razberryyum · 5 years
A Gintama episode a day keeps the ending away…Episode 142
Episode Title: Life Is A Series Of Choices
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MY 23 FAVORITE MOMENTS IN EPISODE 142 (manga chaps 217, 218 and 219):
Love this episode so much! My favorite ep of the arc and the best one, imo. While Gintoki’s fight with Housen later is quite awesome and brutal, in terms of emotional resonance, I have to give the win to Kagura and Shinpachi’s two-on-one face-off against Abuto. The brutality of their fight never fails to make me clench my teeth so hard that my jaw is usually achy by the end of it. I love every second of it and I wish it lasted longer.
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1) Bless this very human boy for trying to protect a powerful Yato girl from powerful Yato man.
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2) This moment of Yorozuya-on-Yorozuya violence was especially sweet since they were fighting over their protection of each other. 
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3) I love this family.
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4) Tsukky being awesome and looking beautiful while doing it.
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5) Such a heart-wrenching yet amazing image, and so meaningful too since Tsukky got the strength to stand up because she remembered Gintoki’s words of encouragement. 
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6) I always get teary-eyed even though I technically disagree with the whole throwing away their womanhood thing. I think they’re still complete women through and through even with their scares and their past and their duty.
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7) This fucking psycho rabbit. After watching V/H/S 2 and seeing that image of the bloody cult dude, I can never not think of that guy when I see this scene of Kamui now. Makes it that much more disturbing.
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8) Those poor women. I appreciate the muting of the colors in that moment but it really doesn’t lessen the brutality of Kamui’s actions.
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9) Abuto trying to bond with Kagura over her crazy brother’s abusive tendencies.
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10)  You know it’s going to be an awesome fight when they go wide-screen at the start.
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11) I think this is where my teeth clenching starts: you can totally tell that even though Kagura was putting all her strength into her swings and kicks, they were still barely doing anything to Abuto.
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12) I love Kagura. I want to grow up to be like her.
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13) I worship our Queen so much.
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14) This and the noise and Kagura’s scream that resulted from it always makes me wince so hard that I actually get tears in my eyes. I could almost feel her pain from having her arm broken by Abuto. 
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15) Again, bless this very human boy for even attempting something like that Would’ve been more effective if he aimed for Abuto’s head, but then that wouldn’t have been in character for him and that’s why Shinpachi is so lovable.
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16) In retrospect, considering the damage Abuto was inflicting on these two people that I love, it’s really amazing that he actually managed to redeem himself completely by the end of the fight.
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17) I feel a sympathy pain in my gut every time I see this scene. It’s nothing short of a miracle that Shinpachi’s internal organs were permanently damaged by what Abuto did to him.
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18) The moment when Kagura’s chains start coming undone.
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19) I clench down here too even though Abuto took the pulverization pretty well. Seriously how did he develop such a resilience to pain? I have to wonder just how abusive Kamui has been to him over the years.
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20) Holy fuck. I mean, what else can I say?
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21) And yet, I still hope we get to see this side of Kagura before it’s all over because she’s just so horrifyingly amazing in that condition. I mean, I hope she learns to control the bloodlust so she doesn’t lose herself completely, but I really want to see her going berserk again. Her and Kamui, going full berserker mode on Utsuro maybe. Omg that will be so freaking awesome!!!
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22) Dear sweet Abuto. He’s so helpless to this nutty Yato fam.
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23)  Last time someone tried to interfere with two Yatos fighting, one person got a hand through his chest and the other got his arm ripped clear off. Shinpachi is a truly brave soul.
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24) Yeah, I probably was destined to love Abuto right from the start. He basically forfeited his own safety in order to save Kagura and Shinpachi: he kicked pushed them onto a roof and made no attempt whatsoever to save himself. I love that even though he was set up as a villain, he still had this compassionate side to him. Reminded me of Bansai...which I guess was the point since both of them similarly and hopelessly devoted to two misguided yet endearing psychopaths.
Gintoki x Tsukuyo: lotsa mutual feelings going on between them in this arc. I would have to be blind not to see the signs. They definitely made me fear for my OTP. 
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Abuto x Kamui: I think it’s pretty fair to say they were pretty much canon from the get-go. It’s my fault for getting distracted with other ships for Kamui.
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Tsukuyo x Hinowa: the mutual feelings were strong for them too. I mean, heck, if Sorachi-sama were to refer to Gintoki and Hijikata as the sun and moon of Edo, I would freak the F out (even though, technically that would also mean they are destined to never be together other than during an eclipse like Isabeau and Navarre in Ladyhawke, but I’m just going to ignore that part).
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razberryyum · 5 years
A Gintama episode a day keeps the ending away…Episode 141
Episode Title: Butting Into A Fight Is Dangerous
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MY 19 FAVORITE MOMENTS IN EPISODE 141 (manga chaps 214, 215 and 216):
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1) How can I ever hate anyone who resembles Kagura in so many ways and is this adorable???
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2) Even though I knew right away that couldn’t be Kamui, the brutality of Hosen’s attack was pretty shocking. That poor prostitute. He really is a total asshole.
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3) I can never NOT snicker when this moment comes up.
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4) Hosen was definitely a big, scary mofo, but I think I should’ve actually been more impressed by Kamui, who was holding his own against that monster despite being like half his build. The fact that Hosen didn’t break his bones on contact is really a testament to how strong Kamui is.
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5) Love my crazy Yatos.
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6) Tsukky looked so sweet and almost child-like in this moment. 
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7) Kamui-chan!!!! Ack! SO CUTE!!!
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8) I felt bad for baldy. Must’ve really sucked being killed by his own captain just cuz he was trying to prevent Hosen from murdering him.
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9) I can’t help but wonder sometimes why Abuto and Unkyou didn’t at least try to just yell STOP instead of actually using themselves to stop them. Kudos to Abuto for not even batting an eye even though he just had his arm ripped off.
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10) I still want a spin-off with these three bouncy amigos.
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11) Kagura still looking adorable even with blood trickling down her face. I love that she was just slightly ashamed of the fact that she got hit by Tsukky’s kunai as well.
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12) I really just love this because Gintoki looks like himself except with huge boobs.
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13) Actually, this was kinda a sexy moment: Tsukky lighting Gin-chan’s “boob”. 
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14) I will always love that goofy grin. 
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15) Kamui kicking his feet like a little boy just makes me want to hug him. Looking back now, it’s actually a little heart-breaking that he has such childish tendencies since he obviously never got to enjoy a normal childhood. It’s obviously a case of arrested development.
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16) Kagura’s Yato-sense going off.
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17) I get a tingle down my spine from excitement every single time I see this moment because it marks the beginning of a truly epic fight between two monsters and Shinpachi. Really one of the best fights in Gintama.
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18) I was so proud of Kagura!
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19) Our Queen. I worship.
Gintoki x Tsukuyo: she so easily gave up her pipe to him, like she was ready to hand him a token of her love. The fact that he even asked for it was kind of curious as well. Oh yeah, I am totally sure now at that at least at THAT point in time, Sorachi-sama was absolutely trying to set Tsukky up as THE ONE for Gintoki. 
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Abuto x Kamui: I got a tinge of couplehood from them right from the start.
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Tsukuyo x Hinowa: her devotion to Hinowa can absolutely be seen as sisterly love or friendship only, but I’m ok with other interpretations as well. 
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razberryyum · 6 years
A Gintama chapter a day keeps the ending away...Lesson 662
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I did have some favorite moments...but mostly I was just stressed out.
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1) Sibling combo kicks! I will NEVER tire of seeing Kagura and Kamui working together!
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2) Even though I know they could easily bounce back from those hits, it still hurt me to see them beaten up like that.
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3) Omg, seriously, Kamui’s poor tummy. His organs had to be mush by this point from all the stabbing.
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4) I really don’t blame Pachi-kun for being frozen in fear considering all the horrible carnage going on around him.
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5) I looooved this moment so much: Gintoki rescuing BOTH Hijikata and Yamazaki and then Saitou finally appearing to rescue Okita and  probably Kondou as well. My Shinsengumi boys were SAFE. 
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6) Cripes that was really horrific. Again, my heart goes out to all those poor Shinsengumi and Yato who never had a chance against that monster but still tried anyway.
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7) Again, totally don’t blame Shinpachi for being scared. Utsuro really was Death approaching; I would be wetting my pants. 
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8) I didn’t believe he would just give up like that, but it still hurt my heart to see him so vulnerable.
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9) I was SO PROUD of Pachi-kun I actually cheered and then teared up.
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10) And then I wanted him to get the hell away from Utsuro because no matter how proud I am of him for trying to stand up to that immortal monster, I still knew Shinpachi was no match.
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11) “So until the final moment, I will not shut my eyes, and I will not let go of this sword. Father, your sword, still lives inside me...”
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12) I think I had a heart attack and probably died for a few minutes when I first saw this. For one long, eternal second, I seriously thought Utsuro was about to split Shinpachi in half.
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13) Ohhhh I was soooo happy to see that asshole FINALLY spit up some blood and actually look SHOCKED. Thank the gods.
Gintoki x Hijikata: Gin-chan saved Toshirou. That’s all I need.
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Abuto x Kamui: Abuto was obviously concerned for Kamui’s well-being after he was stabbed the umpteenth time.
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Kondou x Hijikata: Hijikata looked like he was trying to crawl his way to Kondou even though he was seriously injured himself. That was sweet.
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Disclaimer: Gintama is not only about shipping. Gintama is hilarious, clever, exciting, poignant, heart-breaking, loving, brilliant, and just so freaking amazing.  It is only due to Sorachi-sama’s generosity that I can enjoy Gintama on yet another level, the shippy level, and I am forever grateful for that. GINTAMA IS LIFE AND LOVE.
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razberryyum · 6 years
A Gintama chapter a day keeps the ending away...Lesson 661
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Another chapter which was mostly stressful and hence I didn’t really have favorite moments. When I first read this chapter, I think I spent most of the time either shouting profanities because so much horrible things were happening, or just yelling at the guys to stop talking and RUN. 
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1) The Shinsengumi doesn’t deserve Yamazaki. WE don’t deserve Yamazaki.
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2) Omggg Yamazaki is such a sweetie. This made me a little weepy.
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3) I love him; he really was so badass and awesome, but I really just wanted Kondou to get the fuck away from Utsuro like IMMEDIATELY after he stabbed him. Every extra second he spent talking to that guy, was like another second lifted from my lifespan.
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4) And this is where all my cussing started because I so hate it when I’m right sometimes.
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5) More profanities. Like seriously, double the number of SHITs.
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6) Ok this shaved more time off my lifespan. 
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7) I was really proud of Hijikata and Okita for getting their strikes in, but again, I just kept yelling at them to RUUUUUNNNN.
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8) More profanity here. The only small comfort I had was that hopefully, they were only flesh wounds and nothing vital was hit.
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9) This was...nightmarish, to say the least. I didn’t think Sorachi-sama would wipe out all three of them all at once like that...but the gloomy title for this chapter inserted just enough doubt in me that I remember being really scared when I first saw this.
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10) So many fatalities. Seriously, RIP to all the good, decent Shinsengumi and Yato members that perished.
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11) Even though the chances of Kamui surviving any injuries Utsuro might inflict on him was higher than the Shinsengumi boys’ odds, I still worried about him a lot. Every hit he landed on Utsuro to me was just another opportunity for Utsuro to kill him. 
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12) I was hoping SO HARD that Umibouzu’s idiot bullet would work, even though I doubted it would at the same time, just because it would be too easy and things would end way too quickly. I had a feeling Sorachi-sama wanted to torture us some more.
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13) I just felt bad for the amount of stabs Kamui’s poor stomach has had to sustain during this war.
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14) Ugh, yeah, hate it when I’m right. 
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15) It’s amazing how knowing the outcome absolutely does not take away the heartache of seeing our beloved Shinsengumi boys all bloodied and prone, as if dead.
Gintoki x Hijikata or Gintoki x Okita: because Gintoki was obviously deathly afraid for both Hijikata and Okita.
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Abuto x Kamui: just cuz when they are in the same frame or interacting with one another, I automatically think it’s because they’re already married. 
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Disclaimer: Gintama is not only about shipping. Gintama is hilarious, clever, exciting, poignant, heart-breaking, loving, brilliant, and just so freaking amazing.  It is only due to Sorachi-sama’s generosity that I can enjoy Gintama on yet another level, the shippy level, and I am forever grateful for that. GINTAMA IS LIFE AND LOVE.
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razberryyum · 6 years
Gintama anime ep 358/manga chaps 648, 649, 650, and 651
Dear Gintama gods and Sorachi-sama,
Please allow me to humbly express to you what I am most thankful for in this episode:
BUT WAIT, before that! Sorachi-sama, please tell me, what does Team Bandai Namco have against Bansai? Once again they cut him out of the episode completely when, in your original chapter, he was included, in a really touching moment: when NobuNobu was imploring everyone to hold back on their desire for revenge, Takasugi actually pictures Bansai. That was completely omitted from the episode and I just don’t understand why. I still loved the entire episode but that omission was rather disappointing, especially considering the other Takasugi and Bansai moments that were cut out two episodes ago.  Apologies for my minirant; please allow me to return to thanking you and praising the fruits of your labor that blessed us with all the other wonderful moments in this episode.
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Thank you for:
- the long-awaited demise of the fool who brought about so much death and destruction,
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- the end of an era,
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- an ancient premise that was not forgotten,
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- Kamui’s method of saving people,
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- a brother acknowledging another brother’s strength and value,
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- sadistic future boyfriends brother-in-laws flirting sparing,
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- a BEAUTIFUL sister doling out earned punishment,
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- sweet Shinpachi, 
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- Hijikata once again returning to Gintoki what was forgotten, 
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- Sadaharu,
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- Puppy gods,
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- a wise and understanding husband subordinate, 
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- the big rabbit and “Nobutas”,
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- the Yorozuya emojis,
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and lastly, my favorite manga to anime moments (4-way tie, I CAN’T CHOOSE!):
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I remember when I first saw NobuNobu die, I didn’t quite feel sadness because you had reminded us that he was responsible for ShigeShige’s death. I only felt a little sympathy for him since he was killed just as he was trying to change himself for the better and I was worried how Soyo would take the news. However, in watching his death on screen, I actually got teary-eyed for two reasons: the choice of music used which was straight out of the Shogun Assassination Arc and Sakamoto’s griefstricken reaction thanks to seiyuu Miki Shinichiro-san’s amazing performance. It was a touching moment, and a grander exit than NobuNobu probably deserved considering what he has done in the past. I was also very happy to see Enshou finally fall; it was such a satisfying moment, I loved seeing it in full animated color. And despite the aforementioned exclusion of Bansai, I actually loved this episode a lot as it included some of my favorite moments from the battle on Earth. As stupid as this may sound, I also got teary-eyed over seeing Hijikata returning Gintoki’s bokuto to him. You know I’m a sucker for GinHiji moments. Of course the interactions involving Kamui’s harem and between the Yato siblings were also treasures to me. Thank you for the abundance of riches that never fails to put a big smile on my face and brighten my day. 
Yours truly,
A silly fangirl with yaoi dreams
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razberryyum · 6 years
A Gintama chapter a day keeps the ending away...Lesson 636
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I love this chapter so freaking much. Yato sibling powers, activate!
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1) I love these two so much, especially as a united front.
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2) Basically the Eldest was just one gigantic penis.
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3) I laughed so damn hard.
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4) The look on Kagura’s face was especially priceless.
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5) Omggg these two children.
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6) My heart was so full...sure, they were beating each other up and all, but finally there was no animosity involved whatsoever and they were just being total brother and sister.
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7) I especially loved how Abuto was being a total disapproving nanny.
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8) Kamui being a mentoring big bro just totally brought tears to my eyes. He was finally being the big brother Kagura always wanted of him. I was so HAPPY for her.
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9) Adorkable x 1000.
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10) Kagura obviously admiring her big bro Kamui’s fighting prowess. Again, so touching, so earned.
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11) Kamui’s face right before a gigantic Yato penis was thrown at him.
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12) I just really really loved these siblings’ antics.
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13)  Their Eldest crotch volley was just sublime.
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14) I just loved that the Eldest went from being one big penis to one big mosaic ball.
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15) I am just so proud of Kagura and Kamui. Felt like we waited forever to see them finally join together on the same team and be a family again.
Abuto x Kamui: I was calling him a nanny but “concerned spouse” would’ve been just as applicable.
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Disclaimer: Gintama is not only about shipping. Gintama is hilarious, clever, exciting, poignant, heart-breaking, loving, brilliant, and just so freaking amazing.  It is only due to Sorachi-sama’s generosity that I can enjoy Gintama on yet another level, the shippy level, and I am forever grateful for that. GINTAMA IS LIFE AND LOVE.
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razberryyum · 6 years
A Gintama chapter a day keeps the ending away...Lesson 651
Awwwww...my heart....
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1) Kondou is such a good leader. 
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2) Their matching grimaces as they raced to get to Sadaharu’s side.
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3) Abuto basically telling Kamui to be a good big bro and take care of his little sis. He’s such a good husband.
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4) Poor sweet Kagura...the guilt she was feeling totally slayed me.
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5) Just seeing how desperate Kagura was to get to Sadaharu seriously just made my heart clench.
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6) These brave little puppies...I love them.
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7) The intensity on her face...all out of her love for Sadaharu...I totally felt and identified...that is me if my puppies were in danger.
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8) I got emotional...they’ve come such a long way and Kagura fought so hard to get to this point. Yato sibling love is just so warm.
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9) I just thought it was adorable that big bro Kamui basically said his little sis was a cute little rabbit.
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10) YES, Papa rabbit appears! And I was so glad Nobume was by his side...for a sec in the chapter, I thought it was Utsuro that got her.
Abuto x Kamui: yes, I am just going to refer to Abuto as Kamui’s husband from now on. Abuto earned it after chasing after that crazy rabbit for so long. I mean, just look at how tenderly Abuto looks at Kamui-chan! 
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Gintoki x Nobume: I felt a tinge.
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Disclaimer: Gintama is not only about shipping. Gintama is hilarious, clever, exciting, poignant, heart-breaking, loving, brilliant, and just so freaking amazing.  It is only due to Sorachi-sama’s generosity that I can enjoy Gintama on yet another level, the shippy level, and I am forever grateful for that. GINTAMA IS LIFE AND LOVE.
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razberryyum · 6 years
A Gintama chapter a day keeps the ending away...Lesson 635
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1) I love big brother.
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2) Love love love!
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3) Kamui’s rather insightful words.
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4) I was glad that Gori-pirate and Cyclops-pirate were back and on the good guys’ team, and I also loved Kamui’s smiling face.
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5) Kamui giving his idea of a peptalk.
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6) Seriously, I am just so proud of Kamui for finally growing up and being a proper big brother and actually paying respects to his little sister for straightening him out.
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7) I wish this moment had better resolution because it was so amazing: Kamui crossing paths with both Gintoki and Okita, which I had been hoping for so much.
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8) They’re back-to-back and being a united sibling unit. How can I not love this??? Felt like I’ve been waiting for this moment forever!
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9) Kouka must be so proud of her two babies.
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10) Not a favorite moment but I was surprised by the Elder’s physique. Kinda creepy that he still has a little head and seemingly no neck. 
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11) Yato on yato violence is always a win for me.
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12) Really, I was so proud of Kamui in this chapter because of how much he’s matured, I felt as if I was Kouka.
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Abuto x Kamui: again, as far as I’m concerned, they’re freaking married.
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Gintoki x Kamui: yeah, I know I’m being totally unfaithful to AbuKamui but I can’t deny that I still get a little thrill whenever their paths cross. 
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Takasugi x Kamui: I feel the same way when this power couple cross paths., or in this case, talk to each other.
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Gintoki x Hijikata or Okita x Kamui: please refer to moment #7...they were within close proximity to each other, that’s enough for me.
Disclaimer: Gintama is not only about shipping. Gintama is hilarious, clever, exciting, poignant, heart-breaking, loving, brilliant, and just so freaking amazing.  It is only due to Sorachi-sama’s generosity that I can enjoy Gintama on yet another level, the shippy level, and I am forever grateful for that. GINTAMA IS LIFE AND LOVE.
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razberryyum · 6 years
A Gintama chapter a day keeps the ending away...Lesson 660
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Seems appropriate, considering we’re only a few days from Halloween.
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1) I think I was saying all the shits and fucks I could think of because that was a pretty horrifying revelation. Someone needed to suck Utsuro off the planet and spew him out somewhere out; I remember wishing that Prince Hata would finally come through and man up and use his animal vacuuming ship to suck him up, but of course, none of that happened.
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2) Gin-chan being blown away was both hilarious and a great relief since at least now he had some distance between himself and Utsuro. Utsuro being blind in both eyes totally did not make me feel better cuz I had a feeling it wouldn’t negatively impact him in any way.
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3) Not a horrific moment at all but rather a favorite: just this adorable exchange between Kamui and Abuto regarding Baldy Umibouzu.
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4) I was thrilled that the Shinsengumi arrived by the Yorozuya’s side again, but then immediately horrified because that means they’re now all in danger of being killed by Utsuro.
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5) Again, my happiness on seeing all of them lasted only a second before I wanted them to get the hell out of there and far, far away from Utsuro as humanly possible.
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6) Such an optimistic and determined command from Kondou, and yet, all I could feel was overwhelming dread.
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7) Fucking creepy POS.
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8) My worse fears being realized.
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9) I remember screaming at Yamazaki to get the fuck out of there. His poor Shinsengumi comrade, I felt so bad for that red shirt.
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11) I think I was just chanting No No No No No because I know they were no match against this monster.
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12) I screamed so much. I was hoping it was only a flesh wound, that Utsuro missed his jugular veins.
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13) Omg I remember I was freaking out so damn much; I didn’t have the wherewithal to cry. The fact that his eyes were open was so much worst because that’s usually the look of death. Still, I was hoping with all my heart that it just looked worse than it actually was, or that Yamazaki would somehow be made immortal by accidentally ingesting some of Utsuro’s blood. 
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14) I actually screamed again because I knew how easy it would be for Utsuro to just turn around in a split second and decapitate Kondou. I think I was actually yelling for Kondou to stop talking and just get the FUCK outta there.
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15) He looked so cool and was so brave and seriously, why the hell is Otae never around when Kondou is like this?? But still, I would rather he be a coward and run away because he was no match for Utsuro. I remember the first time I read this chapter, I spent the whole week after until the next chapter worried sick about how Utsuro would retaliate against Kondou and if he would survive at all...on top of being worried sick about whether or not Yamazaki survived because he looked so dead. It was a stressful week.
Gintoki x Hijikata: I was so glad that they were by each other’s side again, but then so unbelievably anxious that Hijikata would end up dying by Utsuro’s hands. Makes me ill to even imagine that scenario now.
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Abuto x Kamui: the same anxiety plagued me about these two as it did with Gintoki and Hijikata: I was scared that Abuto would be killed by Utsuro before Kamui’s eyes. Another completely sickening scenario. 
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Disclaimer: Gintama is not only about shipping. Gintama is hilarious, clever, exciting, poignant, heart-breaking, loving, brilliant, and just so freaking amazing.  It is only due to Sorachi-sama’s generosity that I can enjoy Gintama on yet another level, the shippy level, and I am forever grateful for that. GINTAMA IS LIFE AND LOVE.
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razberryyum · 6 years
A Gintama chapter a day keeps the ending away...Lesson 575
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Loved this chapter! Gintoki’s old friends passing the baton to his new friends.
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1) I do like their banter...kinda reminds me of when Gintoki banters with Hijikata, except I guess I should give more credit to Takasugi since he met Gin-chan first.
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2) Love them!
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3) Ack I loved this moment; so damn cute!!
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4) Started getting emotional here.
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5) Takasugi basically asking Shinpachi to protect Gintoki just really got to me. Of course he covered it with his usual murdery talk but it’s obvious he just wants his friend to survive this fight.
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6) And just about here is when my tears usually start up...
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7) ...I totally lose it here. I loved Sakamoto’s inner dialogue too since it echoed Zura’s sentiments from the last chapter. Both of them just wanted all of them to be together as friends again. Ack. I want to cry all over. “This is fine. Even if this turns out ta be the end, to the very end, I’m...we’re...gonna be standing here next ta ya with our heads held high as your friends.”
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8) Kamui being savage as usual. I remember when I first saw this, I stupidly thought it was Gori-pirate because I totally didn’t remember his actual name...and I also obviously didn’t recognize that this dude was a lion and not a gorilla. Took me a few secs to realize my mistake.
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9) Kamui being a dick after slicing the poor Lion-pirate in half. I know he’s a total psycho, but I still love him.
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10) I can’t help it, he’s so cool and he really knows how to make an entrance. Of course with his appearance I was both excited and utterly worried because that meant the showdown between father and son (and maybe little sister) was coming up soon and I didn’t want any of them to get hurt or die. I was seriously scared that only either Umibouzu or Kamui would come out of their battle alive...and if it was Kamui and he killed Umibouzu, then Kagura would have to kill her own brother to avenge her father. Yeah, I was realllly concerned.
Gintoki x Shinpachi: Seeing this moment made me feel a strong sense of nostalgia since they were my first ever OTP of the series when I first started reading.
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Gintoki x Takasugi: I see it.
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Abuto x Kamui: not that I really need to explain since they’re like an old married couple by now, but I do think Abuto was worried for the safety of his crazy spouse.
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Disclaimer: Gintama is not only about shipping. Gintama is hilarious, clever, exciting, poignant, heart-breaking, loving, brilliant, and just so freaking amazing.  It is only due to Sorachi-sama’s generosity that I can enjoy Gintama on yet another level, the shippy level, and I am forever grateful for that. GINTAMA IS LIFE AND LOVE.
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razberryyum · 6 years
A Gintama chapter a day keeps the ending away...Lesson 581
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I really love our Yato family; my heart just breaks for them, especially Kouka. 
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1) Umibouzu Kankou looked really good there.
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2) Ugh, that went straight for my heart. 
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3) I’m honestly amazed my heart survived this chapter because it was being pierced by a thousand needles like every other minute.
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4) I love this baby rabbit. I also loved that Abuto met up with him so soon after their first meeting. It’s like their paths were destined to cross and join together.
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5) Kamui trying to be all fierce is just adorable. 
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6) Beautiful Holy Shit moment. 
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7) Abuto just instinctively protecting the little bratty rabbit against Housen’s attack just totally warmed my heart.
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8) I loved that just a change of clothing from frame to frame aptly showed Kamui’s persistence and determination.
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9) I was so happy for Kamui when he finally got a hit in.
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10) Starting tearing up here. Kamui looked so vulnerable and just so young. I wanted to protect him from the pain he was feeling.
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11) Omg I wanted to protect this little woodland fairy angel sprite too!!! It’s almost not fair how freaking adorable Baby Kagura-chan was. How could anyone leave her??? Umibouzu and Kamui were messed up in the head.
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12)  Again, heart-breaking. Kamui urging his mom to leave with him when it was painfully obvious she isn’t able to go anywhere anymore because of her condition. I think I got weepy the first time I saw this; I got kinda teary-eyed again tonight.
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13) All I saw was a misguided little boy in a lot of pain. 
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14) Still a misguided little boy in a lot of pain...at least during this arc.
Kankou x Kouka: even though they got to be together and start a family, they still feel like star-crossed lovers to me.
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Abuto x Kamui: again, counting them for the potential couple they will become in present time. 
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Disclaimer: Gintama is not only about shipping. Gintama is hilarious, clever, exciting, poignant, heart-breaking, loving, brilliant, and just so freaking amazing.  It is only due to Sorachi-sama’s generosity that I can enjoy Gintama on yet another level, the shippy level, and I am forever grateful for that. GINTAMA IS LIFE AND LOVE.
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razberryyum · 6 years
A Gintama chapter a day keeps the ending away...Lesson 576
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And the showdown between Yato father and son begins! I actually really loved their fight; only reason there’s only 8 moments is because I loved their entire fight sequence so it really didn’t matter which scenes I chose, all of them represented the awesome whole. 
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1) I was both thrilled and worried as soon as the fight started.
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2) That sword might as well have been a toothpick for all the threat it posed to Umibouzu.
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3) As usual, I love seeing our beloved Yatos fight because they mean every single punch and kick and they look like they totally HURT. I can almost feel each impact.
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4) Yep, I felt that.
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5) Again, thrilled and worried. Didn’t want EITHER of them to die, especially not be each others’ hands.
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6) Who can even fight anymore after hallucinating up such heart-breaking cuteness???
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7) I love her. I was, AM, so proud of her.
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8) Technically this could have been counted as part of the moment above, but I just wanted to say again: I love her. I was, AM so proud of her. 
Abuto x Kamui: poor Abuto was so stressed on the sidelines. I kinda imagine it’s probably like a spouse watching his partner fight with their parent. Lol. 
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Disclaimer: Gintama is not only about shipping. Gintama is hilarious, clever, exciting, poignant, heart-breaking, loving, brilliant, and just so freaking amazing.  It is only due to Sorachi-sama’s generosity that I can enjoy Gintama on yet another level, the shippy level, and I am forever grateful for that. GINTAMA IS LIFE AND LOVE.
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razberryyum · 6 years
A Gintama chapter a day keeps the ending away...Lesson 587
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To me, this is pretty much the “Abuto loves Kamui” chapter.
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1) Look at that adorably psychotic face! Who can resist that??
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2) I loved the difference in sanity even though both Kagura and Kamui had blood-streaked face.
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3) I think I have a thing for sexy “villains” licking blood off of themselves. Makes my knees weak a little.
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4)  Gintoki, who was pretty much half dead by this point, still managing to constantly block blows meant for Kagura. I loved that her big brother by bond was protecting her from her big brother by blood.
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5) Abuto finally jumping in to kick some sense back into his idiotic captain.
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6) I loved that Abuto was really doing it all for Kamui’s sake.
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7) I know Abuto kept on saying the general “we”, but I firmly believe that he was really just talking about himself.
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8) He didn’t want to leave a little rabbit he just met behind. Lols.
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9) Abuto still thinking of what is best for Kamui even way back then when they only just met.
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10)  Who are you kidding, Abuto? YOU were captivated by his back. Lol.
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11) You mean, he was YOUR pride, Abuto. (yeah, that’s pretty much the gist of the running dialogue I had in my head when I first read this)
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12) “So, Captain, smile!” Ugh, I love Abuto. Kamui’s hesitation and the shakiness of his fist also got to me. 
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13) This moment...it’s so powerful and so painful at the same time: in just three simple frames and one change of expression you see what Abuto means to Kamui...that he realizes how much he values Abuto but also how he needs to throw those feelings away in order to win against himself. Again, Kamui is so misguided but I just keep on seeing the little boy who needed better guidance in life. He needed a Gintoki.
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14) Abuto’s resolve to just sacrifice himself to his beloved captain who has lost his mind and Kagura jumping in to stop her idiotic brother from doing just that killed me. 
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15) I love Shinpachi and I was so proud of him in this moment but then I was immediately like, get the fuck away Shinpachi, Kamui will kill the hell out of you with just one punch!.
Abuto x Kamui: I think the chapter speaks for itself. Hell, any time Abuto is around Kamui speaks for itself.
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Gintoki x Kagura: personally I got the family vibe more than anything but I usually try to be as inclusive as possible so I am including them out of respect for those who interpreted their moments differently.
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Disclaimer: Gintama is not only about shipping. Gintama is hilarious, clever, exciting, poignant, heart-breaking, loving, brilliant, and just so freaking amazing.  It is only due to Sorachi-sama’s generosity that I can enjoy Gintama on yet another level, the shippy level, and I am forever grateful for that. GINTAMA IS LIFE AND LOVE.
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razberryyum · 6 years
A Gintama chapter a day keeps the ending away...Lesson 504
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1) Baby Sacchan! Those glasses are so cute! And I loved that Baby Zenzou was as much of a slacker as Gin-chan was in class.
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2) Not standing, more like hanging like some kind of ninja bat.
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3) Gin-chan channeling Kagura’s eating habits. Hijikata’s angry wrinkle is adorable.
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4) Not favorite moment but an emotional one: the fact that we went from seeing “ShigeShige” like this...
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5)...to this. First time I saw this, it really didn’t cross my mind that he could be a fake...I was completely shocked that Zenzou actually assassinated the shogun. 
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6) Again, not a favorite moment but one that shook me.
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7) This serious side of Zenzou was something I was not used to seeing; that dead look in his eyes a horrible sight to behold (on top of the decapitated head of Shi-chan he was holding).
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8) He has never looked cooler; I just wished it wasn’t in such distressing circumstances.
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9) I cheered at the sight of Abuto by Kamui’s side. I was so glad he wasn’t going to sit this one out.
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10) Takasugi looking good in ninja gear. By this point I was pretty much freaking out at the number of major players already involved in this arc. While I was starting to get some idea of the serious shit that was going down, I still could not have guessed just HOW serious.
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11) Sacchan being cool AF.
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12) My Shinsengumi boys being cool AF.
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13) GIN-CHAN being cool AF! I just love the one-two-three punches of them easily taking out the assassins.
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14) I didn’t think anything would really happen to Soyo, she’s too pure to be killed, but that horrified expression on her face made me want to protect her myself. Still, I honestly never guessed who her savior would be until he actually appeared.
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15) And then I felt stupid for not guessing. Yamazaki did mention his absence last chapter, I should have known. LOVED this scene...and especially loved what it was leading to: the long-awaited (by me) meeting between this adorable human sadist and the adorable Yato sadist. To say I was excited would be an understatement.
Gintoki x Hijikata: they are just so cute together; I love how much Gintoki likes to tease Toshi.
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Abuto x Kamui: they’re like an old married couple...or a May/December romance since Abuto sometimes has to act like the older, wiser half to the big kid that is Kamui.
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Takasugi x Kamui: I am ultimately more of a AbuKamui-shipper, but I still can’t resist the siren call of this possibility. I really like that Kamui calls Takasugi by his first name like they’re very close.
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Zenzou x Sacchan: they grew up together for crying out loud and she obviously knows him more than anyone else. I know she is obsessed with Gintoki, but I still think she and Zenzou were meant to be together because they make a more perfect pair...she just hasn’t realized that yet.
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Sacchan x Wakikaoru: honestly, I ship them for totally superficial reasons: they’re both in the same profession and they’re both pretty. I wish we got to see more of Wakikaoru to give more fire to this ember.
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Disclaimer: Gintama is not only about shipping. Gintama is hilarious, clever, exciting, poignant, heart-breaking, loving, brilliant, and just so freaking amazing.  It is only due to Sorachi-sama’s generosity that I can enjoy Gintama on yet another level, the shippy level, and I am forever grateful for that. GINTAMA IS LIFE AND LOVE.
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razberryyum · 6 years
A Gintama chapter a day keeps the ending away...Lesson 592
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I was kinda sad the Rakuyou Arc was ending; I rather liked the Yato Family drama. Glad everyone survived it, but still missed their berserker fighting. Thank goodness we got our Joui 4 back together though, for like a quick second.
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1) This made me so sad...especially thinking about Kouka being all alone as she waited for Umibouzu. After the fact, a tiny part of me wish he had joined her so they could be together again.  At least it would have been Utsuro who killed him, not his own son.
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2) Mutsu!
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3) I love these two crazy siblings. I loved that they were both asleep because they were just so exhausted from their fight. It’s like something kids would do.
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4) I can’t even deal with how adorable this is: Kamui reaching out to Abuto. I squeed like crazy.
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5) Non-stop squeeing every single time I see this.
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6) I really just love how much Kamui loves and misses his mom. It’s definitely one of his more endearing qualities.  
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7) I guess the Harusame and Abuto is basically Kamui’s Yorozuya. Still wish they were a more positive and effective influence, but a fam’s a fam.
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8) Awwwww!
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9) This just made my heart ache, but not in a bad way. Just made me love Kagura more as it reiterates simply what she has gone through in order to get her Yato fam back together.
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10) I probably got teary-eyed here when I first read the chapter cuz I definitely felt the tears coming this time.
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11) Have you ever seen anything as adorable as that???
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12) If Kagura had started crying right here, I would have totally lost it and bawled my eyes out...
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13) ...therefore, I was almost grateful she went a different direction cuz I didn’t want to be exhausted from crying.
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14) Just...the Yorozuya fam. I love them so much.
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15) Seriously, how does Umibouzu wipe his ass with those things?? I still don’t understand how he cleans himself.
Abuto x Kamui: CANON.
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Umibouzu x Kouka: so close...I am mostly glad that he still couldn’t bridge that rift but I wish Kouka had something to keep her company while she waited for him. Would’ve been nice to see some of those Orochis.
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Disclaimer: Gintama is not only about shipping. Gintama is hilarious, clever, exciting, poignant, heart-breaking, loving, brilliant, and just so freaking amazing.  It is only due to Sorachi-sama’s generosity that I can enjoy Gintama on yet another level, the shippy level, and I am forever grateful for that. GINTAMA IS LIFE AND LOVE.
(real life has been crazy busy so all I could manage was to at least read a chapter each day...posting about it was a different matter but things are a bit better now)
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