clubkidandcollectives · 7 months
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isralienpsytrance · 5 years
68 Voces: Zapoteco. Imagen de Prometeo from Hola Combo on Vimeo.
IMAGEN DE PROMETEO Basado en el cuento “Imagen de Prometeo” de Andrés Henestrosa. Lengua: Zapoteco de la Planicie Costera, Oaxaca
Sinopsis Un rechazo al Dios Rayo hace que este desquite su coraje contra el pueblo quitándoles la lluvia. Un joven temerario hará todo por regresar la lluvia a su pueblo, batalla que ahora podemos recordar al ver los vientos y las nubes en el cielo. *Corto animado perteneciente a la serie 68 voces - 68 corazones
Versión Zapoteco ti ba’du’ casi ca Prometeo Ni rapa xaique ro’ xti’ ca huabi Diuxi xti’ rayu la?, ti dxi guyeebe yenababe badudxapa’ xiiñi’ xaique xti’ ca binnizá guichaganá’ xiiñi’ rey huabi que, nin lica ndá que runibia’ saaca ba’du’ que laaca. Xaique xti’ ca binnizá que ni ná di’ nichaganá xiiñi’ badunguiu que, ngue bichiichi Diuxi xti’ rayu bicueezaca lu gusiguie. Guirá’ binni que biinaca’ nezalu xpido’ca’, ti cadi cayaba nisaguie, huaxa ca rayu que nabepe cadxichica’ ne que licape’ nucaadiagaca’ laacabe. Ngue runi xaique xti’ ca binnizá que gulidxibe guirá’ nguiu ti ganda gunduuxecabe guirá’ ni cayaca que. … Ma la si biree ti badunguiu nadxibalu bindaa diidxá laa chee ra nuu Diuxi xti’ rayu zaguitebe laa, ne gabibe laa pa caquiiñe tu guni xhiiña’. Diuxi que bieche ti ma napa tu laa zanda guni xhiiña’. Ti ná ne laabe, ma que zandadi’ guidaagulisaa ca zá que. Dxi ma yaca gueda nisaguie que biseenda cabe badunguiu que chi guidxelasaa neza guete’. Lu neza zebe que binibia’be bi xti’ neza rindani gubidxa ne bi’nibe laa xamigube ne guni’ iquebe zandaca guidaagulisaa ne laabe lu ni chigunibe que. Ra yendabe neza guete que biiyabe ra dagulisaa guirá’ zá que, bitaagube guirá’ xpinnibe ne bicueezabe bi que, guni’nebe laaca ne gudxibe laaca xi zanda gunica luguiá’ xaique xti’ ca’. Guiruti’ ñanna xi diidxa’ gudxibe laaca’, huaxa rayu ne bi la?, bizuguendaca’ ne laabe, Bi nisa ro’, gudiñe bi xti’ neza riaazi’ gubidxa ne gucuaabe ca zá que bini’be laaca’ tobisi lu ca layú xtidu. Bizulu nda’ xa nisaguie que biaba ne gudiibi’ guirá’ yuuba’ xti’ guidxilayú. ma bioxho’ gubidxa, huaxa yanna ra zedayuba beu mayu la?, guirá’ binni goola ruyadxica’ guiba’ ra cadinde bi ne rini’ ca’ pa nisaguie ni chiguiaba que nacha’hui’ o pa co’.
English Version One day, the God of Thunder, protector of King Huabe asked a Zapotec princess to marry the prince, even though they did not know each other. The Zapotec King denied the request and the King of Thunder, infuriated decided to take revenge preventing the rain season from arriving. People cried their eyes before the altars, everyone asked for rain. But thunder was deaf in anger. The king decided then to call all men to end the punishment. A young man proposed an audacious plan. He would visit the God of Thunder and trick him into accepting the young man’s services. The God was very pleased with his new subject. With him clouds could not even form. He was the bravest of all men in the army. During the following rain season, the young man was sent to fight in the South. However, in the way he met the Southeast wind and befriended him, considering him an ally. When he arrived at his destination, he saw clouds forming, he gathered his men and the wind and spoke about rising up against their God. There is no certainty about what happened, but the fact is that thunder and wind accepted. The South wind defeated the Southwest wind and led the clouds to our fields. Rain unleashed its strings and went down to wash pain on the earth. …time has grown old, but to this day, when May arrives, the elderly can predict, watching the fight of the winds, if the rain season will be a good or a bad one.
Ficha Técnica Título: Imagen de Prometeo Locución: German Ramirez Martinez Traducción: German Ramirez Martinez Dirección: Gabriela Badillo Ilustración: Diego Huacuja T. Animador: Basa / Diego Huacuja Adaptación: Gabriela Badillo Música original: Biovo / Enrique Quiroz Diseño de audio: Wetback Audio / Igor Figueroa Coordinador de producción: Brenda Orozco Duración: 1.00 min Una producción de Hola Combo, Canal Once, INALI, CDI Año de producción 2016
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