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Figure since I’m in a Hannibal mood and have some new Hannibal art to post soon, I should post some of the older Hannibal related art I did. Drawn 12/4/2016, so kinda old. I was 16 when I drew it. Still surprisingly good for what my 2016 art looked like, I think. Especially birds, which I rarely draw and aren’t very good at. something about their legs and the way their connect, and the feet...x( ah Abbigail Hobbs and her father, Garett Jacob Hobbs as Shrike birds, her dads symbolic(?I think) animal, since its related to his killer name: the Minnesota Shrike. His quote about “We will honor every piece of her, otherwise it’s just murder.” stuck with me first time watching Hannibal, and I always remembered it. Something was haunting and weird about it. Still murder, Hobbs!xP So I drew this entirely in Sai. Which made me realize I don’t like completing images in Sai. The shading and lineart is usually a absolute mess. It works for some people, but I find it unruly and hard to control.:/ I am using a older version so maybe the newer ones are better. Anyways, still one of my favorite drawings, and birds I have done :) The way she is being grabbed is awkward
, I think he’d drop her at that angle.xP I should’ve drawn his foot sideways gripping her stomach.
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samwils-n · 10 years
The first members of the Metal Arm Network
Madeline and I have gone through some of the blogs which were interested in joining our network and selected some that we both liked most.
Here are the first 10 members of the network:
Congratulations to everyone! Don't worry if you didn't get in this time! We'll pick a second wave soon. You can also still enter here.
To all the members we chose, you'll get a message soon telling you what to do next so please have your submit open! :)
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I was tagged by Stephanie
► Name ➔ Nicole
► Hometown ➔ Bad Lausick, Saxony, Germany
► Hair color ➔ dark blond/ light brown
► Age ➔ 20
► Eye Color ➔ brown
► Birthday ➔ September 11
► Gender ➔ female
► Lefty or Righty ➔ lefty
► Single or taken? ➔ froever alone
► Happy? ➔ kind of I guess

► Are you in love ➔ yes (my fridge :D)
► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ yeah
► Who ended your last relationship ➔ I wasn't in a relationship yet.
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ I guess.
► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ nope
► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ yeah
► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ I don't know.
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ Not that I can remember.
► Do you usually spend Valentine’s Day alone? ➔ yes.
► Short or long-term relationships? ➔ long-term

► Love or lust ➔ love
► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ iced tea
► Cats or Dogs ➔cats
► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ a few best friends
► Television or internet ➔ internet!
► Pepsi or Coke ➔ Coke
► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ romantic night in
► Day or night ➔ night

► Text or Call ➔ text
► Make-up or all natural? ➔ makeup

► Been caught sneaking out? ➔ nope
► Fallen down/up the stairs? ➔ YES
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ no
► Prank called a store? ➔ yes
► Skipped school? ➔ yeah
► Wanted to disappear? ➔ yes
► Spent all your money? ➔ OH YES
► Met a celebrity? ➔yes
► Been really ill? ➔yes
► Gotten high? ➔yeah

► Smile or eyes ➔both
► Light or dark hair ➔both
► Shorter or taller ➔ taller

► Intelligence or attraction ➔ both
► Hook-up or relationship ➔ relationship
► Funny and poor or rich and serious ➔ funny and poor
► Mac or PC? ➔ PC

► Chapstick or lipstick? ➔both
► City or country? ➔both
► Driving or walking? ➔driving

► Last phone call? ➔my mom
► Last song you listened to? ➔youth by daughter
► Last thing you ate? ➔toast with fresh cheese and a bowl of natural yoghurt, raspberries and oatmeal.
► Last thing you drank? ➔ a cup of cacoa
► Last place you were? ➔my apartment
► Last kiss? ➔can't remember...it's was a long time ago.
► Last picture taken? ➔a selfie at the lake on saturday
► Last outfit? ➔pajamas
► Last purchase? ➔food
I'm tagging
joffreysgoblet renlyanna stilhnski ohitstiles valyrianheart
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ewgroot-blog · 10 years
url: Chitauri | Frost Giants | Humans | Mutants | Asgardians
Icon: Iceman | Daredevil | Spiderman | Star Lord | Deadpool
theme: Hydra base | X-Mansion | Helicarrier | Asgard | Stark Tower
-sidebar/header: 83/100 -updates: 87/100 -navi/tags: 90/100
posts: Hydra | SHIELD | X-Men | Guardians of the Galaxy | Young Avengers
do i follow you?: yep
0 notes
batmqns · 10 years
hmm Will Graham, Abigail Hobbs, Hannibal Lecter?
my puppy Will yess
Oberyn Martell (renlyanna)
Damon Salvatore (iamactuallyadragon)
 Will Graham (abbigailhobbs)
Daenerys Targaryen  (nataliediormer)
 Teen Wolf
 Stiles Stilinski (unfollowyou)
 Teen Wolf
 The Originals
The Originals
guess my 10 favorite characters for a promo!
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