#AUOAGH I love this show so much <33 🥰🥰🥰
Aww hey y'all lol
I thought they were counting being let in or someone being late or something xD
Or him picking up his hat lol
Anyway O.O SLFJDKS??? Iconic Mr. Johnson xDD
OPE ay okay Barbara xD
Why are they here lol
Why are they doing this xD
LOL hiding her from us with he street cleaning truck xDD
And it feels like they're saying it's an early morning or something slfjhdfs (and it looks like it)
Lol y'all are idiots xDD ❤️🥰
XDD "You missed a spot" LOL
What a wild ending xDD so fitting though :')) very them <33
And of course either ends with Mr. Johnson lol
The icon himself 😌😌
Especially after he gave some great advice today xD he's just so often a catalyst lol :)
Anyway! That's it :)) I'll see y'all soon (in the next few days probably) for a review :DD.
It was a great episode and an amazing season 🥰🥰 even after the writer's strike, they still came back with a bang and did amazing <33. Thank you and congrats to everyone involved, actors writers camera workers techies everybody :DD.
And thank you to the fandom for being so amazing 🥰🥰. It's been an honor to share this season with you guys :DD ❤️!
So yeah! I love you all, and I'll see you guys later :DD :')) 🥰🥰🥰❤️.
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Hey y'all! So, for just under a year, I've had a review for the Season 6 finale of The Good Doctor sitting in my drafts. There's barely anything, and I've never had the motivation to get around to it, so I'm going to do a really quick one here. I'll try and do a more in depth one with that draft in the future, but the finale season (😭😭💔) premieres in a couple of days, and I want it out before then. I'm super busy and tired so I don't have the energy for the full thing lol, so here's just something to ease my mind.
I'm sad to see Danny go :(. I'm glad he's doing what's best for him and that he's not mad at Jordan (because yeesh I understood him but that hurt me, hurt on all sides lol), but I'll miss him </3. Maybe one day he'll come back :') (although in current context I doubt it buuut you never know). And poor Jordan too 😭.
Also thank goodness Jerome and Jared are okay xD. I mean okay is a relative term here but yk. Anyway, I'm so glad they're okay we went through enough this episode 😭❤️ xD.
AAAHHHHH PARK AND MORGAN ARE BACK TOGETHER!!! WHOOO YAYYY FINALLYYYY!!! They took their sweet time huh xD. Like, the show lol. Still, they're gonna be a family together :'DD I'm so happy. They're adorable, I love them <33.
:OO Andrews is quitting! That's wild tbh. I mean good for him, and Dalisay too, but dang xD. Brave move man, lol. You better hope it works out xD, with her I mean. But nah, I'm happy for them :DD.
Iirc Lim and Glassman were with the patient who couldn't move or was almost brain dead or something like that, and I'm so glad they found a way to help her improve :'). I'm proud of them <3.
I don't remember who was on the case with him but I remember Asher's patient's father (I believe) died and I felt so bad for him 😭. Poor Asher :(. And poor the guy's family! They just kept doing heartbreaking things this episode xdd. Also the little Asher and Jerome moment at the beginning of the episode <33 my lovelies.
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SHAUN AND LEA HAD THEIR BABY :'DDDDD!!! I'M SO HAPPY FOR THEM HOLY CRAP 😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰😭❤️😍🤩🥳🥳🥳🥳❤️. AND THEY NAMED HIM STEVE AARON AAAAAHHHHHHHH 😭😭😭😭😭💔❤️❤️❤️❤️!!! I'm not okay thank you very much <333. I love them all so much :'))).
Y'all can't/don't believe how much I'm stressin. Again, I do not deserve this xd.
Anyway but him sending the gift was so cute 😭😭😭💔💔❤️❤️❤️. But just aUOAGH he was SO CLOSE TO GOING INNNN-
Once again, I don't deserve this <3.
xD But seriously, even if the hat part made me SAD, I loved the whole storyline <33. And I am so glad Glassman sent a gift xd. They'll make up eventually :')). It would be absolutely WILD if they didn't, and it will be pain until they do, but I'm sure they will lol.
Anyway!! There was a lot of drama between people this season (though there always has to be), and sometimes it was stressful, but I really enjoyed this season. There were so many great moments and I just love all these characters so much <333. And let's not forget the new characters!! Danny and Dani (I still find it absolutely wild that they never addressed that btw lol) were icons, and I was sad to see both of them go but they were really good for their time on <3. They were both super unique and I also loved seeing a disabled character in Dani :D. Her journey helping Lim with her own journey was amazing, and I kind of relate as a disabled person <3. And Danny was also super great, it was nice to see him stick to his reasons and decisions a lot. For a one season character he was really complex and I like that :)). Also his relationship with Jordan was great <333. It was also wild to see Kalu return this season lol!! It took some adjusting (though I enjoyed that time too) but I love having him back :DD. I love all of these guys so much and I can't wait for next season <333.
Sooo yeah!! I absolutely loved this episode, it was so dramatic and so good. I'm so excited for the next season!
This has been my review for. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 22: Love's Labor
I loved it, it was such a culmination of the season. I'm scared of the drama but also so excited for it, and everything else about next season. I'll be back then for my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 7
See you then!!
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