#Afrikan MAGAspora
the-merricatherine · 5 years
Notes on The Afrikan MAGAspora
a montage on Black American nationalism, egoizing, and reaction
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The Afrikan MAGAspora is made up on Black people in Amerika, regardless of where they’re from, who misrepresent non-Amerikan Blacks as generally more privileged... Whether that be economically privileged or because they’re "surrounded by more Black people".
Why "MAGAspora"? Because this is reactionary nationalism. Instead of saying Black people are a nation regardless of where they are, they posit Black Amerika as "Most Oppressed", ignoring class analyses within Black Amerika: the existence of Black bourgeoise, etc.
The Afrikan MAGAspora also say that there is more room for "Blackness" in Black-majority sovereignties, even if that sovereignty is a third world country. Notice that this ignores the plethora of nonblack communities in some of these Black-majority sovereignties.
It also ignores the fact that Blackness is being stifled in these countries through neocolonialism, tourism, disaster capitalism, and what the MAGAspora does: fetishization.
They think Caribbean Blacks are "more Afrikan", as if our music is more Afrikan than Amerikan music... False.
They say that our language is more Afrikan, saying patios is Afrikan... I wish it were. It is broken French and English. It is no more Afrikan than AAVE.
They say there is more room for Blackness in Black, non-Amerikan societies, as if the entire cultural superstructure isn’t influenced by Afrikan Amerikans: the popular music, the sense of "cool"... They ignore the foods, especially down south, that echo enslaved Afrikan history..
MAGAsporans say that being surrounded by white people in a suburb is worse than being in a 3rd world ghetto in a majority Black country. Ignoring the obvious material falsity of this reasoning, the people saying this come from bourgeosie backgrounds, bringing me to my next point:
MAGAsporans are most often times bourgeoise "New Blacks", or just bourgeoise and petite bourgeoise who lived in majority white places and, in scrambling to reclaim their Blackness in today’s political atmosphere, stumble and distort Black international histories.
Most of your favorite Pro-Black academics are New Blacks and spent a lot of their lives escaping Blackness... They get a platform in this wave of pro-blackness and spew BS about how living in a white suburb is worse than living in a black ghetto. You don’t deserve that abuse.
They get this platform and say asinine shit, LARP'ing non-Amerikan cultures without a modicum of respect or desire to portray it accurately and in good faith as opposed to egotistically... And they butcher those cultures.
They are allowed… No…ENCOURAGED to do this throigh white outflow of monetary and social capital in the form of socially capitalist social media and media coverage itself, and they will call it representation when it smells, tastes like, and feels like fetishism propaganda.
They get this platform and further divide Black people through nationalism, saying third world countries can somehow afford more Blackness while the Blackness in third world countries are getting strangled to death. Again, you don't deserve that abuse.
A New Black ought to sit the down, in the pit of their Blackness, like the rest of us have before declaring themselves The Blackest Black and become jury and judge to what Black people ought to be and do. I say so as subaltern to the New Black.
And most of these new Blacks are from developed countries with high amounts of social capital, where they can shout from their ivory towers with their high-volumed voices and have everyone hear them whether they want to or not.
They are the tastemakers who do not consult our consent. They are the social bourg and they too must be overthrown.
I do not believe in reform— not of law, not of society, not of individual people; those who do not seek to commit revolutionary suicide via the relinquishing of their powers should have it done for them.
They (rightfully) take, then (ironically) pervert Afrikan and enslaved African cultural signifiers, ie Obeah and Brujeria, and practice them out of ego... Distorting them beyond recognition. Commodifying them without respect to elders and original practitioners.
They spread this misinformation about Blacks being free in the Caribbean because the Owners of slaves weren’t there... Ignoring the fact that the Owners hired many, many slave drivers and plantation managers...
They ignore that colonies had white governors, such as Ainslie in Dominica, pictured below, who would often times get drunk and kill Blacks and mulattos for no reason without being detained on the small island of Wai’tu kubuli.
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The African MAGAspora does all this at the expense of non-Amerikan Black people, believing that nationalist solipsism / “personal experience with the diaspora” has any room in international Black liberation — especially when there are worlds within worlds of oppression within every sovereignty.
Yes, this governor was asked to stop, but English authority did not stop him because they would have to make an ethical, and Humanistic argument that he was being unethical... But chattel slavery itself, including in the Carribbean was, you guessed it: dehumanizing.
I could go into specifics on why death rates of slaves across the Caribbean tripled that in Amerika, leading to there usually being a freshly Afrikan supply of slaves, but that don’t erase Code Noir/other laws which punished slaves for being whatever religion authority enforced…
Code Noir is interesting because it actually created a sense of colorblindness in French colonies that is present today... It created a lot of coons. Coons who believed that they HAD to woo superiors so they could have children with them for a chance of them being free.
It created a sort of barrier between the whites and Blacks in terms of "becoming Human". The mixed people would then marry into white families. Those families then became white. Its like the South American Casta system (also non North Amerikan, lol) but with more steps:
It also produced more slaves than that of the Amerikan one-drop society. But slave rape is another story for another time, my compeers.
Another type of MAGAsporan "visits" (really it’s tourism, which turns a third world sovereignty into a zoo) a majority Black place and spends time in Bourgeosie areas with ALL THE OTHER bourgeosie Blacks and nonblacks, goes back home, and talks about living conditions being good.
I dont need to explain how that’s lying lol.
All in all, it’s time we start looking into Fourth World power structures: the fact that ghettos and non-rich people exist in both Black Amerika and Black non-Amerika. These are The People, the proletariat, we ought to be fighting with and for.
The Fourth World is made up of us non-Bourgeosie Blacks, whether that be monetarily or socially, who recognize the illegitimacy of all our sovereignties. The Black and Nonblack politicians and bourgeosie in the Third World strangle us Blacks as much as they do in the First World .
Living conditions in 3rd world, AKA "developing countries [systemically underdeveloped by colonizers who didn’t know how to farm the land, & stole wealth they produced w/ underpaid labor] is usually worse, but there middle class neighborhoods there can rival US ghettos (Tuskegee).
Which reminds me of yet another point... MAGAspora often exotifies non-Amerikan Blackness because whites do it. They treat us like we’re in a Madea’s Believe It or Not exhibit. We are no more or less Afrikan than you are. Don’t do Agostino Brunias' work for him.
Please do not assume Black people aren’t being oppressed in Non-Amerikan countries when you meet a bourg immigrant in Amerika. You sound just like when you say there being Black Slave owners elsewhere means we were free...
No. Because there were enslaved Blacks.
Just like in New Orleans when Blacks owned slaves there too. You lack class consciousness.
MAGAsporans honestly are just a new type of hotep.
Quit the numbers games... Quit the lies and untruths... Acknowledge that there are majority Black, fourth world communities in Amerika. Stop erasing your own working class.
Another point I want to make is MAGAsporans #onhere are usually bourgeoisie whether by money and/or social capital. They use clout to start Diaspora Wars. They do this because they are out of touch & feel entitled to what broke non-Amerikans have-- adopting white imperialism.
Then we fight for them and the only prize we get is... Nothing but defeatism. We don’t need to fight their capitalist wars for them. They need to be ousted.
Here are some statistics on Blackness and immigration, Blackness and bourgeosie, and education that make perfect sense considering cost of travel to Amerika, which countries offer higher education, and therefore "outsource" Amerikan Blacks with bourgeosieness.
Through research, I realized that a larger percentage of the nonwhite population was considered "free" than in the Caribbean as well...
Here we can see that 7.8% of u.s. "non-whites" were free:
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There was much less in Dominica/Wai'tu kubuli, where "the Dominica Census of 1773 reported an estimated 600 free blacks and mulattoes, just over 3% of the Negroes on the island."
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There were less free Black people in Haiti than in Amerika, where 5.68% of haitian blacks were free in 1789
And in Barbados in 1773, 1.3% of black people weren't enslaved.
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It’s not just me saying culture is being imported into "black countries" like Dominica, in turn crowding out national Black folklore and culture. Maybe if you hear it from someone more important you’ll believe me.
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On the de-Africanising of Dominicans (from Lennox Honeychurch’s "In the Forests of Freedom"):
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It also turns out that there were incentives for slavemasters to undercount the number of black people they enslaved (meaning even smaller "free" black populations), according to the book "Population of the British Colonies in America Before 1776"
Now that there’s proof that there were a lot more free Blacks in Amerika than in the Caribbean, amongst other facts, I hope that we can put this idea of Amerikan Blacks being somehow more oppressed than kin in the Caribbean to rest.
“Afro -Caribbean” was a term coined by an Amerikan Black person — ontological universalism makes monolitjs out of of heterogenous populations.
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Build solidarity with Black people outside of Amerika, because Amerika isn’t the center of anyone’s universe, regardless of how much power & influence it holds. Do this by echoing the Pro-Black sentiments of Black people elsewhere, with context. Don’t be a reactionary nationalist.
Understand that you are working against hundreds of years of culture. Don’t be a reactionary nationalist. Don’t echo Amerikan imperialism and try to change cultures.
I Found Racism In A Country That’s 98% Black
“This is the story of my friend who traveled 10,000 miles to Africa and was spat on by a White woman.”
“Israel is an apartheid state.
Israel is enlisting vulnerable Black students to spread its agenda while it is violently imprisoning and deporting Africans who are mostly refugees.
Israel is America. America is Israel.”
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"[U]rban slaves who enjoyed a variety of privileges including hiring out, living apart, socializing without supervision, and cash bonuses. White Richmonders believed these privileges encouraged the slaves to be rebellious …"
[ since people think Black people in the Caribbean were "free slaves" but not in amerika.]
International Black infant mortality rates
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RANDOM NOTES COULDN’T FIND ROOM FOR: /// The Amerika-as-nationality worshipping versions of this = the African MAGAspora
Black Nationalism = Trash… Black Internationalism, Ekumen-style = 👍🏾🤞🏾
/// MAGAspora:
"My people have disowned me with cultural gatekeeping!"
Also MAGAspora: "We need to defend Black [Amerikan] culture because those damn non-Amerikan n*glets are overshadowing us!"
/// MAGAspora: Hip hop is a worldwide phenomenon that began in the Bronx!
Also MAGAspora: All the culture in Afrika the Country should be ours too!
*picture of Nigerian man in a fitted cap wearing a Jesus piece*
Yall want cake and already eat it too.
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