kedsandtubesocks · 7 months
hello miss birthday angel!!! i hope ur special day is just as wonderful as u are!!!!!
can i please do 🔮 for me and shouto 👉👈
ANDIE you sweet angel thank YOU so much 🥹💋 you already made the celebration so special!!!
🔮 ooo so let’s get a tarot reading for you!
Here’s to Andie + Shouto aka Team ShoAndi my favorite double Capricorn couple 💖💕
Todoroki is an absolute BABY about the days he doesn’t get to eat a lunch you’ve made, like if he’s away for a mission or late on patrols when your schedule and his don’t mesh up he is becoming the WORST sulking baby ever because he could be eating your cooking! But he isn’t! He’s considered a work hazard when this happens
He always tries to get you fresh flowers every Friday! If he physically can’t bring them to you then he gets them delivered and DOUBLES the amount sent to you
When you and him first move in and decide to fully create a space together he is so “paint the walls whatever you like, my love ☺️” until you pick the lovely pastel rose color and he flat out is like “That one? Why not that sage green color?” And that’s when you remember he will always have the youngest sibling vibes lol
Thank you again Andie for filling my birthday celebration and my life with so much joy and vegetables heeheeheee LOVE YA!! 🎉
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