#Adeleine loves Kracko way too much to be pure of heart
desultory-novice · 5 months
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I know I was the one who first put the idea forward, but as soon as you said that @galapathy a certain vision popped into my head...
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I hold that Apologies would 100% be your standard "embittered guy beaten down by life sacrifices everything to protect the innocence of tiny girl-child whose heart is as pure as the driven snow..." except that Adeleine is a bit too SILLY to qualify for that last part XD
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icedragonlizard · 8 months
Some of my headcanons for Kracko
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Oh wow... I'm actually gonna talk about a less prominent character in the Kirby series this time! And here we got none other than Kirby's biggest hater, Kracko. The cycloptic cloud of sheer hatred himself.
Allow me to disclose some of my headcanons for this guy:
The entire reason why Kracko hates Kirby in the first place is because he was embarrassed to lose to him the very first time they fought all the way back in Kirby's Dream Land, and this hatred has only amplified as he constantly sought revenge and kept losing every single time they fought. He despises the fact that he got bested by a child, and it just gets worse when he continues to be bested. It makes him embarrassed, insecure, jealous, furious and distraught.
In this universe, a ton of adults have faced embarrassment one way or another by getting all their butts kicked by a mere toddler. But out of all these adults that got rekt by said kid, Kracko is by far the saltiest and most embarrassed by it. He's so ridiculously insecure over it that he can't help but hate Kirby's guts to the extreme. He refuses to ever reconcile with Kirby because of it. Others usually reconcile with Kirby, but not Kracko. He'll forever always despise Kirby.
He will never stop being super mad at Kirby.
Man, Kracko is quite the sore loser, isn't he? Biggest sore loser ever?
That being said, despite hating Kirby so much, he's not all bad. He's not pure evil or anything, although his hatred for Kirby has definitely made him become a worse person over time. He's kind of a bad person overall, but there also actually exists a softer side in this cloud.
While Kracko is a big hater, he's also... a caring father?!?!? He's the progenitor to a legion of cycloptic cloud creatures similar to him, and he loves them all. He helps them expand in numbers. He also protects them from threats, which is another reason why he's increasingly despised Kirby over time as that pink toddler has 'picked fights' with his subjects as he'd put it. So yeah... Kracko doesn't just have a lot of hate in his heart, he's actually got some real love in his heart too! He cares about his legion of cycloptic clouds a whole lot!
Kracko is capable of going through any dimension. He can be considered an inter-dimensional traveler, similar to Magolor. He's occasionally a nomad that likes traveling wherever he's capable of passing through, but his favorite place in the universe is Planet Popstar's high altitude country of Cloudy Park. He absolutely adores Cloudy Park! He couldn't ask for a better atmosphere anywhere else.
Which is why he considers Cloudy Park to be his home overall. And he happens to be both famous and infamous to the people of Cloudy Park. Partly famous because he's shockingly nice to the people there, but partly infamous because even the people there are fully aware that he hates Kirby... and, well, Kirby is of course beloved at large throughout Popstar, and thus there's a whole lot of people in Cloudy Park who resent Kracko for his hatred of Kirby, and think he's a jerk.
Adeleine is one of the people that lives in Cloudy Park. The relationship between Kracko and Adeleine is very complicated, to say the least. On one hand, she admittedly thinks that Kracko is very cool, which is why she even has a painted version of him that she'll sometimes make sentient in the first place. But because Adeleine is also friends with Kirby, this has caused problems between her and Kracko. The cycloptic cloud wants to constantly hunt down Kirby as nonstop revenge, and the young artist girl simply won't have any of that. She keeps telling Kracko to please leave Kirby alone.
Fortunately, believe it or not, he's ended up listening at times! He actually has enough care for Adeleine that he agrees to not constantly hunt down Kirby, but he can't promise that there won't be a fight if Kirby comes near him. Needless to say, Adeleine isn't satisfied with that answer... she and others wish that he'd stop messing with Kirby altogether. But he's simply far too unwell about wanting revenge on Kirby one way or another. That being said, Adeleine and the others of Cloudy Park have actually had some success at keeping Kracko in check from wanting to go after Kirby. He never shows any signs of truly wanting to stop, though, and thus it's clear he still needs to continue being slapped on the non-existent wrist.
Aside from Adeleine, however, Kracko wouldn't really get along with any other dream friend. The reason he and Adeleine are even remotely capable of getting along to begin with is because they both share the love of living in Cloudy Park, and that he was honored that she was willing to portray him in her paintings. Even then, there's still definite complications there, and Kracko would just be in mutual resentment with the rest of the dream friends, considering they're all more or less friends with Kirby at this point. Kracko is overall quite bad at getting along with people that support Kirby. Geez, this cloud!
Way back in older days, Kracko used to be friends with King Dedede, back when Dedede used to be a worse person than he is now. But this has long changed ever since Dedede decided to become a better person and became friends with Kirby. One could imagine Kracko being rather jealous of Dedede for being able to get over his embarrassment of being bested by a child and becoming friends, because the cycloptic cloud has still never been able to. Most likely, nowadays, he'd berate Dedede for 'betraying' him. Wow, Kracko's nuts!
There's a dream friend that Kracko has a particular amount of hatred for, and one could say that it may be his second most hated person after Kirby. It's Marx. This is because when Marx first learned about Kracko's hatred for Kirby, he thought it was hilarious. Marx decided to pull pranks on Kracko and taunt him over hating Kirby. Wouldn't be hard to predict that Kracko has come to hugely despise Marx and has went as far as to electrocute him in pure rage. What also makes this funnier is that like Kracko, Marx was also once very bitter and salty about getting rekt by Kirby. So technically, Marx COULD empathize with Kracko. He has the capability of doing so, but chooses not to and just pranks him instead. LOL.
Truthfully, there's a small part of Kracko that kind of just wants to access an ancient artifact to corrupt himself and make him stronger, hopefully strong enough to finally be able to beat Kirby. He hates the pink puffball that much. But he's also aware that he wouldn't really do himself much favors, and if anything, it'd just cause his demise if anything. He wishes that weren't the case, though. He really wishes he could finally best Kirby one day, but deep down is aware that he won't, as desperate as he is about wanting to. Unless I eventually write a Kirby AU on AO3 about Kracko combining with Dark Matter, and then becomes everyone's problem because his hatred for Kirby boiled over. Hahaha! Remember that as one of the poll options for my next fic? Marx and Magolor friendship fic won that poll, but I could still do that Kracko/DarkMatter AU fic in the far future!
Kirby knows that Kracko despises him. The feeling isn't mutual, though, as Kirby doesn't hate Kracko. Kirby just doesn't hate in general. If anything, he just sees Kracko as extremely stubborn, more stubborn than others for still not reconciling with him. He figures that one day, Kracko will maybe finally get over it become friends.
That won't happen though, LOL.
I think that's about all I got here for Kracko. I had some HCs for him! You're welcome if you enjoyed this. See you later for the next one.
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