounts are that they are all not fake news, all articles are base on a careful evident selection. However, unlike the article from the New York Times, the other two sources only pick the evidence that can add much persuasiveness to their argument, which present a degree of bias in the news story.
4. I identify with the source from the New York Times the most, because the source is not bias or exaggerate in any form, the conclusion of the article was based on a credit research. As the article stated, “We pay substantially higher prices for medical services, including hospitalization, doctors’ visits, and prescription drugs. And our complex payment system causes us to spend far more on administrative costs. The United States also has a higher rate of poverty and more obesity than any of the other countries, possible contributors to lower life expectancy that may not be explained by differences in the health care delivery system”, these are the problem that the health care system should be in urgent to improve.
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 1. I chose LGBT+ rights as my civic action issue, for the reason that thought there definitely needs to be change in the world, some things shouldn’t be changed for or adapted for people of LGBT+ (i.e. Military.)
2. People of LGBT+ want extreme change as well as basic rights. We need to balance this, by choosing the best solution. Basic rights and tolerance are not always given, even in the free country of The United States.
 3. I believe the United States needs to improve their tolerance of those who are different, as long as we are not promoting mental illness, not misusing transgender transition surgeries, understanding the limits of such people, and doing what is best for the society as a whole.
4. On twitter I am following the following accounts: @ Transgendernews @ TLDEF @ Translawcenter @ gaycivilrights @ LGBTrightsni. They all pertrain to my issue and tweet thing I both agree and disagree with. None really stand out to me at the moment, some irk me and some don’t bother me as much. Some just are not thought through, they don’t think about the bigger picture.
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scrowe18ahsgov · 6 years
Constitutional Issues
1. The name of the case is United States v. Stevens.
2. It was decided during President Barack Obama’s term.
3. Stephen’s was prosecuted under 18 U.S.C. Section 48 in a Pennsylvania federal district court for "knowingly selling depictions of animal cruelty with the intention of placing those depictions in interstate commerce for commercial gain." He was convicted for selling videos of which the content related to illegal dog fighting. Stephens appealed, saying that 18 U.S.C. Section 48 in itself is unconstitutional because it violates his First Amendment rights of freedom of speech.
4. The constitutional question that the judges were deciding was whether or not 18 U.S.C. Section 48 violates the First Amendment.
5. The case includes the 18 U.S.C Section 48, "knowingly selling depictions of animal cruelty with the intention of placing those depictions in interstate commerce for commercial gain." And the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment.
6. The decision was the overturn Stephen’s conviction, as  18 U.S.C Section 48 was unconstitutional and violated the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment.
7. This decision establishes the precedent that dog fighting videos are protected by the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment.
8. I agree that him being convicted for having the videos is against the First Amendment right. However, I disagree with the morals of overturning his conviction and dismissing 18 U.S.C Section 48, because it further encourages the cruelty brought from animal fights, for the supporters of such receive the intensive that they can make money off of them.
The Article that I found was titled, “ New animal cruelty law gives authorities power to prohibit future pet ownership,” by Emma Kennedy. The subject of the article was that Florida is passing a law called “Ponce’s Law,” which allows authorities to hand down harsher punishments for those convicted of animal cruelty and may also bar those convicted of adopting animals in the future. The intended audience is mostly for people who support animal rights, people who live in the state where this law is applicable, and the animal abusers who live in this state or are planning to do so. The author obviously is more supportive of the new law and does not favor animal abuse. The article is significant because it marks that people are taking steps to battle animals abuse. I agree with the author and the article that this new law is a good thing because, not only will it protect animals who are already being abused, it will also dissuade people from abusing an animal in the future.
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jgainey18gov-blog · 6 years
Civic Action Assessment of Issue
In Terms of taking action for a change, it takes something this country's generation is quickly running out of: Responsibility. Lounging around waiting for an issue to fix itself. If a bridge is to be constructed, many hands would make it a reality, not angry words alone.
What I Have learned about civic action is knowing about responsibility, and knowing fact from fiction. The illusion is strong in many cases like feminism and revoking gay marriage, but we can all leave a good impact by being responsible by doing, and not just saying.
As much as I’d like to save every animal on earth, I cannot do it alone. My focus must be on other matters, but I will be sure to volunteer wherever I can given the opportunity. With the best respect, there are other matters I need to attend to.
I will always be the one to identify and show the truth of how threatened an animal is should I encounter.  I practice this with every spider in my household. Making sure not one is harmed. I study them, document them, and keep them safe from any rolled up newspapers. Pretty soon I may yet do something similar for a Silverback gorilla or a Canus Rufus, my favorite wolf.
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calinsod17ahs-blog · 7 years
Political Party Action
Political Parties are a large part in America as they encourage citizen involvement and to actively participate in the country’s issues and beliefs. In order to research my civic action issue, I decided to investigate other party’s opinions on my issue. Republicans do not really take a stance on racial stereotyping, but they do encourage people of all color to join. Republicans are not necessarily concerned with social issue and mainly focus on issues dealing with money like education and defense. It might also be because Republicans are notoriously conservative and will not deal with progressive issues. Unlike Democrats, which strive for racial equality. Democrats want to end discrimination against race, ethnicity, etc. I agree with their position as people should be judged on their character not color. Libertarian do not really have a focus on civil actions based on race and focus on more religion and internet privacy. The Green Party also are against racial stereotyping as well for one for their ten key values is Social Justice and Equal Opportunity. They want to “onfront in ourselves, our organizations, and society at large, any discrimination by race, class, gender, sexual orientation, age, nationality, religion, or physical or mental ability that denies fair treatment and equal justice under the law”. And I agree with this because bodies don’t matter when deciding if your a good person. The Peace and Freedom Party agree with this as they strive for socialism, democracy and racial equality. They want to support and protect the minority workers in America. I stand with their position because they want to make sure all people of color are represented. I identify with the Democratic party the most as they had the strongest stance on the topic. This does not really surprise me and I would for the presidential candidate.
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ckenney17ahs-blog · 8 years
Getting Started!
I decided to use the article from “The Week,” website. The subject of Climate change, and scientists willing to march for their own cause. The scientists got the idea from the ‘Women's March,’ that took place in various locations. The author of the article is Peter Weber, who writes for ‘The Week,’ website. The context, is “The Week,” website and it is an information article, not bias. The audience is Americans. It is trying to inform the people of another march to take stand and get involved with. Most likely left winged Americans. The authors perspective is not bias and is simply stating that scientists are fed up with President Trumps new change to the website, thewhitehouse.gov. There is now no mention of climate change, anywhere on the official website. The significance is taking a stand. Do not stop at the women march, keep going. Protest if that is needed, and take a stand for what one believes is right. Scientists want to protest the Presidents disregard of climate change all together.
On twitter, I have followed
-USDA (The department of Agriculture)
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shortlieb17ahs-blog · 8 years
Getting Started
I stumbled upon an blog that has to do about my topic, welfare reform,  which was named, “Strengthening Welfare Reform” written by JENNIFER PALMIERI. It was a little bit short, but got a lot of great information out of it. The subject was to accelerate job replacement and moving more Americans from welfare to work. Getting the waivers passed for the TANF program it will allow more jobs for Americans lowering the amount of people on welfare throughout the states. This blog was written by Jennifer Palmieri who was the Director of Communications for Hillary Clinton. This blog is about getting this waiver passed to allow more jobs to be created and get people off of welfare. The audience is anyone who is concerned about people being on welfare and or wanting more people to be able to be on welfare. For example, someone may want less people on welfare so one could look at this getting more people off welfare while another person could say that this would get more people off welfare letting more people go on welfare. The perspective of the blog is through Jennifer Palmieri as she states a new policy that revealed information on how they are going to create jobs etc. A new policy from the Department of Health and Human Services will now allow states to test it out as it will create more jobs for humans on welfare and be able to get them a job.  I do agree with this blog as I feel like a lot of people are abusing the welfare system and are taking the privilege away for the people that actually need it. The best way is too create jobs and other opportunities to get these people working again and not having to rely on the states money.
On my twitter account, I follow Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and a couple health care and welfare accounts. I followed Obama because he was the last president and he was all for welfare, while Donald Trump is on a whole different side wanting to create jobs, which is awesome to hear for the Americans who are unable to find a job and live freely. Donald Trump throughout the last couple of weeks have been tweeting that he has been meeting with top industrial leaders to create more jobs for the American people. A lot of the huge industries are agreeing with Trump and creating tens of thousands of new jobs, which will hopefully lower the amount of people on welfare. 
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Civic Action Assessment of the Issue
1. As a citizen of this country, it is partly my responsibility to help meet the needs of our community. I can do this in multiple ways, some being volunteering time, effort, or money to a problem.
2. Civic responsibility is meant to be everyone’s responsibility. We should be contributing members of society and work to better the lives of those around us.
3. Stopping violence and sexual violence against women is a civic obligation that I think everyone should be helping to stop. It is certainly one of my civic obligations, because not all women have the same feelings of safety and the same freedoms as I do. As a woman in a democratic and free country, with my education, it is my obligation to stop violence against women in whatever ways possible.
4. I have not managed to volunteer my time to my civic issue. I have been able to volunteer for organizations focusing on other issues, but I unfortunately do not have proof.
5. I have not been civically engaged for my civic issue, but in the future I want to. I plan to attend the women’s march and vote for people in office that push for an end to violence against women. I may join an interest group like NOW in the future. I also want to volunteer my time and I can do that through organizations like Planned Parenthood or Dressember.
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Executive Action Assessment of Net Neutrality
“In truth, the U.S. government’s net neutrality rules unofficially died last November, at the moment Trump won the White House. Republicans never liked the utility-style regulations adopted by the Democrat-dominated FCC in 2015, and Pai — then serving as a commissioner — voted against it.
So when Trump tapped Pai to lead the telecom agency at the beginning of his presidency, net neutrality supporters and opponents alike recognized a repeal would follow. The official rulemaking process kicked off at the FCC in May, and it quickly became clear that the telecom agency’s new GOP leader had hoped to limit the FCC’s future role in heavily policing the open internet.” (https://www.recode.net/2017/12/14/16771910/trump-fcc-ajit-pai-net-neutrality-repeal)
I disagree with the position because I believe that without a neural net is crucial if we are to have a fair, unbiased, and free internet experience.
The Department of Justice (DOJ) manages my issue
The Cabinet’s mission statement is “To enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according to the law; to ensure public safety against threats foreign and domestic; to provide federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime; to seek just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior; and to ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans.” This relates to freedom and possibly to net neutrality as that relates to freedom.
Matthew G. Whitaker, the attorney general is very well qualified for the position and relates to my issue.
Explore the Cabinet’s Programs and Services.  Which would be suitable for responding to your issue? Briefly identify and explain them.
I am deeply sorry but cannot seem to find their services or programs, I will update if possible.
I am not satisfied with the executive action taken on my issue, it was repealed and nothing much has been done!
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jhelvey19ahs-blog · 6 years
Civic Action Assessment of Issue
1. It is my job to be a respectful, caring citizen in my community. As a citizen in the U.S. I have the agency to choose to be an upstanding citizen. My desire to do good as a citizen should come from my pride for my community and country. 
2. In this class I have learned about how civic responsibility can shape our community and how it affects me and my peers. Civic responsibility is taken on by oneself by choice. It is the things that we feel we have the responsibility to do, accomplish and uphold as citizens.
3. I do feel it is my civic obligation, especially since lives and livelihoods are on the line. It is a heavy civic obligation because my issue is widespread and affects the whole country. I feel this way because I sympathize with the families that are displaced and the people left out in the cold to live in terrible conditions.
4. On October 31, along with three other seniors in the Andersquad, I presented on my issue and the effects that Prop 10 would have on my issue during lunch. 10 or 15 students came so that they could be informed before going into the election. On December 8, and other Saturdays in previous months, I went to take food to the homeless with the ECAP organization.
5. I have been and am willing to continue to be of service to the homeless in my community.
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ywan19ahsgov-blog · 6 years
1. The civic action issue I choose is the Universal Healthcare/Healthcare reform. The reason why I choose this issue is that I often think about the question that as the world’s greatest country with the highest GDP, why the United States isn’t able to provide a Universal Healthcare.
2. The healthcare face issue such as expensive charged, monopolies in the insurance company, and the overly complex system. On the other hand, News articles reflect the crucial truth of current healthcare in the United States where some people are sick but refuse to go to the hospital due to the high prices while others may face excuses from the insurance company to refuse the payment of  “expansive illness”.
3. I believe a Healthcare reform should be taken place, and it should be focusing on the reduce of cost and simplify the healthcare system. In addition, the reform of Healthcare can also be heading toward Universal Healthcare or capitalist corporations. And through the project, I am willing to conclude the best solution for the United States in healthcare reform.
4. Relating to Universal Healthcare/Healthcare reform, I followed Donald J. Trump, Bernie Sanders, Healthcare Reform, RAND Health, Covered California on Twitter. I followed them because they have a say in healthcare reform and their decision would influence the healthcare field. I find that Donald J. Trump and Bernie Sanders have a different opinion on the issue of Healthcare. Donald J. Trump wants the Healthcare field to be totally capitalist where it needs to stop the Obama Care plan; for Bernie Sanders, he believes in a complete socialist healthcare plane where no insurance company should exist, instead, the government should proved a universal healthcare that benefits to all.
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scrowe18ahsgov · 6 years
Legislative Action
1.  A.) Desaulnier wishes to protect the ethical and humane treatment of animals in our area and around the world.
Harris wants to support the care for animals.
Feinstein wishes to support animal facilities that specialize in animal care.
B.) Desaulnier has not sponsored any bills on the issue.
Harris supported a bill for animal treatment and rights, “with respect to civil forfeitures relating to certain seized animals.”
Feinstein supported did not sponsor any bills on the issue.
2. A.)
B.) House Bill #4693; The Puppy Protection Act.
C.) This Bill establishes guidelines and limits on how well, at the very least, that a dog dealer must house their dogs, and how much the dogs need to be fed and exercised. It also puts more limits on breeding restrictions.
D.) This bill will ensure that the dogs are treated ethically and humanely by their dealers by being provided all the food, water, exercise, interaction, and space they need.
E.) I would vote yea for the reason that these requirment set by this bill seem to me to be what a dog, or any animal, really needs to be physically and mentally happy.
F.) The bill originated in the House. It’s been reffered to the House Committee on Agriculture and the House Subcommittee on Livestorck and Foreign Agriculture. It's made it through the House and the Senate, but the President has not signed it.
G.) I'm not eh happiest with the Federal Legislation on my issue. I feel like their aren't enough bills that pass or are proposed that really ensure that animals get the treatment and the right to treatment that maintain their wellbeing.
3. SACAP- The subject of the article is to do with smuggling drugs as well as treatment of animals. The author is Al Baker and Sean Piccoli. Basically, a veterenarian was charged with smuggling Heroin in puppies. The intended audience is for people who are interested in animals and who also have opinions or thoughts on drug smuggling across borders. The bias and perspective of the author is that these poor puppies where treated so unfairly and that the convicted was most likely to blame for the situation. The signifigance of the article is to show that animals can be treated more of as tools than as living beings. I do agree with this siginifigance, because people DO use animals as tools for their own gain, whether it be a cute acessory to some girl's outfit or a drug dealer who needs somewhere to hide his contraband, animals aren't given the respect and treatment they deserve. Link to the article: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/01/nyregion/heroin-puppies-veterinarian-smuggling.html?rref=collection%2Ftimestopic%2FCruelty%20to%20Animals&action=click&contentCollection=timestopics&region=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=collection
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