saviourwed ยท 3 years
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๐“๐‡๐„ ๐€๐๐Ž๐‚๐€๐‹๐˜๐๐’๐„ ๐‡๐€๐’ ๐‚๐Ž๐Œ๐„ ๐€๐๐ƒ ๐†๐Ž๐๐„.ย  ย  ย  ย  /ย  ย aย  highly selective, multi - verseย ย  LUCILLE WILLIAMS ย  from amcโ€™s ย  ย the walking dead ย . ย  established october 2020, ย revamped may 2021. ย  revived by elle.ย  ยฉย ย  ย  ย /ย  ย  ย ย ๐™’๐™€'๐™๐™€ ๐™…๐™๐™Ž๐™ ๐™‚๐™๐™๐˜ฝ๐˜ฝ๐™„๐™‰๐™‚ ๐™„๐™‰ ๐™๐™ƒ๐™€ ๐˜ผ๐™Ž๐™ƒ๐™€๐™Ž.
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elliotthezubat ยท 7 years
with death, comes new life. also bachelor auctions
Kid: "...I'm sorry." -later- Patty: "..." (falls back face first into bed's pillow) -knock knock- julie: patti? c-could i come in? Patty: (sits up immediately, wipes tears, puts on smile) "Y-Yeah! Of course! Come in!" julie:....*hug* i dont know much about auntie....but if you want...i can share my mommy with you and liz... Patty: "..." (starts sobbing) "Julie!" (hugs her tightly) julie:....*hugging* roxanne:....mind if i come in too? Patty: (still crying) "Uh huh..." (holds out a hand) roxanne: *she hugs patti and julie* Patty: (keeps crying) "I'm sorry..." roxanne: you didnt do anything wrong, patti....it's ok..... -outside- lord death:.....................................*remembering how kid cried after his mother's death* Kid: "Stocking?" stocking: yeah? Kid: "I wanted to see how you are. After what you experienced..." stocking: a little nauseous.....but i'll live. Kid: "How was the medical examination?" stocking: i'm ok physically... -later- lord death: you ok, kiddo? Kid: (shakes his head) "It's...bringing back bad memories of...of...loss." lord death:......*hugs him* (young!kid: its my fault father.....mother.....she's dead because of me....i killed her.....) Kid: "And I don't...I mean, Liz was willing to kill her own mother, and I-I should have offered...She was going to do that, and I didn't stop her...And if Liz holds it against Stocking..." lord death:....*rubs his back*... Kid: (shakes his head) "I never should have brought Liz and Patty here...I feel like I just bring death wherever I go." lord death:....... Kid: "Father...when you have outlived so many people...what do you do to not go insane?" lord death: ......i knew i had a duty to this world....i wanted to protect these people.....its part of what led me to create death city... -elsewhere- medusa: *cradling baby neian* neian: guu.... Ponera: (๏พ‰โ—•ใƒฎโ—•)๏พ‰*:๏ฝฅ๏พŸโœง "Yay!" medusa:....... Ponera: (blushes) "Oh. Sorry! Did you want to be along with you little one?" medusa:.... neian: muu? Ponera: "Medusa? Are you okay?" medusa: y-yeah....just....a little tired from labor....(thinking: why? why do i keep seeing their face....??) Ponera: "The doctor said you needed more rest...And Neian looks like she can use sleep, too." neian: *yawn* medusa: *she nods*....keep shaula away from her. she's a bad influence. shaula: ruuuuuude! Ponera: "On it. Grimmy, please lock Shaula in her room." grimoire: *lifts her over his shoulder* shaula: i didnt do anything! this is crap! i know my rights dammit! D:< Ponera: "We'll give you whatever you want to preoccupy your time! Just ask Grimoire or Nals!" -elsewhere- Rekka: "..." maki: they should be here soon..... Rekka: "And then what happens to me? You think you can imprison the will of God?" iris: *iris chop* down boy. Rekka: T_T "Some people just do not like God's Word." shinra: *looking around* any sign of them, commander? Akitaru: "They should have been here ten minutes ago..." (spots someone approaching) "I think that's them..." shinra: *squiiiint* Akitaru: "Yo!" (waves at the group) dia:....*she gives him a look* Akitaru: "So...We have this prisoner here who kind of has been burning a lot of people, and we need him transferred into police custody." dia: commander? *she looks at leo, waiting to see what he has to say* Burns: (inhales) "Rekka...What happened to you?" Rekka: (chuckles) "Fulfilling what you would want me to do, sir." dia: *fire claws aimed at rekka's face* the commander gave you no such order to burn innocent civilans. Burns: "..." Rekka: "I was simply doing what he intended to but was too humble to request directly." maki: ?? Rekka: "There is only one logical interpretation: why should us Flame Beings be the minority of this world, when we should share our gift with all? Right, Commander?" Burns: "...You're insane." iris: how can you say that? HOW CAN YOU ACT LIKE THEIR LIFES MEAN NOTHING?! shinra: (thinking: you dun fucked up hoshimiya, you dun fucked up!) Rekka: " 'Nothing'? I don't think their lives are nothing. I just think I can let them reach their full potential." (he sneers) "It is not my fault your sisters did not earn God's favor." shinra: YOU SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH BEFORE I KICK YOUR DAMN TEETH IN!! Rekka: (laughs) "Oh, you fail to see how ephemeral this world is, Shinra. I am here to show you the light behind these shadows..." shinra: why you- Akitaru: (holds Shinra's wrist) "Enough. Leo, get him out of here." Burns: "..." (nods to Dia) dia: come along now, hoshimiya... Rekka: "..." (sweeps leg under Dia, knocking her to the floor, snaps off handcuffs with flames and seizes Iris by the neck) dia: !!!! iris: grk- Rekka: "I give you ascension..." (heats up his fingers) "I convert you..." shinra: IRIS! *he jumps in to kick rekka across the face* Rekka: "Arg!" (kicked in the face, losing his grip on Iris's neck) iris: *scrambles to her feet and backs away, coughing* shinra: iris! are you ok? iris: *cough* i-i think so.... Rekka: (slams hands along the ground, igniting flames around himself to form a cross) "I am giving you ascension! Accept it!" dia: *she charges at him with flame claws* Rekka: "Fire Fist!" (dashes at her, ready to punch into her face) dia: *jumps back, tail whips 3 fire balls that take the form of wolf heads* CERBERUS STRIKE! Rekka: (tries to dodge, but the third fireball knocks into his knee, sending him to the ground) "Damn you!" Burns: (fire crackling behind his eyepatch) "Stand down, soldier. You're finished." dia: *she nods* Rekka: (struggling to get up, but his knee is too burned for him to stand) "Damn you all..." Rekka: (blasts his hands with fire to propel himself, burning his skin along his knuckles as he sails to burn Iris and Akitaru to ashes) "Die!" iris: !!!! shinra: *shielding them* LIKE HELL!! Rekka: (flames burst along his arms to his shoulders, burning the skin across, as he does not stop running) Akitaru: "Rekka! Stop!" Burns: "..." (flames shoot from the ground trying to block Rekka) shinra: *braces for impact* *SLICE* *SPLURT* Rekka: (frozen in his tracks, as he shakes and coughs blood) shinra: *opens his eyes*.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!! iris: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! maki: !!!!!!!!!!!!! dia: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rekka: "Damn..." (stabbed) "That's...not it..." gabriella: i heard noise whats-......EEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!!! Hibana: "Oh my God!" (approaches Rekka, trying to administer medical aid) Rekka: (choking on his blood) "The Priest--I have to--Why do this to me?!" (choking) foien: call the paramedics! Rekka: "Foien? Karim?" Karim: "Do something! He can't die!" (looks around) "Who the hell attacked?!" Rekka: "I-I'm sorry..." -elsewhere- Spirit: "Sachiko! We have an emergency!" sachiko: ?? !!!!! Spirit: "Fire Brigade prisoner! Stabbed in the heart!" sachiko: on it! Hibana: (bringing in Rekka) "Here!" (her dress has Rekka's blood on it) sachiko: mother of god....get him to the ER, stat! Nurse #2: "On it!" *Nurses get Rekka onto gurney and into ER* -elsewhere- Kid: (holding Shiori) Patty: (asleep, Julie napping on her lap) liz: ....*smiles* Kid: "Liz..." (looks to her) liz: hmm? Kid: "Thank you being in my life...and I only hope I can repay you..." *sniffs* "...and Patty." liz:...i should be thanking you....for all you've done for us. *she smiles* Kid: "...I never think it's enough..." liz: ?? Kid: "I want to give you and Patty so much for what you have done for me..." liz:...... Kid: "I...I want you to know that this is your home, as long as you want it to be. No matter what." liz:.....thanks.... Kid: (blushes) "O-Of course..." -elsewhere- NoFix: "Jeez, I thought this Brooklyn thing would've worked out better than this. Now those DWMA find out what is going on inside the operation?" scientist: fortunately, they dont know _we_ are here...just the failed experiments... NoFix: "Maybe we should make sure they don't know we are here...Come on. Let me go top-side and kill off people getting too close. A few cops. Maybe some people at the hospital. I'll even bring you some hamburgers~" -at the hospital in death city- Hibana: (in a new set of clothes...purchased hastily at the hospital) -_- (the black shirt says "PRETTY KITTY" in rainbow letters) "Any report on Rekka?" sachiko:....i'm sorry.....there wasnt anything we could do.... Hibana: "..." (stunned) Akitaru: "...Damn." ("Not another one." Burns: "..." (hangs his head down) Karim: "Oh God..." dia:...... -later, at the first- Karim: (lighting the candles in the cathedral before bowing his head) ruby: hmm? !!!! this looks bad.... pearl: a funeral procession?....commander? what happened? Burns: "...We lost Rekka." pearl:............. dia:....pearl- -pearl only replied with an anguished scream- Karim: (tears falling as he continues the hymn to give solace to the departed) ruby:....*hugging pearl* Burns: "We send our departed brother Rekka Hoshimiya to Sol. May his ashes reunite with our lord and find peace." dia: ashes to ashes.... --All of the congregation completes the prayer-- pearl:...... -a few days later- saki: *screaming* Tuhl: "I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS HAPPENING OR HOW TO DEAL WITH THIS!" chie: CALL THE DAMN HOSPITAL OR SO HELP ME I WILL SKIN YOU AND WEAR YOU AS A COAT!! D:< mana: 0-0;;;; Tuhl: "I'M DOING IT! WHY CAN'T YOU HUMANS JUST LAY EGGS AND BE DONE WITH IT?!" Shotaro: "So...Saki, you doing okay?" saki: i-i think s-AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! j-just in labor, no big deal! ^^ Yohei: (gathering belongings and "Saki's hospital adventure package" of clothes, materials, etc) Shotaro: "Oh...Does it hurt?" -later- Shotaro: (giant bump on his head) T_T "It hurts. It totally hurts." mana: *fist still steaming* saki: *holding baby io* io: *crying* Yohei: "...So beautiful..." Tuhl: (studying Io) "Um...Looks fleshy." chie:.......saki.... saki: ?? chie:..........she's got your eyes. *she smiles* Yohei: (smiles at Io) io: *baby noises* giguu... Shotaro: (looks at Io) "Wow..." io: *she looks at them and yawns* muu Shotaro: (squeeing internally) "So cute." Tuhl: "Um...yeah." io:...!!! *reaching for tuhl* buu! Tuhl: "?!! Um...What is she doing?" io: buu! buu! ^0^ Tuhl: "She's making noises. I don't know what those noises mean. o_o; " mana: probably baby talk...but i think she thinks your her dad! XD Tuhl: o___________o Shotaro: (opens his mouth to say something--) Yohei: (slaps hands over his mouth) Yohei: "No. Whatever you were going to say, do not say it. Ever." chie: ???? Shotaro: -_-; mana:....does that make tuhl a....pappa? Shotaro: (laughing behind Yohei's hands) Yohei: "Get out." Tuhl: o________________________________________o chie: that chilled me to the bone... -_-; *The window pops open* Assi: "Hey! That's my line!" Yohei: "...We're on the fifteenth floor..." Assi: "I climbed!" mana: *SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAM* -PUNCH- *Assi falls fifteen floors* io: *crying* Shotaro: "...Maybe he can fly?" *CRASH* Yohei: (looks out window) "Nope." Tuhl: "Well, if you're going to crash on the hood of a car from 15 floors up, at least do it at a hospital." Yohei: "Congratulations, Mana--you put another man in the hospital." chie: who even was that?! Shotaro: "He looked familiar..." mana: ^^; i should....get him admitted.....*flees* Yohei: (to Chie) "That was that guy that we did the thing with at Fear Factory awhile ago. Good guy. I think his name was 'Ass-y'?" chie: *snerk* did his parents hate him or something?...sorry.... Tuhl: " 'Assi.' Short for 'assistant.' And yes." chie:....thats.....really stupid. Tuhl: "We've had some stupid adventures. Tends to happen around this guy." (pats Shotaro on the head) Shotaro: "Ow! Watch the bump!" io: ??? -later- Yohei: "Mother and child are getting rest now." chie:...say, yohei... Yohei: "Yeah?" chie: you ever think about...i dunno....sorry if this comes off as sudden........having kids of our own? .////. Yohei: "...Yeah." (scratches his cheek, blushes) "I mean, if our kids had your beauty and brains, they'd be the best kids ever." chie: aww, jeez. >///< Yohei: (chuckles, hugs her) "I'd like to have children...and..." chie: ?? .////. Yohei: (whispers) "I look forward to trying with you..." chie:.........*NOSEBLEED* Yohei: (chuckles) "So cute and sexy." -elsewhere- Kid: (rubbing Stocking's back as she lies down) "Do you feel better?" stocking: *she nods* a lot better.... Kid: (small smile) "Okay..." stocking: you? Kid: (small shrug) "I still feel sad..." stocking:....*she rubs his back* Kid: "...I was so scared what would happen to you when..." stocking: ...... Kid: "...I don't want to lose you. I already lost my mother, again..." stocking:....??? kid? Kid: "...Yeah?" stocking:....nevermind....*she snuggles up to him* Kid: "..." (holds her) "Do you want to talk about something?" stocking: do you? Kid: "...Nothing I haven't said before: I love you, I love our families, and I don't want us to be hurt." stocking:....did you want to talk about your mom? Kid: "..." (nods) "I miss her." stocking: *she hugs him* Kid: "I worry that there will be a time when I forget so much about her...including my love for her." stocking: do you have anything to remember her? stocking: you still have the video tapes, right? Kid: (nods) "I do." -the next day- Kid: (sorting through videotapes) "I really need to convert these to digital." -at school- Patty: "..." (staring blankly at her book) -at another table- shinra: i heard dia would be taking up hoshimiya's position at the 1st... Arthur: "Hmm...Do you think that's wise? I mean, after what Burns was up to, and Tamaki's...departure, now Rekka turning against everyone? Something seems suspicious." shinra: to be fair, she seems to be pretty dedicated to her job......but yeah....something does seem off.... Arthur: "If only we could figure out what they were up to in the 1st...Something else they are hiding." -later that day- Patty: "..." (hugs Liz) liz: *hugs back* feeling better? Patty: (small shrug) "I don't know..." liz:....say, why dont we have some sister bonding time? Patty: "Okay...What did you have in mind?" liz: how about meowkies? Patty: (small smile) "Okay." -and so- Patty: (playing shoot-em-up game) "Sis! The one in the back! Get it!" -pang!- game: nice shootin' tex! Patty: "Woo! Good job, Sis!" (twirls gun) liz: *she smiles* i've had practice~ ^^ Patty: (giggles) "Let's see what we can get with the tickets!" liz: *she nods* -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Hee hee...She really likes you, Tuhl!" io: buu! buu! ^o^ Tuhl: (holding her carefully) -_-; "Why?...I guess she's cute. Sort of. Her babbling isn't that annoying." io: zzzzz.... Tuhl: "...Good. She's asleep. I can put her in her crib..." Shotaro: "Aw, you like having a baby around, admit it!" Tuhl: -\\\\\\\- saki: i'll take things from here if you wish... Tuhl: (hands Io carefully to Saki) "Here you go." saki: hey sweetie, mama's here now~ io: *yawn* muu... Shotaro: "How long before she's talking? And walking? And going out on patrol with me to do good deeds?" chie: speaking of which, why dont we do that now, kiddo? Shotaro: "Yay! Let's go!" -elsewhere- Gopher: "Here is the volume, sir." eibon: ah, thank you, my child. *he smiles* Gopher: "I hope it is helpful, sir! From what I heard about Brooklyn, I...I want to help!" (bows) eibon: *he nods* -elsewhere- Yumi: "I'm almost done with dinner. Kirika, please set the table." Yumi: "I'll bring out the salad." -at the 1st- ruby: say, father fulham, who were those paladins behind the bushes the other day? Karim: " 'Behind the bushes'?" (looks concerned) "Which day? Yesterday?" ruby: during father hoshimiya's funeral, these people in paladin uniforms were watching...they kinda looked like this. *she holds up a crayon drawing...it's very detailed...* Karim: "I've never seen these men before...Who are they?" Burns: "Karim? Ruby? What's going on?" Karim: "..." ruby: i saw these guys in the bushes during father hoshimiya's burial...its this detailed because of my photographic memory~ ^^ Burns: " 'Soldiers of Light'..." Karim: "S-Sir?" ruby: ?? Burns: "Ruby, give that description to our chief investigators. Karim, get all members of the 1st here, immediately. Send a message to the heads of the other Brigades..." -elsewhere, someplace dark.....- Mad!Kid: "I brought it..." pandora: *yaaawn* brought what? Mad!Kid: (drops a bag full of candy) "My present for her..." (He has glass sticking out of his knuckles) pandora: *a tiny pandora head pokes out of of the wound* did you have to punch the window so damn hard? Mad!Kid: "They make it so thick here...I'm used to smashing through paper, not glass." pandora: yeah, i forgot what it's like outside a book.. Mad!Kid: "...Will she like it? Should I get more?" pandora: well, may as well give her a sampler, eh? Mad!Kid: "Darn, I should have gotten more then...I'll pick some up on the next trip...Oh, I also brought you what you asked for..." (Removes a book from his bag) pandora: *peeks at it* (The pages inside the book reveal diagrams of machinery, anatomical studies of beasts...) pandora: is this-?? pandora: 'from the notes of Aano Zepar'..... Aano Zepar....an ancient romani scholar, technician, and mage. he worked along the lunarians, and directly served Enoch. Mad!Kid: "So..." (blushes a bit) "You like it?" pandora: good job, little fragment. Mad!Kid: (sneers--his form of a happy appreciative smile) "Thank you..." pandora: shall we make your little delivery now? Mad!Kid: (scoops together the candy) "Yes...." -later- stocking: *nuzzling next to kid on the couch* hehe~ Kid: "Aren't you cuddly..." stocking: you're just too adorable you know~? Kid: "You're too sweet, you know that?" (kisses her cheek) stocking: mmmm~ -outside, out of view- Mad!Kid: (shaking) "H-He's with her..." pandora: how unfortunate.... Mad!Kid: "His hands...all over my precious angel...What do I do?" pandora: it'd be a bad idea to go in there now... Mad!Kid: "Why not?! I could rip him apart and take her now!" pandora: easy there little fragment. Mad!Kid: (clutches the bag of candy to himself...and sobs) stocking: hmm? kid? what's wrong? Kid: "Did you hear something?" (his eyes are welling with tears...He wipes them) "Wh-What is this?" stocking:......*she hugs him* it's ok kid.... *she kisses him gently* Kid: "I'm sorry...I guess I just felt like crying..." stocking: *she holds him close* if you need to let it out, i'm not stopping you... Kid: (shakes his head) "I don't know...I felt...jealousy? I don't even know of what..." stocking: *stroking his head* maybe you're just tired? Kid: (nodded) "Will you hold me?" stocking: of course kiddo~ Kid: (smiles) "Th-Thank you...You have been here with me for so long...I only want to be there for you." stocking: *she smiles and kisses his forehead* -outside- Mad!Kid: "I-I need to leave! Get out of here..." pandora: very well then.... -the sound of a large bird taking off could be heard outside- stocking: ??? Kid: (looks) "What was that?" stocking: ..maybe it was a raven or something? Kid: "Or a bat?" (inhales) "I...feel a bit better." (smiles, holds her hand) stocking: bedtime? Kid: (small smirk) "Time for bed...although I'm not tired now..." -a few days later- Patty: "Jeez, another box of candy at the doorstep? WTF?" stocking: is there a note? Patty: "Oh, yeah!" (smiles, opens it...then her face gets pale) "Oh my God..." stocking: ??? whats up? Patty: " 'LEAVE HIM OR I WILL MAKE HIM LEAVE.'" stocking: ????? who's it for? Patty: "It's candy left here at this house--I think it's for you. Oh, and they drew a picture of you..." stocking:......*her blood runs cold* *It's a stick people drawing of Stocking and someone else...standing atop what looks like Kid with x's over his eyes* stocking: !!!!!!!! the hell.....? Patty: "I'm calling the cops!" Kid: "Patty! Stocking! What is going on?" stocking: *she rips the note and picture up before he can see* nothing, just some candy that got delivered to our house by mistake... Patty: (opens her mouth...) stocking: *covers her mouth* there wasnt a return address on the package...what should we do? liz: *she eats one.................and promptly gags* Kid: "Why would you even do that, Liz? It could be poisoned, have razor blades in it, or...be made with artificial ingredients!" liz: *spitting something out...something greyish* IT TASTES SALTY WHY THE FUCK DOES IT TASTE SALTY?!?! t-tastes like...........*horrified* EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! Patty: D: Kid: D: stocking:.................*she almost collapses* w-what the hell....? Kid: (helps Stocking stay up) Patty: "Epicat and mouthwash for Sis, now!" -later, after stocking explained what she saw in the letter- stocking: i didnt want to worry you kid....i'm sorry.... Kid: (inhales) "My god..." stocking: i'm sorry, i know you have enough to worry about....now this?.....*she whimpers* i'm scared kid.... Kid: "I am, too...I want to try to locate this...this freak." -elsewhere- Mad!Kid: "I put in so much work..." pandora: i'll say....*excalibur face* Mad!Kid: "Where did I go wrong? I just wanted us to bond..." -later- Mad!Kid: (looking through the Book) "I will make him leave..." pandora: via murder? Mad!Kid: "I will break them apart!" (points to a page in the Book) pandora: poisoning, eh? pandora: 'The Karoma blossom is a highly toxic flower which could even bring a shinigami to extreme levels of illness....' Mad!Kid: "Yes..." (sneers) "But if I prepare the concoction, will it affect me? Am I technically shinigami?" pandora: you'll be fine as long as you dont ingest it. Mad!Kid: "Then let's proceed...Where may it be acquired?" pandora: those flowers bloom in the karoma cavern near the gilgamesh ruins... Mad!Kid: "Had best begin our travel..." -later- Yumi: (to maids) "I want the Mansion's security measures fortified. Understood?" maid: understood. Yumi: (nods) "Thank you. I will get back to reviewing recent criminal reports." ??? maid: we'll ensure lady pheles is protected. Yumi: "Thank you. Please pass along our thanks to Stocking's parents as well." pheles mansion maid 2: no problemo~ Yumi: ._.; "Okay..." -in another room- Kid: (pats her back) "It's going to be okay..." stocking:.....*holding him* Kid: (continues to hold her) "You'll be safe." stocking:...... Kid: "Stocking...Maybe we can do something? Go somewhere else?" stocking: maybe take a vacation with the others? Kid: (nods) "I think that may be a good idea." -at the 1st- Burns: "..." (pulls out folder, with photos of Sun Knights) dia: anything? Burns: "You are aware how long these Knights have been recorded in history? I thought these heretics disappeared long ago..." dia: hmmm.... -outside- pearl:....... Karim: (in his room, looking at photographs of him and Rekka) pearl: e-excuse me......*ahem* hello father fulham! *seems she cut her bangs, showing her eyes* Karim: "...Hi." (sets down photo album) "How are you?" pearl: *ahem* i'm doing good. and you? Karim: "...I'm trying to get through this." pearl:....i know grieving all day wont help matters....so i decided to try becoming more assertive...maybe... Karim: (" 'Assertive'?") "Oh...Um, you got your hair cut?" pearl: *she nods* i thought it would help. Karim: "Ah. Yes, it should help in combat." pearl: i hope so...i-i'll do my very best from now on, ok?! Karim: (small chuckle) "I have no doubts." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Ouch..." lady: thank you so much young man for helping us there. Shotaro: (weak laugh) "Yeah, no problem...Just didn't expect so much heavy-lifting..." *Yawns* "Man, why am I so tired?" mana: you did a lot today...maybe you should take it easy now? Shotaro: "Good idea!" (promptly collapses on the floor) -at gallow's manor- soul: italy huh? Kid: (nods) "Thought it would be a change." soul: so what's the plan, getting the whole gang together for a trip? Kid: "Interested? We'd love to have you." soul: sounds like fun. Kid: "Excellent! That just leaves Black Star and Tsubaki..." ("Should I invite Wes, or leave that to Liz?") -it would be all of A team, plus stocking and chrona- Kid: "Please ask Crona as well if they would be interested in joining us." soul: sure... Kid: "I'll finalize the hotel reservations, then finish the flight arrangements once we are confirmed." soul: alright then Patty: "Kiddo! I got the travel brochure pulled up!" (slams laptop down in front of Soul) "See! When we get there, we're going to make that Leaning Tower go the right direction!" Kid: "..." (imagines perfectly erect Tower of Pisa) "Symmetry~!" Kid: (แ—’แ—จแ—•) stocking: hehe~ so cute~ Kid: o\\\\o "Th-Thank you..." Patty: (smirks a bit) "Oh, Soul, help me pack for the trip! We'll let the lovebirds alone." soul: 7-7; Patty: (closes laptop, swings Soul over shoulder, marches up the stairs) Kid: o_o; "Um..." (smiles at Stocking) "Hi." -a few days later- Kid: "Everyone's passports are in order. Tickets are here. Just about ready to head out." stocking: it'll be nice to get out of the house for a while... Kid: (nods) "Yes." Black Star: "I can't wait to get to Italy! I'm eating all the pasta I can find!" Crona: "..." (remembering Italy...and fighting Maka and Soul there...) soul:.....*pats their shoulder* you ok? Crona: "Just thinking..." *sniff* "Sorry...Italy kind of...um...'triggers' me?" soul:.....you sure you want to go? Crona: (shakes, then tightens their fists and nods) "C-Can we buy flowers while we're there?" soul:....of course. Crona: (blush, small smile) "Th-Thanks..." -and so- Black Star: -_-; Kid: -_-; tsubaki: ??? Crona: "Does it usually take weapons this long to get through metal detectors?" soul: -//////////-;;;;;; *covering himself* Patty: "Looking good, Soul!" soul: can i please put my underwear back on?......please? people are STARING! Patty: (in her underwear) "Could be worse. At least you remembered your underwear." (smirks at Liz) Kid: (head in hands) "Oh, God, why..." girl: mommy what is that? mother: that's a dick honey. girl: the guy or his penis? soul: Q////////////Q kill me Crona: "I am so confused right now...Don't weapons have some special permit to get past these searches?" -later- Kid: "_Now_ can we move past these shenanigans and depart?" soul: we're in the plane, arent we? Kid: "Yes, but now we are sitting through these interminable safety regulations...in four languages...I know how to buckle my seat!" Patty: (struggling to buckle) "I think I got two of the same ends..." -one plane trip later- Crona: "That was fun! I never saw an in-flight movie..." Black Star: "Zzzz..." Kid: (smiles at Stocking) stocking: *looks out the window* Kid: "???" Kid: (looks out the window as well) -seems they arrived- Patty: "Hello, Italy! We have arrived!" Black Star: (sits up) "What?!" (throws his arms out--smacking Kid and Soul in the face) soul: oof! Kid: "Ow!" (holds his nose) "Could I go with one flight without a nosebleed..." -after landing- liz: *checks her map* Black Star: "Which way to the hotel?" liz: hmm...should be this way. Patty: -_- "Florence..." Kid: -_- "Pisa...We have arrived..." Patty and Kid: "To straighten that bastard Leaning Tower and make it upright!" liz: oh boy. tsubaki: should i stop them before they hurt themselves? Black Star: "Nah, I want to see what happens..." stocking: ^^; Kid: "Put your back into, Patty!" (pushing) Patty: "I'm trying! It's like the goddamn thing is cemented into the ground!" civilian: <what are they doing?> stocking: <pushing the large shaft> civilian: O-o; Patty: "Move, damn it! Stop leaning like this and be erect! ERECT! ERECT!!!" liz: *hiding her face in shame* oh my god. Black Star: "Bet Kid pushes the large shaft all the time, huh, Stocking?" stocking: *grabs him by the neck* ever wonder what it was like to lose a finger? stocking: or a limb....or even a kidney? tsubaki: (thinking: i dont think he wants to try dying once....) ^^; Black Star: o_______o; "I'll be good." (hides behind Tsubaki) Patty: "AAAAAAAAAH!" (falls to the ground) Kid: "Damn it, Patty! You barely moved it an inch!" -later at the hotel- Patty: (lying on bed, ice on her back) liz: you ok? Patty: "Sore..." -in kid and stocking's room- stocking: mmmmmn~<3 Kid: "You sound pleased..." stocking: i am~ *she's still smooching him* Kid: (returns her kiss) "This is such a comfortable room...especially this couch..." stocking: y'know, when you were pushing that tower, i was kiiiiinda imagining you shirtless~ Kid: "Oh~?" (starts to unbutton the top one of his shirt...) stocking: mmmmm~ *blush* Kid: (pushes her down onto the couch as he kisses her, then continues unbuttoning and finally removing his shirt) -in the other room- soul: do they have to be so damn loud? Black Star: "Figures they would be: they get out of Death City and away from whatever is going on there..." soul: i guess.... Black Star: "Unless you want to put on some loud TV, maybe we should go out? Get something to eat?" soul: sure. hey chrona, you want to go take a walk with us? Crona: (small smile) "S-Sure..." -and so- Crona: "I-I never got to see much of Italy before..." Black Star: (smelling the food being prepared at nearby restaurants) "Smells good." soul: *looking around* Vendor: (waves) "How about some flowers? They brighten up any room!" soul: *looks at chrona* Crona: "Um...They are pretty flowers..." soul:....... Crona: "I-I'll take some, please." (looks at Soul) "We can keep them in the hotel room...then get more in Florence if we need to..." soul: ok. Crona: (pays, takes the flowers, smiles and thanks the vendor) -later, a presence is felt in a familiar place- Crona: o_o "D-Did you feel that?" soul: yeah....*he looks to the church* ............. Crona: (shuddering) "Oh no...Wh-Why is someone th-there?" soul: .....it's going to be ok chrona... Crona: "..." (nods) Black Star: "You guys want to check it out?" soul: .....may as well. Black Star: "I'll follow..." Crona: "..." (walks with them) soul:.....*opens the door*.........???????? (thinking: kid? what is he doing here?) "Kid": (chuckling at the altar) "I think this will be the perfect venue...She won't refuse me..." soul:.....??? (thinking: the hell? something....something seems really off about all of this....) "Kid": "Mother, she will accept my proposal here, yes?" (turns to see...) "Oh! The guests arrived early..." soul: !!!!!!!!!! kid? w-what the hell?! "Kid": (sneers, the stripes appearing along his face) Crona: "!!!" Ragnarok: (pops up) "Jeez, is he that fast to be in two places at once?" soul: i dont think thats actually kid...... "Kid": "I'm not...?" (summons blood and sends it at Soul to attack) "I AM KID!" soul: !!!! *blade block* BLACK*STAR WE COULD USE SOME HELP IN HERE! Black Star: (runs inside) "What? Is it that hard to lay down flow--Kid?! What the hell are you doing here?!" Mad!Kid: "Mother! I'm going to need more blood!" (another blood attack at Black Star and Crona) soul: kid! what the hell are you doing? -bloody blade- soul: ooooh thaaaat aint good. Ragnarok: "Crona! Wake up, stupid and block! Block! Block!!!" Crona: "R-Right!" (transforms Ragnarok into Blade) Mad!Kid: "Stay! Kick up your feet--and DIE!" (rushes at Soul) soul: !!!!! ???: fufufufu~ -the blood blade is talking?- Crona: "Wh-Why is that blade talking? Blades don't talk." Ragnarok: (reverts to humanoid form) "That's my shtick! Who's ripping me off?!" -something bursts out of mad!kid's back...an inky looking humanoid female- pandora: well, seems we got quite the band of misfits in our midst~ Black Star: o_o Crona: o__o Ragnarok: (โ—โ™กโˆ€โ™ก) "I'M IN LOVE!" soul: what the fuck?! Mad!Kid: "Mother! We'll give their corpses to her! She'll love them!" (rushes and tackles Soul) soul: !!!!!!!! Crona: "Let go of him!" (battle roar as they slice Mad!Kid in the back) Ragnarok: "You're little black blood woman inside you may be hot, but I can't let you beat up Soul--THAT'S MY JOB!" Mad!Kid: "Arg! You bastards!" Black Star: (grabs Mad!Kid by the ankle) "Let's talk..." (swings him into a wall, knocking him down) Ragnarok: "What're you lying around for, Soul?! Call for help!" soul: doing that! *sends a message to kid and tsubaki* -At the hotel- Kid: "Mmmm..." (hears phone ring) "...Really? Now? Sorry, Love..." (looks at phone) stocking: it's fine......kid? you ok? Kid: (shaking) "Oh no...Stocking, stay here!" (in a flash, he is already dressed) "I'll explain later!" (leaves, bangs on Liz and Patty's door) "Emergency! We're heading out, now!" stocking: ????? Patty: *yawns, comes to the door* "What is--?" Kid: (clutches Patty and Liz by the wrists, forcing them to transform) Patty: "Hey! What the hell, Kid?! You don't just transform us without permission!" liz: what the heck?? tsubaki: ??? Kid: "Tsubaki! Hurry along! Black Star will need you!" tsubaki; ah, right! Kid: (summons Beelzebub) "Flying will be faster..." (opens window in the hallway...) "Tsubaki, hang on!" tsubaki: >-< stocking:...... Kid: (flies Tsubaki and his weapons towards Santa Maria...leaving a sky-trail behind him that is easy to follow...) stocking: *sigh* *follows very discreetly* Kid: (lands at Santa Maria) "Tsubaki...Do you remember, inside the Book, what you faced when I was...corrupted?" tsubaki:......you tried to rip my throat open... Kid: "...I'm sorry, Tsubaki. But now, you are about to face that threat again. If Soul's message is correct, inside is...me." tsubaki: ???????? liz: huh? Kid: "Somehow...that mad form of me from the Book has become incarnate...And what I sense inside is pure madness. Whoever is in there is me, only pure madness..." stocking: *from the rooftops* !!!!!! Kid: "Be prepared to use lethal force...even if it has stolen my face." liz: right.... Patty: "..." (squirming in her weapon form, afraid) Kid: (steadies his breath, approaches the door...puts a hand along it...) -inside- soul: hyeeeah! Black Star: "Ah!" (punched in the face) Mad!Kid: (grips Soul's leg--and squeezes) soul: *wince* Mad!Kid: (chuckles) "Weak...No wonder she died..." Crona: (panting, face down on the floor...but hearing Mad!Kid...) soul: *he kicks at his face with the other foot* dont.....you DARE laugh about that!! Mad!Kid: (chuckles as he is kicked) "Cute...That almost tickles..." Crona: "This won't!" Mad!Kid: "???" *Crona uses Ragnarok to slice through Mad!Kid's neck--cutting off his head* Crona: o_o; Ragnarok: "...Shit! You took off his fucking head!" soul: holy- Mad!Kid's body: (chokes Soul's neck) soul: grk-! Mad!Kid's head: "Ha ha ha! You only separated my head from my body! I still got fight in me!" Crona: "Soul! Hang on! I'll--" Mad!Kid's head: *CHOMP* Crona: "..." (screams) "He's biting my head!" Mad!Kid's head: *chewing at Crona's head* Crona: *waves arms* "Aaaaaah! Gross! Gross! Gross!" Black Star: o_o; "What the hell...?" Mad!Kid's body: (slamming Soul's head into the floor) tsubaki: *punches the head* HA! Kid: (kicks down door) "Enough! Unhand them, now--" Kid: o_o; "...His head...is off his body..." (serious eyes) "DISGUSTING!" (fires at the body) Mad!Kid's body: (bullet holes ripping it apart until it lies on the floor) liz: WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL!? Crona: (Tsubaki is removing the head, tearing off some of Crona's hair) "Ow, ow, ow!" Mad!Kid's body: *twitching* soul: *cough* chrona! you ok? Crona: "My head feels like a baby alligator ate it...I've been better." (collapses on the floor) Ragnarok: "Weakling..." (looks at Mad!Kid's body...) "Um...Guys? The body is getting up..." *Female voice comes from Mad!Kid's body* Mad!Kid's head: (chuckles at Kid) "Well, hello there, sexy." pandora: fufufufufu~ good to see you again, kiddo~<3 tsubaki: that.....that's just creepy. Kid: "...I know that voice...Oh, no...Pandora..." Mad!Kid: "Mommy, the bad people cut off my head...CUT OFF THEIRS." pandora: *picks up the head and places it back onto the body* now now little fragment, lets not lose our head~ Mad!Kid: "Nice one, Mother..." (summons bloody blades all along his shoulders, arms, and back) "But they will lose theirs..." Kid: (aims Liz and Patty) "Black Star, Tsubaki! I'll cover you! Get Soul and Crona out of here!" tsubaki: right! Black Star: (swings Soul over his shoulder) "On it!" liz: this is bad.... Mad!Kid: (rushes at Kid, swinging blades--but Kid keeps dodging) Kid: (smirking, huffing, but keeping his pace and avoiding hits) "Cheap imitation...The genuine article can handle these weak attacks with ease..." (slams his fist into Mad!Kid's chest, knocking him down) Mad!Kid: "Ha...Yes...But while I am fixated on one person...you love far too many..." Kid: "???" Mad!Kid: (snatches at Kid's hand, slicing at it and pulling Liz, in weapon form, away from Kid's hand) Patty: "Sis!" liz: !!!! Mad!Kid: "This won't do..." (zaps his soul wavelength through Liz, forcing her back into human form) liz: *screaming out and collapses* uuugh.... Kid: "Liz!" Mad!Kid: (chuckles, as he picks her up by the neck and summons a new blade) "You took off my head? I. Take. Off. HERS!" Patty: "No!" liz: !!!!!!! ???: WHIRLWIND DANCE! -generation 2 edition- Mad!Kid: "?!" (knocked back, losing his grip on Liz) liz: *cough* huh? Kid: "Was that...?" stocking: hey. what'd i miss? Patty: (in human form, picking up Liz) "Some crazy bastard with Kid's face and none of his charm! Fucking kill him!" Kid: "No! Stocking, get out of here!" stocking: kid! *she goes over to him* you ok? Patty: (getting Liz out of the church) Kid: "You shouldn't be here...He's insane! He'll try to--" Mad!Kid: (blood blade slaps Kid across the face, knocking him into a wall) Mad!Kid: (looks at Stocking) "My love...I've missed you so much." stocking: kid!!! *she glares at mad!kidd* i dont know what you want, but i came to this country for a simple f***ing vacation, not to be fighting a half-baked knock-off! Mad!Kid: (blinks, blushing) "Oh. I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disrupt your enjoyment. Um...Did you not like the candies I sent to you?" stocking: *holding out her blades* .........i'm going to cut you down to ribbons...... Mad!Kid: "Darn. I knew I should've gone with the caramel candy. You like caramel more than chocolate, don't you? Or do you prefer fruit candy? Chocolate? Help me out here--I simply want to please you, my love." stocking: you want to please me? *she slashes at him* then drop dead. Mad!Kid: "Wh-What? But I only want to share my love for you?" (slices hit along his arms...then he frowns) "Stocking! You will listen to me and my love for you! I demand you stop trying to kill me and join me in matrimony!" stocking: ..............................nah. *kick to the face* Mad!Kid: "Ah!" (kicked in the face--but grabs her ankle, chuckles) "Oh, that felt good..." (looks at her leg) "And looks good, too." stocking: !!!! ew! *tries to kick him away* Mad!Kid: "We will be married here! This will be where we sanctify our love!" (clutches her ankle, digging in his nails) "Let me make love to you! Right here! You can kick me as hard as you want then!" stocking: !!!! Mad!Kid: (pulls her leg closer to him, as he looks up her leg) "I'm so close, my love! Let me put my seed in you! Let me claim you!" (He fails to notice the trail of his own blood at his feet...and how slippery it is there) stocking: *kicks down there* whoopsie~ Mad!Kid: (slips and falls onto his back, knocking blood up from the floor) "Ouch!" (smiles at her) "Oh, babe, you make the pain feel so good~" stocking: *she went over to kid* kid, you ok? Kid: "Stocking...I told you not to come here..." stocking: i know...but i'm not made of glass... Kid: "H-He could have killed you...and I...I didn't want you to see...me like...like that..." (looks away, ashamed) stocking: .............*she holds him close* Kid: (holds her) "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to make you worry." Mad!Kid: (squirming on the floor, trying to get up) stocking: all is forgiven~ *she kisses him* Kid: (blushes a bit and smiles) "That means a lot to--" (sees something) "!!! Stocking! Move!" (throws her off of him--) *SPLURT* Kid: "!!!" (coughs up blood) Mad!Kid: (his bloody spear through Kid's chest) Mad!Kid: "Heh heh heh...Now you are gone...She will love me..." stocking:.........ah...........*her eyes go demonic* *she releases a demonic scream* Kid: (struggling to breathe) "Stocking...No...Stop..." Mad!Kid: (looks up at Stocking with a perverse smile) "Yes...My Angel...My Demon...I knew I'd free you..." (stretches out his arms) "Come to me, my love!" stocking:........*she slashes at him* hehehehehe......AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! i'm going to cut you up till nothing's left~<3 Mad!Kid: "And I'll reform myself! And you'll get to slice me all over again! It'll be neverending pure bliss!" (lets out a moan) "Oh, babe, yes! Yes! Cut me again!" stocking: damn you...just stay DEAD ALREADY!!! -dark slash- Mad!Kid: "Urk!" (grabs her wrist) "Just a little kiss, babe~" (kisses her hand, his bleeding lips coating her wrist...it burns) stocking: *screams and pulls back, slapping him* Mad!Kid: (chuckles) "It hurts, yes? Mother made sure of that...Now, let's continue..." (blades emerge along him) "I'll pin you down and make it official~" stocking: !!!!!! Mad!Kid: *mad dashes at her, trying to knock her down* "You already have your socks off! Let's take the rest off~" -impale- stocking:...fufufu~ Mad!Kid: *coughs blood* "I-I was supposed to penetrate you...Not that I'm picky~" stocking: just stay down boy. *slash* Mad!Kid: *pinned, can't get up* "I can't stay down...Not when you are so attractive. Oh, Stocking, my love...Do you think about me when you are with him?" stocking:......*stepping on his head* *SQUISH* *Mad!Kid's head collapses under her foot...his eyes bulging up* stocking: ?? Mad!Kid: "I like seeing up your skirt..." -squelch- stocking: no. Mad!Kid: (one eye falls out of his head) "That'll take time to regenerate..." pandora: now she's just being rude Mad!Kid: *sighs* "I guess this is a loss...Mother, get us out of here..." -dark wings- Mad!Kid: "Fly away now! I will return to you, my love! And if you won't have me then, I will kill EVERY LAST THING YOU LOVE UNTIL I AM THE ONLY THING LEFT FOR YOU TO LOVE!" stocking: .........*ready to kill him* Mad!Kid: (tries to flap--but she won't let him leave) "L-Love? No! Don't!" Kid: "St-Stocking?" stocking: !! *she looks back* k-kid....!! *she runs to him* Mad!Kid: (loud sigh of relief as he flies away) "I'm too injured to kill anyone else here...Mother, get us to safety to recuperate..." -after they left- stocking:................. Kid: (shudders, seeing Stocking) "I'm sorry..." stocking:....*she hugs him and cries* Kid: "I'm so sorry. I let that beast out...It was me. And I'm so sorry...Forgive me." stocking:...........all is forgiven..........c-can we go back to the hotel now? Kid: (nods) "The police will be here soon, so they'll be asking us for a statement...but we should be able to get some time away from them for awhile..." -later at the hotel- Kid: *having showered to get off blood, now in bathrobe, holding her* "Thank God you are here..." stocking:..........*in her underwear and laying in his embrace*....i'm scared.... Kid: (nods) "I am too..." (holds her close) "As long as we are here, however, there is hope...I love you, Stocking." stocking:......i love you too kid..... Kid: (smiles, small kiss on her forehead, as he hugs her) -later that night, after a tender love making session- stocking: zzzzzz..... Kid: (in the nude, next to her...and he cannot sleep. He looks out the window at the Moon..."Why does that thing laugh, anyway?") stocking:.....*snuggles* mmmmn..... Kid: "..." (smiles at her, holds her) "I love you." stocking:...... Kid: "I trust you with all of my soul, and I am sorry for everything..." stocking: *still asleep* Kid: (smiles) "Please don't leave me, Stocking." (hugs her and tries to fall back to sleep...) -the next morning- Kid: *kitten yawn* stocking: morning kiddo~ -seems she's wearing kid's shirt- Kid: o\\\\o (sits up in bed, with only the bedsheet over him) "How do you manage to look sexy in anything?" stocking: same way you do it~ Kid: (blushes more, but smiles) "Th-Thanks..." (clears his throat...) "You do look wonderful in it..." (sees the shirt around her chest and down to her thighs) stocking: getting turned on~? -she has on her white kitty panties- Kid: (looks down at the bedsheet) "Evidently. Not surprisingly." (smiles at her) "I don't remember--do you own a bra that goes with those panties?" stocking: in my luggage, yes. Kid: (nods) "Good to know..." (he stands, holding the bedsheet to him strategically as he walks to her) -later after that quickie, the group decides to check out the town- Patty: (holding her neck) liz: so what did you want to see first? Kid: "The statue of David is on display at the Galleria dell'Accademia. Or if you want something Gothic, there is Giotto's Campanile monument. Or the Fountain of Neptune." stocking: lets check out the galleria academia... Kid: (nods) Black Star: "Heh heh...'David.' The naked statue." soul: grow up. Patty: "Heh heh...Soul and David can compare sizes..." soul: OH MY GOD! Patty: "Ha ha ha!" Kid: -_-; "Can we please go?" -and so- Kid: "So many works of classic art..." (smiles at stocking) "You've always wanted to see them firsthand, yes?" stocking: it's amazing... Kid: "Thank you for suggesting this trip." stocking: no problem....(thinking: even if last night wasnt so great....) Kid: (notices her concern...holds her hand) "How about after this tour, we get authentic gelato?" stocking: sounds lovely~ Kid: (smiles, holds her hand) "I wonder what other artwork we will find here..." Kid: o_____o "Oh no..." (Patty is doing something stupid on a pedestal) liz: patti get down from there! Patty: *in only gold paint and a toga* "Shh! I'm a work of art..." Patty: (struggling to keep frozen in the pose) -later- Kid: -_-; "Well, seeing as Patty is not barred entry from the Gallery for the next 50 years..." Patty: "Tch. At least it wasn't 60 years..." Kid: "Let's get the gelato now." (smiles at Stocking) -and so- stocking: mmmm~<3 Kid: (smiles) "Very tasty..." Black Star: *nom nom nom* soul: this is pretty good. Patty: "Yummy!" Kid: -_-; "You're still golden, Patty." Patty: "Thanks!" (wipes her mouth on her toga) stocking: ^^; -elsewhere- shiori: *crawling on her play mat* Yumi: "Come to Mommy! Come on!" shiori: mumu! *crawling* Yumi: (giggling) "That's it! Come to Mommy, Shiori" shiori: *she made it!* guu! hehe~! lord death: daaaaawwww!!! Yumi: (holds her, kisses her forehead, brings her towards Death) "Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you, Shiori" shiori:....*looks* kid? Yumi: (sad frown, shakes her head) "No, your big brother is in Italy." (smiles) "But he'll be home soon." shiori: *frowns* Yumi: "Aw, it's okay, sweetie. When he gets home, I'll make sure he has a souvenir for you." shiori: ...... Yumi: (studying Shiori) "Death...I think she really misses him... lord death: i worry for him as well.... Yumi: (nods) "We all do...That...thing that attacked him..." lord death:....i should have been there...... -elsewhere- Mad!Kid: (sobbing) pandora: you've been whining about it all day.... Mad!Kid: "B-But she didn't return my love! And that freak of hers is still alive!" pandora:.....you still have the doll..... Mad!Kid: "One that cannot even breathe...Is there a spell to make a doll come alive?" pandora: you could try creating a homunculus if it helps, it's what enoch's son did... Mad!Kid: "..." (sneers) "What will we need?" pandora: *she grins* -elsewhere- Kid: "That was a tasty dessert." (spots something) "And since Patty is going to need a change of clothes, anyone up for shopping?" liz: oh heck yeah! Patty: (claps her hands) "Yay!" Black Star: "Can try on some fancy suits, too! Nice threads!" stocking: neat! -And so- Kid: (white suit) "So comfy~" Black Star: (pinstripe) "I look all professional and shit!" soul: *blue suit* it's nice..... Crona: (blushing in the sundress and capris...) soul:....(thinking: too cute for words -_-; ) *imagines maka in the same outfit* TT////W/////TT Patty: (shorts, shirt, and jacket with a hat and sunglasses) -_- "I miss my toga..." Crona: "Wh-Why are you looking at me like that, Soul?!" stocking: *in a nice cherry print dress* soul: nothing. Kid: (smiles) "You look lovely, Stocking...Very sweet attire." (whispers) "I could eat you up..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: (smiles at her) "I think everyone likes their outfits...Worth a purchase I would say, yes?" -later- Kid: (in lighter attire for the sunshine) "This is nice..." (spots a fountain) stocking: ^^ hehe~ Kid: (sees a sign) "I think it says, 'Rest your feet in this water'? Is that even sanitary?" stocking: i dunno....*shrug* Kid: "Hmmm...Does the hotel have a pool?" stocking: i think so. Kid: "I think a swim may be in order before we depart." (smiles) "And the snack bar by their has some of the most delicious desserts~" stocking: *shiny eyes* Kid: "When would work for you, Sweet Tooth?" -later elsewhere- Hibana: (taps the fan) "Maki, don't you have air conditioning in this decrepit building?" maki: *trying to fix it* Hibana: "Tch. Why don't I have my chief mechanic stop by? He could install the latest A/C system...Far better than whatever that dumb gorilla can do..." Akitaru: -_-; "You snide, superior, holier than thou son of a..." iris: i think that might work. we'd really appreciate it. Hibana: "I'll call him up! Just...don't make fun of his head." -later- shinra: O-O;;;;;;;;;; Professor: "Hello, I am here to install your new air conditioning." (spots Shinra) "ARE YOU STARING AT MY HEAD?!" shinra: CEILING! (thinking: smooth shinra.) Professor: "...Oh." (looks up) "Yes, that is a ceiling. Quite lovely. The vents can go in there...Well, Hibana told me she would provide capable gentlemen to help me with the installation." (smiles at Shinra and Arthur) Arthur: *beaming* -later- shinra: 'ceiling' what the hell is wrong with me? why did i say that?! Hibana: "Shinra? Oh! Did you help the Professor like I asked?" shinra: yes ma'am. Hibana: (smiles) "Good! Think of it: soon, you will have cool air in every room in this rickety old building! All thanks to me." (poses) iris: ^^; Hibana: (frowns) "Gabriella? I'm not hearing applause!" gabriella: *clapping really hard* maki: um....gabs? gabriella: hmm? *she clapped so hard her hands are beginning to bleed* Hibana: "Th-That's enough!" (grabs her hands) "Stop that!" gabriella: s-sorry...*frowns* *wince* Hibana: (pouts) "Don't hurt yourself for my sake. I don't know what I would do without you." gabriella:..... Q/////w/////Q maki: awwwwwww!!! Hibana: "Let me tend to your injuries." (picks her up) "Off to the infirmary..." -elsewhere- Meme: (shriek) mio: meme?! *she runs to her side* ???? Meme: (standing with a large book in her hand--broken) "Mio!" (cries, hugs her) (A boy knocked out at her feet) "S-Sorry...This boy broke in and...Oh...Wait...Isn't this Anya's old boyfriend?" Anya: -_-; "Arthur..." mio: um... o////o tamaki: what's with all the no- *trips and faceplants into the floor* *holding her nose and groans in pain* fuuuuuuuck.... Anya: "...Graceful as usual..." Arthur: "Ugh...Where am I?" Meme: (clutches Mio harder) "KILL IT! KILL IT!" tamaki: nnnnnmmm... >/////< owie... mio: awawawawawawa @-@ Arthur: o_o; "T-Tamaki?" Meme: (hiding behind Mio) mio: um....im confused. tamaki: arthur? w-why are you here? Arthur: (pops up, salutes) "I am here on unofficial business to make sure you are safe..." (sheepish) "You are safe, yes?" tamaki: y-yeah... Arthur: "...May we speak in private? Just in the salon?" tamaki: yeah, sure. Arthur: "Okay." (follows her to the salon) "You may want to sit down..." tamaki: if this is about rekka, i already know..... Arthur: "...I'm sorry." tamaki:..... Arthur: "..." (holds her hand) tamaki:.................*hugs him and whimpers* Arthur: (holds her) "I'm sorry." -elsewhere- Gopher: "Hmmm...'Homunculus,' sir?" eibon: indeed my child. my wife was very ill, and was unable to have children, so i created inori to raise as our own. though it is not a process to be fooled around with...if not handled correctly, the results can become, for lack of a better term, messy. Gopher: (nods) "...Sir? I think I can relate to that given..." (looks at his hands) "...me." eibon: ....i understand your concern, however i noticed a slight anomaly... Gopher: "???" eibon: namely your grigori soul. normally homunculi souls are small, even smaller than a grown adults, but your soul....perhaps there are other factors involved? *muttering to himself* Gopher: D: "Um...Are you saying my soul is abnormal? Is it tiny or something?" eibon: the fact that you have a grigori soul.... usually such things dont happen amongst homunculi.... Gopher: "...Oh. Um...Never? Wh-Why would I have a Grigori Soul, then, sir?" eibon:...it's difficult to say... -elsewhere- Patty: (in swimsuit) "About ready, Sis?" liz: yep! Crona: (in traditional one-piece) "I-I have the sunscreen...Don't want to get burned..." tsubaki: thanks chrona. Black Star: (whistles) "Looking good, Tsubaki!" Kid: (in black swimtrunks with white stripes along the sides) "Hmm..." stocking: cute~ *she's in a purple bikini with black details* Kid: (blushes, smiles) "Same to you, cutie." Black Star: "Yo! Soul! Hurry up!" soul: ok ok! *he has shark print swim trunks* Crona: "Those look...nice, Soul." Black Star: (giggles) soul: 7///7; Patty: "Aw, aren't you just cute in those?" Kid: (looks at the pool--and the slide) "Wow. Impressive." stocking: brings back memories, huh? Kid: (smiles) "Yes..." (holds her hand) "Ready?" stocking: *she nods* Kid: (walks into the pool's shallow end, then holds out a hand to Stocking) Patty and Black Star: (at the deep end, cannonballing) stocking: it's a nice day out today, huh? Kid: (guides her into the water) "Yes. Sun is out, no chance of rain, and the pool isn't too crowded." Crona: (dipping toe in tentatively) "Um..." soul: its ok chrona, it wont hurt you *smiles* Crona: (inching by centimeters into the pool...) Ragnarok: "Ugh! Hurry up!" (pushes Crona into the pool) Crona: "Eeek!" soul: dude, come on... stocking: you ok chrona? Crona: (now in the water, up to their neck) "Y-Yeah? It feels...weird." *Crona is sitting on the pool's bottom* liz: want me to show you how to swim? Crona: (nods) "My last lesson wasn't...very helpful." *Flashbacks to Medusa dropping them into the middle of the ocean* -after liz gets a boogie board to help them out- liz: here, like this. Crona: "Oh!" (smiles) "This looks cute...Um...Hi, Mister Boogie Board...Ha ha...'Boogie.'" (holds on--loses a bit of balance, but manages to re-align again) liz: easy there. *she smiles* Crona: (nods slowly, starts light kicking...) liz: there you go. Crona: (laughs a bit) "This is fun..." -later, back at the hotel- Crona: "That was fun!" soul: way to go. did you want to skype mami and tell her? Crona: (blushes, nods) -elsewhere- Hibana: "Ah...Air conditioning..." shinra: *filling up balloons with water* Takehisa: (noticing Shinra, but saying nothing) shinra:.....hey arthur....? Arthur: "Hmm?" shinra: HYAH! *tosses water balloon* Arthur: "Wh-What?!" *SPLASH* Arthur: (soaked) "..." (fuming) "DREADED WATER VIPER! PREPARED TO BE BEHEADED!" shinra: eek! haha! XD Arthur: "Raawr!" (runs after Shinra, but he's took wet to summon flames) Takehisa: "..." (calmly goes to sink...) iris: *watering flowers* Arthur: (runs past Iris, dodging Shinra's balloon...) iris: ?? -splash- iris:.............. shinra: iris! iris:.............*calm smile....and sets the hose to turbo* Arthur: (giggles as he tries to run--and gets a bucket of water dumped atop him...then the bucket) maki: owned. Arthur: "I-I am fine! This is simply the helmet befitting a knight as he runs into combat--" *Two more water balloons to his "helmet," knocking Arthur to the ground* shinra: ha! -later- Hibana: "I go to all that trouble to install air conditioning, and you all get wet?" Takehisa: "Please try not to get the floor wet. I just cleaned." shinra: *shivering* Hibana: "Takehisa! Show a little more sympathy to these shivering cold children..." (hands them towels) "Arthur and Shinra, go warm up in the locker room, and Takehisa will bring you a change of clothes." -elsewhere- Kid: (taps Skype) "Father?" lord death: hello kiddo~! how's italy? Kid: (smiles, a bit nervously) "Okay, S-Sir..." (holding his hands) "I-I'm sorry for not contacting earlier after...that." lord death:....do you need anything? any extra security from the DWMA italy branch? Kid: "We're okay for right now, thank you. I think we'll be fine. Given how...severely Stocking injured him, and how long it has been, I don't think he will return. However, he does seem to have a connection to whoever was stalking Stocking in Death City, so I would like increased security there." lord death: all right....and those two demons? Kid: "...Father...He was me." lord death: ??? Kid: "That demon looked as I did...acted as I did when I was inside that Book...and I recognized the voice of the woman with her...It was Pandora." lord death: *he tenses* ...........................where have they gone? Kid: "I was too weak to follow, and Stocking was in no condition to go after them. I have tried to sense their location, but...Father, Pandora's presence felt like an entire world, and now it's just--" *snaps his fingers* "--gone." lord death: this is very serious. i'll send an alert. any defining features to this entity? Kid: "He looks exactly like me, but with lines along his chin. She...looked like a mass of Black Blood emerging out of this...doppleganger's body." Kid: "His soul looks like my own...just...the opposite. Like, white, a void." lord death: hmmm..... -later- Kid: (sitting on edge of the bed) stocking: kid? everything ok? Kid: (nods) "I spoke with Father and Mother." (small laugh) "Shiori says hi." (frown) "Kirika said 'Fuck off.'" stocking: *sighs and chuckles* classic her. Kid: (holds Stocking's hand) "I told them about..." (shakes a little) "That doppleganger." stocking:........*she hugs him* maid: am i interrupting? Kid: o__o "...No?" maid: just checking. Kid: "...I appreciate that. Thank you." maid: *exits* *turns to the other maid* a half-blood and a reaper. pretty weird, right? Maid #2: "Shall we give them their privacy?" maid: good call....ever think about the guys back home? Maid #2: "A bit..." (small smile) maid: i can remember these two girls in my sector. real hard asses, always going on about rules and sh*t. amazing they werent from arcadia. i've heard about how strict they are up there, especially that one with the crop. *shudders* i dunno 'bout you, but fighting in wars just aint my style. Maid #2: "I can take or leave fighting, but what can you do? Seems to be the way of this life. Still, I'd rather make love than war." maid: like those two in there, haha XP Maid #2: (chuckles) "I didn't mean it _literally_, but sure. Better than the alternative." maid:...soooooo what do you wanna do right now? Maid #2: "Hmm...Well, the world isn't going completely nuts at the moment...Think Lord Pheles would be upset if we checked out the pool?" maid: i got kommy here *holds up a strange creature* Maid #2: "Hmmm...Does Kommy need a walk? Could do that while touring the city." maid: he's on guard dog duty. you butt. -n- kommy: WARK WARK! stocking: what was that?! Kid: (sits up) "Hmm? Sounded like a dog..." Maid #2: o_o "Um...I think they heard us..." -elsewhere- Yohei: "Hmmm...WASHU? GET? I told you to change those diapers..." io: zzzzzz... WASHU: ^0^ *thumbs up* Yohei: "Good..." (pats WASHU on the head) GET: ๋ˆˆ_๋ˆˆ Yohei: "..." (taps cigarette ashes into GET's receptacle for "food") GET: ^o^ chie: how's everything here? Yohei: "Looks like the diaper-changing robotics protocol worked well: Io is sleeping peacefully, no damage, these two robots are satisfied." (smiles) "How are you?" chie: doing good. *she sits down next to him* Yohei: (kisses her cheek, hugs her) "Work go okay?" chie: *she nods* Yohei: "Any plans for this weekend?" chie: how about checking out a movie? Yohei: "I'd like that." (pulls up a schedule on his phone) "Hmm...Sequel after sequel..." chie: *sigh* usually they're either bad, a cash cow, or both. Yohei: "Oh! How about this one? It's kinda of a low-budget indie film..." chie: hmm...seems interesting. Yohei: " 'Death's Holiday'...Hmm...Of course that would be the title to a film showing in Death City." chie: neat. Yohei: (smiles) "I'll order the tickets..." (taps his phone, then puts an arm around her) -elsewhere- NoFix: (smoking) "I just think that Mickey D's is better than Burger King. I mean, who has the better milkshakes, right?" luka: ......*silent, but visibly annoyed* NoFix: "...Hey, Doctor Hottie? What do you think? Or are you more of a Wendy's girl?" luka: i think you need to take your smoking outside. NoFix: "..." (puffs, then exhales in her face) luka: could you not? NoFix: (smirks) "Could you?" (offers a cigarette to her) luka:.....no. NoFix: (snatches her wrist) "Then I'm demanding. Smoke." luka:.................................may i see the lighter? *reaches for an orange* NoFix: (chuckles) "That a girl..." (puts a cigarette in her mouth, then pulls out the lighter and ignites it...) luka: *sprits the orange's juices at the fire in his direction* *FWOOOOSH* luka: *grins* NoFix: (skin charred, leaving an eerie fleshless skeletal smile) "...That was hot. You're a special kind of crazy. You ever up for a threesome with my special lady, we'll leave a spot for you." luka:....................................*grabs him and tosses him out of her office* kinuta: *whistles* damn, what's biting her ass? NoFix: (skin slowly regenerating) "Not us, unfortunately. Maybe my flirting skills are off...Hey, you hungry?" kinuta: i guess. NoFix: "Cool. Help me up, we'll get burgers and a milkshake, then you can have my burger and I'll have your milkshake..." -elsewhere- kim: *shudders* Jacqueline: "You okay?" kim: yeah....mom's just being a whore somewhere. Jacqueline: o_o "You...can sense that?" kim: when you've lived with that b*tch as long as i have, you develop a 6th sense about these things. *excalibur face* Jacqueline: o\\\\\o ("Hate to imagine what sixth sense she's developed about _me_...") "Um...Okay, then!" kim: yeeeeeah. Jacqueline: "I will now get snacks! Would you like any?!" (nervous smile) -elsewhere- Kid: *kitten yawn* stocking: you tired~? Kid: (nods) "I feel much more relaxed now..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: (kisses her cheek) "How about you?" stocking: doing a little better now...*she snuggles up to him* Kid: *snuggles back, holds her* "You are so energetic, so compassionate...I love you." stocking: love you too kiddo~<3 Kid: (smiles at her) "Italy was a great choice...I can't wait to see where our next vacation is..." -after a few days, the group returned home- Patty: (chuckling as she looks at photographs) mami: you guys sure had a lot of fun, huh? Crona: "Y-Yeah! It was! The pool was so big! And there were museums and--and I wish you had been there..." mami: *she holds their hand and smiles* maybe next time... Crona: (smiles at Mami) liz: *she brings in snacks* Black Star: (tries to take more than one cupcake...) tsubaki: thanks ^^ Black Star: o_o; "Oh...Um, yeah! Sure!" (hands one to Tsubaki..."I was going to have both for myself...") Kid: (hands one to Stocking) stocking: mmmmmmmmm~! Kid: (smiles..."She's so adorable and full of life...") "These are delicious cupcakes..." Crona: "Soul?" (offers him a cupcake) soul: sure...*nom* mm, pretty good. Ragnarok: "Frosting ain't half bad..." Patty: (has some chips) "So, what's everyone up to this week?" soul: not sure yet. Black Star: "Training! I want to see how many duels on campus I can win!" -the next day at school- Kid: "Ready to get back to classes?" liz: yeah. Patty: "Yes!" (opens the book...stares...frowns...) "Crap. I didn't study at all." kim: hey guys! great to see you're back! ox: salutations everyone! Jacqueline: (waves) Kid: "Hello, Kim, Ox, Jacqueline." Harvar: "..." soul: so what's new? kilik: a lot of stuff. midoriya was sent to the emergency room for one thing... Patty: o__o "The precious cinnamon roll?" kilik: yeah. it's kind of a long, yet weird story. -in class- Patty: (frowning..."Flowers, maybe? Candy? What do you get for someone recovering in the hospital like that...?") kirika: *resting her feet on the desk* *whistling* Gopher: -W- Kid: (twitch) "TAKE YOUR FEET OFF THAT DESK." kirika: *ignoring him* Kid: "I said, take those feet off that desk now. It is against the rules." kirika: alright fine....*she gets up and sits on the desk* Kid: (โ•ฌ ร’ โ€ธ ร“) *Tiny explosion off the top of his head* "Grrr...." kirika: >:3 Ilda: "BUTTOCKS BELONG IN SEATS, NOT ON DESK!" kirika: the fuck? Iida: (waving his hands with emphasis on key words) "These are the desks that once served our predecessors on their road to learning how best to manage their abilities in the service of humankind! Your behind defiles their service and is an insult to all that they stand for! In contrast, placing your backside in that chair is a show of respect!" (bows) "I humbly ask that you seat yourself in the chair and not on that desk!" Kid: "..." o(*>ฯ‰<*)o kirika: nyeh? i know you're talking, but all i heard was 'blah blah blah i'm a fucking nerd blah'. Iida: "WE DO NOT CURSE IN CLASS! PLEASE, STOP WITH SUCH VULGARITIES! THEY ARE NOT APPROPRIATE FOR A HERO!" kirika: *grumble* jeez, you're such a damn hardass... *she gets up off and sits back down, propping her feet back onto the desk* Iida and Kid: "FEET OFF THE DESK!" Patty: "Take off that hat!" (does so, but she's now holding a cane) "Put down that cane!" (puts on hat again) "Take off that hat!" kilik: can we just get on with the class already? Stein: (eating popcorn while watching Iida and Kid slowly going insane) "...You're no fun, Kilik. Detention for you." (puts away popcorn, stands, stretches) "Today's class will be about Soul Force attacks, sent through the body but also your weapon partner." tsuyu: neat. Stein: "You'll need to be careful, meisters, or else your Soul Wavelength may rip your weapon apart." Ragnarok: D: Fire and Thunder: T_T Patty: "Cool!" tsubaki: o-o; Patty: "Sis, stop crying. You're embarrassing yourself." -after class- liz: thankfully no one died. Patty: "My tummy hurts..." Harvar: "I am dead. Bury me. Ox, pour the dirt over me here." *Desks are on fire* -at lunch- Kid: "I thought that was successful...except now the classroom looks like a barbeque pit. An asymmetrical one at that." (bites into BBQ lunch) "Hmm...Tasty." liz: thankfully one of the substitutes hosed things down. Patty: "A super-cool substitute you mean! So neat! Can we have him host our Slip and Slide Summer Pool Party, Sis?" liz: i'll consider it ^^; Kid: (offers Stocking a peanut butter chocolate s'more cupcake) stocking: mmmm~! Kid: (smiles at her) "You're so cute when you find a sweet treat." stocking: every bit as cute as you are around symmetry~ Kid: (eyes sparkle) "You divine symmetrical person, how can I not be cute around you?" stocking: hehe~ Kid: (sparkles appear around him...) Patty: "???" (picks one sparkle out of the air, smashes it, and uses the dust to coat her cupcake) "Hmm...Tasty!" liz: i'm not even gonna ask. Kid: (looks a little more serious) "But...Stocking, you do know about the math test coming up next week..." stocking: *siiiiigh* Kid: "Tutoring?" stocking: yes please. Kid: (smiles) "Let's begin after school." -later that day, in the gallows manor den- Kid: "For parallel lines with another line intersecting them, opposite angles are of equal measure to each other. So, in this diagram, which angles are the same measure?" stocking: *squints* A, B, and D? Kid: "Correct! You get a cookie." (hands her a tiny one) stocking: yay! ^^ Kid: "Next question..." stocking: *she nods* Kid: "Question Number 9 on Page 10: Find the area in square units of Trapezoid ABCD." -elsewhere- Arthur: (smiles) "Air conditioning..." shinra: *standing in front of the fan* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh. Akitaru: -_-; "It's alright, I suppose." Hibana: (smirks) "I'm simply providing what some commanders fail to." Akitaru: (twitch) maki: easy there. Takehisa: "Hmmm...Gabriella, won't the air conditioning increase our electricity bill?" gabriella: *checking the numbers*.....then have a fundraiser? Takehisa: "Sounds like a plan. Which kind of activity can we have for a fundraiser?" -and so- shinra: WHY?!?! Arthur: (adjusts his suit) "Stop complaining. I'm sure you'll fetch a high price...at least $5. Maybe $10." shinra: Q-Q Kishiri: "I'm happy Commander Hibana talked us into this fundraiser for you 8th Brigade losers. Man, I'm going to make so much money. I'll probably sell for a million dollars." takeru: o-o; Akitaru: (in a suit) "This is so itchy..." Takehisa: (suave as fuck) "I know, sir. But don't worry: you'll be able to change out of it during the swimsuit competition." shinra: Q~Q Hibana: (as MC) "We bring out our first candidateโ€”Takeru Noto!" takeru: ..............................................*sweating* Hibana: "Now, Takeru, I have a set of questions that your audience would love to hear your answers...Question #1: What is your ideal social gathering?" takeru:......... *SCREAAAAAAAAAAAAM* Hibana: o____o "Um..." (nervous laugh) "He's definitely a screamer, ladies!" (more nervous laughter) "Let's give a round of applause for Takeru!" (half-hearted clap) Patty: "10 million dollars for Takeru!" Hibana: -_-; "The auction hasn't started yet..." Kid: "I AM NOT PAYING THAT MUCH, PATTY!" takeru: *shaking* shinra: *gulp* Hibana: "Next up is one of my best men from the 5th, Kishiri!" Kishiri: (winks at the audience, blows a bubble, snatches the mic from Hibana) Hibana: "Hey!" Kishiri: "Hello, ladies. I'm here to rock your world..." maki: i could make a bet....but then i realize, i could use that money for food, clothes, first aid, things i actually _need_ vivian: 2,000 DOLLARS! Kishiri: o_____o (whisper) "Oh no..." fang-hua: well i'm not shocked. Hibana: -_-; "You know what? Fine. We have to finish by 10 PM, so I'll start taking bids...$2,000! Do I have $2,500!" Kishiri: "$2,500!" Hibana: "The person being auctioned can't bid on himself! And I know you are too damn poor to have that kind of money!" ryuuko: what an idiot. Kishiri: "Help me! Someone, bid on me!" -silence- Hibana: "$2,000! Going once...going twice..." shinra: i'm sure as heck not going up there next....one of you guys go, please? Arthur: "What do I get in exchange?" Hibana: "Sold for $2,000!" (picks up Kishiri and tosses him into the audience at Vivian) shinra: i'm begging here come on! Kishiri: T_______T "Ah!!!" Arthur: "...Okay. But you owe me..." (smirks) "And I get to set the terms..." (marches onto the stage) Hibana: "?!" (whispers to Arthur) "Shinra was supposed to be next!" mio: hey anya is that your ex? Arthur: "Change of plans..." Anya: "I never dated him! So how can he be my ex?!" mio: *whistling* Meme: "You did kind of go out with him--" Anya: (slaps hand over her mouth) "Shh!" Hibana: "We'll start the bidding at $25!" Arthur: "?! I'm worth more than that!" Meme: (smirks at Mio) "Want to wager on him?" hime: i kinda doubt that... -_- Hiro: "Heh...Imagine bidding on Arthur, then just torturing him the entire time..." Anya: (overhears Hero, shiny eyes) "5,000 dollars!" hime: that's really messed up bro! Arthur: o__o "Oh crap..." Hibana: "..." (shrugs) "Sold!" (picks up Arthur, throws him at Anya) liz: well at least patti- Patty: "Hey! I want to bid! Kid will pay $10,000 to torture Arthur!" Anya: (holding Arthur) "No fair! I want to dress him up as a maid and make him clean up the dorm!" liz: PATTI NO! Patty: "I was going to do the same, but have him also whistle showtunes!" *Anya and Patty engage in a tug of war over Arthur* Arthur: "HELP ME!" gabriella: *smacks them both* ENOUGH! Anya and Patty: (faceplant, twitching) Arthur: (hides behind Gabriella) "Thank you, oh worthy knight!" gabriella: *cough* carry on princess~ *pushes arthur away* Hibana: "Um...We're going to hold both Anya and Kid for those bids totaling $15,000--" Kid: "DAMN IT!" Hibana: "And now, Shinr--" Akitaru: "Yo." Hibana: -_-; "Seriously?" Akitaru: (awkwardly takes the mic) "I am not used to dating...I haven't dated since my wife passed away..." shinra: *looking around* liz: Q_Q Akitaru: "But I'm a good conversationalist...Um...I can lift stuff, so I can move things around your house. I'm great with kids...I lost my child, too...I miss them...Um...So, thank you for coming out. Your donations go to help the 8th continue to serve you, Death City. Thank you." (backs away shyly) Hibana: T_T (wiping tears) Hibana: "I'll start bidding for Commander Obi at $50..." dia: he's honestly pulling the sympathy card now? how shamefully shameless....or would it be shamelessly shameful? Burns: "His family died. He deserves some sympathy." dia: right...my apologies sir. Hibana: (bidding kept going up for Akitaru) "$2,000 for Akitaru...Going once...twice..." marie: I'LL BID!! Akitaru: "???" Hibana: "Your bid, Death Scythe Mjolnir?" marie: YES PLEASE!! <X3 justin: *sweatdrop* Akitaru: o\\\\o Hibana: "Um...for how much money, Marie?" -on to the next contestant- Iida: "I LIKE FOLLOWING RULES! Make sure that your bids are in increasing order! We would have a lovely dinner! I will pay for the meal and the tip! Thank you!" -and the next- Mineta: "..." (staring up at Hibana) Hibana: -_-; "..." (STOMPS Grape Juice repeatedly) -next- Bakugo: "I am fired up for a date! I will make everything explode!" Hibana: -_-; "They can treat that STD, you know..." Bakugo: o\\\\\\o girl: PHRASING! Bakugo: "Shut up, nerd!" -and the next- Aoyama: (Can't Stop Twinkling) "I just want to see the smile on your faces light up." Hibana: (shiny eyes) kirika: *excalibur face* how about no? Aoyama: (leans down to Kirika) "Would you be willing to bid on me, fair princess?" Gopher: :< kirika:.... -one punch later- Hibana: (back stage) "Great...We lost Aoyama, so that cost us money...That leaves Deku and...Shinra..." (looks around) "Where are they?" izuku: *scoots onto the stage* um.....hi? *awkward wave* Audience: *silent* Hibana: "So...Deku! How did you get that name?" izuku: because.....because i can do it! *brave smile* ochako: *smiiile* Hibana: "..." (happy applause) "We'll start the bidding at $75." -later- Giriko: "...I don't know why I'm here. I can't have liquor, I can't smoke, and I can't be allowed more than 50 feet from my apartment." (shows ankle bracelet) "Thanks a fuck lot, Justin! Nark!" arachne: *sweatdrop* ^^; -and the next- Excalibur: (dancing on stage) Hibana: -_-; "It's been ten minutes already--get off the stage, or I will crush you." Excalibur: "Fool! I haven't done my striptease yet!" -next- Tsukuyomi: "I keep my feet wherever I want to--" Iida: "NOOOOOO!" -cue horde of fangirls bidding- -next- All Might: "I can only be out for two hours! That's all the time I can set aside in between my superheroing!" Hibana: o\\\\\\o Akitaru: -_-; "That's just too many muscles..." -next- Aizawa: "Hello. My name is--" Kid: "KILL THE KISHIN!" liz: kid thats-.....thats not.... -_-; Aizawa: -_-; *zaps Kid, immobilizing him* Kid: (collapsed onto Liz) -next- Present Mic: "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Who will bid on me?!" Hibana: "...What? I can't hear now BECAUSE I'M DEAF!" -silence- -next- Stein: "I will need to examine your skin. Trust me, I'm a doctor." sayaka: *sneaking to the exit* nopenopenopenopenope Hibana: (looks around, slips card into his pocket) "Call me. I think we could work on some scientific experiments I have in mind..." -next- Spirit: (dancing to "Love Machine") sachiko: .//////.; *Out of nowhere, a book falls from the rafters above, knocking Spirit out* lord death: ????? Yumi: "You did not want to auction yourself, Death?" lord death: nah, i could be with anyone but you~ ^^ Yumi: (smiles) "I probably would have outbid everyone else..." (holds his hand) -next- Harvar: "I am not paying for anything, I will treat you like dirt, and I will never return your calls." -someone throws a dog treat at him- Harvar: "..." (picks it up) "I deserve that..." (eyes it--then bites into it) -next- Ox: (holding up sign: "Kim! Pick me!") kim: *she holds up a sign that says 'no'* sachiko: *GLAAAAARE* Ox: D: -next- Shotaro: "Does this count as my good deed? How can I do a good deed for you all out there? Um...What services do you need?" mana: DAMMIT SHOWTARO! >////<; chie: ^^; Yohei: (chuckling) "I knew my advice would help him..." -next- Tuhl: "Humans smell." -next- Akane: (says nothing, just smiles and puts his hand through his hair) tsugumi: o/////o -cue fangirls- tsugumi: D:> Hibana: o\\\\\o "Um...Any bids?" -next- clay: looks like i'm up.... shinra: *gulps* (thinking: just a few more left till i'm-) *something pulls him into the darkness* Hibana: "Now, Clay Sizemore! A round of applause!" -next- benimaru: hey. *wave* Hibana: "OH MY GOD SO PRECIOUS!" benimaru: um... o-o; fang-hua: *sweatdrop* Hibana: "I'll pay $4,000, you adorable cinnamon roll!" benimaru: o-o;;;; -next- Aaron: "..." Presenter Mic: "!!!" ("I found my sidekick!") -next- Sid: "I wasn't the kind of man to stand up anyone on a date..." nygus: i'll bid dammit! -next- Free: "If you don't mind hairy guys--" eruka: *tugs free by the ear and pulls him away* no. Free: "Owie owie owie!" -next- Hao: "What up?" reid: ladies~? Anya: "Boo!" Meme: "Get off the stage!" -next- Takehisa: "..." (awkward wave) "Hello. I am Takehisa. I like to keep my records organized, I am adept at numerous office and organizational tasks, and I like kittens." maki: *double thumbs up* Takehisa: -\\\\\- Hibana: "We begin the bidding!" (smirks at Maki) -and finally- shinra?: hey everyone! shinra kusakabe here! ready to be your hero, yeah! *'shinra' seems shorter, and is wearing sunglasses* Akitaru: "?! Man, we need to give Shinra more milk: he's shrinking on us!" maki: wait a second.... WE HAVE AN IMPOSTER IN OUR MIDST! Takehisa: "Maki? What do you mean?" maki: *removes the sunglasses, revealing......* sayu:....um......hi? *her hair is poking out of the wig* Akitaru: "...Shinra is a girl? Oh, man, I feel bad now for misgendering him--her..." miwa: SAYU?! what the heck?? sayu: ummm.....RUN SHINRA RUN! *shinra takes off* Akitaru: "!!! Where is he running?!" shinra: *running* Bystander #1: (looking at newspaper on a bus stop bench) Bystander #1: (looks up, sees Shinra in his underwear...looks back at newspaper) shinra: *running as fast as he can and trips over the stairs.....onto someone below* (thinking: oh! oh no!) tamaki: !!!!!! shinra: (thinking: OH FRICK!!) -squiiiish- tamaki: ^^ *grabs him by the shoulders and screams* shinra: *SCREEEEEEAM* -what happened next i will leave to the imagination.....but shinra ended up in a trashcan- Garbageman: "Oh crap...Bill! We got another person trying to throw away a kid!" Bill: "Aw, crap! Don't people know humans are recyclables, not trash!" shinra: *cough* ow..... Bill: "Ah, kid, why are you naked? That ain't right..." shinra: wha-..........*SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!* Garbageman: "Hang on, Bill! I got an extra garbage bag for him to wear..." -later- shinra: *whimpering as he arrives home* Hibana: "Shinra! Oh, my baby!" (picks him up...*sniff*) "You...Oh, God! What happened to you?!" shinra: i dont want to talk about it. Hibana: "..." ("I'll make him talk later...") "Come on, I'm drawing you a warm bath, then getting you soup..." -the next day- Akitaru: "We paid for the electricity bill for a year...but damn...Poor Shinra." shinra: ........ *sneeze* geh... -elsewhere- soul: happy birthday chrona! Crona: o\\\\\o "Um...What is happening?" mami: we're not sure when you're birthday is, so we decided that we'd celebrate your birthday today. *she smiles* Crona: "Oh..." ("...No one ever celebrated my b-birthday before...") "..." (cries) mami: it's ok chrona...*she hugs them* it's a happy thing. soul: you get cake, presents, and all kinds of neat stuff... Crona: *sniffs* "Presents?" Ragnarok: "CAKE?!" liz: yep. Patty: "Happy birthday, Crona!" (hands hastily wrapped present to them) Crona: "..." (smiles) "Thank you..." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "What do people do on dates, Mana?" mana: *slow-mo spittake* um.....well uh...... *sweats* Shotaro: "??? Because that auction event still has me trying to figure that out. I mean, I see people go on dates: boys with girls, boys with boys, girls with girls...Have you gone on dates?" mana:....*fist clentch* TTwTT -elsewhere- Ponera: "I'm worried about her..." shaula: who, medusa? Ponera: (nods) "Childbirth is a challenge, but she seems...depressed. Post-partum" shaula: the baby's alive, aint it? grimoire: raising a child as a single mother is no easy task. Ponera: (nods) "...Do you think she would accept...help?" shaula: be my guest. *shrug* -elsewhere- christa: *watching cartoons* Akitaru: "So...How old is your daughter? A year?" marie: *she nods* Akitaru: "She looks so happy...She has your smile." marie: *she blushes* it's amazing how she resembles me... christa: *turns* hi! *wave* Akitaru: (giggles, waves back) "Hi, Christa!" christa: hehe ^^ Akitaru: "How many words does she know?" -elsewhere- NoFix: "You know what I want to know?" scientist: i-i'm afraid to ask... *she looks away* NoFix: "What color are your panties?" luka: stop that. NoFix: -_-; "You're no fun...So, what did you need me to do for today's experiment?" luka: just...*sigh* try to behave yourself today. your libido has gotten out of control, if this persists, i'm going to have to put you in cold storage, understood? NoFix: "It's not out of control! I can keep cool! I just, you know, have to get off now and then...It's not easy when you're the King of Spin and you can regenerate just about anything so quickly..." luka: we're still in the process of scraping poor cheryl's remains off the walls after your...*ahem* orgy.... -elsewhere- Arthur: (in maid's uniform) -\\\\\\- tamaki:.......i'm not even going to ask. Arthur: "Anya won the auction, so...And by the way, what did you do to Shinra?" tamaki:........i dont want to talk about it. *scary face* Arthur: "Eep!" (stumbled back--and falls on the floor) -elsewhere- kyouko: *delivering groceries* Black Star: "I bet I can totally carry more groceries than you!" kyouko: i got two whole cloth bags full! so where's the next stop? tsubaki: hmmm lets see.....ah! seems mifune's place is next. Black Star: "Hmph...Hope his attitude is better today..." tsubaki: *she knocks the door* angela: who is it? Black Star: "Grocery deliveries! Open up!" yuma: *she opens the door* kyouko! *hugs her leg* Black Star: (eyeroll) kyouko: mind if we come in? Black Star: (still holding the groceries, looking inside wondering where Mifune is) angela: mifune's out by the hill. Black Star: "???" angela: the big hill with the cherry blossom tree... he likes to go there a lot. Black Star: "Hmph. Not the best day to be outside. Not even all that sunny." angela: he'll be back soon though... Black Star: "Hope so...Delivering these groceries, I want a big tip!" tsubaki: ^^; Black Star: "So...Squirt, what've you been up to?" angela: practicing my magic ^^ Black Star: "Oh yeah? What can you do?" -kyouko puts her bags on the table and walks out into the garden. she can see a large hill with a tree not too far from the property- kyouko: ?? Mifune: (under the tree, eyes closed...then they open and he stands up) kyouko: ??? *squints* Mifune: (wipes his sleeve over his eyes, then holds a hand to the tree...and says something) kyouko: ??? *she slowly walks up, trying to remain quiet* Mifune: "...miss you everyday. I only hope I am the person you wanted me to be...and I don't think I am." kyouko:....*she doesnt say anything* Mifune: "I made a lot of mistakes...and I'm trying to get better. I wish you could see Angela...She's growing up so fast, and...I think you would have been a great mother to her." kyouko:....... Mifune: "..." (wipes away more tears) "Please be here tomorrow, and let me have the will to live another day until I can see you again beyond this world. I love you." kyouko: *she walks back to the house* Black Star: "Where the heck were you, Kyouko?" kyouko: just getting some fresh air.....*she seems a bit teary eyed* Black Star: "...You got something on your face..." (hands her a tissue) kyouko: thanks...s-summer allergies, i guess... Black Star: "...Yeah." (smiles) "I hear ya!" Mifune: "Oh...I didn't hear you come in..." (enters the house) tsubaki: we brought some groceries for you. *she smiles* Mifune: (smiles back) "Thank you." Black Star: (whispers to Kyouko) "He said he didn't hear me come in...See? I am getting better at stealth and stuff!" kyouko: *gives him a look* -_-; Mifune: "Would you like to stay for tea?" tsubaki: that would be lovely, thank you ^^ Mifune: (smiles) "Angela, please set the table." (pulls out kettle and teabox) angela: ok! yuma: i'll get the snacks out. Mifune: (heats up the water...thinks he can feel someone staring at him...) kyouko: *looks away to another room* Mifune: "..." (small smile as he finishes heating water) Black Star: "Yuma, need help with snacks?" -and so- Black Star: (holding up his pinkie while sipping tea) Mifune: (pours tea for Kyouko) kyouko: thanks. Mifune: "You're welcome." (passes cookies to Tsubaki) tsubaki: anything new happen to you recently? Mifune: "...No." (sips his tea) tsubaki:.....well we went to italy for a vacation, right black*star? kyouko: really? did mami come with as a translator? Black Star: "Nah, but Stocking did a bit of translating. She seems to know the language." kyouko: ah. Black Star: "Crona went swimming, too!" kyouko: ah, that's neat. Black Star: "Yep! But...Um...Other things happened...Some sad things...Oh, and Soul got strip searched at the airport." kyouko: oh...really? *covering yuma's ears* Black Star: "...What? Kids can handle hearing that stuff." Mifune: (sword now pointing at Black Star's nose) "Watch your mouth." kyouko: o-o; tsubaki: settle down everyone. ^^; Black Star: o____o; (backs away) Mifune: "..." (lowers sword) -later- Mifune: "Thank you for the groceries, and for staying for tea." kyouko: no problem. we should be heading home now. see you around then. *she waves* Black Star: "Later, Samurai. Witch. Tiny girl." -after that, the trio head on home- Mifune: (quiet at the table) angela: mifune? are you ok? Mifune: "Just...sad, a bit." angela:...*hug* Mifune: (holds her) "Thank you." angela: ........ *remembering her mother* Mifune: "...Angela...I hope that, when I screw up, you are comfortable letting me know." angela: ..... Mifune: "I'm not the best...father. But I want to give you the safety and the childhood anyone deserves." yuma: *hug* angela:....ok {takane: say, mifune, will i be a good mother when the baby's born?} Mifune: "..." {Mifune: *smiles* "Of course you will." *kiss*} Mifune: (hugs both Yuma and Angela) "Yuma, Angela, I love you both..." -on the road- Black Star: "Mifune seemed more pissy than usual." tsubaki: really? i didnt notice... kyouko:..... Black Star: "Yo, Kyouko? You okay?" kyouko: yeah... just a bit tired. it's getting pretty late, and we have school tomorrow so... Black Star: "Want us to walk with you home?" kyouko: i can handle it, really...'sides, if uncle shiro saw me walking home with you, he'd hassle me about it the whole night, haha. Black Star: o\\\\o; "Oh..." tsubaki: ^^;; kyouko: *smirk* just kidding, you're way out of my league, haha! Black Star: -_-; "Jerk." kyouko: hey, come on, i'm trying to have a little fun here. Black Star: (small punch to her shoulder) "Don't get eaten by werewolves or something on your way home--'cause if I have to save your ass, I'm going to never let you forget it!" kyouko: dont worry, i think i could handle it. Black Star: "Later, dork!" (fist bump) -at school the next day- Kid: "How are you feeling, Shinra?" shinra: a little better. *sniff* still kinda out of it though... Kid: "You sure that another day off from class wouldn't help?" shinra: maybe, i dunno, i've just been really out of it since-....nevermind. Kid: "Is someone at the 8th tending to your health?" shinra:.......*excalibur face* (thinking: hibana is going to kill me with motherly affection...and i use the term 'motherly' very loosly.....and that nightmare about being sacrificed to a demon cat that looks too much like tamaki doesnt help matters...) -_-; Kid: "??? Maybe you need a vacation..." shinra: yeah...haha...*ahem* feeehhhh... Kid: "Well, if you need any help, please ask. Even a good night sleep can help. We always have room at our home--" Patty: "SLEEPOVER!" shinra: t-thats fine, but i'll keep a mental note of it... Kid: (nods, opens his book for today's class) Patty: "How about you, Tsubaki? How are you doing?" -in gym, they were playing 'capture the flag'- Kid: "..." (adjusts the flag) "Is that better?" Iida: "Hmm...Still looks crooked." Kid: "Ah! You are right!" (adjusts it) Kid and Iida: "ABSOLUTELY PPPPPPPPPPPERFECT!" kirika: ...........fuuuuuuuuuck.....my liiiiiiife -is stuck on their team- Gopher: -W- "We will protect this flag very well, won't we?" kirika: eh, may as well....or we could let it get captured just to annoy kid. Kid: "Hey!" Gopher: "Whatever pleases you, my love!" Kid: "Hey! Hey!" kirika: cool. Bakugo: (glares at Stocking) "We could just blow up their side now and get the flag..." stocking: just cool your jets...we have to use strategy....and i think i know of one...*smirk* Bakugo: "???" Patty: (smiles) "Oh, I like that smirk...What's your plan?" -and so- stocking: *sneaking up to the flag, within kid's vision* Kid: -_-; "Really, Stocking, you're not even trying. I have keen eyesight from years wielding twin pistols, not to mention my shinigami eyesight..." stocking: *makes a run for the flag and trips* eek! Kid: "!!! Oh no! Hang on, Stocking! I'll help you up!" Iida: "?! B-But we must protect the flag! Yet as a hero we must help her...I AM SO CONFLICTED!" (hand gesticulations) stocking: *blushing and covering herself* oh no! i didnt wear underwear today! >/////< Kid: "..." (symmetrical nosebleed) "Wh-What?! I-I-I-" stocking: >//////< kirika: and that's why i wear shorts underneath. Kid: "I-I-I'm sorry! Um...Oh! I know! You can cover yourself with the flag!" stocking: r-really? o/////o Kid: "Iida! The flag!" Iida: "Right!" (covers his eyes as he hands the flag) "Protect the young lady's modesty!" stocking: thanks.....for handing me VICTORY!! HAHA! FLAG OBTAINED!! >:D Kid and Iida: o____o; "CURSE YOUR INEVITABLE BUT SUDDEN BETRAYAL!" stocking: hehehehehe~ *grin* liz: yeah! high five! girl: using her own sex appeal to win? that's just diabolical. Kid: -\\\\\\\- Iida: "..." (clears throat, extends hand to Patty) "Congratulations." stocking: sorry kiddo, can you forgive me~? Patty: "Right back at ya, handsome!" Kid: "..." (leans in, whispers) "Depends..." stocking: oh? Kid: (smiles, whispering) "I may need your help with something, given the thoughts you just gave me..." stocking: oh....oooooh! .///////. Kid: (smirks, backs away) Iida: "???" Gopher: (whispers to Kirika) "What were they talking about?" kirika: dont get any ideas. *she drags him away from the scene* -NEXT ROUND- Bakugo: "Tch...I still wanted to blow something up. Want to make a show of strength SO THAT I CAN GET THAT NERD DEKU TO SEE HOW AWESOME I AM!" Patty: "...Deku isn't _in_ this competition..." Bakugo: "Shut the fuck up!" Patty: "No, you shut the fuck up!" liz: ok settle down, we're up against the next team. tsugumi: *inhale* ok, i'm ready to give it my best! Aoyama: "So exciting! What is our strategy for getting their flag? Perhaps someone stays here and others go the opposing team's flag?" shinra: *examining the field* hmmm.... shinra: hmm, hey, aoyama, think you can provide a distraction? Aoyama: "Oui! Which direction should I fire my cannon?" shinra: um...... that way? Aoyama: "Just say when!" shinra: *making sure no one is in the way* ....now! *fire feet* Aoyama: (fires) stocking: ack! *dodge* tsugumi?: *runs to the flag* Bakugo: "Oh, you think you're getting this flag, girlie?!" (throws blasts at Tsugumi[?]) tsubaki: tsugumi! tsugumi: spring bird JUUUUUUUMP!!! -she made it!- girl: she actually did it! girl 2: i knew she had it in her, the little rascal! Bakugo: "Grr...Goddamn it! Why didn't any of you protect the flag?!" -later- Kid: "Good game, Love. Disappointed about Laser Boy and Shinra?" stocking: eh, good game over all. Kid: "Well, I lost fair and square...mostly fair. Not fair at all. That was a dirty, rotten trick." (pouts) stocking: awww... Kid: "You know I can't resist you...You're too lovable and sexy." stocking: hehe~ Kid: "But I am a bit of a sore loser..." stocking: aww, poor kiddo~ *hug* Kid: (accepts the hug, smiles, purrs lightly) stocking: *whispering* do you plan on punishing me for that~? Kid: (blushes a bit, but smirks) "Only if you ask me to..." -at lunch- Patty: *NOM NOM NOM* "Need to refuel after that Capture the Flag exercise!" shinra: *nom nom*.....(thinking: i should visit izuku after school..) Kid: (offers two cinnamon buns to Stocking) stocking: aaaah~ Kid: (brings the first one to Stocking's mouth) "Open wide..." girl: *cough* phrasing *cough* Kid: -_-; -after school- Kid: (waves goodbye to Shinra) shinra: *looks at the notes* ok...it should be.....ah, there it is..... -soon, he arrives at a door and knocks- mrs midoriya: hmm? yes? shinra: hey, is izuku here? mrs midoriya: yes, he is, and you are? shinra: shinra kusakabe, ma'am. mrs midoriya: ah i see. izuku! you're friend shinra is here! Izuku: (comes down the stairs with an arm cast, smiles at both) "Thanks, Mom! Hi, Shinr--" (tries to wave with his injured arm) "Ow! Heh...Forgot I injured it..." shinra: easy there... how're you holding up? Izuku: "I-I'm getting through things...with some difficulty. But I'm getting through them." (smiles) "H-How are you, b-buddy?" Izuku: (" 'Buddy'? I sound like such a nerd...") shinra: been doing ok...i brought your homework over so we could cram if you want. Izuku: (nods) "I'd appreciate that..." -later- shinra: "Hmmm...Mrs. Midoriya, these cookies are delicious!" mrs midoriya: made them fresh this morning ^^ Izuku: (has another cookie) "Thanks, Mom!" shinra:...*nom*.....*sad smile*... Izuku: "??? Shinra? You okay?" shinra: hmm? y-yeah...it's just.....memories. Izuku: "..." (nods) "Um...Would you like to play a game? I got All Might's new video game..." -elsewhere- tamaki:....*staring up at the ceiling* Kana: "Tamaki?" tamaki: oh.... hey kana. what's up? Kana: "May I sit with you? The other residents in this building are being stupid." tamaki: sure thing.... Kana: (climbs up onto the couch and looks up at the ceiling) "..." tamaki:....say, do you ever feel scared of doing something, even though you know you have to do it? Kana: (nods) tamaki:...what do you do? Kana: "I make a list of what's the worst that could realistically happen, see whether there is another way or how I can respond to the worst...then I draw a card to let it guide me." (flicks a set of tarot cards out of her sleeve, offers Tamaki to draw one) "Want to try?" tamaki:...sure.... *Tamaki draws the Star Card, facing upward* tamaki: ....... Kana; "Oh, you're lucky. The Star Card means you have endured a difficult trial and are ready to move forward." tamaki: *she gulps* yeah.... Kana: "..." (takes Tamaki's hand) "I believe in you." tamaki: *she nods* Kana: "What will you do now?" tamaki: .......prepare myself for what happens next.... Kana: "..." (nods, lays her head in Tamaki's lap) -elsewhere- Kid: "Like it?" stocking: *panting* aaaahhhh.... Kid: (smiles) "I thought you would...It's quite a fascinating new toy..." stocking: *she looks down and blushes* Kid: "...You're beautiful when you blush...Do you want to adjust the vibration?" stocking: y-yes please... Kid: (hands her the vibration control) -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Diaper changed, good deed completed!" io: shuu! Shotaro: "??? Are you saying 'Shuu-taro' or 'Shh, be quiet'?" io: shuuda! Shotaro: " 'Shoo-dah-roh'? io: shoodawoh! Shotaro: "Hee hee! Yeah! Shoodawoh! Shoodawoh!" mana: ^^; Shotaro: "Hey, Man! Can you hold Io? I want to wash my hands." mana: oh, sure.... Shotaro: (hands Io, goes to sink) Yohei: (enters, sees Mana and Io) "Hey, Stinky. Oh, and hi to you too, Io." mana: *glaaaaaaare* Yohei: "Heh heh...So, Io giving you two any trouble?" Shotaro: (shakes his head "no") mana: no Yohei: "Cool. I can take her for a bit." mana: thank you. Yohei: (takes Io from Mana) "So, what are you two up to for this afternoon?" -elsewhere- Izuku: "Feel free to stop by again, Shinra! I promise to be back at school Monday!" shinra: see ya. *he heads home* Izuku: (waves with his good hand and shuts the door) "...Mom? Can Shinra come over again?" mrs midoriya: of course, i wouldnt mind... it's really nice you can have people come over again... Izuku: "Th-Thank you..." (small smile..."I never have gotten to have many friends visit...") -on the road home- shinra: *whistling* ???: "Well, aren't we chipper..." shinra: !! *he turns to see*... ah! Karim: "Yo." shinra: hey karim...whats up? Karim: "Saw you walking and thought I'd say hi. Commander Obi gave you the afternoon off?" shinra: i was at a friends house studying. i was actually just heading back. Karim: "...Mind if I tag along?" shinra: you sure? Karim: "I could use some time away from the 1st, to think about some things." shinra: alright then, i guess it'd be ok... Karim: (smile) "Thanks...So, how's life at the 8th?" shinra: it's been....well same as usual, i guess... Karim: "Is that good? Or bad?" shinra: depends on perspective i guess? Karim: "The 1st seems so...disciplined. Your division seems more...homey." shinra: i guess so....during the training camp, i could feel the difference....and the 5th is........*shudders* Karim: "Hmm...I suppose someone from the 1st would feel at home at the 8th, then." shinra: maybe.......*shrug* -someone is listening in, but they exit before being spotted- Karim: "...Hmm..." (pats Shinra on the shoulder) "How about we get a Slurpee? My treat!" ("Need to throw off the scent...") shinra: for real? Karim: "Sure..." (pushes him into convenience store) shinra: *he looks around* hmm, *he also gets some DIY candy kits for later* Karim: "What are those? 'DIY candy'? What is that?" shinra: it's pretty cool, you mix these powders and water, and it makes little food and stuff. Karim: "Hmm..." (picks one up) "I could try..." -later- Karim: "Take care, Shinra. I'll let you know how the candy comes out." shinra: see ya. *waves and heads home* -the next day at school- Kid: (smiles at Stocking) stocking: *studying hard* Patty: (whispers to Liz) "Stocking seems focused..." liz: yeah, we have a test today, remember? Patty: o______o "Um..." -in another class- Arthur: "You seemed pleased." shinra: hmm? how so? Arthur: "Just...you aren't all mopey. And you're smiling without it looking all nervous." shinra: hey! D:< Arthur: "So, you make a new friend or something?" shinra: i was visiting a friend and met up with another on the way home. i guess the fresh air did some good for me. Arthur: (nods) "Good. You work better when you're in a good mood." shinra: speaking of mood, your birthday is tomorrow, right? Arthur: "...Um, yeah..." shinra: any plans? Arthur: "...I don't know...Maybe family will have something...What I really want is--" (stops himself, blushes, looks down) shinra:....yeah. iris: *she smiles at them* shinra: .////////. Arthur: "...I need a bathroom." shinra: *scoots far away from arthur* Arthur: "...I need a bathroom." shinra: *scoots far away from arthur* kyouka: O-O;;;;;; ew. just....ew. Arthur: "..." (awkwardly leaves the classroom) shinra: (thinking: YOU REALLY DIDNT NEED TO SHARE THAT!!) Arthur: (walks down hall to restroom. "Stupid, stupid, stupid...") Iida: "He did not even ask the teacher for permission..." -elsewhere in the school- Jacqueline: "Why do you need to copy my homework? Didn't you finish your own?" kim: 7/////7 i forgot, ok? Jacqueline: "...Fine. Here." (slides it to her) kim: thaaaaanks ^^ Jacqueline: "But you owe me!" kim: that's fair.... -the sound of a lot of papers falling onto the floor is heard outside- Jacqueline: "??? Someone must have dropped something. Let's see who needs help..." -a lot of letters fell out of tokoyami and todoroki's lockers- shouto: well....this is rather awkward... Tokoyami: "Hmph. What an annoyance." ochako: need some help guys? Tokoyami: "Yes. Please bring me a garbage can." ochako: geh! that's mean tokoyami. *she uses her gravity on the letters* ox: how do they have so many admirers already? Harvar: "People love bad boys..." kim: yeah, chicks dig the dark, mysterious types. ox:......!! hmmm. *idea* Harvar: -_-; ("Oh, no...") ox: say kim, want to meet up after school at the park later tonight? i'll pay you. kim: the fact it's _you_ turns me off, but the promise of money has me intrigued. Jacqueline: "D-Did he just offer to pay her?!" kim: now now, jackie, lets hear him out. Jacqueline: o\\\\\o Harvar: (preps first-aid kit) -that night- ox: they should be here any moment now... Harvar: "This is going to end badly..." kim: this is the place. -ox steps out from the shadows- ox: *in his batman costume* hi kim. Jacqueline: D: kim:.............*she breaks down laughing her butt off* OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL?! HAHHAHA!! Harvar: "I told you that you should have gone with the Fonz." ox: I DONT HAVE A FONZ COSTUME! D:< Harvar: "LIKE IT'S REALLY THAT HARD TO GET A LEATHER MOTORCYCLE JACKET AND JEANS!" Jacqueline: "..." (snaps pic of Ox) ox: !!! eek! HARV TOSS THEM THE DOLLAR AND BAIL! kim: like christian bale? Jacqueline: "Corny, but cute." (keeps snapping pics) Harvar: (tosses dollar bills at Kim) "So demeaning..." kim: make it rain, boys, haha! -down the road- ox: *pant pant* phew....what was i thinking? *takes off the hood and sighs* Harvar: *pant* "Surprisingly for you...you weren't thinking. Shocking..." *SNICKER SNICKER SNICKER* ox: oh shut up! AND STOP LAUGHING! Harvar: "...You know I don't laugh. I thought that...was you..." ox: it wasnt........... 0-0; did the girls follow us? Harvar: (looks behind him) "I don't see them..." *SNICKER SNICKER SNICKER* ox: ok i'm getting creeped out now! *FLAME BURST* ox: EEK Harvar: (reverts to weapon form) "Ox! Get to cover!" ox: *takes the spear* alright, s-show yourself! ???: "Please, Batman, don't run." *FIRE BLAST* "I'm here to send a message..." ???: "Even if I have to use your corpse for that message..." ox: it's just a costu-..uhhhh.......harv? options? ???: *SNICKER* Harvar: "Electrocute the ground! Should be pipes under here!" ox: HYAH! *electro shock TO THE GROOOOOOUND* *Water pipes explode* ???: "Gah! I'm soaked!" ox: *turns and exits* ???: "Shit...Every Batman needs his Joker..." Harvar: "He's not following! Be on the lookout! Someone might be with him..." ox: right! ???: woooow really? that kusakabe brat's gonna be jealous. Harvar: "Ox! Above you!" ox: ?! *he looks up* Harvar: "Ox! Above you!" ox: ?! *he looks up* -BANG BANG- ox: *running faster* OHFRICKOHFRICKOHFRICKOHFRICK!!! Harvar: "Hang on!" (tries to blast electricity at the target) -eventually, ox and harvar ran into one of death city's residential areas and hid out in someones back yard- ox: *cough cough* oh my god that was terrifying... Harvar: (tapping mirror) "DWMA...Emergency...assassins chased us to Lenore Estates..." ox: *looks around* i think they're gone now.... Harvar: (collapses on the lawn) "This can't get any worse..." *Sprinklers go off* Harvar: -_- ox: aw come on! ???: "What the hell are you brats doing on my lawn?!" ox: *SCREEEEEEAMS* *the neighboring house's lights turn on* sachiko: *yaaawn* what's all the noise out here? Neighbor: Sachiko! Call the cops! I need someone from the DWMA to-- Spirit: *Yawn* "What is--" o_o "Ox? Harvar?!" Harvar: "...Sir." ox: hi mr-....MR ALBARN?! sachiko: *death glares at ox* ox: *gulps* Spirit: "Um..." (waves to Neighbor) "I can vouch for them! I'm with DWMA! I'll take them into custody! Heh heh..." (Death glare at Harvar and Ox. "I was being intimate!") ox: D: WHY ARE _YOU_ GIVING ME THAT LOOK?! Spirit: "S-Sachiko? I'll drive them back home..." sachiko:....thanks. -and so- ox: and that's basically what happened... Spirit: "Hmmm...More assassins. I already called DWMA security to guard your building and--" (pauses as he pulls up to their building) "...You live in Soul and M--...in Soul's apartment building?" ox: ....yeah.... -thunder rolls in the distance- Spirit: "??? Storm coming..." ox: yeah...well, we should head in now...goodnight mr A Spirit: "Be safe, kids." -inside- Harvar: "This was troubling..." ox: but we're safe at home now...damn, what a way to spend a wednsday night... Harvar: "Next time you want to be a bad boy to Kim, try breaking the rules in the classroom..." ox: are you nuts?! Harvar: "So, dress up like Batman, then 'make it rain' dollar bills at Kim, that's fine. But break one rule in class is too much for you? Ox, you need to be flexible if you want Kim: she is not interested in someone who can't compromise with her." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "31, 32, 33...34 dollars." kim: nice! Jacqueline: "Don't you feel some guilt?" kim: i wasnt the one who made ox dress up like batman! Jacqueline: "Hmm...We may have to give him back this money..." (smirks) "After we put it to some good use." kim: oh? Jacqueline: "Remember how I told you you owe me?" kim: D:> Jacqueline: (opens up catalog, points to a picture...) kim: O-O you wouldnt. Jacqueline: "I would. I will." -elsewhere- Patty: T_T "I bombed that test, I know it." liz: at least you tried. Kid: "How did you do, Stocking?" stocking: a little better i think. Kid: (smiles) "That's good. Grades should be available before the weekend." stocking: so what are the weekend plans? Patty: "Cry. Cry forever." T____T liz: *hug* Kid: "..." (hugs Patty too) stocking: *also joins in on the hug* Patty: "WAAAAA!" (loud sobbing) lord death: is everything ok?! Kid: "J-Just contending with post-test stress, Father..." lord death:...i see...need some snacks? Patty: "ALL OF THEM." -and so- Patty: *NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM* liz: *turns on the tv* Kid: (sneaks snacks away from Patty to give to Stocking) stocking: *quietest nom* Patty: (turns dramatically, mouth full of snacks like a chipmunk) "Mah muh magr blah!" (Mouth full translation: "Who took a snack from me?! Stocking?!!") stocking: OwO Kid: "Patty, now just wait a --" Patty: "ROWR!" (leaps) -later- Kid: (whipped cream stuck to the side of his head, a donut shoved under his armpit, chips down his pants) "Never come between Stocking and Patty over snacks..." stocking: *bandaged* Kid: "I'm sorry, Sweetness..." stocking: it's ok. ^^ Kid: "...I need to have these clothes cleaned and shower...and I think I have a cinnamon bun shoved down my pants." stocking: but you already have sweet buns. Kid: (blushes but smiles) "Well, I have another one..." (unbuttons his pants) "You know, before, I would be panicking over this. Now, it just feels typical around here." stocking: *she hugs him* awww.... Kid: (chuckles) "You're going to get frosting all over you..." liz: do you have to say that out here? Kid: O____O (his pants are unbuttoned) "I forgot where I was..." julie: why's there food- liz: *picks her up and takes her away from that area* long story! Patty: (licking pudding off of the ceiling...which she somehow climbed up to...) -the next day- Patty: (offers donut to Stocking at breakfast) "Sowwy." stocking: *nom* all is forgiven. Kid: (smiles at Stocking) Patty: *giggles* -at school- Arthur: (looks around corners..."Okay...No surprises...") shinra: *at his locker* Arthur: (sneaks around the corner, trying to pass Shinra..." shinra: ?? Arthur: "Just ignore me, Shinra...Just avoiding any...surprises..." shinra: oooook? Arthur: (peaks into his locker) "There's no birthday cake in here, is there?" shinra: why would there be cake in there? -_-; Arthur: "Because you are hiding it for the surprise party you and the 8th are obviously planning!" (grabs Shinra by his collar) "ADMIT IT! ADMIT IT!!!" shinra: um..... 0-0; sayaka: happy birthday art- Arthur: o_o Arthur: (swings around--and his fist collides with her face) sayaka: *smacked and falls over in slo-mo as ave maria plays in the background*...ow Arthur: D: sayaka: i'm good. i can heal. shinra: o-o; Arthur: "...I'M SORRY! IT IS MY BIRTHDAY!" sayaka: i know, i just told you happy birthday ^^; shinra: dude, what is with you and your birthday? Arthur: "You don't know what happens to members of my family once they reach this year of age!" Arthur: (whispers) "The change..." shinra: ???? i'm confused. Arthur: "My family is a noble race of dragonslayers!" (dramatic pose) "But at this age, there is one challenge we face: a dragon will come upon us today and attempt to slay _us_! We become the hunted, Shinra! That is why I am afraid that, at some surprise birthday party, a dragon will be waiting for me!" shinra:........ sayaka: maybe give it a steak? Arthur: "Human sacrifice! Yes! Great idea, Sayaka!" (lifts up Shinra over his head) "Consume this heathen, oh dragon of the North!" shinra: ARTHUR PUT ME DOWN!! D:< *ROWR!* shinra: ??? kim: *runs up and kicks them with both feet in slo-mo as 'brave song' by aoi tada plays in the background* Arthur: (slow-motion) "Omph! Whaaaaaaaaat the fuuuuuuuuuuuuu--????" (collapses on his back) K O sayaka: *wince* oooh that has to hurt. *DING DING DING* Jacqueline: o_o "Um...Good show?" shinra: ow.....*he looks to see him and arthur in a rather *ahem* awkward position* o/////////o;;;; Arthur: (groaning) "Oh God..." shinra: O///////////////////O ARTHUR PEOPLE ARE STARING!! >/////< -several girls and a few guys are taking pictures- Arthur: (dazed) "Wh-What? Shinra? Why are you lying on me?" shinra: uhhhhh..... IBLAMEKIM!!! Arthur: (looks up, sees Kim upside down) "Who let that ugly Tanuki into this school?" Jacqueline: "..." (inches back) kim: *throws him into a wall in slo-mo as 'brave song' plays again* Arthur: (slow motion) "Nooooooo--" (Head slams against locker door, smash it open) shinra: *wince* ooooh that has to hurt. sayaka: i wonder who's locker that is...? *A stuffed toy falls out...a dragon* Arthur: (too weak to fight, just screams in terror) sayaka: no really, who's locker is that? Patty: "Who broke my locker?!" kim: arthur did it! Patty: "...You ruined your birthday gift, Artie! That dragon was for you!" shinra: .... -in class- Harvar: "So...How long does Kim have to wear that outfit?" kim:....all day. Harvar: "..." (phone pic) kim: french seal you. Harvar: "...Vas te faire encule retour, vous sorciรจre bestiale." ("Fuck you right back, you beastly witch.") kim:...jackie you mind translating? Jacqueline: -\\\\\- (whispers it in her ear) kim: *glares at harvar* Spirit: "Hello, students! Who's excited for a day of learning and fulfillment?" (shiny sparkles) -and so the class begins- Spirit: "When you are resonating with your partner, sometimes animosity can get in the way between you, compromising your wavelengths. This is even worse during chain resonance between multiple meisters." kim: ...... Spirit: "Maybe it's something immediate, like momentary irritation, which is why you have to take care of your body as well as your mind and soul. Get some sleep, eat well--" (spots Kim's outfit) "Um...try a new outfit?" kim: *middle finger and glare* Spirit: o__o "M-Moving on..." Harvar: (whispers to Ox) "You think Kim's even wearing anything under that?" -elsewhere- Yumi: "Look at her move!" shiori: mugu! ^^ Yumi: "You're doing great, sweetie!" shiroi: ^^ Yumi: "Zoom! You're going so fast!" shiori: hehe ^^ Yumi: "Come to Mama! It's almost time for your nap!" shiori: *crawls over* Yumi: (picks up Shiori, kisses her) "Good girl!" shiori: hehe~ Yumi: "Still full of energy before your nap...I guess you're growing up...Well, let's see how long it takes before you get sleepy. I can read to you..." shiori: ^^ -at school- Kid: "Test grades are posted...Ready to see them?" liz: as ready as i'll ever be, i guess. Patty: Q~Q Kid: "Hmmm..." (sees his grade) "A 98?!" ("That's hardly symmetrical...") stocking: thats a pretty good grade though... Kid: (smiles, blushes) "Th-Thanks...How did you do?" Patty: (struggling to force herself to look at the grade--then stares shocked) "Sis...I got a B-? WTF?" liz: that's pretty good. stocking: if it helps, i got a B- too. Patty: "...HIGH FIVE, STOCKING!" Kid: "And how did you do, Liz?" liz: B+ Kid: "That's great!" -at lunch- Jacqueline: "Would the tanuki like an omelette?" kim:...*nom nom* TnT Jacqueline: (giggles..."So cute.") kim: 7////7; Jacqueline: "Relax, you'll get to wear your usual clothes after class." kim: thank god... Jacqueline: "But you have to admit, the outfit is comfortable, isn't it? Like one big blanket." kim:...it is warm...not good for the summer. Jacqueline: "Hmmm...Good point, I hadn't thought of that. Well, at least it's air conditioned inside the academy." kim: yeah.....wait. its summer, dont we get summer break? Jacqueline: "A few weeks, yes, then summer courses." kim: yeah, but in the middle of july?? Jacqueline: (shrug) "Maybe I'm forgetting...That could just be for NOT students." kim: maybe. *shrug* Jacqueline: "Any plans for summer?" (smirks) "Knowing you, you'll try to set up a lemonade stand to con children out of their allowance..." kim: hey! *pout* i was actually thinking about working part time at the zoo. Jacqueline: "Oh! That would be fun." -at another table- Arthur: (breathes more relaxed) "I faced the dragon...it was a stuffed animal, but the omen has passed..." shinra: yeah, now we can get on with our lives. Arthur: -_-; Harvar: "Like how you and Arthur were getting it on in the hallway?" shinra: OH SHUT UP ECLAIRE! D:< Arthur: -\\\\- ("I'm just glad Tamaki didn't see that...") Arthur: (clears throat) "So, when is my surprise party?" shinra: if i told you, it would kind of defeat the purpose of _suprise_ party, wouldnt it? Arthur: "...I'll pay you five dollars?" shinra:.........*eating his ramen* Arthur: "I'll be your best friend?" Harvar: ("More like _only_ friend...") -at another table- Crona: o_o; "Why are people looking at me?" mami: ?? is everything ok? Crona: "Th-They have been following me today...with t-shirts with my face on them..." mami: oh...them....it's ok, i'll handle this, ok? Crona: (small smile) "Th-Thanks..." -elsewhere- Tool: "Need anything, Saki?" saki: i think that's everything... io: zzzzz...... Tool: "Okay, I'm going to pick up groceries. Anything to add to the list?" saki: some baby food and diapers... Tool: (nods) "Anything for you?" saki: i'm good... Tool: (nods) "Call if you need anything..." (goes out the door) -elsewhere- Ponera: (pacing) grimoire: ponera? you seem tense. Ponera: "Ah!" (jumps a bit) "Oh...S-Sorry...Just worried." grimoire:...need something to drink? Ponera: (nods) "What would you recommend?" -after the tea is made and served- Ponera: (sips, exhales) "Aw...That hits the spot. Thank you, Grimmy." grimoire: *he nods* what seems to be troubling you? Ponera: "...I'm concerned about Medusa and her child." grimoire: oh? how so? Ponera: "Medusa seems depressed. That has me concerned, not only for our goals against the DWMA, but also the sake of the child." grimoire: hmmm, i see.....should i speak with her? Ponera: "I would appreciate that...but I also worry how she would react, seeing as you look like...him." grimoire: ....... grimoire: *knocks on the door* medusa? may i come in? Medusa: "...What?" grimoire: there are matters we need to discuss, particularly your recent behavior. Medusa: "..." (throws open the door) " 'Behavior'?" grimoire: you've been very melancholic as of late. i wont sugarcoat it but, it's not helping the rest of us in the slightest. Medusa: "...Really? It's not helping _you_, huh?" grimoire: .....you've just had a child, i'd expect you to be a little...i dont know....happier? this is your first child, is it not? Medusa: " 'Happy'? Do you know...what I have had to put up with from the first one?" grimoire: oh? so this isnt your first then? what did they do, shit all over the place? *SLAM* Medusa: (holding Grimoire by the neck against the wall) "Watch your tongue...or I will rip it out, Noah." grimoire: !!!! neian: mmuu....*stirring in her sleep* Medusa: (hears Neian...sets Grimoire down against the wall and moves to Neian to tend to her) "What is it?" neian: *yawn* zzzzz.... Medusa: (watches Neian...rubs her face and looks back at Grimoire) "That maniac...Noah...He did this to me, again." grimoire: ??? Medusa: (rubs her face) "I didn't think it would happen again..." grimoire:..... Medusa: "Yes, I wanted a test subject...but I again gave into..." (clutches her head) "I'm supposed to be logical, reasonable, not emotional...Then I-I...Fuck!" grimoire:....so the rumors of that child are true then? Medusa: "Yes, alright! Crona exists!" grimoire: ........ *he looks outside at ponera* .... Ponera: "..." (slowly approaches) Medusa: "I gave in like an idiot...twice now..." grimoire:....... neian: *yawn* Medusa: (clutches her head) "What am I going to do...? I made Crona into an experiment...this one..." grimoire: you are in need of a descendant to the title of snake witch, arent you? Medusa: "...What?" grimoire: someone to continue your legacy...like you and your sister carry your mother's legacy? Medusa: "..." (looks at Neian) "...How? I see so much of...him in that child." grimoire: *looks at pandora like 'help me out here'* Ponera: "!!! Um, Medusa? You also can see a lot of yourself in little Neian!" (nervous smile, sweating) "I mean...the eyes! The power! The capacity! Look at hoq awesome your baby is!" Medusa: -_-; grimoire: --; shaula: the fat- Ponera: (slaps hand over Shaula's mouth while the other hand holds Shaula's arm behind her back) (whispering) "Keep talking, and you'll be the world's first one-armed scorpion witch..." (smiles to Medusa) "You are too awesome, Medusa, to back away from making your legacy something the world will never forget..." Medusa: "..." (small smile, looking at Neian) neian: *she looks up at medusa* muu? Medusa: (holds out her arms to Neian) -elsewhere- arachne:....... Giriko: "..." (pats a hand on her shoulder) arachne: i miss our daughter.... Giriko: (nods) "Yeah...I can't think of a day she is not on my mind..." ("As much as I have tried to forget...Thank God I stopped drinking...as much...") arachne:....should we...try for another child? i dont mean replacing eva, just.... Giriko: (smiles back) -elsewhere- Akitaru: (looking at photos in his office) shinra: we're back! Akitaru: (sets down photo, smiling at his wife and child, exits office) "Great! Got everything?" shinra: yep. Akitaru: "Awesome!" (looks around, whispers) "Where did you leave Arthur?" shinra:....with a friend. Akitaru: "Great! It's so good for Arthur to be making friends!" -At Gallows Mansion- Arthur: "GET AWAY FROM ME!" Patty: "Onward, Julie! The varmint's getting away!" julie: *in dragon pajamas* rawr! Arthur: "NOOO!" ("I am both terrified...and having fun...") "That dragon is going to catch up with me!" riley: .....*watching the scene play out* Patty: "Go for the legs, Julie!" (hands Julie a rope) Arthur: "...Wait, what--?!" julie: tackle attack! *tackle* Arthur: (tackled on purpose...mostly) "Oh no! I'm defeated!" Patty: "Tie him up! Riley, want to help?" riley: i'm good thanks. -elsewhere- Kid: (plate of cookies offered) "For you my dearest~..." stocking: why thank you~ Kid: (smiles as he sits down by her side) "May I ask you something?" stocking: hmm? what is it? Kid: "Regarding the future...and the potential of having children..." stocking: *blush* yeah? Kid: "You had said two before, yes?" stocking: i think so, why do you ask? Kid: "I just wanted to check...and say that is still the number I was thinking." (smile) stocking: *she smiles* and if we do have more, then it'll be what it'll be i guess.... Kid: (nods) "We will love them because they are ours..." stocking: *she smiles*....any ideas for names? Kid: "Hmm...If a boy, maybe something with an 'L'? Leo? Lucas? Liam? Lionel?" stocking: *wince*.....Liam works. Kid: (small chuckle) "Okay..." (smirks a bit) "Sure I can't convince you of 'Lionel'?" (hugs her from behing with a small kiss) stocking: *smile with a small shake of the head* liam..the name has a bit of sentimental value for me.... Kid: "You knew someone named Liam?" stocking:...he was a small kitten i had back in private school....he was just a small stray. Kid: "..." (holds her hand) stocking: the girls bullying me eventually found out........and soon, i opened my locker to a tiny mangled body in a shoebox.... Kid: "...I'm sorry." stocking:.....*she hugs him* Kid: (holds her, pats her back) stocking:....what if we have a girl? Kid: "Hmmm...Something soft-sounding...What would you recommend?" stocking: hmm....for some reason, the name 'Hannah' sounds nice... Kid: " 'Hannah'...means 'full of grace'..." (smiles) "Perfect." stocking: *she writes the name down* look. Kid: "???" -on the paper is written 'HANNAH'- Kid: "..." (โ€ขโ€ฟโ€ข) *SQUEE!* (hugs her) "I love you so much!" stocking: hehe~ Kid: (holds her and purrs) "Stocking..." stocking: so damn adorable...*she pets his hair* Kid: (keeps purring) "You're adorable... (holds her at the waist) "I love you." -later- Arthur: (eating a cookie...while still tied up) "May I go home now?" liz: alright, you can head home now. Arthur: "Thank God!" Patty: (frowns) "Fine...Julie, untie the captive." julie: *salutes and does so* Arthur: (stretches) "Man...You ever consider applying to be knights?" julie: i dunno. *shrug* i'd rather be a princess, but i might think about it. roxanne: you could always be a princess knight. julie: really??!! THAT! I WANNA DO THAT! *shiny eyes* Arthur: "..." (small laugh, pats Julie's head) -and so- Arthur: (walks up to the 8th's front door) -it's open- Arthur: (pushes open the door) *yawn* "I just want to sleep for weeks..." -lights come on- Arthur: "Gah!" (shields his eyes) -several people say 'happy birthday'- Arthur: (uncovers his eyes) "Wh-What?" maki: surprise! Arthur: "...A surprise party? ... I really should've seen this coming..." iris: we ordered a cake and everything. *there is a cake shaped like a castle* Arthur: "..." (smiles widely) *SQUEE!* -and so- Arthur: (wearing a party hat and finishing his slice of cake) "So tasty..." shinra: *he's asleep already* Arthur: (looks at the sleeping Shinra...blushes) "And, um, thanks for the gift, Shinra..." ("Thank goodness he can't hear that...") shinra:.......zzzzz.... iris:...*she carries him to his room and places him in his bed before exiting* Akitaru: "I hope you get a lot of use out of that, Arthur! You're arms need a workout!" Arthur: (stares at the big freaking barbells) "Um...thank you, Commander." -there's a box from the girl's dorms- Arthur: "Oh! Um...I'm surprised the dorm sent something..." (goes to open--then stops) "Um...Did you check to make sure this won't explode?" maki: yes arthur. iris: mr hinawa quadruple checked. Takehisa: (nods) "No explosive material, nothing. Just open." Arthur: "..." (gulps...pulls open the box...) -seems to be a gift basket- Arthur: "Oh!" (lifts out the basket, looking inside it) -something falls out from the bottom....a letter with 'T. K.' written on it- Arthur: (" 'T.K.'?") "..." "!!!" o\\\\\\\o (slips the letter into his pocket) -later after everyone else went to bed- Arthur: (under his covers, he opens the letter and holds a small flashlight to it) 'hey arthur, sorry if i havent written in a while. i've just been thinking about everything that's been happening recently...but i know i cant just keep hiding forever...i want to face my inner demons, even though it'll be hard, but i have to try, right? trying my hardest, tamaki. PS give that knucklehead shinra a good whack to the back of the head for me, ok? XP' Arthur: "..." *sniff, cries a bit* ("Keep going, Tamaki...I can't wait to see you again...") *turns off his flashlight, removes covers, walks over to Shinra's bed...and hits him in the back of the head* shinra: mgnh?!? *looks around* geh? what the hell??
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