#ANYWAY yeah! we have some cool stuff and so does the wayzgoose collective!
safyresky · 4 months
Yoooo you went to a paper craft fair? That's so cool! I've been collecting stuff to try to make some because I remember having a lot of fun doing it as a kid and have seen people do some super neat stuff with it. What was the fair like??
It was small and local but very cool! It was billed as a "book arts fair" with just under 50 vendors, all of which who did book crafts/paper craft in some way shape or form. There were tons of vendors who made their own paper, bound their own books, used letter presses to do ART (I got some very fun prints), one woman made her own INK. She was super friendly!
It was thrown by the Grimsby Wayzgoose, which to my understanding is a local collective of artists who do letterpress art and book crafts and paper craft! It was really neat! They publish an anthology every year, and we have a lot of their stuff in our collections @ the rare books library I work at! That's why we went, lol. You can read more about them and the anthologies specifically here :) I wish I had more info for you but alas! I am not an expert! I just think it neat!
BUT YEAH it was really cool! Drive was LONG, Grimsby is by Niagara so it was like 4 hours from Eastern Ontario, but deffs worth it. We all enjoyed it and seeing all of the hand made paper and books and INKS!!!!! WAS AMAZING! I bought a bookmark that was hand made paper and all it's very pretty:
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Ding dang HAND MADE! It feels THICK! It's so cool. I have some OTHER photos under the cut for you!
I didn't take photos of the actual booths and what not because I was very much uh. Distracted by the THINGS! But have some THINGS!
One of the first things they had was a pre-made piece of paper we put into a mini press and got as a souvenir, it looks like this:
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the little press was SOO CUTE!
Then they also gave us a souvenir matchbook, handmade and printed on a letter press. They apparently do this every year and this one was about wizards (topical!)
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Anyway, I still have the program and here are all the vendors that were there! They more or less all have socials/instas/what have you and all do some form of book art--binding, paper making, crafting, etc. etc.
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It also had a little blurb on the anthologies specifically!
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We've deffs shared some photos of the anthologies on our insta (and other cool stuff, if rare books/special collections is your jam DEFFS check it out, our social media person posts ALL THE DAMN TIME and we have SO MUCH COOL SHIT), I'm gonna do a quick scroll and see hang on a sec
OKAY NEVERMIND APPARENTLY WE HAVEN'T POSTED THEM ON THE INSTA???? Wildin, I remember my fellow LT taking photos of them bc they're pretty cool. But I'll grab some photos when I'm in tomorrow! I think I'm free from desk duty so I can roam the vaults and share some of the cool papercrafts inside the anthologies :3
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