thebleedingeffect · 5 months
ac lore please :)
Oh god I'm so tired so this shit is gonna be so incoherent and nonsensical BUT I'm gonna try my absolute best to make any of this make any sort of sense.
So, in the assassin's creed universe it's established sorta early on that humanity was originally made by these deity-like people. In that time these people created several powerful objects before 99% of them got blasted off the fucking earth thanks to solar flare. So! Humans inherit the earth! Okay cool fun nice yippeeeee humanity are no longer slaves and actually have autonomy this is a major win for us! But you see, the vast majority of humanity DOESN'T have this deity DNA going on because only a few humans ever got with these deity people, or the precursors. Technically they're the Isu but it makes me giggle just saying that SJSJSJS ANYWAY- most people don't have this DNA therefore they are more susceptible to these objects effects.
Descendents who have remnants of this Isu bullshit have things like the eagel vision! Okay cool there's an in universe explanation to how exactly the fuck a very certain number of people have super special vision that's somehow passed down through genetics. And these sorts of people largely end up being assassin's! But there are the handful of templars who have these abilities, looking at you Haytham and Shay.
ANYWAY there's this ASSHOLE of an Isu, Minerva, who is one of the only surviving Isu and uses the objects to manipulate humanity into eventually bringing her back. This is a plan that takes centuries btw and it involves a whole bunch of both manipulating templars AND assassin's.
I am gonna be honest though and say that the Isu stuff isn't what really attracts me to the series, the REAL fucking shit is the absolute fucking HORROR and DEVASTATION that these FICTIONAL HISTORICAL RPF CHARACTERS are doing to my mental health. Listen the Isu have absolutely fucking nothing on the CENTURIES of drama going on between the assassin's and templars, at this point I could care less about the dead godly fuckers because I'm so tuned the fuck in on the sheer scale of this drama.
Assassin's and templars are two sides of the same coin when it comes to humanity, one believes that freedom and guidance from the shadows is the proper way for humanity while the other side believes that people need a stronger hand and that the ends justify the means sorta deal. They cannot exist without the other because they're so intertwined and marred in so much violence, resentment, love, history, and hatred that they just can't live without the other. In a really fucked up sorta way they constantly keep each other in check and it's a neverending war between them, because their fundamental values put them against each other.
Just as a little example- assassin's believe that there is power in shadows, that not everything must be brought to the light and that sometimes... certain knowledge must be kept away from society for its own good. Templars on the other hand believe that there is power in collecting everything that they can as to better humanity and to give them the power and knowledge as to guide humanity. In a really fucked up sorta way they're the embodiment of light vs dark and just how each side can be disastrous or beneficial. It just messes me up so much that thwse guys and constantly at each others throats and you'd think that it would be a classic good vs evil sorta deal but!!!! No !!!!!!!!!
The creed is secretly full of corruption and is unwilling to act, so hidden in the shadows that they're scared to do anything but the barest of actions. They're a distant shadow from what they once were and they turn the other eye from corruption because they believe that the sacrifice is worth it considering the templars are their greatest enemy. But all that's happened is that their weakness and vulnerabilities have been allowed to fester and their core tenants become less and less repeated as time goes on.
And fucking- ABSTERGO???? OKAY so abstergo is sorta the front of the Templar order, but in my opinion I think they're an equally shallow shadow of what the Templar order was- or was trying to be. The Templar order is not united at all and it's just a collection of people with far too much power and influence who all have a knife to each others neck. Their core ideology has been abandoned in pursuit of their own capitalist greed and personal agendas that any sort of ideology has been left being in the modern age. In a fucking way they're both hollowed out versions of themselves and I want to scream !!¡!!! THEY'RE MIRRORS THEY'RE PARALLELS THEY'RE BROTHERS THEY'RE SISTERS THEY'RE FAMILY THEY'RE LOVERS AND THEY CAN NEVER FUCKING SEPARATE ONE FROM THE OTHER.
Imo I think the series hits hardest when they have Templar and assassin duos, or aka: Connor and Haytham, son and father. Arno and Elise, tragic lovers. The Frye twins and Starrick and Pearl, parallels of twins. Desmond and Lucy, the assassin who ran away and the double crossing templar.
It's like they each highlight their glaring weaknesses and strengths and I want to EAT THE WALLLLSSSSS!!!! Honestly I wish the Isu were completely fucking dead and gone so it could just be 24/7 assassin and templar tragedy hour cause I'm crying and throwing up over these dumb little guys.
OH YEAH DONT GET ME STARTED HOW THE MODERN ASSASSIN'S ARE CLOSER TO A FUCKINF CULT???? DESPITE THEIR WHOLE THING SUPPOSEDLY BEING FREEDOM?????? LIKE THEYRE JUST STRAIGHT UP A CULT AND DESMOND IS PRETTY RUTHLESS IN EXPLAININF THE WHOLE THING. The assassin's wanna say shit and yet they're in the middle of the fucking desert making child soldiers. Okay. Whatever. I still wish Desmond stabbed his dad tbh.
And there's the whole bleeding effect thing that happens when you're in the animus for too long and your brain starts to literally break but I can't think about that for too long because I start crying over lost opportunities. Did you know that time travel was gonna be a thing at first??? Like, when they were drafting out the assassin's creed plot???? DO YOU KNIW HOW MAD I AM TGAT THEY DIDNT KEEO TGAT-
Anyway hahahahhaaha teehee I love this series very much and I have stolen it from ubisofts greedy fucking hands ^-^ also look at these two who are steadily taking over my brain and I can see the light of escape fading before my very eyes ->
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(This is also very random but a ton of the fashion in game slaps but I'm an especially big fan of the aesthetic in syndicate and unity)
(Arno is the one on the left and Jacob is the one on the right. They've never met in game but I'm so sure that they would explore each other's bodies and become painfully dependent on the other)
(Ignore how I'm debating starting another wip just for them. These dumb assassin's are gonna cry and see each other as their only salvation in absolute misery if I can help it)
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