#ASMR Chitter CHatter
starlytenight · 1 year
“stupid bowling ball with bat wings”
King Dedede is getting sick of his shit
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aura-atlas-ambience · 2 years
Stormy Modern Coffee Shop ASMR Ambience with Rain Sounds, Chitter Chatter, and Muffins
Full Video on YT : aura atlas ambience
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makahncsd · 7 years
Make a sound piece that is a culmination of sounds that I find soothing or remind me of “home” and/or represent the idea of a sort of “safe space” 
key words: soothing, home, safe space, calming, comfort, homely, safe, (nostalgia?), asmr
Q’s:  -How can I do this (^) using sound? -What sounds do this for/to me? Why? -Which sounds do I find soothing? -Which sounds remind me of home? -What sounds represent the making of/being at/in a safe space? -What does soothing mean? -to me? etc...
Invoking atmosphere with sound
note: home (place) “is too busy” for what I’m trying to capture but perhaps thats exactly what I should be looking at?
Soothing sounds: -pitter patter of rain (on a roof/surface) -running water - river, creek “nature sounds” birds calling, trees lightly rustling
homely sounds: -dad playing around on the gat -chitter chatter -people “jamming” -laughs from the tummy (hearty/honest laughs)
safe space sounds: -all of the above -invoke a sense of being “carefree”
Trip to Turangi: 16-17 May leave in the morning (tues) 4-5 hour drive record during drive, then once arrived - throughout day and night as well as next day Arrive back wed night Think about whether you want to include a vocal component? -reading of a poem -lowkey unstaged conversations with nanny and koro, aunties, uncles.
will you use multi channel to convey the idea of walking through a forest following a bird (eg fantail)
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starlytenight · 1 year
Older KirFluff
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starlytenight · 9 months
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The mango man
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starlytenight · 9 months
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Arthur ascends asserts his dominance by dating Meta's mother directly.
You will accept him as your dad, Meta, this is a threat.
Elderly love is cute too
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starlytenight · 1 year
Can we have some MetaGala to quench our thirst please?
Haha, sure. I love doodling them!
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starlytenight · 9 months
Sorry I've been quiet, I finally got the green light I am officially disabled and still am processing that tidbit. Final chapters and notes/scrapped things have been posted so I can finally talk about some fun tidbits about ASMR! Things and maybe get around to answering asks when my arm recovers from my editing/writing (I really wanted to give everyone a nice Christmas gift and finish before the end of the year for ahhh I'll reply soon I promise, I see your asks, I'll get there soon!)
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starlytenight · 1 year
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I have many scribbles but now I can share these, haha
Galacta is such a supportive "brother."
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starlytenight · 1 year
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Some scribblies with Meta and his edgier side.
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starlytenight · 1 year
Since the topic of clothing was mentioned... Who wears the pants in the relationship (MetaGala)?
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They both share the pants to an extent, however, Meta is definitely the more "domineering" of the two! Though with his own twist. He gives orders, Galacta doesn't mind following, despite his intense displeasure toward authority. Meta's methods of leadership are sort of built on respect rather than fear or force, so Galacta is pretty comfortable with that. Galacta can also easily overpower Meta physically, but he just doesn't care to, because he loves and trusts him. Meta also isn't afraid of the other resorting so such either.
The dewberry kicks back and the cherry does as he is asked, but will object if he is uncomfortable. Meta also doesn't mind letting Gala handle things as he desires/at his own pace and only really steps in if he needs to.
But the general status quo is Meta leads until Galacta feels comfy enough to take point himself. This dynamic they have in normalcy follows them into their romantic affairs. It's pretty balanced, honestly.
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starlytenight · 1 year
Little Announcement
So... My health is still pretty rough. In needing to meet my own physical and mental needs, I'm going to be pulling a bit of a "Disney" and cancelling my fic---or at least what I was thinking of for "Season 2" as I called it.
I fully intend to finish the Nightmare Saga since it's just a few chapters away from being done, but I will tweak it to give it a bit more of a satisfying ending with some of the set up I have laid down that was meant for S2.
If it puts any of you at ease, most of S2 was not really going to be terribly MetaGala-heavy anyway and just tackled the games I didn't touch as of yet. While it'll be unfortunate to miss out on RtDL, Allies, and FL (among other 'smaller' games,) they ultimately didn't really add much to the boys and their story. It was mostly just seeing Kirby grow up and having the adults effectively supervising/guiding him around heavier moments like Magolor's betrayal, Hyness' treatment and seeing Void Termina make a return to the world, and obviously Elfilis and what happened with him among Galacta's true past and purpose with Morpho.
I plan to add a small epilogue that reveals a few things I was planning to have, including Galacta and Meta's parents (their mothers are alive,) and other little tidbits I was looking forward to writing, but very brief. I can't keep up with this project and for what I've done... I mean. 70 chapters, pretty lengthy ones at that too. Not too shabby.
But I do need to focus on myself and writing does take a lot out of me, sadly. As much as I like my silly little world, I do need to move onto other stuff too. Focus on my health more intensely, have fun in other things I love too. I hope it's not too upsetting for anyone, but I plan for the last few chapters I write to go out with a big bang to celebrate getting this far despite it all.
Once it all ends, I am very open to getting any asks wanting elaboration, headcanons, or even original plans. Ultimately the only game that would really bring any real particular note for Meta and Gala would be FL but by then it would be mostly Kirby's show as a young teen and dealing with what Morpho has in store for them all after dealing with Elfilin and his baggage as Elfilis.
I want to thank you all for sticking by me while I made this little thing. I never expected so many to love it. It makes me so happy to bring even a tiny bit of joy to your lives, but the curtain has to close eventually, and I do need to stop the show before I break something that I might not be able to fix.
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starlytenight · 1 year
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New chapter up, enjoy folks
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starlytenight · 1 year
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starlytenight · 1 year
New chap drop, eat well everyone.
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starlytenight · 1 year
local cybernetically augmented ancient supersoldier clone man has An Emotion, starts troubleshooting harddrive for virus. More at 11.
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You would think something was up too if you felt funny butterflies inside when you're not "supposed" to do that. Especially with something that shouldn't be a threat in the slightest but feels like it is.
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