marshmallowdarling · 2 years
hi, i was wondering if u could write for a yandere batfam reaction to the batsis growing REALLY tall, like 6’0(opposite of ur short one). just overall head cannons on how they would react and such.
only do this if u can tho!!! i completely understand if u can’t, and i’m just glad i found out how asks work!! drink some water, sleep well, and have a wonder weekend!!!!
I kind of wanted to distance myself from Batfam stuff just because the only blogs I've seen bout them always turn into a Batfam blog bc of the demand and while I love them and I know some blog writers do love them like that I would rather not continue to write them.
But you anon are just so nice and cute how was I not supposed to???? 🥺
Also sorry for the delay in writing, I just didn't have any creative juices at all. I'm trying to get out of this funk so please send me asks!!
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If you thought the batfam fed short foster! Reader then you haven’t seen anything yet!
Because your taller and bigger your body needs more food and they know this, so instead of them kind of backing off and making sure you eat no matter how big, NOW they will be feeding you 24/7!
They still keep the same type of snacks but now they try to keep protein on them, the bat mobile having a cooler into it now to keep everything fresh. 
Tall reader! Still gets regular check up’s, making sure that you growing too fast doesn’t hurt you and that your body can support your new weight. Checking that your joints and bones are oki doki hoki poki!
Batfam! Worries about your height too, wondering if your height might give you some disadvantages with your body with age or if your genetics might give you something bad.
I’m sorry to say but if your taller than them you won’t be stronger than them, you still get picked up and they modify their holding styles to make sure your comfortable. Though Tim and Damian both have thought about if you could pick them up, Damian having once had a dream that he was on your shoulders while you were running through the manor, he was very huffy and pouty after and was even more of a brat for your attention that day even though he wouldn’t tell you why.
Dick once had a nightmare that you had grown as tall as a house and escaped, when he tried to bring you back home you just stepped over him like an ant. When he flung awake he immediately sneaked into your room to make sure you weren’t like his dream, he definitely listened to his old man and Alfred’s nagging about having some sort of sleep schedule after that. 
If ANYONE says anything about your height or even looks at you the wrong way the whole family are going to torture them slowly but not before making a show of telling them off and praising you up and down for your height.
Clothes are tailored for you anyways no matter your height or gender so you never have to worry about nothing fitting, same with shoes. You get the grandest biggest bed they can get, bigger than an Alaska king sized bed as they had it made to order just for their little precious sibling.
That’s another thing too, your still their precious little thing. No matter how tall you are or how old you are, and they will not even think twice before reminding you about that.
“Aww aren’t you just a little precious thing. Hu? What do you mean your taller than me. Pfft- that doesn’t matter silly little cub, you aren’t as strong as us are you hmm? You still need your big boys to take care of you! There’s no shame in that little cub! We are more than happy to help!”
I head cannon that the BatBoys! Always show a range of body types in the magazines they pose for so best bet if your ever feeling low they will show you how beautiful and handsome your body is. 
You never get mocked for being too tall but Jason does put things juuuust out of reach to ‘coincidently’ walk in on you struggling and tease you even if he himself can’t reach and needs to climb on something. 
“You were just saying how tall you were, what happened hmm? That too far away from you?” He chuckles and teases you while he gets it down but gives your head pat while he’s up there.
I don’t put specific heights but it’s going to be rare that you are taller than them or all of them. Bruce is 6’2 (from a quick google search don’t kill me) and the boys are around the same so some of them might just be an inch or half an inch taller than you. Though even if you are taller than them it won’t change much, they will find ways to pat your head and give forehead kisses but back, arm and shoulder pats so come more frequent.
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skippyv20 · 2 years
  2014, Meghan Markle in an airport, who does she Google? The Queen! Here's MORE proof that Meghan knew a lot about the Royal Family and was more obsessed than she let on #MeghanMarkleIsALiar
Recollections May Vary
Oh Meghan, your narcissism outs you... EVERYTIME! (Also thank you to her obsessed 'fans' and those who archived her insta)
Remember when she told the BBC that she knew nothing about the Royal Family? And to this day maintains that she is an ignorant American... This is what she said about the BRF ... she had no understanding about the Royal Family. To Oprah, she said that she never Googled him.
Here is a picture of Meghan on her Macbook while waiting at an airport with a panama hat in 2014. What was curious was the image on the top left hand corner of the screen. To me, The Queen is iconic and every picture of hers is iconic, so I instantly recognised that it was The Queen. Also, I have the tote bag from this series of photos in colour from NPG. Probably why her image is seared in my brain esp the hair and the crown.
Let me break it down for you (and hope I do a good job as I tend to assume people know what I'm thinking).
Credit to u/elegantboop for sharing the picture with me
Here's a Pic of Queen Elizabeth II in 1952 taken by Dorothy Wilding (below image), does it not look similar to the above? Even the colour tone of the image. There were several photos taken by Dorothy as this was the first official photographic sitting after the Queen's ascension eg photo 1, photo 2. But none match the photo below
Here is the side by side comparison of Meghan's screen pic magnified vs the Queen's official portrait from 1952. Even though it is so blurry; the lighting, subject profile, hairstyle, CROWN, the badge on her dark sash can be made out.
So I wanted to verify the date of Meghan's photograph, sadly this was a challenge.
It wasn't in her instagram archive. Luckily for us, she blogged about that straw panama hat on The Tig!! (link to relevant post of the Tig archive dated 08 / 06 / 2014). The hat was made for her by 18 WAITS in 2014!! (A full 2 years before they claimed they started dating). The feather and cord detail around the hat is identical.
in The Tig, she wrote
Lord knows I love a hat. If you check out my Instagram on any given day, you’re apt to find me in the same panama hat and aviators that I’ve been hiding under for a few years. So I thought it might be time for a change. Cue the cool, weathered, one of a kind hats you’ll find at 18 Waits
Ugghhhh ... the she always has to include her feet in her photos about unrelated things. Weirdo!
And they said that they started dating mid 2016 so why would she be googling old pictures of the Queen while at an airport? Unless, of course she was obsessed with the Royals
Anyway, do you see the Queen like I do on her screen?
We've all seen her pose outside Buckingham Palace when she was 15 (in 1996) with her friend, Ninaki Priddy
In 2014, she even posed with a tabloid claiming on its cover that Kate was pregnant with twins.
Over a year ago, I made this post, where Meghan took an insta pic of a royal procession in December 2013. It said, Because its hard to get a cab sometimes #London #fancy .
There is no way she didnt understand the magnitude of the royal tradition and its global impact. She definitely was obsessed for ages and now she pretends like she never knew or googled them.
Yes, I posted about this just last night….amazing what people find….😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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lingeringscars · 2 years
gentle thingy with the current t/100 resurgence. actually 2 things : i am still v sensitive ab bellamys death and still will not write about it and encourage people to Not talk to me about it / the very end of the show.
the main thing is that i know esp w/ t/100 there is A Lot of critique/hate that happens. i’ve lived through all of it as someone who watched from s2 on. there is a lot to be critical about i’m not going to deny that or try and argue otherwise BUT it can and has really sapped my energy and excitement over it so if u post on the dash pls just... tag it?? whether it’s over a ship or character or the show or even j/roth.  
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
I'm a psych major - i seriously believe that the CC fandom is a cult - the hate they send is cult like mentality, they have something seriously wrong with them. Like mentally. I wouldn't be surprised if one of them got arrested for harassment of C or D or their partners.
Come off anon and chat with me...there is a lot to unpack and I won’t do it publicly.  
There is definite some mental health issues for in that fandom. I too keep wondering how far they will push it.  If not them, will some follower of theirs do something stupid because they are emboldened by the rhetoric that the ccc leaders spew? 
Whether the anons are real or the leaders of the ccc are sending anons to themselves-or it’s a combination of both- is unclear to me, what I do know is that the answers they are giving are consistently and purposefully misleading and often outright lies. 
Two recent examples of their outrageous lies; 
1. ANON::
“...have u seen naya say on the podcast that C was actually upset about santana's rant to kurt in that episode... because it was so real? it really makes u think that there was for sure one writer thay really did have it out for chris...
ajw720 answered:
That rant was 100% directed at C and it was divined by RM.  He is raging with jealousy towards C, he has everything, looks, talent, creativity, and D.  And things completely feel apart when RM realized C was genuine competition.  You realize Blainofsky was punishment to CC for acting out that past summer? He literally broke up the fan favorite couple on the show during the last season for revenge. And he despises C in particular. And that rant was not aimed at K/urt. It was aimed at C.  And I am glad N/aya commented on it, I can’t imagine how she felt being used on that manner.
Had she spent 2 minutes Googling this she would have realized that fact Brad Falchuk-not Ryan Murphy- wrote Jagged Little Tapestry thus invalidating her entire theory.
Everything she said about Ryan Murphy in this paragraph is simply her fantasy. Ryan is a very successful and powerful Hollywood writer, producer, and director. He is also gay and married with young children and Is a powerful LGBQT advocate.  His youngest son waged a 2-year battle with Neuroblastoma from 2016-2018. Neuroblastoma is a vicious form of childhood cancer that requires intense treatment. I used to be an pediatric oncology/bone marrow transplant nurse and this cancer and treatment is no joke. 
Ryan Murphy is very creative- he created and wrote episodes of Glee, 911, and  Nip/Tuck, AHS, ACS, and the upcoming The Politician. Check out his IMDB (X).  
He has won numerous awards and nurtured a lot of queer content including Pose which hired both LGBTQ actors and staff making it highly unlikely that he would closet a gay actor. 
She suggested Ryan is jealous of Chris because of his “looks” and  his relationship with Darren. There is nothing to suggest that Ryan is unhappy in his married, his attracted to much younger or is attracted to Chris and/ Darren.  Ryan called his husband, “His rock” in 2018 when talking about their son’s illness.  
Abby ignores  Ryan’s real life story, instead because it doesn’t fit her fanfiction character profile she created for Ryan.     
2. ANON: 
“....is it a known fact to the whole fandom that f/etusm/iarren is M/ia ?” (X)
chrisdarebashfulsmiles answered:
Hi, you know, i think (my opinion) that m/iarrens are ignoring purposely this fact. Like.. they have seen everything happening or showed here and decided to say “hey, you know? i don’t care”. Like they do with everything that is not part of the “D is straight” tale.
Let’s say that most of us have an idea about who the minions are (if they exists and i think i can tell you that maybe one is a real person)… but it’s irrelevant. 
The account still exists because, and believe me i don’t know how this is possible, the stans who follow that account are more “m/ia stans” (the ones that bother us on our blogs and in blogs dedicated to hate and mock us) than “D stans.  Let me tell you one thing: i speak with a good bunch of “m/iarren” that are D stans and we are on the same page, we worry for D. No talk of bullshit with them. Most of them understood that something wasn’t ok and they left their fandom, without becoming part of the cc one. Others are still here but more subtle and still respectful.
And I see why: because they want to understand what is wrong.
Anyway: D’s team gives her stuff, and this is one of the problem.
In truth, there are very few “Mia stans” and a lot of “Darren stans”.  The CCCers refuse to listen to what their anons actually say. Instead they pigeon-hole people into categories based on their own needs and they need us to be unreasonable and obsessed with Mia rather than Darren for their self-righteous antics to work.   
Nobody that I am aware of is purposefully ignoring credible evidence that Darren is gay. None of us are looking at the “evidence “ and saying “hey, we don’t care”.  The fact is that very few people care if Darren is gay or straight and the “evidence” is nonsense. I have yet to year one thing that sounds credible. Anyone else? 
I did a very rudimentary look her claim that “The account still exists because, and believe me i don’t know how this is possible, the stans who follow that account are more “m/ia stans” than “D Stans”.  I sampled 280 Fetu/sMiarr/en followers: 
The vast majority were private accounts aka we cannot say why they are interested in the account.
4 or 0.1% called themselves Mi/arrens
10 or 3.5% listed Kl/aine or Gle/e in their profile
15 or 5.3% listen Darre/n or posted photos of him alone
1 or 0.03% was a Guns ‘N Hoses page DING DING DING we found the Mia Stan.   
Darren’s team gives her stuff? What exactly would Darren’s team need to give her? She is his wife. She goes everywhere with him. they own a home and bar together. 
Chrisdarebashfulsmiles had a rare moment of honestly when she said “Believe me I don’t know how this is possible”.  The truth is. it isn’t possible. it’s all made up.
Abby stuck her nose in to the conversation with this wisdom: 
And a lot of the stans who refuse to accept it, need M because she is the only thing that makes d straight. And they know as soon as they start to question, they have to face reality
Um, no Abs, Mia is not the only thing that makes Darren straight. 
Darren is straight because he is a man who is sexually attracted to women....the very definition of “straight”.  
Darren has identified as straight for 9 years. 
Your confusion around his sexual orientation is simply your refusal to respect his word because you believe you know more than he does about his own feelings-however that isn’t a valid argument.    
His marriage to Mia is a personal decision to build a life with the woman he loves and has been in a relationship with for 9 years or so.
Let’s look at Darren’s own words over the years:  
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2011 'Glee' Star Darren Criss Comes Out—As A Straight Guy!(X)
"I think it's more empowering to everybody, including myself, if I'm articulate about identifying myself as a straight male playing a gay character," the actor says in the Hollywood issue of Out magazine. "Ultimately, that's more powerful for both communities."
When Criss first got the role of Blaine, he admits that he wanted to deflect questions about his sexual orientation, giving reporters answers like, "It doesn't matter if I'm gay or straight." But he decided that it was better if he was just honest and straightforward. Besides, he explains, he owes a huge part of his identity to gay role models. 
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2011 “Glee Star Darren Criss Dishes on Kissing Lea Michele & Losing Out To Cory Monteith (X)
I’ve been pretty overt about the fact that I am straight,” Darren told Billy and Kit. “I think it’s an important thing to be explicit about — not for my own sexuality, but just as a general statement that I am comfortable with my sexuality and very comfortable with the fact that I’m playing a strong gay character.”
I’ve been pretty overt about the fact that I am straight,” Darren told Billy and Kit. “I think it’s an important thing to be explicit about — not for my own sexuality, but just as a general statement that I am comfortable with my sexuality and very comfortable with the fact that I’m playing a strong gay character.”
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2013 Cosmo Guy” Darren Criss On Glee’s New Chapter   (X)
Q: You're not gay; you just play gay on TV. Do you ever feel the need to assert your heterosexuality?
A: No. I know who I am. I feel bad for guys who have to flex their muscles. But hey, if that's the way to make yourself feel comfortable as a man—as long as it isn't antagonizing anybody—go for it. I'm okay with your getting a Miata to feel like a dude; just don't be a dick about it.
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Darren Criss Will No Longer Play Gay Characters (X)
Darren Criss has decided that he will no longer play gay characters. Why? Because he doesn’t want to be a straight actor taking potential roles from actors who actually identify as gay, he said in a recent interview with Bustle.
“There are certain [queer] roles that I’ll see that are just wonderful,” he explained. “But I want to make sure I won’t be another straight boy taking a gay man’s role.”
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2018 Darren Criss on Playing Serial Killer Andrew Cunanan in ACS: Versace and Passing as White  (X)
You’ve also played a lot of gay and queer characters. Has playing these parts informed how you think about your sexuality or gender? That’s a great question. God, we need like an hour. Sure, yes. Absolutely. It definitely has. I think being queer in general evokes more self-questioning than somebody who’s cisgender straight, because you really have to explore a lot of things about yourself that are meeting resistance on conventional social levels. So you have to go, “Okay, cool. Is this really how I feel?” There are questions that arise within yourself that doesn’t have to happen if you live in a hetero-normative universe. So in that sense, I think the journey of questioning oneself, which everybody does anyway — and should do— I admire that narrative. Even though I am not gay myself, or queer, I am a storyteller, and I love and appreciate the strength of character it takes for someone to get through that, whether it was difficult or not. I’ve been very blessed in my career with being allowed in the gay community. Again, as a cisgendered straight dude, that’s not lost on me. I don’t take that for granted. It’s been such a huge part of my life, even pre-Glee. I come from San Francisco doing theater, man. Like, I was raised by gay men. Not literally at home, but you know, as a young kid doing theater, my friends were these men and women in their 20s, driving me home and getting me dinner. These were my adult figures in my life, so unconsciously I’ve always had such affection for the life, whatever that means. So I guess inhabiting a gay voice is important to me because it’s a voice that I find inspiring. 
These are just two of the many lies the cc fandom tell their followers in order to manipulate them into believing the fantasies that means much to them.  
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