#Ada cackle
crowqueen-hardbroom · 6 months
Fandom: Still loving Miss Hardbroom?
I'm asking into the void of fandom - is the love for Miss Hardbroom still alive in 2024? Because I've been browsing Tumblr lately and don't see much new fan content about her... I'm not new to TWW but to Tumblr... Maybe I'm just looking in the wrong places... Help, anyone?
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flamingtoads · 3 months
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A disastrous double date perhaps?
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inexprymable · 2 months
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Hecate: It states in your file that you’re creative?
Mildred: Yes
Hecate: And what is it that you create?
Mildred: Trouble
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Agatha: Here’s a fun Christmas idea. We hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to FIGHT whoever else is under it. Hecate: Agatha. no. Ada: Mistlefoe. Hecate: Please stop encouraging her.
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missadacackle · 4 months
Ada and Agatha's Birthscroll
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Okay, so I do not know if this has been done before, but I was overstimulated this morning and needed something to focus on and after a lot of puzzling, I believe it took me about three hours I came down to the following.
(it's a lot of reading and I'll try to keep it as clear as possible)
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Lets just start off with date and time of birth, from Ada and Agatha.
What I managed to figure out is that the scroll says
Agatha Cackle was born at [time]
Ada Cackle was born at [time]
to Alma Cackle
I'm not sure if the scroll says "on" or "Date" both could be possible, and is followed by "Tuesday/Thursday 27th December 19.."
I will get back to whether it's Tuesday or Thursday in a moment, but first the year.
In s1e10, The Mists of Time, Ethel says "What if I have to spend the next fifty years with you." and Ada and Agatha are in this episode most likely around the age of 11/12. The oldest they could be would be 15 as in s4 Maud has a statement that I cannot quote right now, but to which we can assume that Cackle's has 5 years, in which the 5th is exam year.
If we calculate from 2017 when The first season of the Worst Witch was filmed, does that mean they were born somewhere between 1950 and 1960.
After quick research I found out that only times the 27th of December, in the decade between 1950 and 1960, fell on a Tuesday or Thursday were in 1955 (a Tuesday) and in 1956 (a Thursday).
And then if we assume that Ada and Agatha were in the mists of time Episode 11 years old, they would be 61 in 2017, which comes down that their date of birth is on Thursday, December 27th 1956
This means Ada and Agatha are both Capricorns.
Next I tried to figure out what time Ada and Agatha exactly were born
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In the picture, zooming in a little, the first number after Agatha's name seems to be a five.
Okay, so they're born at 5AM (in the U.K they use the 24 hour clock, so if it'd be 5PM the scroll would say 17h)
Then comming to the exact minute.
The numbers aren't quite clear but we know from Agatha's quote "Mother only gave you the school because you're thirteen minutes older" that there must be a gap of 13 minutes. Agatha's numbers are most clear and it looks like 5:04 which would match with Ada's times, which look like 5:17.
(also I just noticed the scroll said "on" before the date)
To figure out what the ohter information was on the scroll I needed another picture.
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Out of this picture I could make up that under "Birthscroll" it says "Twin Witches"
Together with the other two pictures used before it looked like underneath that is writen "Black Crow" + something I could not figure out yet.
The first captital letter looks like a D, followed by probably an o
This made me conclude that ithe words after Black Crow is probably Doctoral or Doctorate, something along the lines of that.
Under the Black Crow Doctoral/Doctorate we have a picture and from what I could see, it looks like an Baby/Angel on either a cloud or something else similair. I could not get a clear view on what it was, nor could I find good referentical pictures so this is just a speculation.
Then before we have Agatha and Ada's name, something else is writen. After viewing different pictures and zooming in, I think it says "This certificate states that" or something similair to that, if we look at how much space it occupies on the scroll.
Now we nearly have the entire scroll
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At the bottom the scroll states something and I could not figure out what exactly, though after doing enough puzzling I managed to figure out that the scroll says "In Witness Whereof" and further it's unreadable.
The stamp seems to be having two babies in it, and under the stamp there is a autograph, which of my guessing and after doing research to these birthcertificates must be from the register.
And then we have the entire scroll
Birth Scroll
Twin Witches
Black Crow Doctoral/Docorate
[picture of the baby/angel]
This certificate states that
Agatha Cackle was born at 5:04
and(?) Ada Cackle was born at 5:17
To Alma Cackle
On Thursday 27th December 1956
In Witness Whereof ....
Peculiar I find that only Alma's name is on the scroll. I tired to do my research to this, but I had a throbbing headache when trying to figure this out, so with that research I did not come very far.
I simply concluded that Ada and Agatha's father was already out of picture/had already passed away when the twins were born, but this information could be incorrect, so if anyone knows, please let me know,
I dearly hope that this was useful. It's not very logical since that several episodes *after* Miss Cackle's birthday it's halloween.
But I feel like logic misses more often in The Worst Witch series.
Thank you for reading this all.
Some other pictures I used:
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latravi62 · 2 months
Rewatching TWW and just noticed Hecate’s face after getting caught in a lie., priceless! 😂😂
Wonder what that discussion was like? Lol
Ooh, prompt idea!! Any takers? “Ada catches Hecate lying to someone about something Ada never said”
#tww #hecate hardbroom #adacackle #theworstwitch #tww2017 #gettingcaught #who knew Hecate could lie
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flaming-toads · 3 months
Ada: Would you still love me if I were a worm?
Hecate: I still loved you when you were a snail, didn't I?
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friedaaaaaaargh · 11 months
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Happy Halloween (more a time for solemn reflection and gratitude for our magical gifts).
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cassiopeiasara · 5 months
"You're not a good person" + Hackle? 💕
Ada held the small package between them as she looked from the sky to Hecate then back again. “Now a good person would have already reported this and left it in the confiscation cupboard but I am not a good person.”
Hecate worried for a moment that it was Agatha across from her. There was no mistaking the twinkle in those eyes though. Agatha always looked sharp eyed much like a cat about to pounce the prey it’d been toying with but Ada? Her eyes sparkled like a first year who finally managed to flick their wrists without smacking themselves in the face.
Hecate tilted her head. “You’re not a good person.”
Ada shrugged. “I mean what is good really and who gets to determine such things. Is it just everything in the opposition of evil or a clear set of goals that—“
“Ada, as much as I enjoy discussing the philosophy of morality in witchcraft, I’m confused as to how this has anything to do with why you’ve decided to drag me out to the middle of a clearing at almost midnight.”
Ada adjusted her spectacles. “Oh I’m sorry, dear, are you cold? Here you can take my cardigan.”
Hecate almost said yes to the warm grey garment Ada favored more often these days but shook her head. “No, I just think you might have lost the plot somewhere along the way.”
Ada furrowed her brow in what would usually be a very adorable expression but Hecate was tired and still very confused so she couldn’t quite appreciate it as such.
Ada bit her lip. “Lost the plot?”
Hecate nodded toward the package. “What is that?”
Ada looked down and chuckled. “Oh yes! These are meant to be magical fireworks in the shapes of the teachers. I thought I’d see if one worked before I went through all the trouble of filing a report.”
Hecate’s eyes widened. “Why would you need me for this?”
Ada started to fiddle with the flap on the side of the package. “Well, we never did get our picnic the other day and there was meant to be that meteor shower and I just thought—“
Hecate’s heart skipped a beat as she hid a smile. “You should know me better than to think a bit of mischief is an acceptable date idea.”
Ada winked. “I thought perhaps it might make a difference if I was the one doing it.”
Hecate rolled her eyes. “Well, let’s see then.”
Ada opened the package and lit a purple wrapped cylinder. It leapt into the sky but teetered out a quarter of the way up. Ada huffed. “That’s a bit anticlimactic.”
Hecate took the next cylinder. “It’s probably best to be thorough.”
Hecate’s chosen firework made it half way up and blasted into the shape of something that might be a triangle.
Ada hummed as she tilted her head. “Could be Miss Gullet on a good day.”
Hecate chuckled darkly. “I suppose you might not be such a good person.”
Ada laughed as she lit another firework. “But I’m fun.”
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heyjudeart · 1 year
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Swordtember early day one witch, with miss hardbroom
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hannah-0730 · 7 months
I’ve been down a the worst witch rabbit hole recently and I’m wondering if there are any fics where Agatha is in love with Hecate and it’s part of her reasoning for wanting to take over the school or anything similar. Almost like a fight between the cackle sisters… or any Hecate Hardbroom centered fic recommendations anyone has! Especially hackle! But I’m open to other pairings!
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flamingtoads · 3 months
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Hecate would've received a perfect score... if only she had written her name on her paper.
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inexprymable · 11 months
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Can't have Halloween without my favorite witches
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Ada: What are you talking about
Hecate? You love it here!
Hecate: I'm not sure I do, I think I've just developed Stockholm syndrome.
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Ada: So... what would you do if you were in bed with me? Hecate: Depends. Is your bed comfortable? Ada: Yes. Hecate: I'd sleep.
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