#Added the zodiac signs because I'm an astrology boi-
monstaxdirtywonk ยท 1 year
Jungkook's birth chart analysis
Hey! Welcome back to another post in which I talk about an idol's birth chart. Since I want those posts to be more in depth, I'm doing them only with idols that have already mention their birth time. After the two bts members that I did, I will move on to Chan and Minho. Keep in mind that some haven't said whether it's am or pm so there are still two possible options, but it's much more specific than just a guess. Let's get it!
Highlights: Virgo stelium, Moon in the 1st, Leo rising, Jupiter in the 7th, Mercury in the 3rd.
Virgo stelium:
In general a stelium is a sign that's repeated 3 times or more in a birth chart. Since it's an energy that's very present for lack of a better word, it is very important in general and might even influence the person in other areas and not just the ones it falls under. I don't wanna emphasize Virgo traits that much because those are mostly known to people that are are familiar with astrology but more the aspects that are created in his chart. His Sun conjuncts his north node. The north node is a point that symbolizes where we're heading in this life time, the lessons we get, where we are going to shine etc. The sun is all about being seen, charming, glamorous, famous may I add ๐Ÿ‘€ it's also his chart ruler! Since he is a Leo rising. I'm saying it and I'll say it again, we should pay extra attention to the aspects our chart ruler creates, they might resonate with us more.
A really tight conjunction happens between his lilith and north node, which is very interesting. Lilith is an asteroid, the dark moon, it's sexual, raw, passionate and hidden. All those are important in his life (especially paired with his Mars in scorpio which is a notoriously sexual placement), but I want to say here that Virgo is known as a perfectionist, right? That includes themselves first and foremost. I think a big focus in this life time, might be to learn and accept the darker aspects of himself, that don't fit the idealized version of him.
Mercury in the 3rd:
Jungkook is a self proclaimed introvert but I wanna say here that having communication skills isn't tied to being an extrovert or an introvert. I know plenty of extroverted people that do terrible at conversations lmao. The 3rd house is ruled by Mercury so it feels right at home and gives him the benefits of communication and lively engagement with others. On top of that, Mercury is related to wit and intelligence, which are charms he does possess!
Leo rising:
Now is anything better for a celebrity than to be ruled by the sun? I don't know ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ˜‚ In general I think that it's a beneficial placement, especially for performers since they crave and get attention easily when they come to the spotlight. Also men with Leo rising look phenomenal with longer hair and Jungkook's chef's kiss with long wavy hair ๐Ÿ‘Œ
Moon in the 1st:
Jungkook is someone very emotionally expressive. Despite being introverted, he wears his heart on his sleeve and cries easily when he feels like it, relatively okay with being vulnerable. His face is also rather expressive, no matter what emotions he experiences, evident on him. On top of that, his manly looks have an added softness to them, almost water sign like. A moon in the 1st house made a lot of sense for Jungkook, because his zodiac signs didn't suggest such a thing otherwise.
Jupiter in the 7th:
Lucky boy. Very lucky boy, I'm jealous lmao. Jupiter expands and gives luck to areas it falls under. The 7th house is about relationships and partnerships. It's mostly the romantic ones, although it can apply to colleagues sometimes too. None the less that's an area he is lucky in and that's further emphasized by his well placed Venus, in Libra, the planet ruler. In general overall Jungkook has a 'lucky' chart. Ofc there aren't inherently bad birth charts but some placements or aspects give you a harder time than others and he is, for the most part, lucky to not have too many of these.
(For astrology ships or chart readings DM me, 5-10 usd)
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cringeyvanillamilk ยท 3 years
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