discet · 1 year
On the topic of MLP in Amphibia and how you wouldnt get longrunning conflict in that kind of AU with the Mane 6 as adults, my first thought to solve that was the cutie mark crusaders or the uh School of friendship 6 cuz theyre not adults.
Definitely possible. the CMC would be interesting to explore since their plots tend to be pretty narrowly focused in canon from what I recall. They all get some individual episodes
School of friendship Im aware from cultural osmosis, but it wasn't a part of my personal experience with the series unfortunately..
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bizarrecolumns · 7 years
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2016 Columns Collection / AU Workshop FURNITURE COLUMNS #bizarrecolumns #furniturecolumns #retailcolumns #auworkshop #budapest #architecture #interiordesign #designlovers #designporn #furniture #furnituredesign
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ohmikenjiro · 7 years
AU WORKSHOP: Steampunk
The Republic of Newton – is a beautiful country, all from its vast landscapes and peaceful villages, to the busy cities where machinery and trinkets have taken over and evolved for over a span of two hundred years. It started with simple clockworks and developing means of transportation, but now a lot of citizens works with inventing, developing and selling tools and machines for all kinds of uses.
The Kingdom of Descartes – a neighboring country who specialized in extracting energies from the sun and earth, calling it magi and using it to power airships and factories. It has a history of alchemic practices and due to this have developed weapons, making its royal army unmatched in the continent.
Due to these countries’ influence the world has entered a new era of tension along the borders, corrupt governments, gaps between social classes, illegal experiments and hybrid inventions of magi fueled machinery.
It is an era where Governments and monarchies are on the downfall alike as the sky pirates are ruling the skies. Where the people you least expected are the ones whose lives will decide the fate of the world.
The anarchist sky pirate captain has reached the top ten on highest bounty across the continent. Once the young son from a revered branch of the royal family in Descartes, he was at a young age exposed to conspiracy and betrayal. His face is now on the wanted posters in every city, recognizable with the expert drawing of his mechanical eye and his lopsided grin. Despite his many enemies, he has an unknown number of secret allies and sanctuaries.
He snuck aboard an airship as a kid and being discovered he was forced to work as a cabin boy. After some unexpected turns of events he met Naoto, a hostage who was to be transported in secrecy. Their salvation came by unexpected hands as the ship was raided by sky pirates. The captain took the two boys under his wing, teaching them all about airships. Elly soon became a master navigator and as the old captain retired, Elly had no qualms swearing his loyalty to his successor.
Imagine waking up in loneliness, having no clue as to who or even what you are. N40k1 is the only identification he has to go on as everything around him was already ruined or taken before he woke up. He now walks the lands in search of answers, a lonely half-man, half-machine, with no clue as to who made him, or why.
Growing up in a family with a prominent military lineage is nothing to wish for. The pressure to live up to his family’s expectations is constantly keeping Omi on an edge. Finally, having reached the position of a ranked officer, he now struggles between the conflicting feelings of fulfilling his duty and following his conscience. His burdens do not get any lighter when he is assigned to lead the pursuit of Naoto.
Never having broken a law his entire life, Ken is a model citizen and a master mechanic. From the smallest, most complex and delicate trinkets, to the heavy machinery of military air vessels, there is nothing he can’t fix. He is on the good side of the law and is looked well upon. That is until it all changes after something not quite human stumbles into his workshop.
Do you need a dog-sitter? Or maybe someone to carry your bags after a full day of shopping? Or is there a petty thief on the loose somewhere? Gun will use his guns and his guts to make sure the job is done, and the criminal is caught. Armed with a charming smile and an unknown number of revolvers, this freelance gunner takes on odd jobs wherever he goes. His word is his honor. If you pay him of course.
When the government needs someone to do their dirty work, or if their soldiers don’t work fast enough to bring in certain criminals, they see no wrong in hiring a bounty hunter. The cost is high, but if it means the jobs get done, the expenses are worth it. Ryuji has earned his name as the pirate wrangler, but he is not well liked by the military in the Republic of Newton. Least of all the new, young lieutenant.
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smo-dp · 7 years
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auworkshopTOA - exhibition - 24.10.2017. 19h at @kek_centre, budapest photo:s:mo
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furrina · 3 years
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The Graphic Designer’s House by Architecture Uncomfortable Workshop @auworkshop This wood-frame house in Nagykovácsi, not far from the capital, was designed for a young graphic designer. As the client, she expressed her needs clearly and took an active part in the design and construction process, which came to incorporate the proportions of her design universe. The house’s mid-sized plot is at the foot of the Zsíros-hegy hill, bordered by a narrow and relatively deep wooded ravine to the north. Twenty years ago, this area was still all holiday homes, but today family homes of various shapes and sizes are springing up all around. At first sight against that background, the wooden house overlooking the ravine sticks out of the streetscape, as if it were the first representative of some strange, hitherto unknown local architecture. PH: Andras Zoltai #architecture #architecturephotography #architecturelovers #architectureporn #architecturedesign #architecturestudent #architecturelover #architecture_hunter #architectures #interiorarchitecture #modernarchitecture #landscapearchitecture #lookingup_architecture #instaarchitecture #architecturephoto #architecturedaily #architectureschool #architecturemodel #architecturehunter #architecturedetail #architecturephotos #architecturestudents #architecturedose #architecturedrawing #architecturefactor @designstudio_mag Digital Architecture and Design magazine (presso Nagykovácsi) https://www.instagram.com/p/COdnpeurcZB/?igshid=b0ah0e643zyy
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Auworkshop, various.
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II. 3. A részvételiség etikai megközelítése 
Kép: Illés Zsófia Szonja: CollectivePlant, 2013. A kép forrása: Illés Zsófia Szonja
http://collectiveplant.com/walks https://www.instagram.com/collectiveplant/
Szintén a részvétel etikai megközelítésének kategóriájába sorolható Illés Zsófia Szonja fotóművész és kulturális antropológus tevékenysége. 2013-ban indította el a CollectivePlant-et amely városi ehető növénygyűjtögetéssel kezdődött. Tevékenysége városközeli zöldterületeken gyűjtögetési túrákkal folytatódott, amelyekről készültek videóklippek, (Halász Dániel) majd Illés munkája kiadványtervezésben, kiadásban, (Kiskovács Eszter, Nosek Mimma, Stark Attila, Cristofoli Szilvia Silver, Szemző Zsófia, Print Room, Soybot, Brody Artyard, Lumen fiók kiadvány #3 Reap and Sow, Almapaprika, török magyar szakácskönyv) workshopokban, formatervezőkkel (Auworkshop, Hellowood) közös csoportos tárgytervezésben teljesedett ki.
A CollectivePlant-et egy modulárisan változó, a fenntarthatóság és az önfenntartás felé forduló közösségként hozta létre. „Mi ugrik be először a városról? Általában rossz dolgok: piszok, munkanélküliség, a városi élet nehézségei. Én szerettem volna az egészet pozitív oldalról megfogni. Lássuk, mire van lehetőség? Előtte éppen vidéken voltam, a háznál, ahol az öcsém kecskesajt készítésével foglalkozik. Az ártérben gyűjtöttem csalánt. Mindig gyűjtöttem, ha arra jártam, akár megenni, akár gyógynövénynek. És ekkor beugrott, hogy ez az, ebből csinálok valamit a kiállításra. Miért ne lehetne ugyanezt megpróbálni a városban?”http://www.origo.hu/tafelspicc/20150826-varosban-konnyebb-a-videki-elet-illes-zsofia-collective-plant-interju.html – nyilatkozta Illés egy 2015-ös interjúban. A konkrét közösség, amely egy művészcsoportból állt, átalakult és időszaki közösségek születtek, tehát minden esemény külön efemer közösséget hoz létre, de itt már nem a közösségen, hanem a tanuláson van inkább a hangsúly. Illés 2017-től egy évre Angliába költözött, ahol szintén bekapcsolódott több helyi közösségbe munkájával. (https://www.tate.org.uk/whats-on/tate-britain/workshop/big-lunch-common-ground)
Fotóinak erején túl leginkább a hasznos tudás átadása az, ami foglalkoztatja őt, és megfogja a közönségét. Hiszen itt egy tanulási folyamatról van szó, a növények tulajdonságainak, hatásainak, gyűjtésének és feldolgozásának lehetőségeiről. Felhívja a figyelmet arra, hogy lehetségesek alternatívák, ahol a klímaváltozás korában felelősek lehetünk döntéseinkért, egymásért. A minket körülvevő és számunkra többek között táplálékot biztosító környezetért, növény és állatvilágért, egymásért és saját magunkért. Itt a valódi hasznosság és az etikus megközelítés a célokban és tervek meghatározásában ki is fejeződik.
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aumuhely · 8 years
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today they start to build it.
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Milano trip from auworkshop on Vimeo.
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pandemonia99 · 7 years
Walking the dog. 🐼🐕 Reworking: #stabilo #DenesGhyczy @auworkshop @Kinopravda. #Postpop #pandemonia #puppy #dog
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discet · 1 year
So time to invert the Amphibia/MLP AU with, what if the Mane 6 got sent to Amphibia (whether they'd transform into a different form like when they go to the human world in Equestria Girls is up to you) and seperated by pairs (2 per location in Wartwood, Toad Tower, and Newtopia)? I can see Fluttershy (good with beast taming) and Applejack (farming) ending up in Wartwood, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie in Toad Tower (imagine Pinkie annoying Grime), and Twilight and Rarity in Newtopia.
Oh god it would go so badly long term. They spent their whole lives in a kingdom ruled over by a benevolent immortal god king. It would be so easy for them to see Andrias as occupying the same role in Amphibia. Ugggghhh
Okay with that obvious disaster waiting to happen out of the way. I think the key to making this whole AU work would be deciding on when to pull the ponies out of Equestria. I think I would put it somewhere before the S3 finale just cause alicorn twilight would be a pretty big sledgehammer to solve their problems.
Which I guess is kind of where I'm getting tripped up with long term plot on this. Since while there's a lot of fun interactions you could make between the casts, there's not a lot of character arcs to be developed.
The Mane 6 are all adults. Young adults, maybe, but still adults mostly living on their own (Applejack being a notable exception, but that's more of a older siblings coming together after being orphaned to give their little sibling a home sort of deal. Applejack is basically the head of house there). Unlike the C!Trio, they aren't in desperate need of guidance, purpose, or need to work on themselves. They have little character flaws but nothing on the scale of the trio. They don't need a found frog family or a guiding hand.
You could probably do a traditional adventure where they all are trying to get home. Then show Andrias the true meaning of friendship with an orbital friendship beam. I doubt you could get 3 seasons of conflict out of them though.
There's probably something if you had them all taken when they were younger and not a cohesive adventuring party. Like near after they got their cutie marks? Some villain is foiled by them in the future and decides to cast their younger selves from the dimension?
Might even be some interesting stuff you could do with the whole Frog-Toad-Newt caste system and the Earth Pony-Pegasus-Unicorn separation.
It'd be tricky, you'd need to change quite a bit to get those conflict points going.
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bizarrecolumns · 7 years
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2016 Columns Collection / AU Workshop FURNITURE COLUMNS #bizarrecolumns #furniturecolumns #retailcolumns #auworkshop #budapest #architecture #interiordesign #designlovers #designporn #furniture #furnituredesign
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ohmikenjiro · 7 years
Information: Because there are still very few fanfics around and about with 3JSB and other LDH groups I decided to start this AU workshop to encourage creativity and challenge both myself and others into writing more.
Guidelines: I will create a background story for the AU and the characters as well as establish some relationship dynamics. After that is done I will make an official post about a certain AU being opened.
After that you can ask me any questions you want about the AU, but not only that!
You are also welcome to write scenarios and fanfics from these AUs and there is no limits of what you can do. You don’t have to follow my background scenarios either and can establish any character relationship you want as well as add other characters. This workshop is simply to inspire and motivate!
Send a link if you want me to share it in the Workshop. I credit you for your work, you credit me for the AU.
Rules: This is important to make the workshop enjoyable for everyone.
1. No minors in NSFW situations.
2. Trigger warnings when needed, Before description and in the tags.
3. Credits! This work both ways. You credit me, I credit you.
Steampunk AU
Street Racing AU [coming soon]
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smo-dp · 7 years
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fire table/ tűz asztal
booklet printet with: hp laserjet5100 on: brunnen, divider cards (chamois) 240 x 105mm, 190g/m² cover: perforated board (black), 300g/m² clamp: spruce wood, 100 x 20 x 3mm pages: 18 copies: 9
layout, graphic and print: s:mo, summer 2017
summer solstice celebration
an event created in collaboration between collective plant, auworkshop + s:mo
wood material: Zsofia Szonja Illes (collective plant) table construction: Lukács Szederkényi (auworkshop) + Simon Platter (s:mo)
this is a small documentation about the construction of the fire table and the happening on the 21th of June where the table was set on fire ceremonially. after that the table served as a communal grill surface.
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keleclothing · 10 years
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Kele SS15 set photographed by Máté Bartha. Thank you for Architecture Uncomfortable Workshop ♡
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aumuhely · 8 years
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bed for Péter
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