#Adding the usual h50 crime element too
LAST LINE OF WIP (or more):
Rules: Write the latest line from your wip (or post where you last left off in your art) and tag as many people as there are words in the line.
Tagged by : @cowandcalf (Thanks for the tag babe!)
So there was a concept that started forever ago in an rp. My partner in that thread went on hiatus but I loved the concept so I turned it into a fic. It’s...complicated. To say the least. 
It’s a Hawaii 5-0/Three River’s crossover. Steve and Andy are twins that were separated at birth. Years later, Steve’s son ends up in Andy’s ER and secrets are revealed and so many questions raised. But now Andy, who had a goal and desire to be a father one day, was now in custody of a child who by genetic reasoning was his. Wanting to give the child time to recover from being in foster care and the streets they don’t rush into alerting the McGarrett’s...Thre River plot points later force Andy to bring Steve’s son to Hawaii. 
Steve’s struggling to adjust as fatherhood is thrust onto him along with so many new insane family secrets, a twin, and an uncle that could only be classified as evil. 
My intention is that this is pre-McDanno with Steve forcing Danny into his life because he needs help being a dad. And Danny is in the middle of this chaos, befriending both brothers in different ways, understanding both sides, and while trying to improve his life to be a better dad to Grace himself in a new environment, make sure that ultimately, Steve’s son, Jack, isn’t facing harm. 
TL:DR I gave the McGarrett family a BIG can of worms and it was opened and now Danny’s gotta help them deal with emotions. 
“I’m sorry.” 
Mary looks away from the window to look at Steve who was still watching Andy and Jack until their car was long out of sight. Despite being told the insane shit storm their family’s found themselves in, it didn’t feel real until she met them herself. Even if they were her family too, it was so much more different for Steve. Still, she was confused by his apology. “For what?” 
“Somewhere along the way I did stop being your brother. A good one, anyway. Feeling like a failure as a son isn’t new. There’s plenty I served with who were just like it, so it just seemed like part of the course. I ignored it, like everyone else does. But now it’s fucking me over...I don’t know how to be a son. I’ve proven not to know how to be a good brother...and there’s someone else with my face being a better father to my son.” 
“Hey...don’t do that. You helped me when I needed it! I didn’t need a friend when I fucked up, I needed someone who loved me...someone who would look out for me! And you did! I’m sorry too. For...not being good at being a sister to you either. But you know what? I know it’s hard...but you’re trying. And that’s already more than what dad did for us.”
“Look. Siblings are their own species. We’ll figure out a plan of a attack together about what to do about Andy. As for Jack...well, you got a secret weapon. He may wear ties in Hawaii for some reason but that DILF you scored to be your partner is the perfect model you need to know what kind of dad your son deserves.”   
Tagging: Anyone who wants a chance to spread their ideas and their WIP! 
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