#Adelaide is her cyborg crow
void-botanist · 6 months
Wrapped Scenelets No. 93: velveteen touch
I'm writing scenelets for (most of) my Spotify Wrapped top 100 songs. Here's number 93, Immigrant Song - Remaster by Led Zeppelin.
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The match she alights inside of the bottle don’t bother running close up your throttle
The Queen The Queen she draws near
Open your heart to her velveteen touch if she rips it all out it won’t be too much
The Queen The Queen she draws near
The drunken voices rose and faded as Christina passed the pub doorway. She hadn’t intended to walk past a nest full of spacers, but this station was strange. If she was lucky none of them saw her, or else they were too drunk to encode a good memory of her. Sure, it wouldn’t be obvious at a glance that the red-haired woman in coveralls was her, but she also had no reason to believe that this was cover enough where the Queen’s velveteen touch was concerned. At least statistically none of the voidriders in that pub were likely to ever find themselves in an audience with the Queen.
In the plugport she found her ship again and swung in through the open airlock. Adelaide perched on her head as she hailed traffic control, then initiated retraction. Twenty minutes was pretty good for everything she’d gotten on this stop. She shouldn’t have to make another for…six weeks, if she didn’t have to run. Because she could, even if no one else had ever outrun the Pirate Queen. Because she was the only one who could see her coming, even if only now.
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Scenelets wrapped taglist: @kk7-rbs
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