doomsdaywriter · 2 years
Hectic Day
So, I’m going to have some cookies and milk and go to bed
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doomsdaywriter · 2 years
Yesterday, I Learned...
That the Nazis attempted to design a plane capable of reaching the United States (specifically, New York City) from Germany. The project, called Amerikabomber, resulted in five prototypes, but no operational aircraft. The plane would have needed to be able to make the 7,200 mile round trip without refueling. In addition to New York City, the Nazis had twelve other targets in mind, including La…
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doomsdaywriter · 2 years
Field Trip Tuesday
We went to the National Museum of the United States Air Force on Tuesday, for a quick look around. We found out they’ve expanded some of the exhibit galleries – the Cold War is now it’s own building – and that they do guided tours. We’re planning on going back to take those in. The mission Tuesday was primarily to hit the gift shop, because I was after a copy of Nuclear Weapons of the United…
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doomsdaywriter · 2 years
Boop, I'm A Submarine!
Well, I’m reading about them. And planes, because I’m trying to develop a timeline of nuclear weapons based on yield and speed of delivery system. I’m also reading a lot of comics. I love my library apps.
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doomsdaywriter · 2 years
Weekend Off
I took the weekend off and I have been enjoying doing nothing much, but playing with numbers and loafing!
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doomsdaywriter · 2 years
Quick Reviews:
Due to changes in my work schedule, I’ve had a lot more time to read. I used the library app Hoopla, I’ve started downloading comics to read. Toward that end, here’s a few of my favorites: American Cult: A Graphic History of Religious Cults in America from the Colonial Era to Today, edited by Robyn Chapman – a non-fiction title from 2021, this anthology comic talks about fringe religious groups…
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doomsdaywriter · 2 years
Halfway to 1,000!
My last post was my 500th post since I started this blog, roughly 10 years ago. I’m looking forward to seeing how fast I can make it to 1,000.
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doomsdaywriter · 2 years
Math Accomplished!
I finished my calculations for the scale models of nuclear blasts, so now I’m going to be working on setting those scale measurements against Soldier Field. I’ve also figured out scale measurements for the atmosphere. I’m expecting this part will be easier, since it’s going to be less math and more map reading and such. I also started taking notes on The Zone again. The book is still awful, but…
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doomsdaywriter · 2 years
So Many Numbers!
Still working on figures for the nuclear blast scale model project. I went through and took down the measurements I got from NukeMap, then converted those to 1:120 scale (wherein 1 inch equals 10 feet). Now, I’m converting inches to feet which is a lot of dividing by 12. For the area measurements, I’m using a calculator app that converts square inches to square feet because I am not as confident…
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doomsdaywriter · 2 years
Moderate Success!
I still haven’t tracked down exact measurements for the stadium at Soldier Field, but I have found figures that are close enough for my purposes, thanks to CalcMaps – Maptools. Using their distance tool, I was able to put points on a satellite photo of the stadium itself and get a rough estimate for length and width. It’s honestly shocking to me how hard it is to find out what I’d thought would…
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doomsdaywriter · 2 years
Not Doing Nothin' Today
Except prepping for a colonoscopy. Which leads to the question of the day: why the hell does the prep stuff have to taste so damnably foul? I mean, is there a medical reason for it or what?! So far, other than having to choke down the first round of the Awful Stuff – and not looking forward to Round Two in the wee hours – the prep hasn’t been so bad. I’ve been loafing in bed, listening to…
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doomsdaywriter · 2 years
New Year, New Challenges - AROC80 Goals Post - Round 1 2023:
New Year, New Challenges – AROC80 Goals Post – Round 1 2023:
Good morning! I’m taking the opportunity to post this before work because I have other stuff I’m going to have to do this evening and I don’t want to miss the first A Round Of Words in 80 Days check-in for 2023! The challenge is doing things a little differently this year, launching The ROC80, a Round of Creativity welcoming wordsmiths and artists of all types is an 8- day challenge to offer that…
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