antiwitch · 6 years
  “ I don’t hate you. ”
   It is a query that she answers bitterly to break the already cold ice that was the atmosphere, perchance when she had her inner self-reflection as a person, or when her personal definition of camaraderie was shattered and obliterated when multiple individuals in her life began to betray her, when Crona left her in a puddle of her own burgundy-colored blood, mayhaps her perception of friendship has become so woefully distorted that she doesn’t realize the harm she casts on everyone else, is that it ? Although these are problems long gone, although her presence is selectively bereft of him she casts her virid sights low, staring down at her feet and away from the damning stare of her father, who she despised for so long. 
  It’s hard relying on yourself when you push everyone away. Couldn’t he understand that?
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   “ Even after what you did to mama. I was just.... angry, confused-- I began to think that all men were the same because of you. I used to think... maybe mama left, because she didn’t want to associate with either of us anymore...? ” Sharp and short breaths escape through her mouth before silencing herself forcibly, digging cuspidated nails into the palms of her hands and relishing in the stinging pain that oddly calms her down.
  “ After all of this, no matter what I did to push you away, you’re still my dad in the end. Even if I couldn’t understand your motifs behind cheating. I’m.. sorry. ”
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