#AOT veteran sister wife
holographicceo · 3 years
Yes!! Got it! Okay, favorite way to wind down! I will always request Miche and Erwin because I love him but I really am interested in your take on the warriors too! Thank you! 😘
🥰 Self care time
Erwin loves to curl up with a book, a glass of scotch, and you tucked into his side. You bought him a fancy book stand like this
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to use because you both love to read so much but sometimes can't stand not touching some part of each other. So when you're laying in bed he's got his book perched on this lap with one hand on the stand and that other wrapping around your waist as your reading your favorite book with your head resting on his upper arm and shoulder.
Miche loves to dance. Dancing as a way of winding down? Man loves some smooth jazz. He'll turn on his stereo, insist that vinyl is the best, and will pull you into his arms to dance the stress away. He loves when you pull him down to talk while you shift around in circles. He will spin you and dip you, and kiss you, then hold you close until he's thoroughly relaxed and then will sit on the couch with you in his lap and start a conversation about astro-physics.
Levi enjoys gardening. Has a room dedicated to plants. Major plant daddy because they don't require him to pick up poop. (He'll do it because he loves your pets but this is his hobby.) Has a small veggie garden as well because he does love seeing the fruits of his hard work go to good use. Will smile when he sees you cooking with the tomato's or making a salad with the cucumbers. He also makes small bouquets with the flowers from some of his plants for you. Leaves them on your pillow to come home to.
Hange loves pets. You guys have quiet the menagerie of animals. Not that you mind. Hange is S tier pet parent material. Will love going on walks with all your animals. Has leashed trained a cat before. You bought her a little backpack for the two birds you have. Will take a late night stroll around the park with you and your giant Dane to admire the way the stars look.
Reiner loves to cook and bake. His mom taught him how to cook from an early age so if she was working and he needed to eat he could. He took up baking on his own. Will bring you or leave you bake goods. He likes to try a new recipe weekly and wants you to taste test for him because you two have some of the weirdest conversations when he's not focused on other things.
Porco man loves his video games but he's not a COD kind of guy. He's a legend of Zelda or No man's sky kind of guy. He lives for the beautiful graphics of an immersive game like breath of the wild. Even better is if there's a multiplayer video game that you both enjoy. He likes the collaboration of working together to save the world. Will play board games and invite over Pieck and Reiner to play as well.
Pieck is secretly a talented makeup artist. Let her do your makeup and you'll be looking like a star. She loves skin care so she has the best routine. Will set up a spa in the bathroom for the two of you to do face masks and foot soaks.
Zeke is a writer. Has multiple journals with his thoughts and musings. Keeps a little sketch book as well to write and sketch. A lot of the time he loves watching you as he writes. You're his muse often times. He'll write poetry and draw a little sketch of you doing something mundane like sudoku. He'll sometimes leave a little rambling note in your jacket to find later in hopes it'll brighten his day.
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holographicceo · 3 years
Hi Rachel! Me again! Feel free to ignore me haha 🤣🤣😫😫😢🥲 I’m fine, it’s fine haha
Just kidding, anyway, what is your take on what they sleep in because I have some ideas but I’m curious what you think— ooh! I have another! I’ll send it in a different ask so it’s not confusing!
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Okay so Erwin Likes to sleep in sleep pants and an old t shirt from college that he managed to keep in decent shape. Summer time is boxers okay? Too hot for long stuff. No socks. Makes his feet sweat.
Miche will sleep naked in the summer. Can’t prove me wrong. Won’t accept anything else. BYE. Winter he’ll sleep in grey sweat pants. WE ALL KNOW THOSE PANTS and socks. Depending on how cold maybe a long sleeve t shirt. Short shocks though he only wears long socks to work.
Hange like’s to wear tanks and Capri style pants during the summer. (Boobs be falling out. It’s fun I promise) Winter time they’re all about flannel. They’re all about the cozy.
Levi is the same as Erwin with the pants but does not wear a shirt.He can tolerate the cold fairly well. Summer time he’s in boxer briefs. Can’t sleep without short socks.
Eren refuses to wear anything any time of the year. Man is a menace really.
Mikasa Wears a t shirt and long swishy sleep pants year around. No socks.
Jean wears sleep pants and a tank top during the summer. Also about flannel during the winter. Long socks for him
Connie man will wear a long shirt and boxers in the summer and reverse in the winter. Plus long socks all year long.
Sasha likes t shirts and wearing oddly enough boxers during the summer. No socks. She also is about the flannel life. Slipper socks.
Reiner Likes boxers. Any time of year. Man is a furnace (Be his sink since he’s the source)
Porco Tank and boxers in the summer tank and grey sweat pants in the winter. Socks winter only.
Pieck is all about the tank and swishy soft sleep pants in the summer. Likes a flannel dress in the winter and slipper socks
Zeke (Something about these Jeager boys) is a menace as well and will sleep in nothing.
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holographicceo · 3 years
Oooooh favorite holidays! I say “oooh” as if it’s cool and not totally lame but like Christmas and Halloween are so fun!! But maybe some of them like Valentine’s Day or St. Patrick’s day! Dang, I said this one would be better. Okay, I will keep thinking 🤔
I'm gonna do the vets here but feel free to ask for someone specific I have lots of opinions guys
Erwin's favorite holiday is Christmas. He despite not ever believing in Santa is very much into the whole christmas cheer feeling and likes to give his friends thoughtful gifts. He'll give his lover (you) something they really need the most, something they really want the most, and something (of fucking course) For the two of them.
Miche's Favorite holiday is a tie between St. Patrick's day and the Fourth of the july (boy has a little pyromania okay). Not that's he's a huge drinker but he loves the camaraderie and making a bunch of noise. (and maybe blowing up some shit because he has a little chaos inside of him) Plus okay he likes seeing his significant other in a bikini okay (Literal and figurative fireworks guys wink wonk)
Levi is a fan of New years! It's just after his birthday and he likes to see the start of a new year and a chance to grow as a new person and oddly enough he likes to see what new opportunities are in store. (Plus midnight kiss? Or even and stay with me here counting down to midnight with an orgasm as the ball drops)
Hange is a big fan of Halloween AND Valentines day. One How fun is halloween? Dress up as something scary? right up them fucking alley. hange will try and dress as a titan (Now they're not opposed to seeing their significant other dressing up as something sexy. The whole One partner is serious the other is a sexy version really gets them going) Valentines day. Hange i believe is very affectionate with their lover and will (despite not liking the commercial aspect of the holiday) go balls to the wall to show their admiration for their lover (stopping short of proposing because they have something else in mind for that)
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holographicceo · 3 years
Rachel! Stop! Rock Lee is one of my all-time FAVORITE characters!
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holographicceo · 3 years
Last one. I promise 😕 for like modern au, where do you think they live? Like Paradis isn’t modern, right? I always thought Miche would live in a walkable place. Like Boston? I’ve never even been to Boston, is it walkable? Any of AOT is fine haha but I’m in that Miche, Erwin, warriors kick soooooo 👀 👀
Nooooo give me more. I crave attention now. haha.
I feel like Paradis is stuck in the 1800s while the rest of the world is in the 1920s-40s
I've never been to Boston either (Unless you could fallout 4 haha.)
I can see them living in a major city that still felt like it was walkable but they would still have a car for travel outside of the city. I'm basing it off Kansas City because I'm familiar with it. There is a big down town swatch that has a street car but it's not so big like San Fran or New York that you'd need a train to get places. I think the vets would live in more at home in like a small big town (I'm again basing this off my proximity to major cities like a college town. Think Lawrence KS. It's walkable and bike-able for the most part if you're located near the main campus.
I can see the warriors being fine in like Chicago or Springfield. They're major cities that you'd need a car but parts of it are pretty walk-able. Granted I've only been to Springfield Illinois not Chicago. I'm thinking Portland or Seattle might be a good fit as well but I haven't been to the west coast yet.
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holographicceo · 3 years
I’m sending you a hug Rachel, because I love you 💕 Get in here!
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Thank you 🥺
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holographicceo · 3 years
I'm sending you a hug Rachel :) I always think to do this randomly to people and end up forgetting or chickening out hahah but it's Friday so I'm doing it!
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Yes I love hugs. Come give me hugs. I should really check up on people too 🤔 this week has been a little crazy and I'm hoping the con I'm going to this weekend ends up being fun
Got photo ops with Erwin's Bert's and Connie's English voice actors on Sunday and bestie I'm excited as fuck because I'm going as Pieck
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