#koli igneus
loosesodamarble · 1 year
Koli is @cringeyvanillamilk’s oc. Acylla is @faewraithsworld’s oc. Josele is my oc.
(Prior to Josele’s curse breaking)
Koli: Josele sure knows her way around weapons.
Acylla: Well since she doesn’t use her magic that often, she’s gotta fight with something.
Koli: Betcha she’d be in fighting mode the second you threw a weapon at her and ran in charging.
Acylla: I could see that. (notices Josele walking in their direction) Let’s test it out. Hey Josele, think fast! (creates a crystal knife and throws it)
Josele: (raises hand but the blade pierces her palm) Surprisingly good throwing technique, Crystal Mage. Especially since you don’t try it often.
Acylla: Uh... Y-your hand...
Josele: However, don't try to lunge into the throw though. It'll cause your trajectory to curve.
Koli: I think you ought to-
Josele: You should try to make sure that your shoulders are close to but not entirely squared when you finish a throw.
Acylla and Koli: (grab Josele and drag her inside) And you should get Nero to check your hand!
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cringeyvanillamilk · 2 years
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Did some emojis for my squad’s bc ocs, including mines! ✨
OCs belong to @loosesodamarble @faewraithsworld @hybridanafrost @whackdreamer ~!
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one-leaf-grimoire · 4 years
One of my OCs is Koli Igneus! She was a peasant farmer who became a magic knight because she wanted more intellectual stimulation. She is a distrustful woman due to an incident in her childhood where a noble kid accused her of stealing their family heirloom which resulted in her family being in debt to that family. She is also a weapon fanatic! She uses cinder magic to create weapons and tools, and relies a lot on physical strength and instincts! She's loyal and has beef with a lot of people lol
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AHHHH I saw your name in my notifs and freaked out a little lol
I’ve seen your art of Koli before, and can I just say... Buff women are my WEAKNESS. I think I’m in love, lol. Her backstory is really interesting, that seems like the kind of unjust thing nobles do frequently to peasants to get their allegiance. It reminds me of that recent episode with Zora where he helped the peasant kid out when the nobles tried to frame him.
As for Adva... PALM TREE SOLIDARITY!!! I am 5′10″ and I love seeing OCs that are also tall, it makes me feel a little bit more normal LMAO. But music magic is so cool, and it’s perfect for someone like Adva who is a performer at heart! I actually play the saxophone, and I wish I had that kind of confidence! Coincidentally, my old band director used to have that same motto lol!
Anyway, I LOVE both of these characters!!! Thank you so much for sharing and blessing me with your OCs <3 <3
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
Acylla is @faewraithsworld’s oc. Koli is @cringeyvanillamilk’s oc. And Josele is my oc.
Josele, Acylla, and Koli: (fighting several enemies)
Josele: (gets disarmed) Someone create a weapon for me!
Acylla and Koli: On it! (both make a sword with their respective attributes)
Acylla, pausing: You make weapons with your magic?
Koli, turning to Acylla: Yeah. They're great for close combat, you know?
Acylla: I do know!
Koli: Any preferred weapons? I use a scythe most often.
Acylla: The hammer is my best weapon.
Koli: (lets out a whistle) Got a little muscle in you, huh?
Acylla: Why thank you! (flexes her arm)
Josele: (while getting stabbed by the enemy) Could you two please focus?
Acylla and Koli: OH RIGHT! Hold on Josele!
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cringeyvanillamilk · 3 years
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Clovertober: Day 19 - Show Off BC OC!
Decided to take the opportunity to redraw my bc ocs!
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cringeyvanillamilk · 3 years
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It’s been a hot minute, but my og black clover ocs are back~!
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cringeyvanillamilk · 3 years
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What happens when a wind magic user sneezes?
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cringeyvanillamilk · 4 years
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Modern AU! Koli x Fuegoleon~! 😏
Imagine being rich and having your own car, but taking the local bus to see your crush. 😬💦
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cringeyvanillamilk · 4 years
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This is just the first set for now... I will definitely continue this with another set of oc x canon ships later in the future. 😏
Each oc x canon ships and their OG creator: (In order)
Rex x Yuno (@argent-aviis)
Silas x Rhya (@gayrhya)
Lisa x Julius (@one-leaf-grimoire)
Shizuka x Inosuke (@loosesodamarble)
Koli x Fuegoleon (Me)
Adva x Nozel (Me)
Melanie x Leopold (Me)
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cringeyvanillamilk · 4 years
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@one-leaf-grimoire Consider this a thank you for drawing Koli with Lisa~! Lisa is older than these two (by two years) which makes her their short older sister figure~! 😏✌
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cringeyvanillamilk · 4 years
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That time when the black bulls went to the beach lmao. Here’s these two in their swim suit~!
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loosesodamarble · 4 years
Asta: What does “take out” mean?
Adva: Food. Duh.
Helia: A date~!
Koli: Murder...
Lorelei: It could be all three if you're bold enough to try.
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cringeyvanillamilk · 4 years
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I wanted to clown my OC Adva so I made this specific comic just to do so lmao.
It’s easy to spot her in a crowd because of her unique hair style!! 🌴 Too bad she gets roasted over it! 😢
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cringeyvanillamilk · 4 years
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Meet the Igneus family~!
Here are more info on this family if anybody is interested~!
The Igneus family resides in the forsaken realm as humble farmers. In this family we have: Cineris (father), Kai (mother), Koli (oldest), Malie (2nd oldest), Obsidian (2nd youngest), and Kim (youngest).
Kai just moved to the Clover Kingdom when Cineris and Kai first met. Kai was new to Una village and Cineris was the first one who openly welcomed her and showed her around. Kai had some relatives who lived in Una village for a long time and decided to move in with them. Kai didn't have much friends because she's new in town (John Mulaney), she's socially awkward, and has a bad case of RBF. People thought she was too scary to befriend, BUT NOT CINERIS. Cineris was an open guy and likes getting to know people! And with Kai, it was love at first sight for him!! Cineris continually helped Kai become more accustom to the farming life style and they got closer as a result! And just when he was about to plan out something romantic to ask her out, Kai beats him to it. Later on they got married and Kai decided to move into Cineris's family.
Here are some basic information for each member of the family:
Cineris - ♈, 45, Coal Magic, a joyful and sentimental father! He tends to recount old memories of when he and Kai got together or when Koli and the others were babies. He's very in touch with his emotions and radiates a lot of good energy! Taught Koli and the others how to use magic creation for farming! Wasn't ready to let Koli go take the magic knight exam, but decided to respect her decision (while crying).
Kai - ♋, 46, Water magic, a socially awkward but dedicated mother. Can be a workaholic because she needs to feel accomplished in order to feel relaxed. She looks really stern, but she's actually pretty open minded. She’s very protective of her family though! Don't mess with her family or else you’ll get shot with water! Has the most dominant genes based on how the children came out lmao. Was the one who immediately supported Koli and her ambitions to be a magic knight. Has grey hair from stress.
*Koli - ♏, 24, Cinder Magic, got most of her visuals and personality from Kai, but has her father's creativity. One of my main OCs for Black Clover.
Malie - ♓, 22, Water Magic, very easygoing and playful! She likes to tease her siblings A LOT! She's also good at reading people, so it catches people off guard when she knows what they are probably thinking. She does care a lot for her family and was happy to inherit the farm when Koli decided to be a magic knight. She's more of a go with the flow type of person and so she adapts to most situation pretty easily. She’s also close friends with Adva.
Obsidian - ♌, 18, Obsidian Magic, shy but reliable! They are usually anxious and doubt themselves quite a lot. They don't have a lot of self esteem, but they are willing to do anything for their family! They were picked on a lot when they were younger, but Koli always stood up for them which made Obsidian look up to Koli as their role model! Koli helped Obsidian feel more confident in themselves, which lead to Obsidian being in charge of marketing their stocks. Obsidian is great at advertising and trading their goods with customers and/or other farmers. They just need that slight push to be at their best!!
Kimberlite "Kim" - ♐, 14, Kimberlite Magic, very spunky and feral. She's very hyper and gets bored easily, which isn’t a good thing for everybody else. This makes her venture out and accidentally cause trouble around the village, resulting in her getting grounded...a lot. She doesn't like the farming life and wants to see more of the kingdom and outside world! She'd like to take the magic knight exam and someday become wizard king! To her, the wizard king gets to do all sorts of fun stuff (but if only she knew)!
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cringeyvanillamilk · 4 years
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Decided to self-indulge again and work on my Black Clover OCs! I wanted to show off their magic and explain other magic abilities they could also do!
You can check their profile here if anyone is interested! --> [Link]
Koli Igneus
Magic Prowess
Cinder Magic: Koli uses this magic attribute to generate and manipulate cinder.
Cinder Creation Magic: Koli uses this form of magic to shape objects from Cinder. She primarily focuses on creating a variety of offensive weapons.
Grim Reaper’s Scythe: Creates a scythe. (Koli’s favorite)
Rogue’s Daggers: Creates daggers. Used to attack or throw at her opponents. She can create more than two daggers at once.
Blacksmith’s Hammer: Creates a big hammer that lacks in speed due to its heavy weight but makes up in power.
Hephaestus’s Labrys: Creates a double-headed axe.
Dark Katakana: Creates a Japanese katana. Takes inspiration from Yami.
Dark Naginata: Creates a Japanese Naginata. Another inspiration from Yami's stories.
The Compliant Cinder Rod: Creates a bo staff. Koli can use this weapon as a pole vault to get to higher places or attack offensively.
Dark Knight’s Lance: Creates a large lance. It is light enough to be thrown towards the opponent.
Neptune’s Trident: Creates a long trident. Can make it double-headed.
Amazon Warrior’s Spear: Creates a long spear.
Star Mace: Creates a big mace.
Igneous Sword: Creates a long sword.
Hell’s Chain: Creates a long chain.
Farmer’s Shovel: Creates a shovel.
Farmer’s Rake: Creates a rake.
Farmer’s Shears: Creates shears.
Farmer’s Hoe: Creates a hoe.
Farmer’s Fork: Creates a fork.
Strengths: Variety of weapons, high magic amount, great offense
Weakness: Lack of defensive abilities, focuses too much on weapon creation, relies a lot on athletic abilities and skills in weaponry
Adva Euterpe
Magic Prowess
Music Magic: Adva uses this magic attribute to generate various types of sound waves and vibration through music.
Angel's Crescendo: Creates one loud blast of sound waves in one direction. Its pressure can destroy any surface it touches and can push back any opponent and potentially knock them out if they are weak. 
Shrill Bat's Scream: Uses flute to create a piercing sound to disarm enemies. Can destroy one’s eardrum if they are too close.
Dolphin's Echolocation: Uses her flute to create sonars to see through dark areas or find other people's location.
Piper's Sleepy Melody: Use flute to put opponents to sleep.
Opera Vibrato: Creates a vibration that changes one’s rhythm making them stumble and miss their attack.
Percussion's Ripple: Adva conjures up drums where each strike creates a ripple of strong sound waves. Unlike Angel's Crescendo, Booming Drums creates multiple ripples per strike in a surrounding area.
Music Creation Magic: Adva uses this form of magic to shape objects from sound waves. she can also conjure up a musical instrument of her choice, but so far can only conjure up one instrument at a time.
Wind Child's Flute: Adva's signature creation where she conjures a flute.
God's thunder Drums: A creation spell where Adva conjures up drums.
Serenading Guitar: A creation spell where Adva conjures up a guitar.
Lamenting Strings: A creation spell where Adva conjures up a violin.
Musical Auditorium: Uses flute to create a barrier that surrounds a specific area using the pressure of sound waves to deflect outside attacks.
Strengths: Variety of abilities, best for entertainment purposes
Weakness: Limited magic amount, not very powerful, lack of offensive abilities
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cringeyvanillamilk · 4 years
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So… I made some OCs for Black Clover~! I had them for a while but I was too hesitant to post them here… But!! I finally found my resolve! I’d love to see more Black Clover OCs in this fandom tbh! It’s fun to create them and see other people’s OCs~!  I posted Adva in a different site but wanted to post her here on tumblr as well!
Here are some information about my OCs if anyone is interested!
Koli Igneus
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Blood Type: B
Birthday: November 20
Astrology Sign: Scorpio
Height: 188 cm
Weight: 79 kg
Eye: Brown
Hair: Wine
+ Protective, loyal, confident, creative, hardworking, intuitive
- Curt, aloof, judgmental, distrustful, workaholic
Physical Strength: 5
Magic Amount: 4
Magic Control: 5
Magic Sensing: 3
Cleverness: 4
Intuition: 5
Is childhood friends with Adva Euterpe. 
Grew up as a peasant farm girl.
Previously inherited her family’s farm for being the oldest child of four.
Been in the Black Bulls for 2 years.
Seems cold to those she isn’t familiar with but warms up once she’s comfortable (may take a while though).
Lacks sleep due to obsessively researching different types of weapons late at night. Primary reason why she has eye bags.
Is a weapon fanatic and a night owl.
Despite her demeanor, she has a sense of humor. People just rarely joke around her because of how intimidating she looks.
Favorite things are honest people and researching different types of weapons.
Body frequently aches from always being tense.
Her favorite Cinder Creation Magic is her Cinder Scythe.
Motives of being a Magic Knight: To increase intellectual stimulation.
Nicknames: Weapon Freak, Amazon, Old Lady
Adva Euterpe
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Blood Type: O
Birthday: October 20
Astrology Sign: Libra
Height: 190 cm
Weight: 70 kg
Eye: Blue
Hair: Green
+ Sacrificing (Before becoming a Magic Knight), easy going, whimsical, adaptive, witty, analytical, generous
- Irresponsible, lazy, fickle, cunning, self-indulgent
Physical Strength: 4
Magic Amount: 3
Magic Control: 4
Magic Sensing: 5
Cleverness: 5
Musical Talent: 5
Is childhood friends with Koli Igneus.
Grew up as a peasant farm girl.
Previously inherited her family’s farm for being the oldest child of three.
Been in the Black Bulls for 2 years.
Has an IQ of 148 but mostly uses her brain to avoid responsibilities.
Used to be very responsible before joining the Black Bulls. After being relieved of inheriting her family’s farm, she went down hill and became very lazy.
An excellent performer of poetry and musical acts.
Her hairstyle makes her an easy target to be made fun of. Despite this, she takes it in stride and even makes fun of herself to make other people laugh.
Favorite things are poetry and entertaining others.
A bard and clown wrapped into one being.
Her favorite Music Creation Magic is her Music Flute.
Motives of being a Magic Knight: To use music to ‘touch’ people’s heart.
Nicknames: Palm Tree, Pineapple Head, Seaweed Hair
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