#Aang I'm not sold on tbh he lacks conviction and he's a little cheesy
apathyandmischief · 3 months
I came across an article online about the decision to change the Tale of Two Lovers that was titled something to the effect of "a minor change that doesn't make a difference". But here's the thing: it makes all the difference.
I was 12 when Avatar first aired, exactly in the target demographic. I'm watching it now through the lens of an adult who grew up with the show, and I noticed the difference immediately. My fiance, a cishet man, was more excited about the secret tunnel song than anything, but I got stuck on Oma and Shu, and instantly just thought of what it would've been like to hear that so casually mentioned at 12 years old, uncertain of my wlw identity, to have the story of the foundation of the Earth kingdom be of a love between two women. It's so important and I'm so happy they did that.
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