ask-sebastian · 1 year
You're swiping right, right? *elbow nudge*
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Thank you to the The Chaos Gremlins (@adallegra, @kiwiplaetzchen, and @lil-grem-draws) for this gem.
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Commission for @adallegra ✨✨
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kiwiplaetzchen · 1 month
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This ai is dedicated to @adallegra and her precious doggy, Clementine 🤍💚😌
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lil-grem-draws · 8 days
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Let's just say this: Elland has a thing for people who are not afraid to wield their power. Thank you, @adallegra, for such a perfect display. I am sure he won't be able to fall asleep that night.
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theodoradevlin · 1 year
A Badger, a Snake, and an Eagle Walk Into a Bar
Theo was in the business of chaos this weekend, rather more so than usual. After all, when she was in such colorful company ...how would that not be the case?
She finds @adallegra and @ask-wren-zhang waiting for her by the North Exit, deciding to not announce herself but tackle them both from behind.
"Evening, duckies. Shall we?"
She loops her arms in both of theirs, linking them all with a tug towards Hogsmeade. The night air is cool and clear, much unlike their intentions for the weekend. She knew they had all been entirely too cooped up in the castle recently, and her professional opinion was that letting a little steam out seemed to be the best remedy.
Walking into the fine establishment of the Three Broomsticks was always like walking into a warm hug that may end up setting you on your behind by the end of the night, but was a welcome sight all the same.
The fire was roaring, there was a band already playing in the corner, and it looked like Sirona was behind the bar for the time being. The night was off to a good start with the conversations of various witches and wizards already starting to pick up in a cheery buzz.
Theo looks to Allegra and Wren, with one simple declaration to start.
"First round's on me!"
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hogwarts-legacy-hype · 3 months
This is a little bit of admiration for @adallegra. Thank you for creating Allegra!! 🤍 We love reading about her in your RPs, she is an amazing character. I really love your writing style! I look up to, you are amazing! 💕 🤍🫂
Shout out to @adallegra for their amazing RPs! 💕Go check out their tumblr to meet Allegra ✨
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ask-victoria-page · 5 months
Toria, good morning!
Your recent book-burning adventure made me think: what is your favourite spell? You are a Ravenclaw, I can only assume you know a lot! Certainly more than me since I am not that good at magic. I've only recently started looking up more charms because my parents found out about my grades. There are so many spells... If Allegra [ @adallegra ] hadn't helped me correct my basic stance recently, I'd still carry pots and plants in my arms. I still do it out of habit
Let me make it less vague. What is your favourite spell that you use almost every day (think of it as a utility charm)? The second spell I wanted to ask of you is the one you haven't learned yet but want to. Thirdly: once again, going back to book burning: favourite DADA-related spell?
Hope this letter finds you well!
P.S. Sorry if my owl ends up missing you! His aim isn't so great anymore, he's as old as my gramps.
*Toria had been in detention when an owl tossed a letter in her general direction, sliding across the floor a few feet from her desk. With a raise of her brow, she made sure that the professor was still out of the room before retrieving it.*
Good morning to you, as well.
Word travels fast around this castle, it seems.
I have two spells to share for utility purposes, one of which has been one I have been employing much more with this niffler milk epidemic. That is Aguamenti. I cannot bring myself to trust this school's water supply, let alone offered beverages, for as long as this persists.
Reducio has been serving me on a daily basis since learning it. Whether it be for carrying multiple books or hiding away items that I shouldn't be carrying, it is a very useful little charm.
In dueling, I have a few spells that I prefer. Bluebell Flames and Colloshoo are the most noteworthy, however. If you'd like, I could demonstrate a few of them for you. On a dummy, of course.
Toria Page
P.S. It's quite all right. I needed to stretch my legs after sitting in these detention chairs.
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demetrius-haggarty · 5 months
Dear Meech,
I hope this finds you well. I find myself in a bit of a bind and could really use your perspective. Between Theodora and Allegra, who do you think possesses more beauty? Your insight would mean a lot to me.
Best, Mike Oxsmall
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Both are beautiful in such different ways. It would not be right of me to comment on this at all because ultimately my opinion does not matter. In any case, I only know @theodoradevlin well enough. She was one of my first friends.
*Meech does not mention @adallegra's help with his writing and basic charms recently because he does not find it relevant. Nor does he want to share this kind of information. He used to find Allegra a little intimidating but now it has morphed into respectful admiration. Who else would be willing to help a peasant like him? Meech is forever grateful she has even found time and patience. Not to mention her help with acquiring a better broom for Meech a while back.*
Why do you ask, Mike?
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all-the-booping · 1 year
Almost 24 hours ago it began. Theodoradevlin was the first one to fall from being booped on the nose: the waddling booper has claimed their first victim and laid dormant for 7 hours, soaking in the power of the first boops. The following people have been booped by the end of the day: theodoradevlin, localravenclaw, adallegra, lil-grem-draws, rypnami, tessa-eloden, ask-sebastian, kiwiplaetzchen, ask-ominis, wrenegade-accio, ominis-bird-of-yore, justmagnoliaellistor, greedyforgarreth. If any of the other victims have not been accounted for, please, contact us for moral support!
They broadened their list: localravenclaw and adallegra got booped as well! theodoradevlin decided to call for reinforcements! Everyone went on high alert, localravenclaw ready to deflect the attacks! lil-grem-draws got scared from being booped, theodoradevlin accepted being booped, localravenclaw managed to deflect, rypnami swears they'll find the booper one day! tessa-eloden assumed it's a ghost, and lil-grem-draws agreed cause how alse would they get past their defences!
The booping finally gets to ask-sebastian who happily accepts it! So do most of the people at that point. theodoradevlin passes out, her ghost gets booped, then she is returned back to life and booped again! A boombie! The booper becomes more powerful with each boop!
People start turning on each other, sus! lil-grem-draws stares at kiwiplaetzchen to see if anybody gets booped while lil-grem-draws is bird watching. A new booper appears instead, booping Kiwi! Their . and capitalization are completely different from booper #1! People are being booped AND showered in cats??? Is it.... Booper #3??? Consensus is unclear on that one.
Traps are set. Boopers avoid them all! They are educated in booping! They have a degree! the booer #1 is getting inside lil-grem-draws' house!
ask-ominis gets booped and replies in poetry?? We have a suspicion that the 4th booper is involved when the poetry boop is sent in, the style being in italics! They don't show up again??
The booper #2 accidentally sends "boob" instead of "boop" thus the boob jugling booper is born!
wrenegade-accio is booped as soon as they wake up!!! ominis-bird-of-yore and lil-grem-draws get booped at the same time, nobody is left behind, Kat sets up more traps!!
rypnami seems to have been booped with a sunflower. And then the flower was taken away??? But 10 more are given back! greedyforgarreth gives the waddler a hug!
Some anon is scared of the booper, but ask-sebastian promises to protect them! justmagnoliaellistor gets booped as well and is being very sweet about it. People love the boopers. tessa-eloden got some boops the following morning as well.
The boopers slowly departed into the night. We do not know their identities. We are not sure how many there were. We are puzzled by how they managed to boop us and never get caught. Despite the chaos that was created, the boopers are greatly loved and appreciated <3
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ask-sebastian · 4 days
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ask-felix-aberg · 7 months
*Montrose casually pokes his head into your room*
Felix, long time no see.
*He suppresses the blush at the thought of cinnamon buns suddenly popping into his brain and clears his throat*
My parents will be absent from the Manor this weekend so a few of us are gathering for a small soirée.... I suspect Theo's already told @adallegra.
*He gives you a wry smile*
Care for an off campus field trip?
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*Felix glanced up from his work, a slight smile forming as he recognises Montrose's voice*
Monty, good to see you too! An off-campus field trip does sound like a nice change of pace. I could use a break from these four walls. Count me in!
Any particular attire or provisions I should prepare?"
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adallegra · 9 months
Dear Adallegra,
I would love to hug you all evening long. Preferably for the whole holiday. But instead, I'll make you a proposition: 
I'll give you the address of our pub. Why don't you drop by and take the others with you if you like? Nothing beats this cosy place, believe me. You'll feel closer to a complete family than ever before, surrounded by your friends. And as a bonus, there's Grandma Arnhild and Grandpa Nollaig too. And if that's not enough, I wouldn't mind having a big sister :) 
Think about it. 
Merry Christmas and I hope to see you again soon!
Dear Gwendolyn,
That is very kind of you to offer, and while I don't doubt the cosiness, I would hate to impose on a family gathering. So please accept the bottle of Scotch accompanying this letter and send my well wishes to your grandparents.
Enjoy the holidays and happy Christmas.
With warm regards,
P.S. I would rethink having me as a sibling as William Abbott comes along with it as well.
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kiwiplaetzchen · 2 months
Adeline comes into view, having carefully stalked Nosy's pawprints with the help of her wand. Her messengar back rattles as she digs out a glass mason jar full of sugar-canned peaches. They're peeled and covered in syrup. The glass clinks loudly against the metal clasp on the bag and Adeline winces, hoping no one heard. The coast seems clear. She drops into a crouch and brings out a plate. She drops three large peaches on the plate, the syrup also pooling on the bottom. She carefully balances a note on the edge. "Dear Nosy - in my experience, nifflers enjoy a sugary fruity treat. But please advice if this wasn't to your liking. Love, Ada." The ink is blue, and the scrawny script has some mistakes - authored in a hurry.
Nosy moved around the corner, a bit drowsy. You'd think that a Niffler as amazing as Nosy would be able to find his way around Hogwarts after all this time, but no. Nosy seemed to have taken a wrong turn somewhere and sighed, exhausted.
That was until he spotted a plate with sugary, sweet peaches on it. The slices seemed to be almost half as big as he was, and the syrup sparkled in the sunlight - a sight to behold!
Nosy's eyes grew as big as his stomach, and with a sudden burst of energy, the Niffler ran towards the snack. He didn't waste another second and dug in, his little tail waving in excitement. So juicy and sweet!
The little Niffler sighed in satisfaction and rolled onto his back, still munching, his second slice of peach now resting on his almost full belly.
Nosy did not notice how the syrup from the peaches was making his fur all sticky, but what the little Niffler did notice was a piece of paper on the side of the plate. The Niffler grabbed it and looked it up and down. It didn't look very interesting, there were no shiny flames on it, like with that card from the strange lady, only blue doodles like the ones Sebastian was always painting.
He tried to put the paper away, but the note was sticking to his little paw and wouldn't come off. Nosy shook his whole arm, but the parchment stubbornly clung on. Grumbling annoyedly, he was about to tear the paper apart when he suddenly heard someone coming.
Nosy squeaked happily as he spotted @adallegra. He ran towards her, flailing his sticky arms, secretly hoping she would help him.
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ask-elland-n-will · 1 year
🔥 The Slytherin Common Room Chaos (SCRC)
Staring: @kiwiplaetzchen as Nosy the Niffler, @adallegra as Clementine the Golden Retriever, @ask-wren-zhang (@wrenegade-accio) as Wren Zhang, @ask-sebastian as Sebastian Sallow, @olivierdumont as Olivier Dumont, @ask-elland-n-will as William Abbot.
Time: afternoon. Location: inside and outside of the S. common room. Turn: We are done! Last updated: 11.08.2023
This chaos might be over, but the CHAOS is never over 🔥
Main Thread Summary
Clementine (Allegra's temporary forster dog) comes into Sebastian's dorm room, wakes up Nosy (Seb's niffler). They have fun, Nosy launches himself at Clem, rides her. Clem jumps all over the bed, Nosy's trinkets scatter all over. They dash all over the room making a huge mess. A curtain is torn down from one of the beds and it falls onto the heater in the center of the room, catching on fire. Clem smells the smoke and runs out of the room, barking to attract attention, Nosy on her back. Art by wrenegade-accio.
Side thread break
Outside of the common room. A student runs past Sebastian and Olivier screaming "Fire!" Olivier asks Seb if he should do something about it. Sebastian looks in the direction of the SCR door: "I could always check, I suppose." Both are still outside.
Main thread
Wren uses Bombarda to blow up a hole in the SCR wall. She is determined to save Clementine and gets in even if she's a Ravenclaw. Art by wrenegade-accio [x, x]. Will wakes up smelling the smoke, his room next to Seb's. Checks it, and douses the fire. Follows the barks since he's a prefect and needs to sort this out. Watches the wall blow up in his face. Clementine tried to shield Nosy, then sniffed Wren and jumped at Sebastian happily. Nosy runs out of the common room and jumps onto Olivier. Steals his Fizzing Whizzbees and eats the entire pack! Wren checks on Clem, wants to fix the wall and then notices Will. As a prefect he tells other students to leave, deducts points from Ravenclaw for being in a wrong common room, tells Wren he can hide the situation from the teachers to help her avoid detention if she agrees to owe him a favour. They fix the wall, Wren asks what it is Will wants from her. She will decide later if she wants to do what Will asked her to do. Olivier doesn't let the niffler fly away, carries him in his arms and gives Nosy belly rubs until Nosy dozes off, no longer flying. All is well!
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theodoradevlin · 1 year
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also, happy belated to my girl @adallegra. 👉👈 🎂
just a lil silly doodle of our gals probably watching Peeves throw water balloons at someone or something.
"i'm a zebra" 💜😘
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No words can convey what you mean to me, no words can ever describe the sheer vastness, the length of what you mean to me, in which words would surely deprive. Though actions often speak louder than words, words are all I have— so I pray these words I speak of now can bear my heart, at least half. The short time in which we’ve known each other, though short, was also deep, and the breadth of what we’ve shared across our world, love surely seeps. For love of music, for love of art, for love of all things silly. For love of laughter and love of food, and love for each other’s well beings. The heights of our love when doth combined would pierce through the highest heavens, could not compare to the strength of our love which would flatten seas and mountains. The width of love between you and I bridges all distances between us, and with even the whole universe between could not sever the bond among us. With my heart so full, overflowing with joy— truly you have no clue, and from its very depths I want to say: I love you and truly… thank you.
—S. Lee
Aug 22, 2023
Post-script: @kiwiplaetzchen @lil-grem-draws @adallegra @ask-wren-zhang @ask-sebastian you guys truly mean the world to me, thank you for being in my life :)
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