dandyshucks · 9 months
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look up - mistletoe!!
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graveyard-darlingg · 1 month
HEYYYYY hiiiiii \(⁀▽⁀ )/ hehe thanks for the answerssssss
tbh harsh voices are SO COOL i wish mine was harsher myself, i just sound like a 13yo boy (; ̄Д ̄)
and HEY those are cool ideas to start journaling, having a simple thing like emotions and gratefulness then actual journalling after, it's kinda like warming up!!! althoug i've always had issues with gratefulness ( ̄  ̄|||) i never know what to do whatsoever, so if i try i might just do the emotions for now, maybe with bodily feelings as well
IF YOU PAINT THEM I DEMAND TO SEEEE (◕‿◕) i'm too curious and hype now you can't leave me hereeee!!!! and i have drank water and eaten today, yeah, i had breakfast and a small lunch (* ̄▽ ̄)b cold stuff bc it's so hot here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
GLAD TO HEAR YOU'RE GOOD MENTALLY!!!! for me not many updates, had to change an irl meeting with a friend to online bc i'm low on cash and i'm starting coworking with a diff friend bc i gotta study for uni!!!! also my mood is all over the place but that's my normal atp
oops i'm ramblingggg,,,,, anyways whatever you make of the blog i bet it's awesome and i'll love to see it happen (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
i’m sure you sound less prepubescent than you think 😭😭 when i’m not in customer service or people pleaser mode, i sound very ,, mean? sometimes? but it’s just because i struggle with tone and volume control D: and i also have a deeper voice for a woman ,, those voice clips are from when i just got off work so my voice was more welcoming and kind — can’t really sound like a bitch at work :/ buuut im sure your voice is lovely !!
yeah !! i heard that finding little things to be grateful about helps change your mindset little by little. and i struggle with recognizing and coping with my feelings,, which is why i added that feeling tidbit for journaling. writing out or finding what you’re grateful for can be small things like ;
i’m grateful i ate a yummy lunch today
i’m grateful for my friends/family/loved ones
i’m grateful for how beautiful the sky is
i’m grateful that my covers kept me warm last night
it can be stuff like that!! whatever you choose to do ,, i’ll support you :D
im so proud of you for eating and drinking water!! that’s awesome!! how was the hangout with your friend? i’m sorry to hear you’re low on cash right now :(( how’s uni going? i’m also always here if you need to vent/rant about anything !!
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othercrossee · 1 year
Denzel ch16 rewrite ramblingggg
So Belph attacked Denzel and they passed out, talking to Lilith. While Lilith is telling them the story and saying she'll help them, Denzel asked if she can also give them their memories back. They're amnesic the moment they came here, that if they died they hope to die with the memories they've made.
Denzel awakens in Mammon's arms, and he's just bawling his fucking eyes out yelling their name, and they're like “chief I'm good, stop crying…your tears are all over my face.” and Belph is like real fucking surprised like no human could live through that!! And Denzel just switched to their demon form and goes “Yeah because I'm not a human bozo.” < friendly reminder that Denzel stay silly even through such times….
At that point, everyone's like questioning shit and Belphs like no way!! While still trying to attack Denzel, but It's immediately deflect by magic made by......a sorceress. Adithya is at the door waving their wand around saying hi, Diavolo is behind them now further explaining shit. He's like so this dude is Lilith descendant, which made everyone even more confused like wdym Lilith descendant is a damn demon.
And now Adithya is explaining shit, like so basically this mfs dad was the god son of Lilith's descendant, so technically they'd count even if their mom is a demon. Also, yeah I designed their demon outfit, cool right? Sorry I didn't say shit, but that's the Adithya business promise.
So they calmed down and shit whatever and Belph is crying, but Denzel do not care, but they're like anyway where's my apology and Belph DO NAWWWT want to apologize for shit. But Denzel is literally bleeding from their nose and mouth, and they do not care if he's venting like uhhh don't care, my apology tonight or tomorrow? And he's just grumpily while still ugly crying says,,,, tomorrow,,,
That night they didn't actually hold a celebration cause Belph is a mess and Denzel is literally THAT close to passing out again. But, Denzel did stay with Mammon that night and yeah they did pass out coldd, and he's just watching over them.
Mammon is thinking about the conversation they had days before, how Denzel told him that they're clearly amnesic and hopefully get their memories back. They feel, with the way their muscle memory works, it seems they had quite the life. (being able to do many works effortlessly like they've done them before, and rather masterfully too)
He didn't tell them during the time, but they could tell he was rather, scared that if they get their memories back they won't 'love' him anymore. That their amnesia is what blinded them into loving him, that they didn't have any choice, that he essentially pushed them into loving him, and if they had their memories back, surely things will change.
They told him that their life here in Devildom, they themself won't change when their memories are back because they are VERY confident in their individuality, and he shouldn't worry too much. Of course, he responded with, “Worry about what?! I'm not worried about anything!” he is, he's worried that Denzel in their full glory can't love him the same way, he thinks this is bullshit, and he should be happy with whatever happens in the future
Now he's just talking to himself, he's talking to them….he's talking about the conversation. How they were right, he was worried alright, and now it's a reality. They have their memories, he's unsure and for once in a long while, he felt horrible for his selfishness, he feels horrible that his greed would want them to remain amnesic. He feels horrible because their happiness was apparent when their memories came back.
“You're so bad at hiding what you feel.” Denzel woke up groggily as hell, a bit mad even that his crying woke them up. He hurriedly wiped away his tears but even through the dim lighting, Denzel could easily see how red his face was, his eyes glimmer in the soft light looking at them, it makes their heart tighten. Mammon is acting tough, acting like they didn't wake up to him sobbing.......that he didn't just cry two times now about them.
He's now beside them in bed, beckoning them to go back to bed. Denzel is trying to talk to him, he's pretending to be asleep, but Denzel continues to talk. “It's nice to be worried about, ya know? I feel flattered that you care about me that much, but it saddens me that you feel this burdened about me, too. ” Denzel continues to talk, they didn't care if he wasn't listening, they just need to let it out. But Mammon is bothered too by what they're saying, It's pissing him off they're putting words in his mouth, they both are. How they both hated being second guessed and spoken for like this.
They're arguing back and forth, apologizing and talking about their feelings with both anger and concern. Denzel ended up laughing, this was so childish, they hated whenever the relationship between them feels tense. Mammon is being the usual Mammon, he's saying shit, and he's acting tough, but Denzel is just so happy.
“Look at us bickering, see? Nothing has changed, Mammon, don't doubt me like that ever again.” they pulled him down, crashing into the bed laughing, pulling him in for a tight hug. He can't be mad, their laugh was something he enjoys, he cannot believe a few hours ago it felt like he could never hear it ever again. He returns their hug with a tight squeeze back, whispering into their neck. “Then don't scare me like that, ever again…please. ”
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hazardsoflove · 2 years
I finally read your camp counselor AU today and I'm sooo in love I've left a fat comment to share some thoughts so I won't repeat everything but I love it! Also idk if I didn't know or if I forgot that the I was made for lovin' you series was yours but HELLOOO?! I loved that. I haven't read it all actually there's a lot of new stuff that I missed so at least now I have content to feed me for a while ♥️ anyway I am ramblingggg sorry bye xox
ABDKHDJS tysm!!! 🥺🫶🏻 and yeah that’s me :^) i hope you like the rest of it!!
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