star-lemonade · 3 years
Summer Rain
Astro Jinjin x f!Reader
Genre: smut, a bit of angst
CW: smut
Rating: R
Word count: 3 k
A/N: Not beta-ed. Little bit more angsty than my usual stuff but with a happy end ;)
Written for @whipped-kpop-creators event
“Let’s go to the beach.”
Jinwoo’s voice cut the deafening silence between you. The tone of his voice told you that he was insecure. Of course he was. You were still surprised that he had the audacity to ask you on a date after what he did, and now he asked to take you on a vacation? In the moment where you did not say anything the silence returned, amplified by the distant traffic and the conversations other people were having around you. The plastic table in front of the convenience store was really not the best date you had had.
“The beach?”
He nodded and stabbed at his noodles. The mostly full paper bowl was his excuse to not meet your eyes.
“My uncle has a small vacation home by the sea. Let’s go there next weekend.”
The last week had been the hottest week of this year. You had barely slept at night and you felt even more pissed at Jinwoo because of it. Jumping into the cold, salty water sounded like a dream. It had been ages since you had even seen the sea. Why not get something good out of a bad situation? You could just ignore him while you were at the beach. You sighed.
A small smile followed the initial shock on Jinwoo’s face. You ate the last bites of your ramen.
Jinwoo beamed at you. His barely contained delight would have been cute at any other time. You stood up. Well tried to. The shorts you were wearing did not play well with the plastic chair and you stuck uncomfortably to it. You pushed it off and it felt back to the ground clattering.
“See you then. I will leave first.”
You did not care that much about anniversaries, but this was the first one. One year. Who would have thought you and Jinwoo would still be together? He was the friend of a former school classmate. The two had met at the company that they both worked at. Jinwoo smiled a lot. That is what had pulled you in in the first place.
When you had gone out for dates he always paid. It was so consistent that it was almost annoying.
“I have money too, you know?” You had half-jokingly said one occasion outside the restaurant. No need to have a scene inside with all people watching.
“I know and you can spend that on whatever you want. I want to spend mine on buying you the food you like.”
One time you actually managed to pay before he did. At the end of a meal he went to the bathroom and you seized the opportunity. You felt very accomplished afterwards. Jinwoo was surprised, but laughed at your mischievous grin.
“Jinwoo, it's our anniversary soon. You wanna go out?”
The message stayed on your phone unanswered for a day. Usually he texted back in a few hours. You began to wonder. Had something happened? Was he okay? You tried to go about your day as usual but you found your eyes wandering to your phone. No new messages.
“Everything okay?”
Maybe it was not the best thing you could do, but you just texted him again. This time you got an answer.
“Sorry, I was really busy at work and fell into bed afterwards. Yes, we can do something for our anniversary”
For the next few weeks you did not see or hear much from him. Your friend had told you that Jinwoo had been roped into a project by one of the high ups.
“I'm worried about you. You work too much :((”
You knew that the message would not get through to him. He was obsessed.
“I could get the promotion. Just a little longer.”
You did not believe that it would be done soon but it was not worth fighting over. After all you would see him in person soon. It would be easier to talk some sense into him when you were face to face.
On your anniversary you waited in front of the restaurant. The agreed upon time came and went. You called Jinwoo, but his phone was off. He had stood you up.
Friday afternoon had arrived and you had gotten off work early to pack. The weather forecast said warm temperatures were to be expected. So you packed shorts, a swimming suit and other light clothes. Sunscreen would also be important. A sunburn was the last thing you wanted to have right now. You suspected that Jinwoo would try to make it up to you with this vacation. After your anniversary he had apologized constantly, but you still felt hurt. Indeed it seemed more like this vacation would be a crossroads. Would you stay with Jinwoo or break up. Yes, you liked him a lot but he was so absent these days.
At 6 pm the door rang and you almost dropped the sun cream. You opened the door to shorts wearing Jinwoo. His smile greeted you from the hallway.
You took your bag and followed him to the car. Jinwoo had borrowed his brother’s car. In the trunk were some white plastic bags from the supermarket.
“I bought something to eat.”
Jinwoo smiled shyly. This trip was him trying to make it up to you for sure. You knew that, but you were not sure if you could forgive him. The day of fast paced working, trying to do as much as possible in the given time had left you exhausted. The sun warmed the car and with the sunglasses covering your eyes you fell asleep in the passenger seat. It felt as if only a minute had passed, when Jinwoo gently shook you awake.
“We are here. You can sleep in the house.”
It took you a moment to really arrive in the land of consciousness. The car was parked in a dirt driveway. Green grass covered the ground in front of the house. Jinwoo had already unloaded your bags and locked the car once you got out. The sun was still up and it was warm. You had expected to be able to smell the sea, but the air only carried the scent of freshly cut grass. The car was parked in the backyard of the house that was surrounded by other houses and gardens.
The house was smaller and bigger than you had imagined. It was a two story building but the floor area was not very big. On the inside the air was cool and you had the impression that the windows had not been opened in some time. Jinwoo gave you a tour of the house. The ground floor was the kitchen, the living room and a small bathroom. A door led into the garden that was basically a terrace with a narrow strip of grass in front of it. A fence separates the garden from the neighbors property. Upstairs were two bedrooms. The room Jinwoo had chosen as your room answered the question you had had about where the sea was. You could see the blue band on the ocean behind two rows of houses.
“It’s not exactly a beach house.”
“The beach is three minutes away on foot,” Jinwoo protested. He looked out the window at the sea over your shoulder.
“Do you want to go there?”
You looked at him, then at the water in the distance. It was getting late and the sun would set soon. You were a bit hungry already but the urge to see the big puddle was stronger.
“Yes, let’s go.”
The blue sky was obscured by clouds, when you left the house. A path lead between the houses down to the beach. You saw some people in the water and lying on the beach. As you got closer the smell of deep fried food caught your nose. A few restaurants and shops lined the promenade that separated the beach from the city. You turned right and walked along the cobbled promenade. Jinwoo walked beside you, not saying anything. In the distance you could see a few boats gliding on the sparkling water. Further towards the direction you were walking in was the harbor. A lot of smaller boats and yachts waited for their owners.
“I got the promotion.”
You tensed. As a good girlfriend you should be happy for him but you only managed a forced smile. Great, now he will be gone even more. I don’t want your money Jinwoo, I want you to spend time with me.
“But I got it under a condition.”
When you did not ask what the condition was, he just continued: “I asked for reduced hours.”
You stopped in the middle of the promenade and looked at him. He stopped too. The person who walked behind you almost crashed into you and cursed.
“Look, I’m sorry.”
Jinwoo took your hands. You met his eyes for the first time today. They were still the warm brown that you remembered. It reminded you of the good times you and Jinwoo had had together. He pressed his lips into a thin line before speaking again.
“I know, I wasn’t there for you enough. Forgive me. Please”
You did not know what you should say. If it was true that he had taken steps to spend more time outside work.. Your heart skipped a beat. His thumbs ran over the back of your hands. A gesture so soft, it made your anger melt away.
“I love you.”
The words hit you like a truck. He said it like he meant it. Indeed there was no doubt in your head that he meant it.
You wiggled your hands free and wrapped your arms around his neck. Your lips met in a desperate kiss. All your frustration with him and loneliness was released through it. Warm rain began to fall. The drops hit the dry ground, the tiled roofs and your head. You pulled back. A drop hit your neck and you started to move. Covering your head, you took off in the direction of the nearest restaurant and Jinwoo followed behind you.
The cozy restaurant was perfect for this evening. You laughed more than you had had in some time. The weight of your unresolved problems had been lifted off you and it felt like you had your Jinwoo back.
After you ate and drank it was time to return to the house. You said goodbye to the waiter and went to the door. Jinwoo froze in the doorway.
“We should have brought an umbrella.”
He said it in a matter of fact way. You looked out into the night where rain was still going strong. The air had cooled down, but it was still warm. The sun had completely disappeared behind the horizont and the only light came from a few streetlamps. You looked at Jinwoo and said:
“It's not far, we can run home and take a warm shower.”
Jinwoo smiled at you. You took his hand and began running. Your laughter and curses were swallowed by the white noise of the rain.
At the house you saw an umbrella standing next to the door as you took off your soaked shoes. Your clothes clung to your body, making it harder to move. You wanted nothing more than to take them off. You showered first in the small bathroom. The hot water warmed you up again and you were reluctant to leave. It just felt too good. Eventually you had mercy with Jinwoo who was still waiting for his turn.
You put on your light pjs and went to the bedroom. You found blankets and pillows in the closet and changed the sheets on the bed. The fresh sheets too smelled a bit like they had been in the closet for some time, but they would have to do. You lay down under the thin blanket. With the rain the house had cooled down and you felt the need to cover yourself for the night.
Jinwoo came back from the shower wearing only his underwear. He looked fantastic. You wanted to rest your head on his sculpted chest. It had been some time since you had seen him shirtless and he looked buffer than you remembered. He had always been one who liked going to the gym, so he had always looked fit, but now his arms and chest were bigger than before. If he saw you staring, he did not comment on it.
Jinwoo slipped under the blanket next to you, but he kept his distance. Lying on his side he rested his head on his arm. He studied your face and you stared back. His lips were full and soft looking. It had been a while since you had noticed how handsome Jinwoo was. You leaned closer.
“Do you need anything right now?”
His voice was soft and so were his eyes. You could not stop thinking about his chest and arms and abs. The desire was clouding your mind.
“Can I touch you?”
An amused smile appeared on his face, but he pushed the blanket down to expose his upper body. You ran your hands over his chest and your eyes followed. The curves and planes of his muscles were slowly driving you mad. How could anyone look this good?
You looked up and met Jinwoo’s warm eyes. He smirked, not even trying to appear modest. The effect he had on you was very obvious and Jinwoo loved it.
“I missed you.”
He said it like he meant it. His hand covered your hand on his chest. You thought you could feel his heart beating under it. Yes, you had missed your Jinwoo too. You nodded and whispered: “I missed you too.”
You leaned in and he met you halfway. The kiss made your insides churn. He had always been a good kisser, that had not changed. Imagining what his tongue could do between your legs, was getting you riled up. He pulled you closer until your bellies touched and you were flush against him. You swung a leg over his hips and his hand wandered from your waist to your thigh. He was getting hard under the thin fabric of his underwear. You rocked your hips against his and Jinwoo sighed into the kiss. Looks like he missed this too.
He broke the kiss and you almost whined. With an apologetic look on his face he untangled himself from you.
“Let me get the condoms. I’ll be right back, promise.”
The good thing was you got a good look at him again. But you also had a moment to think. He came back with a bunch of packages and slipped under the blanket again.
“I was worried about you.”
He froze and looked at you. It must have startled him.
“About me?”
You nodded and pouted a little.
“Yes. You worked way too much and I was worried and sad about that. Please take care of yourself.”
Your pent up frustration made your tone almost whiny. With sincerity you added: “I love you.”
Jinwoo reached up and caressed your cheek.
“I love you too. I’m sorry.”
You kissed and he pulled you closer. Being pressed against his hard body was exactly what you needed right now. It was the assurance that he was here and with you.
Your leg was draped over his hips and he reached between your bodies to align himself with your entrance. He gently pushed in, stretching you nicely. You moaned into the kiss. Him in you was just as good as you remembered. He did not move and you savored the intimacy of the moment.
“How do you want me today?”
Jinwoo whispered in your ear and sucked on your neck for emphasis.
“I ate too much for what i want.”
He chuckled and his breath tickled your skin.
“You ate a lot. Have you been starving?”
You lightly slapped him and pouted. It wasn’t even that much.
“It tasted good.”
He nodded in agreement. You thought about what would be nice right now. Some position that was intimate but did not require much moving.
“How about like this?”
You moved away until he slipped out and turned around. With his arm around you and his front pressed against your back it felt like the perfect position for the night. Jinwoo pushed in and it was just as good as you had hoped.
He kissed your shoulders and neck as he set a slow pace. The thrusts grazed your g spot from time to time, making you moan. You held his hand to your chest with fingers intertwined. His hot breath tickled your neck. It was heartbreakingly intimate to be with him like this. You kissed his fingers and he gasped without making a sound. His trusts came faster now, it was not the slow fuck from before. But you were ready for your release.
Jinwoo untangled his hand from your grip and reached between your legs. He circled your clit in time with his thrusts. By instinct you clenched around him, wanting to shut your legs close. It limited his motion on your clit, but he did all he could. Rubbing you faster as his thrusts speed up too. You gasped and moaned, moving your hips for more. Your whole body tensed in anticipation. The steady rhythm of Jinwoo’s thrusts faltered, but they were harder now, hitting inside you just right.
“A little more, please!”
It was more a whine than understandable words, but Jinwoo groaned and struggled for more controlled movements. You did not have to worry about anyone hearing you and a moment later you also did not care, if anyone did. Jinwoo let you ride out your orgasm with his fingers still pressed against your sensitive clit. You turned your head so you could see him over your shoulder. His hair stuck to his forehead, but he looked pleased. You planted a sloppy kiss on his lips.
“I think I need another shower.”
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flurrys-creativity · 3 years
Pool Party
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Pairing: Cha Eunwoo (Astro) x GN!Reader; Genre: Slice of life, Fluff, Romance, a little humour; Rating: sfw, 16; Warnings: mentions of alcohol, mentions of throwing up.. into a pool, reader gets thrown into a pool, they tease each other and get suggestive, kisses; Wordcount: 1.271
Summary: There was always one person being thrown into the water at a pool party. Though it was rare someone else jumped in afterwards - fully clothed.
A/N: Another drabble that escalated into a non-drabble...
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As soon as the weather got warmer everyone started to throw pool parties. Literally everyone! This was probably the tenth pool party you have been invited to and even though you rather enjoyed swimming in the sea or a lake, simply anywhere where it wasn’t as crowded as a tiny pool in the backyard of one of your friends.
Still, you decided to visit the party, not intending to jump into the pool or get further into it than dipping your feet into the water. Especially due to the chlorine inside of the water you didn’t want to get into it. Not to think about anything else floating in there at the end of the evening when a bunch of drunk people have been around. 
And yes you were talking about a random guy, who threw up into the pool last year.
That image still haunted you.
You shivered at the thought and quickly shook your head, trying to avoid the picture floating in your consciousness. Instead you quickly looked for a distraction, seeing some of your friends already waving towards you. With a smile you walked over to them, taking the drink they offered you and started a simple conversation.
A pool party always felt the same, you thought. Half the guys only wore swim shorts and were drinking more than they should, some girls wore shorts and only a bikini top, others had a top over the bikini. There were only a few people who wore nothing that resembled swimwear in any way. You were one of them.
Since it was still early nobody had dared to get into the pool, which was quite amusing to you. It was always like that. Even though the party was revolving around the pool, nobody wanted to get inside of it at first. Instead everyone lingered around it, drinking, conversing, snacking. A few would send lingering glances towards the water.
You looked around, listening only with half an ear to the topics your friends were discussing, while you tried to find the person who would “open” the pool. Meaning the person that would be thrown into the water.
While you looked around, your gaze was drawn to a lonely figure. The curves of your lips curled upwards, seeing the very bright shirt he was wearing. Just a few days ago someone had told you those “hawaiian” shirts would make anybody look ugly.
This guy though proved that statement to be wrong. 
You’ve never seen someone as handsome as him. Sharp features, piercing eyes that were still gentle, black hair and an almost intimidating aura surrounding him. Only when he smiled, showed his teeth and his eyes nearly disappeared, he seemed approachable. 
Some friends walked up to him, letting you see that softer side of him. You felt drawn to him and unconsciously stepped away from your group of friends, forgetting your surroundings.
Only when his attention turned towards you, you halted. Your heart stopped beating for a second and your breath got caught inside of your throat. 
Before you were able to react in any way two guys appeared on both of your sides. “You seem quite hot!”
“We should help you cool down again!”
They grinned from ear to ear, a mischievous glint within their eyes as they grabbed both your arms and led you towards the edge of the pool.
You had trouble processing what they wanted, thinking at first they were hitting on you because they drank too much until you realised where they were dragging you to. Your eyes widened in panic and you tried telling them that you weren’t wearing swimwear but instead of proper sentences you stuttered some sort of gibberish.
You tried to break free and get back to your friends that were only laughing and cheering you on from behind but to no avail.
The very next second you were thrown into the pool. You barely had the time to hold your breath before you hit the water and sunk underneath the surface. For a split second you thought about staying underneath the water, the embarrassment of being thrown into the pool - fully clothed - was heating your whole face already.
Even though you wished to stay underneath the surface for the rest of the party until everyone had left, you got back up and gasped for air. You pushed strands of your hair out of your face, knowing full well how miserable you looked.
You were about to look up and search for a ladder or any other option to get out of the pool again, when someone jumped into the pool close to you. A shriek escaped your lips as you raised your hands to shield your face from the wave and splashes.
Seconds later the guy from before appeared before you, pushing his hair out of his face with one hand and grinning towards you. 
“I thought you could need some company”, he said and swam closer to you.
Still surprised, your eyes wandered from his handsome face down to his chest, seeing the bright shirt now soaked and clutching to his chest. “Your clothes.”
“Will dry.”
You chuckled and shook your head. “Why would you do that?” 
“It seemed like something a gentleman would do”, he shrugged with his shoulders, still smiling softly. “And I had a reason to approach you without having an awkward conversation at first.”
This time you laughed loudly. “So this isn’t awkward?”
He raised an eyebrow in thought, humming lowly before he answered you. “Right now I would label this as amusing and once we get out and have to undress it could get hot.” He smirked for a split second before he started to laugh, seeing your flustered expression. “I’m Eunwoo by the way and successfully distracted you from the humiliation of being thrown into the pool.”
You laughed nervously and splashed some water towards him. “It would have been successful if you hadn’t mentioned it again.”
“I didn’t say I finished distracting you. Like I said, we can still undress.”
“I’m pretty sure I can already see everything I need to see”, you teased and glanced back down to his chest, seeing every curve of his muscles.
“I definitely have more to offer than you’re seeing.”
“And I might be inclined to take that offer.” You whispered. While both of you had spoken with each other, you had come closer and closer. You felt the whirls of the water he made with his legs, careful not to hit you.
Eunwoo was close enough for you to lean forward and kiss him. Your gaze dropped to his lips before they moved back to his eyes, seeing his knowing look. You wanted to say something when he grabbed your waist and pulled you flush against him, kissing you as soon as your lips were in his reach. 
Both of you dipped underneath the water as you just held each other and had stopped keeping you afloat. 
Only when the need for air became stronger than the want to continue the kiss, you broke through the surface again, both of you gasping for air. 
Slightly dazed, you watched Eunwoo brush his hair out of his face again. A few drops of water got caught in his eyelashes or pearled off his skin. That, combined with the sparkle in his eyes and the soft smile on his lips, made him almost ethereal.
For once you thought being thrown into the pool turned out lucky. “So - uh - should we move on to the part of undressing?”
Eunwoo choked on air before he laughed and kissed you again. “Not yet.”
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callin-wonderland · 3 years
Summer with the faves: Ateez (part 1)
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For @whipped-kpop-creators the summer event
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A Whipped Summer m.list
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Pool Party [astro’s eunwoo x n!reader] by @flurrys-creativity​ 
Summer rain [astro’s jinjin x f!reader] by @star-lemonade​ 
Summeride [txt’s yeonjun x n!reader] by @cheriebeom​ 
Dancing In the Rain [ bts’s namjoon x hoseok] by @moccahobi​ 
Rollick [stray kid’s han x n!reader] by @flurrys-creativity​ 
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Summer with the faves: Ateez (part 1 | part 2) - by @callin-wonderland​  
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We want to take those who participated in our first mini event! Sincerely to the few members that joined us on this little project, we appreciate your effort and works so so much 🌤️💛 
Until next time~
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flurrys-creativity · 3 years
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Rollick (v.) - to move or act in a carefree, frolicsome manner; behave in a free, hearty or joval way.
Pairing: Han Jisung (Stray Kids) x GN!Reader; Genre: Fluff, Slice of life, Established Relationship AU, Romance; Rating: sfw, PG-13; Warnings: none I can think of.. being woken up in the middle of the night?!; Wordcount: 1.369
Summary: Sometimes there was a need for a spontaneous day trip to the ocean. Even though Jisung wasn’t too fond of waking up early, but seeing your smile as soon as the ocean was in sight, was absolutely worth it.
A/N: This is for the AWhippedSummer event!
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“Wake up, wake up, wake up!”
Jisung groaned and turned on his other side, trying to ignore the annoying shaking and noise. He opened one eye and quickly realised that it was the middle of the night with the darkness surrounding him.
“Jisung! Come on! Wake up!” You whined and pushed him even harder now.
“What do you want?” He grumbled and pressed his eyes shut, trying desperately to cling to the last thread of sleep.
“I want you to wake up and come with me.”
“Where to?”
“You will see.” With that you pulled his blanket away and basically pushed him out of the bed.
Jisung groaned again but followed your request. His step swayed slightly as he still refused to open his eyes completely on his way to the bathroom.
“Hurry and get ready, yeah?”
He couldn’t understand how you were so hyper in the middle of the night. The sun wasn’t even up yet and Jisung didn’t dare to look at the actual time right now, fearing it was way earlier than he thought.
While Jisung got ready - painfully slow - inside of the bathroom, you got several backpacks and brought them to your car, putting them on the backseat for easy access during the tour.
Ten minutes later Jisung emerged back out of the bathroom, looking exactly the same as before. He put on his shoes, ignoring your questioning gaze, and grabbed a jacket before he followed you out to the car. He basically dropped onto the passenger seat and the minute you had turned on the engine, Jisung fell back to sleep.
You snorted upon seeing his sleeping form from the corner of your eye. His mouth had dropped open and you heard him breathing quietly. His closed eyes and deep breathing were the only indicators that he actually slept, since Jisung sat absolutely straight in his seat and had his arms crossed in front of his chest. The position didn’t seem very comfortable to you but you also knew Jisung had the ability to sleep anywhere.
You lowly hummed while tapping the steering wheel, concentrating on the road ahead of you. Even though you only had decided to make this trip the night prior, you felt more than just excited - especially because you wanted to see Jisung’s reaction once you arrived at your destination. 
Hours later, the sun had already risen, you parked the car in a parking lot and tapped Jisung until he woke up. You stared at him with a wide grin while he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.
He blinked rapidly and looked around, not recognizing his surroundings. “Where are we?” He turned back to you but you just continued to grin, bouncing slightly up and down on your seat. Jisung grumbled something underneath his breath, still not understanding how you could be so hyper, and looked around again. 
This could be anywhere, he thought as his eyes started to roam over the sky. Suddenly a bird flew directly past his view and it took Jisung several seconds, where he blinked in confusion, until he was able to identify the bird as a seagull.
“We’re at the sea?!” He turned to you with wide eyes. What in the world made you think a trip to the beach where dozens of people were sitting right next to each other was a good idea.
You nodded enthusiastically and jumped out of the car, getting the backpacks from the back. You rushed Jisung to follow you, ignoring his grumbling and questioning gaze.
He followed you begrudgingly and eyed the people enjoying the morning sun on the beach. He was right when he thought about not having any privacy with so many people present but to his surprise you continued walking. 
After a while Jisung’s grumbling stopped as soon as he realised you were leading him further and further away from the masses.
You turned around another corner and walked through a little forest of sharp beach grass. You didn’t care about Jisung’s questioning and just moved further away from the public. 
Once you left the grass, you arrived at a secluded beach. It was surrounded by that tall, sharp grass, which functioned as a perfect privacy screen. The almost white sand disappeared into the rolling blue waves of the ocean. Even the chatter from any other visitors seemed to quieten down, leaving Jisung and you on your own.
You cheered and dropped the backpacks, running towards the water while you stripped down to a bathing suit.
Jisung didn’t even have a chance to call for you before you jumped into the salty water, splashing it around you while you laughed in glee. A small smile tugged on his lips as he watched you being so in peace and relaxed. He knew you often felt anxious and overthought everything you did, so seeing you like this felt quite like a gift.
"Come inside", you called and splashed around a little more, the droplets of water glistening in the morning sun. "The water is wonderful! You're going to love it." You laughed once more and swam even further into the sea, taunting Jisung to follow you.
He contemplated your offer for a second before he stripped down himself and ran into the clear water. Jisung hissed when he felt how cold the water actually was but continued to walk to you nonetheless. 
As soon as Jisung was within your reach you splashed him with water, making him shriek and immediately splash back. You laughed and turned away, using your arms to push even more water towards him until he was drenched from head to toe, not needing to go under water anymore.
"You did that on purpose!"
"Of course I did!"
He growled playfully and ran - as fast as the water was allowing it - towards you. Before you could flee he snaked his arms around your middle and used all his weight to pull you off your feet.
Both of you landed in the water and for a short moment it knocked the air out of your lungs. Once you broke through the surface again you gasped for air and playfully hit Jisung, who just cuddled you closer to his front.
You continued to tease each other and play around in the water until your stomach growled loudly, announcing it was time for a lunch break. You swam back to the beach and while Jisung collected all your clothes you pulled a blanket out of one of the backpacks and spread it on the sand. You also gave a towel to Jisung and grabbed one for yourself.
“You really thought about everything, didn’t you?” Jisung asked and plopped down on the blanket next to you, watching how you pulled out drinks and snacks and even a watermelon from the backpacks.
Jisung snickered at your vague answer. “When did you prepare all of this?”
You shrugged with your shoulders. “Last night.”
“Last night? Did you even sleep?” Jisung sat back up and stared at you with wide eyes. “You should have told me! I could have helped!”
“It’s alright”, you waved him off, “this was a spontaneous idea after all. I suddenly had the urge to visit the ocean and couldn’t sleep because I got too excited.”
Jisung crawled over the snacks and dropped himself on top of you, hugging you tightly. “You’re an idiot”, he mumbled and rubbed his cheek against your own.
You giggled and hugged him back. “I’m your idiot and you’re stuck with me.”
“Good.” He hummed in satisfaction. “Also. I will drive back home.”
This time you laughed loudly, even though you appreciated his statement, knowing you would get tired at the end of the day. “Alright, I won’t argue against that. But now I really want to eat!”
Jisung grabbed one of the snacks and placed it in front of your lips with a cheeky grin.
“I meant eating on my own, not getting fed.”
He only shrugged and pushed it past your lips, pecking them once you started to chew. “It’s time for you to relax. I start working now.”
“Who’s the idiot now?” You laughed but kissed him again, happy to have a boyfriend like Jisung.
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callin-wonderland · 3 years
Summer with the faves: Ateez (Part 2)
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For @whipped-kpop-creators the summer event
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flurrys-creativity · 3 years
Various Artists Masterlist
Smiley Catalogue:
🥰 = Fluff 😁 = Slice of life 🤪 = Humour 🧜‍♀️ = Fantasy
❤ = Romance ⚡ = Angst 💣 = Sensitive themes (death, etc.)
🦄 = Hybrid 🥵 = Smut 😏 = Suggestive
Last update: Feb 2024
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Astro Pop (drabble) 🧜‍♀️🥰🤪 Moodboard
Part of the Tipsy Drabbles. Living in space sometimes felt lonely even though the spaceship was crowded. You didn’t mind being lonely, loving the few moments you could stay on deck on your own. Until you met Jinjin.
Cha Eunwoo:
Pool Party (one shot) 😁🥰🤪😏 Moodboard
Part of the AWhippedSummer and Summer of Kiss event. As soon as the weather turned warm everyone started throwing pool parties. Literally everyone. You weren’t able to count the dozens of invitations you received already. And you definitely couldn’t count the times an innocent victim was thrown into a pool. So why should this party be any different than all the others?
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Super Fox (drabble) 🦄🥰❤⚡
Part of the Tipsy Drabbles. Living in a society where you have to hide your animal traits, it is a relief to drive out into nature and simply be yourself together with the one you love.
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Querencia (one shot) 🥰❤🧜‍♀️💣⚡🦄🥵 Moodboard
For years people lived in fear of the Minotaur hidden in the maze underneath the ground. For years tributes were forced to go inside the labyrinth and never came out again. Standing up for them you were thrown into the home of the Minotaur as well, meeting the so called monster within.
Arcane (one shot) ❤🥰⚡🧜‍♀️🤪💣🥵 Moodboard
Basically sold off to a man you only heard rumours about. You’ve never seen him before and you dreaded the meeting with him. The rumours about his fierce and brutality, making it even worse. Though arriving at the estate turned out differently than you thought.
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Damn the weather (drabble) 😁🥰
Part of the Tipsy Drabbles. A simple picnic on a field got interrupted by a raging thunderstorm. There is no relying on the weather forecast nowadays.
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Demons (one shot) 🧜‍♀️🤪🥰 Moodboard
Requested. Jinki hasn’t been a demon for long and he still had to learn most of the things he was supposed to do - collecting souls and making deals for example. But how is a clumsy demon supposed to make a deal with you, when you were only cooing at him and telling him how adorable he was?
Cobra’s Fang (drabble) 🦄🥰 Moodboard
Part of the Tipsy Drabbles. Working with Kibum was always something else. He either insulted you, ignored you or teased you. What you didn’t expect though were the feelings the snake hybrid held for you.
Perfectionist (one shot) 😁🥰♥️ Moodboard
Everybody loved him, everybody loved working with him and everybody moved according to one flick of his wrist. You on the other hand hated this perfectionist. Hated that whatever you did, he did it better. But seemingly he doesn't hate you?
Crash & Love (one shot) ❤🤪🥰😁 Moodboard
Rummaging through boxes you find an old photo book, which brings back memories of how you met your boyfriend. Memories you now laugh about but were absolutely nervewrecking back then.
Tomorrow x Together:
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Venery (one shot) 🥵🥰😁⚡❤
It was supposed to be a normal halloween party with booze and costumes and fun games. But instead you were running through dark alleys, trying to find safety while zombies roamed the area. Apparently.
Enypnion ft. Changbin from Skz (one shot) 🧜‍♀️⚡😏💣
Part of the Thrill of the Hunt Collab. In the spur of the moment you decided to buy a human male on the local market. Though you lost your interest in him again after he ran away. Changbin - your loyal companion - forced you to follow the tradition and start the hunt to capture the human again.
08.16pm (timestamp) 😁🥰❤🤪
After Soobin discovered what you were reading, he wasn’t so sure your suggestion of making a pie had no ulterior motive.
Solo Artists:
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White Lady (drabble) 🧜‍♀️😁🥰 Moodboard
Part of the Tipsy Drabbles. After the castle was left alone for a long time, someone finally decided to buy and live in it. Not wanting to scare them away immediately, you decided to tone down your haunting. That was until Jessi announced the castle didn’t seem spooky at all.
Knocking on Devil’s door (one shot) 🧜‍♀️🥵🥰❤
Part of the Fright Night Event by K-Vanity. Living in a superstitious town had been quite a burden on occasion. When you finally had enough and wanted to prove your town wrong in believing in superstitions, you hadn’t anticipated to be warped into a whole other realm by the devil himself.
Bijou (drabble) 😁🥰❤
Part of the Tipsy Drabbles. Haven’t seen you throughout the whole day, Minhyuk decided to call out for you.
DPR Ian:
Porchcrawler (drabble) 🧜‍♀️⚡🤪
Part of the Tipsy Drabbles. Usually everyone should stay in their homes at night, but an unusual guest appears at your house and needs your help.
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Hello and welcome to A Whipped Summer, WKC first net event!. This event is all about the warmth, sunshine and joy that comes with the beginning of the summer season. 
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Event period: April 17th - June 30th 
Final masterlist will be posted by early July.
This is an open event for members and non members!
For this mini event you can submit any type of content, such as fan fics, gifs, edits, moodboards, etc.
For fics, social media au’s, headcanons, etc. all net rules apply
Minimum length of 500 words
The hashtag #AWhippedSummer must be the first five tags. May also @ the net to make sure we don’t miss it. 
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vacation at the sea
the warm summer rain
being with friends at the public pool
bonfire nights with your friends
a heavy thunder storm where someone is scared
applying sunscreen/treating sunburn
going down the street to get your favorite ice-cream
collecting seashells along the shore
as bonus here’s a K-pop summer playlist you can draw inspo from~
Feel free to use them in your work or just get inspired by!
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This event is open for all fandoms, genres and type of content, what better way to prepare for the warmest season that to create something and spread some love with the people who inspire us and brings us joy all year long? 
If you are looking to participate, please reblog this post so we can keep track and don’t forget to submit your piece by June 30th, using the tag #AWhippedSummer! 
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